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Survivor: One World |OT| Thread of Stupid Name, Promising Twist

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you know its reaching a point where I dislike the producers and casting directors of these shows who just can't put on a solid show without engineering these conflicts where they think I would like them.

Just give me a boring show of nice people who are all trying hard and competing honestly.

Stop with the deceit america just stop.
You're clearly watching the wrong show if that's what you're looking for.
You should be watching something else like The Amazing Race (which has traditionally been one of my favorite reality series but man... did I hate the editing of that first episode).
You're clearly watching the wrong show if that's what you're looking for.
You should be watching something else like The Amazing Race (which has traditionally been one of my favorite reality series but man... did I hate the editing of that first episode).

Lol@ the time Boston Rob was on Amazing Race, he played it just like Survivor.


Kinda refreshing not having the redemption angle or an "old hat" returning to base an episode on. I'm generally looking forward to the time that was spent on the redemption angle being used on developing these new contestants.

Obviously this is generally based on the quality of individuals that are on the show... but I got to tell you... watching the women get absolutely slaughtered and slowly fall apart has been pretty decent TV so far. The minus side of it is outside of Colton... I don't know anyone on the guy's side.
Kinda refreshing not having the redemption angle or an "old hat" returning to base an episode on. I'm generally looking forward to the time that was spent on the redemption angle being used on developing these new contestants.

The most immediate and wonderful benefit of doing away with that terrible Redemption Island is that we get to see actual reward challenges now, which cause internal strife, help develop characters, and overall just make for great TV.
A reward challenge and someone getting their torch snuffed out and not being told they can get back into the game. It's been far too long, Survivor.

Colton's game has been all over the place, but the misfit alliance could potentially dominate the game pre-merge. I'm not sure how much long term ability they have with so little tying them together.


I'm not buying into the Misfit alliance until they're actually put to the task of a vote. Can easily see them using Colton's idol to take out one of the jocks and then cutting Colton loose as soon as they have the numbers on their side. As they're clearly screwed the first chance Colton gets to vote with any woman that isn't Sabrina.


I agree though I would be ok with them bringing Colby back at some point for Redemption.
was my all time favorite but he was the most depressing thing ever in HvsV.

My g/f of two years would leave me for Colby. Poor guy got it hard during HvV. But I think it's time as Survivor fans that we move away from the past and start some new love-affairs, no?

A reward challenge and someone getting their torch snuffed out and not being told they can get back into the game. It's been far too long, Survivor.

I actually got a little bit of a chill. It was so good to see someone get the torch and be told "bye-bye."
I really, really hope the producers don't try to mix things up tribe-wise. If all the women have to be knocked off one by one, so be it

EDIT: Seems appropriate

These fucking women. They have the nerve to sit there and still act like they don't know if they should let the guys borrow the boat as they are sitting there using their fucking shelter and fire? GTFO.

Kud Dukan

I was really wondering why Matt felt so confident that he had control of the game when he only had an alliance of four people in a tribe of nine...


So glad the women won, wanted to see the guys go to tribal. Matt was my most hated survivor this season, I always hate the conceited jock types the most... hopefully Bill follows next.
Glad Matt is gone, holy wow was he conceited.

Colton and Bill are both ridiculous, I'm fine with either/both of them leaving next.

:lol @ Tarzan being so awkwardly up front about everything.

"We're talking strategy."
"Everyone here is my alliance except you."
"Can I see the votes?"

I'm glad Jay went over to that group when he did. I don't really care for anyone else in the group, he's the only guy I like right now. (Troy and Leif are alright, but I'm not sure where their heads are at.)


Great episode tonight. Easily the best so far this season.
Bill totally cracked me up at tribal. Never seen someone so enthused to vote without having any clue as to what was going on.
I've also got to give Colton props for some refreshingly ballsy gameplay.

Definitely think the women have options with the fractures dividing Manono right now. Promos for next week seem to hint at a Tarzan vs. Troyzan battle.
Oh, this season is gonna make me OD on gender stereotypes. For goodness sake people, buck the hell up and stop falling into these ridiculous tropes.

"I'm not built for this!"
"We just think differently!"
"Feminine wiles!"
"We're roosters!"



Men were totally pussies for letting the women use all their resources without demanding anything in return.

Thanks to Tarzan for the most awkward post vote moment, I loled.


Terrible season so far.

I was freaking out when the men's tribe didn't help Bill out at the end. WTF???

Reminded me of Ozzy losing to Sophie at the end of last season to seal his fate.

The girls are 100% useless yet we're supposed to believe they have the momentum?

Also, FUCK COLTON. Why wouldn't everyone just vote him off, let his use his idol and do it again the next time. I hate him with a passion.
Bill is putting on that dudebro stuff for the camera. Since he's a stand up comedian, I bet it's his stock "dumb frat guy" impression. It's pretty funny in small doses, but I can see how it would be annoying to listen to all day long.

Oh, and Colton is a racist.


I can't watch or go to website cause I am in Taiwan.

I am just curious due to the comments in here like about the messing with the Asian and so on.


Women are outplaying these guys hard, it's a god damn competition and you guys let them use all of your stuff and get none in return? Glad they lost. I get it that no one wanted to be singled out as the bad cop, but come on there were 9 men and they couldn't do some group decision BS and send the women back to their camp? You'd think the whole chicken episode taught them something. They should have formed a wall between the 2 immunity challenge puzzle spots too to stop the women from copying what little Bill had done.

