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Super Mario Run announced for iOS (Android later), Dec 2016, Screens/Info in OP

Besides what one other poster said about speed, Run is no different than this:


And this is what makes Mario 2D a masterclass in level design, every level can be played without "deciding" when to run. I'm hopeful that since Miyamoto had a hand in this that the level design will still be clever enough to have multiple paths with different difficulties. But maybe not, I can pretend for now.

Run is entirely different from that. That is player that has studied the level design, determined what movements Mario needed to make in order to move around those obstacles quickly and efficiently, and execute them.

This removes all of that so that anybody and their grandma can do it by tapping on a screen while they take a shit. That is by design, but you are literally trying to say that something with many mechanics is equiavelent to something with one and that is nonsensical.

Again, it's like saying a game that aims for you is the intended design of a shooter. It's a removal of depth to appeal to an audience repelled by depth and nothing more than that.
I realise its a minor detail in the whole thing, but this is actually a perfect way of retaining Mario's scoring system. I mean, normally its been a superfluous feature in the games, but with this you honestly could have a global leaderboard.


Can't wait for Metroid Federation force's assets to be used to make a Metroid game no one wants on iOS.


Maturity, bitches.

Miitomo Mii support?
The NSMBU assets are kind of a bummer, but I understand since it's a low budget title. Here's to hoping it doesn't have the bah bah music.
Not understanding the negative comments about it being a runner. You really expected full Mario platforming controls on a touchscreen?

No one expected or wanted that, but no one (or at least next to no one) wanted this either. There's plenty of other things they could've done with Mario that would translate well to phones with minimal retooling. Dr. Mario for one.


No because those were education games, but they were pretty negative when the CDI Zelda's were released.
Is Hotel Mario educational? In any case, I guess people still remembered Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong on non-Nintendo platforms back then, so it wasn't seen as a huge deal.


People arguing about gameplay needs to be reminded that this game is not made specifically for platformer experts like you. This is for the general mobile gaming public that plays games to simply burn time at any place at any time. The success stories of mobile games never depended on complex controls or deep gameplay. Actually, the simpler, the better.
all the filthy casuals gonna be like "oh shit Mario's back!"

meanwhile I'm here praying for the real deal on NX

watch them release this same game on NX


Well there it is. They have fully gone mobile. When all the most hardcore fans said they never would.
Nintendo embracing the profit before gameplay strategy.
No because those were education games, but they were pretty negative when the CDI Zelda's were released.

The CDI games weren't developed by Nintendo. This is developed by Nintendo.

I just don't get the hate. People that want the traditional Mario experience will still get that on Nintendo Hardware. This helps Nintendo stay viable by potentially making a lot of money and hoping that even a small percentage of those that try Mario eventually graduate to Nintendo hardware.

Seems like a good business decision to me and Nintendo fans will still get their traditional experiences. Why the hate then?

The Hermit

now people will say "The Nintendo I knew is doomed"

Embrace the new era, this looks very fun btw and will keep Nintendo with money to create new games like Breath of the Wild and etc.

The only thing I didn't like was the "NSM" aesthetic and music, I am a little sick of it


Dedicated gaming will still be here. Nintendo are looking at the mobile market and are looking to make money off of those people.

Much of the mobile market wouldn't buy a dedicated gaming device anyway.

Lots of money on the table people.


A simplistic traditional 2D Mario with courses that have enough leeway to account for the inaccuracy of touch screen buttons.

Why would you even want a intentionally simplistic 2D Mario game that has be toned down to account for poor controls? That just sounds like this, but worse.
No because those were education games, but they were pretty negative when the CDI Zelda's were released.

I could be wrong but I don't think Hotel Mario (it really should've been called Motel Mario... rolls off the tongue better) was an educational game while Mario is Missing was.


Neo Member
The times, they are a-changing.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_Horse

People will not buy Apple hardware, in droves, to play Nintendo software.

People who own Apple hardware (a large portion made up of people who, most likely, grew up with or are familiar with Mario and Nintendo) will buy Nintendo software in droves.

Much a move like Google: "Everyone uses our software/apps, so we'll just insert it in to your closed ecosystem and take advantage of your position in the hardware race."
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