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Terminator: Dark Fate - Official Trailer


I think it looks intriguing. People complaining in this thread are definitely going to see the movie. I'm not saying they'll like it, but I get the sense they're going to pay up to find out how good or bad it really is.

I skipped genysis and I'll skip this. I loved the first Terminator but not enough to see any ol crap with the name attached. Hell, Goyer being involved is enough for me to just avoid it like the plague anyway.


Gold Member
I skipped genysis and I'll skip this. I loved the first Terminator but not enough to see any ol crap with the name attached. Hell, Goyer being involved is enough for me to just avoid it like the plague anyway.

I look forward to our discussion about the merits of this film in November. ;)

You should find a way to watch the first ten minutes of Genisys. They're interesting at the very least. The rest of the movie is utter garbage.


Looks horrible. Said it in the other thread, but I expect a John Conner isn't John Conner twist to shit on the first 2 movies.

But its ok because the first 2 movies were just toxic masculinity crap that deserves to be cancelled and erased.

T1 was an assault on womens reproductive rights, as its clearly pro-life propaganda. Sarah a fun loving party girl gets knocked up, and instead of having an abortion like all party girls, she is fooled into keeping her kid because he will save humanity, as if. Kid was going to live a hard life in the apocolypse, and as we know a hard life means you should abort. Saving the human race isn't worth it. And of course its a MAN who saves the world, not women. Talk about misogny.

T2 is even worse, since the whole message of the film is one of the white misognyst supermacist patriarchy. I mean the movie is essentially propaganda that fathers are important and needed in a childs life. This is so sexist, a mother can do whatever a father can! The whole premise is John needs the Terminator as a father figure, but Sarah is right there! And Arnold is German, or Austrian, whatever he has an accent its all the same, and Germans are Nazi's, the movie is literally saying Hitler needs to be your father and women suck! The only thing the movie got right was the racist WHITE cop is the bad guy and Linda Hamilton kills a bunch of creepy sexual molesting men.

Hopefully this movie will erase the first 2 and get rid of all the toxic masculinity of the first 2. We should burn those 2 movies!


From Reddit:

The dark haired little girl is all but confirmed as the "new" Sarah Connor. James confirmed a terminator is sent back in time to kill her because she is of great significance in the future. Before that, she's just a normal woman, unaware and involved.

They chose the dark haired girl as a Mexican in Mexico City because they wanted to make the movie relevant by mixing it in with all the immigration stuff going on with US/Mexico

Sarah is a terminator hunter. She's figured out a way to know when they show up, and she's there waiting.

It's R rated!

Arnold is a T-800
Arnold maybe/probably
won't say "I'll be back"

Arnold is the most interesting T-800 you've seen yet, and he has a few funny lines.

The new terminator is named "Rev9"

The whole story takes place in 36 hours

It's not complex, it's Grim, it's Gritty, it's Fast, it's intense, it's very linear.

Cameron describes it as "a white knuckle ride", recapturing the feeling from the first movie
Judgement Day is inevitable. In T2, they kicked the can down the road.

Elaboration I would like to add to the summary:

The tagline "the day after judgment day" is all about that moment the next day in 1997 when it didn't happen, and the realization of being responsible for whatever may now happen as a result of this new future they created.

That new future being the world of today. Cameron stresses that he wants this movie to be relatable to the world we live in. It takes place in the now. And a big reason he came back to the franchise after almost 30 years was because he wanted to tackle the idea that what was science fantasy in 1984 is not as farfetched anymore. AI is coming.

What Sarah stopped is just around the corner again.

He was heavily involved in the story of this one (unlike 3-5) and has also mapped out a whole trilogy roadmap working with Miller, but he values directorial voice and so after handing off the script he let him do his job. He wants the movie to be Tim Miller's.

Most importantly he stressed that their goal is to match the tone of the first two movies, with simplicity, fear, and frantic pace. No complicated timeline shenanigans, and less cheese.

This movie serves to pass the baton to new characters.

