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Super Smash Bros. Community Thread |OT| Next Super Smash Bros. Discussion


If any of you are in the Benelux region of Europe, there is a smash tourney in Limburg (Southern Dutch province) coming up with a few big names confirmed for attendance. It's called "Riot" and is put on by "Smash South Limburg". I've volunteer to help capture and provide commentary for the smaller events this team has organized in the past. And I've competed (lol) there, and its a pretty good bunch of competitors. Here is the announcement trailer and some info on where and when. Hope to see some of you there.

Smash.gg page
Hope this doesn't mean we don't end up getting any new characters.

What are you talking about? We're getting a new character, "Female Corrin," split off of Male Corrin into her own character slot like Marth and Lucina. So both genders will be the "default" and marketed equally

Realistically, if there are new characters like Inkling or Takamaru, Nintendo's trying as much as they can to not spoil a reveal
wow as e3 gets closer it's gonna be a lot harder to not daydream about smash switch new character reveals. ICs, inklings, takamaru, bomberman...

and a balance patch nerfing rage and shield regeneration

and here I was trying very hard to fix my expectations at "no roster changes."

I guess the part of my brain that held out hope for Andy/Sami, Issac, Saki, Young Link with masks, Lyn, and Hector in the pre-smash 4 years finally gave up and went away though. I'll just have to make a smash clone for myself with expies of all the characters I'll never get in the real series


As in "Heathcliff"
Hope this doesn't mean we don't end up getting any new characters.

I don't think they ever make new characters amiibo in advance since there are risks for it to get leak so I think they are going to play it safe with new characters to keep it from getting leaked.

wow as e3 gets closer it's gonna be a lot harder to not daydream about smash switch new character reveals. ICs, inklings, takamaru, bomberman...

and a balance patch nerfing rage and shield regeneration

and here I was trying very hard to fix my expectations at "no roster changes."

I guess the part of my brain that held out hope for Andy/Sami, Issac, Saki, Young Link with masks, Lyn, and Hector in the pre-smash 4 years finally gave up and went away though. I'll just have to make a smash clone for myself with expies of all the characters I'll never get in the real series

Well, you could predict that we are not going to get any roster change in this prediction contest, and see if you're going to be right or not. :p However I'm intrigued to see if you could resists to not go out with your prediction or post that we wouldn't get any new characters?


As in "Heathcliff"
You know, you'd think a Smash port would be highlighted in Switch

Thankfully they didn't show Smash Bros at Switch Presentation because it's nice for them to give other games more focuses that it needed. It was pretty crazy to see Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, ARMS, Xenoblade 2, etc so that was pretty good event for me.


I guess the part of my brain that held out hope for Andy/Sami, Issac, Saki, Young Link with masks, Lyn, and Hector in the pre-smash 4 years finally gave up and went away though. I'll just have to make a smash clone for myself with expies of all the characters I'll never get in the real series

Try being the guy that's had Captain N as his #1 since Melee. It's no way to live.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Thankfully they didn't show Smash Bros at Switch Presentation because it's nice for them to give other games more focuses that it needed. It was pretty crazy to see Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, ARMS, Xenoblade 2, etc so that was pretty good event for me.

yet people are complaining about Switch being dry in release for some odd reason

It's almost like people like me knew that shit was a pipedream.

they gotta keep momentum tho
It'd be nice to find out that it'd taken a while because they'd overhauled the horrific UI in addition to other pleasant changes :p

(also, female corrin amiibo? hells yeah! :D )


don't take it to heart, your menus were ok
(im assuming you're sakurais wife, because calling someone ignorant over a harmless jab is pretty intense)
Assuming Mrs. Sakurai works for free or that those two cannot be professionals aren't harmless.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Make Kass an assist trophy pls Sakurai. Game needs more husbandos and you already took out one (two for others).

Poor Sakurais Wife, nobody likes what she does

I thought she wasn't the one who did 4 but Brawl. Brawl's menu was amazing.
Make Kass an assist trophy pls Sakurai. Game needs more husbandos and you already took out one (two for others).

I thought she wasn't the one who did 4 but Brawl. Brawl's menu was amazing.

wiki says she did all of the smash games, including melee which had amazing menus. So I dont know what happened for them to become what they are recently.


For Smash 3DS, other than the inconsistent touch support, I'm fine. The menu hierarchy seems to base on usage frequency.
For Smash 3DS, other than the inconsistent touch support, I'm fine. The menu hierarchy seems to base on usage frequency.