Colton wasn't unbearable this time(nevermind, the ghetto trash was pretty bad), he's got some game after all. Balls to make moves and he seems to have a solid spot in his alliance, + the idol. Not going to win this thing being a bitch but he might go far.

Seeing Leif's face at tribal was so strange, I didn't know who it was at first. He's got like zero airtime so far, what a surprise.

And holy shit the promos for next episodes are nothing but lies, I don't remember them being this full of it in the previous seasons. They edited the guys to completely destroy and deny the women in this episode and look how it turned out.
Nice to see Survivor take on the narrative belief that you need someone to root for, because this is probably the most unlikeable group ever - from the rooster-conceited Matt to the hypocritical, slightly racist Colton to the spazzed-out Bill to a women's tribe that could take an hour to actually get into properly. No matter, it's one of the most riveting opens I've seen. The One World gimmick certainly outstrips Redemption Island so far.


Wow, at Tarzan just blurting out everything at first chance. Both in the camp pow-wow and at tribal. I would be terrified to have him on my team, because he is completely unable to keep a secret.

Bill needs to take it down about 10 notches.

This whole season seems like a setup. Make a team of alpha dude bros plus one effeminate gay man. Then put an idol on the women's side that can only be used by the men's. Seems so deliberate.

So far, I don't like a single person on the men's tribe although there are still some that haven't had screen time at all to know.
Last night's episode was pretty good. Both challenges were exciting, and I'm glad that Matt is gone. "Man, we're controlling this tribe of nine with our four person group"

Surprisingly, Troyzan seems like he might be the one to watch on the men's tribe. He seems smarter than I first thought. He, Kim and Chelsea seem like the folks who have been playing the best games so far. Jonas seems like he could be a good player, too.
I can't believe how freaking stupid the girls are!!! It pisses me off! They are at the guys shelter using their fire, getting warm, staying dry, and the guys even gave them fire as well, all the guys wanted in return was to use their boat. Not keep it forever just use it when the women weren't and they said they would have to think about it. I would've kicked them out of the shelter right then!!! When they come up with an answer then they can get warm by the fire. Also colton pisses me off. I dont mind the fact that he is gay I just can't stand him. And he says that he gets along better with the girls than the team that he is on should be a big red flag.
Colton is the best thing about this season and his talking head segments really make this entertaining. Him trash talking Ben = gold. I was constantly cracking up. When he was shitting on Ben; that was hilarious - and then they showed Ben... and he was right. Colton looking disgusted was also hilarious. Funny as hell

Matt = obnoxious as all hell and glad he got the boot.

The girls are annoying. The curly haired latino chick who is obnoxious as hell needs to go. When they girls refused to "lend" the boat; I would have booted them all out of the camp right away. Great comeback at the elimination challenge though
Great comeback at the elimination challenge though

They only caught up because they were cheating off the men's puzzle. The puzzles were exactly the same and you could see one of the women looking over at the men's and then telling the woman where to put the pieces. Nothing great about that.


Colton is quite the character. Now he thinks he's the king in charge? Good luck with that. Very unlikeable but still funny at times. Good choice Survivor.
So glad to see Matt the Arrogant get the boot. What a twit.
Good thing the gals won because you can't have a show if all the females depart early. Their tribe is still a mess but for the sake of the program they really needed to win.
Good season so far.


They only caught up because they were cheating off the men's puzzle. The puzzles were exactly the same and you could see one of the women looking over at the men's and then telling the woman where to put the pieces. Nothing great about that.
I thought that too. They could have put up a wall to block the copy cheating. It almost seemed like it was setup to allow for a comeback opportunity.
Colton is the best thing about this season and his talking head segments really make this entertaining. Him trash talking Ben = gold. I was constantly cracking up. When he was shitting on Ben; that was hilarious - and then they showed Ben... and he was right. Colton looking disgusted was also hilarious. Funny as hell

Matt = obnoxious as all hell and glad he got the boot.

The girls are annoying. The curly haired latino chick who is obnoxious as hell needs to go. When they girls refused to "lend" the boat; I would have booted them all out of the camp right away. Great comeback at the elimination challenge though

Totally agree with all of this. Colton was annoying in a bad way during the first episode, but he stirs up the right kind of drama and he's just so weird that it makes for great television.

Editing has been really scatterbrained, though. Some contestants (Sabrina and Colton especially) seemingly have radically different personalities depending on the episode.

They only caught up because they were cheating off the men's puzzle. The puzzles were exactly the same and you could see one of the women looking over at the men's and then telling the woman where to put the pieces. Nothing great about that.

It's how Survivor has been played since the very first season, and it's a part of the game. Producers know it; it's why they put a screen between the players in the immunity challenge. The men should have been helping out, in any case.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
The men blew it on the challenge big time. The women were clearly mimicking Bill's puzzle pieces. Idiots.

And how the women use the men's stuff without even considering the men would want to use their boat in return... I can't believe it. I can't believe the women's audacity and I can't believe the men's inability to speak out.
The men blew it on the challenge big time. The women were clearly mimicking Bill's puzzle pieces. Idiots.

And how the women use the men's stuff without even considering the men would want to use their boat in return... I can't believe it. I can't believe the women's audacity and I can't believe the men's inability to speak out.

Meh, the men jacked their stuff at the start. So all is fair. Plus they just sat there and let it happen anyhow. They deserved to be used.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Meh, the men jacked their stuff at the start. So all is fair. Plus they just sat there and let it happen anyhow. They deserved to be used.

That was a free for all, at the time. Now, there are clear lines drawn now about whose shelter is whose.

But I agree about the men deserving to be used. They just laid down and took the abuse.
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