While effective for some people, the way you navigate menus is awkward with everything being intentionally misaligned, all in different colours and shapes which seem to have no real rhyme or reason, other than the biggest icon being the most important. Maybe someone with design expertise can explain why. Melees menus basically showed you exactly what the menu choice would lead to and you would be doing whatever it was you wanted in less than a second once familiar with it (including how people use stage select for banning stages in competitive games)
I've said it before in smash bros threads, but if you want a fun example of how bad the menus are, just get smash 3DS, hand it to a group of people and ask them to work together to find 'trophy rush' as quickly as they can. It took a group of 5 people over 5 minutes and that's with me dropping hints :3

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I still think Brawl's menu is the best

Michiko's menus are generally great, although I dunno what happened with Smash 4. I find it's not so much finding things that's the issue (given how much content there is, it's only natural for newcomers to get lost) as it is the weird set-up and the vague "Games and More". I get they had to change it from "Solo" due to the multiplayer options, but surely there's a better name.

Anyway, maybe the menu'll get patched up in the Switch port.

Kid Icarus: Uprising's menu is probably her best work, if only in that you can actually move the buttons around. What a fun touch!

Metal B

wow as e3 gets closer it's gonna be a lot harder to not daydream about smash switch new character reveals. ICs, inklings, takamaru, bomberman...
and a balance patch nerfing rage and shield regeneration
lol at Rage needing to be balanced. Everything is fine with it.
I imagine that the way this menu design actually works is that first someone, not necessarily the menu designer, tries to nail down what sort of things people do with the game, and then the menu design team/person, or madame Sakurai if you prefer the personalization, works from there. Maybe there's an intermediate step where someone transforms the usage patterns into a menu structure and another person just visualizes it.

Some small touches like menu rotation or button pulling were probably removed due to hardware limitations on the 3DS forcing the team to keep such bells and whistles in check and then on Wii U not being a development heaven either, but I just have to imagine that the primary source of the actual problems were the failed guidelines.

"95% of players on the home system won't touch anything but normal multiplayer Smash mode and online, with roughly fourth of them focusing on online and the rest on regular local matches, so make sure that getting there is as easy as possible, and hide the everything else from them so that they don't feel intimidated in as few as subtle buttons as possible. You can make exceptions for things people will want to check in fast after booting the game, like jumping into the shop to purchase new Mii costumes or clearing their StreetPass queue, but anything else that's not core functionality should go behind that button! Make sure people who don't want to focus on the other buttons don't need to. Oh, featured modes should, on the other hand, be interesting to people, so make them appropriately featured. And try to rebalance things for 3DS since the local play is a different kettle of fish."

Entering Games & More, everything starts to make some sense again. Sure, shapes are a little weird but that's not as utterly broken. Since there things start to follow the traditional philosophy of arranging the things according to their logical category and not their expected usage frequency. This makes following the menu structure more intuitive, until you have to actually back out because elements of the main menu are generally not being repeated. The somewhat weird part on 3DS is that the local multisystem multiplayer is treated as just something selected at last minute instead of early in the menu like online is, which may be an attempt at normalizing it, or a result of thinking it is way more of a norm and not a meeting special than it really is... at least around here... on the other hand, it could also be an attempt at reducing the duplication of menu entries that would be brought on by this. This was not the case with KI:U but that had a way bigger split between SP and MP than Smash, to be fair, so I don't know who's to blame here.

Most gamers and traditional computer users in general are more used to "logical" setup rather than "frequency improving" one, which is not surprising since while you would probably appreciate a faster way of doing things you do all the time, the frequency based schemes tend to almost ignore the rarer use cases instead of slightly shoving them aside.

Nintendo tends to push the main features of their games primarily, with games booting to save select screen or to level hub being a regular thing, and thus pushes for such frequency based menu design. I think it rarely clashes with the preference mentioned above because most of their other games hardly have anything but their main featured modes, and in case they have some people often don't know and/or care about it. Smash on the other hand is fairly complex from this perspective, with Smash 64 being the only exception that comes to mind. Mario Kart tends to have multiple modes but rarely to such an extent. If titles such as Fire Emblem that I don't happen to play happen to have more sensibly categorized menus that would be explainable by Nintendo expecting to sell these to an audience that will use most of the options provided.


I still think Brawl's menu is the best


There is a mod I have, that I had to edit because the original modder thought it would be funny to put memes and slurs in the description so I had to re-insert the original dialogue, that makes that menu black, it doesn't make it look like melee it still keeps the colors but is a black background and I think that modded version of a menu is my favorite smash menu
I still think Brawl's menu is the best


What I really like about both Brawl and Uprising's menus is that they visually emphazie the two most prominent modes: single-player and multiplayer. They're by far the largest menu tabs and take up most of the screen, which makes sense, considering they'll be where you spend most of your time. Meanwhile, all the extra collectibles, options and what not are relegated into the corner and generally have smaller menu tabs that take up less space. It's pretty smart design.

I have absolutely no idea what happened with Smash 4's menu, god.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
What I really like about both Brawl and Uprising's menus is that they visually emphazie the two most prominent modes: single-player and multiplayer. They're by far the largest menu tabs and take up most of the screen, which makes sense, considering they'll be where you spend most of your time. Meanwhile, all the extra collectibles, options and what not are relegated into the corner and generally have smaller menu tabs that take up less space. It's pretty smart design.

I have absolutely no idea what happened with Smash 4's menu, god.

I guess they didn't want repeating stuff, i.e. two All Stars in both menus?


I have Smash on Wii U since launch but lately I've been thinking about picking up the 3DS version for my N3DS. The demo loads much faster than it did using my 3DS XL a few years ago.

Thing is, playing the demo again reminded me of how much I hate the circle pad. I guess you still can't use the D-Pad, huh?

Is the online still active on 3DS?

Do you guys think the 3DS version is worth buying if you already have it on Wii U but rarely want to fuck with that console?

And before anyone says it, I'm not buying a Switch anytime soon.
I have Smash on Wii U since launch but lately I've been thinking about picking up the 3DS version for my N3DS. The demo loads much faster than it did using my 3DS XL a few years ago.

Thing is, playing the demo again reminded me of how much I hate the circle pad. I guess you still can't use the D-Pad, huh?

Is the online still active on 3DS?

Do you guys think the 3DS version is worth buying if you already have it on Wii U but rarely want to fuck with that console?

And before anyone says it, I'm not buying a Switch anytime soon.
I can't say if online is alive or not, but no D-pad for moving I'm afraid as it's purely for taunting it seems (plus you wouldn't be able to smash/tilt on a d-pad anyhoo :p )
If you aren't playing the wii-u version I'm not sure the 3DS version would solve your play times much, unless you spend a lot of time on the 3DS already perhaps?

No point in recommending a switch for smash right now as it isn't on it yet :3

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
wow as e3 gets closer it's gonna be a lot harder to not daydream about smash switch new character reveals.

King K. Rool (or Baron K. Roolenstein for haters)
Ice Climbers

Shouldn't be daydreaming, they should have already been in. Regarding the Ice Climbers, there should not have been roster equality at all costs between 3DS and Wii U.


King K. Rool (or Baron K. Roolenstein for haters)
Ice Climbers

Shouldn't be daydreaming, they should have already been in. Regarding the Ice Climbers, there should not have been roster equality at all costs between 3DS and Wii U.
Yeah, the 3DS doesn't need to handle 16 characters on screen.
hey guys remember how we were all saying that smash for switch would still happen because they still haven't shown off the remaining amiibos


wah wah waaaaaaaaaah
SSB for Switch being a thing is still a reasonable bit of speculation, it's just probably not coming out this holiday and Nintendo realize it'd be asinine to hold the amiibos back any longer. A 2018 release makes a lot more sense for it.


As in "Heathcliff"
hey guys remember how we were all saying that smash for switch would still happen because they still haven't shown off the remaining amiibos

wah wah waaaaaaaaaah

I don't think I ever agreed with that logic tho. I only sided with a rumor that came from a "reliable" source, Dr. Toto. People already dismissed Smash for Switch because Amiibo isn't going to release along with Smash for Switch. Get a grip.

Stated as the last Smash amiibos in the EU direct, RIP extra characters.

You honestly think they would spill the bean through Twitter? I'm not saying that Smash for Switch would happens at E3, but I'm just saying that they wouldn't leak any new games via twitter, by Nintendo. They are going to say things that we already know. :p

If you still want to insist that it's in case, then you could say those three characters are going to be last Smash Amiibo, and we wouldn't get any more Amiibo for Smash franchise. :p

SSB for Switch being a thing is still a reasonable bit of speculation, it's just probably not coming out this holiday and Nintendo realize it'd be asinine to hold the amiibos back any longer. A 2018 release makes a lot more sense for it.

Smash for Switch still could happens but it might not be a product that everyone would expect it to be. I wouldn't count out anything yet. It might be late 2017 or 2018 release date if they actually working on the development.

I guess this means I win that avatar bet I made a while back. :)

Feels good to be proven right. :)

How so? I don't really recommend you to celebrate too early. Even, I think you might have a good shot at winning this bet anyway.

Let's avatar bet, then.

At launch, if there are less than 8 new characters included (and I'll be generous and let veterans be included in "new"), then I win and you wear an avatar of my choosing for a month. If there are 8 or more new characters (same generosity) included at launch, then you win.

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