Looks like I called it in the other thread. John Conner good bye you are not the saviour of mankind, actually you are a nothing piece of shit. New young girl, you are now the most important thing.

They are going to shit on 1 and 2 by essentially making those movies pointless, getting rid of John Conner, and instead having it be about saving this girl because she is the real John Conner. Throw in some anti-Trump shade (how much you want to bet Skynet will be an allagory for Trump) and of course some immigration crap too. Let me guess Mexico is the only safe place from skynet but Mexican's won't let American's in, see the tables of turned the irony of it all.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Looks like I called it in the other thread. John Conner good bye you are not the saviour of mankind, actually you are a nothing piece of shit.

He was annoying as a kid in 2, forgettable as a protag in 3 and 4, and a terrible villain in 5. Can't blame them for moving back to Sarah. She's always been the more interesting character, whereas John and probably this new chick are more like a plot device.

TV Tropes even has it in its definition lol

A plot device is an object or character in the story whose purpose is purely to drive the Plot, maintain its flow, or resolve situations within it. It could be something everybody wants to obtain, a device that must be destroyed, or an annoying teenager who must be protected at all costs.

You could swap the mexican girl or John with anyone, it doesn't really matter.


After really liking Deadpool (1) (and hating everything about Deadpool 2), I hoped the original director was a killer choice for the new Terminator movie. I was dying to see the trailer. But the lateness of the first look set every alarm bell ringing.

Dear lord- I literally could not believe what was on screen. The woke 3 -gals looking like lesbians in almost every shot was the least issue I had.

No, it was a sequel to a film sold as *epic* SF in every way with a *female* lead front and centre in every scene. Yet this trailer was the exact opposite of epic, looking literally like an Asylum disaster film-of-the-week on SyFy.

The digital 'make-up' on the liquid metal terminator faces rivalled the CGI Sonic the Hedgehog for WTF awfulness. The film *pretends* a 200 million budget. That's for tax purposes. Try 80 million or less. Shot in a nation whese costs are rock bottom- and even then given grants. VFX done by the cheapest agencies. Made by Skydance- and it doesn't get dodgier than that.

But Logan was low budget and excellent. This is just a cynical low budget follow-up to the very problematic Genysis, by the *same* people.

I sorta tolerated Genysis, tho remember almost nothing about the movie, and thought its Back-2-the-Future 2 storyline was its least successful element. Hated every atom of Salvation.

To be honest, they would have been better off doing a *literal* remake of the totally awesome Terminator (1)- with a completely new cast- simply in the hope that the brilliant story might resonate with a new generation. I wouldn't have wanted the remake- but using a perfect script that would actually be cheap to shoot would have suited their production goals.

Instead we get this very lame hybrid mashing together of what they think are the 'better' elements of Terminator 1-3. Which ends up as a *parody* of the Terminator movies, combined with a reduction of iconic imagery to the point of tedious and dull-witted over-use (can anyone say later Predator and Alien sequels ).

PS I made the mistake of watching Alien and Aliens back-to-back at the cinema. Alien and Terminator are the masterpieces. Their sequels live better in the mind, and are loved when watched in isolation- but both sequels actually dumb down the original concepts in order to serve an action format, and then *their* sequels follow the law of diminishing returns that curse the action format.

Logan got this- and became the 'first' movie the sequence was lacking (how to be 'first' when you are really the third). Returning Terminator to the classic tight thriller format could have worked.

PPS while season 8 of GOT of utter sh-t from a narrative POV, the spectacle of its two big episodes was amazing. What did this trailer give us. A hyper crap CGI sequence of two jets colliding. Lousy design, editing, effects work, and concept. And these idiots are so genre blind, they actually though that sequence would 'impress' the viewer. Now that is what really saddens me about this trailer.

PPPS did anyone here notice the last so-called Alien sequel was really Scott making "Hannibal in Space" (all horror franchises end up in space), so it was actually a sequel to his Silence of the Lambs sequel.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have actually thought all the Terminator films were fun enough, but man this trailer is falling super flat. I hope being Trailer 1 they intentionally just made it mysterious to figure out what points people are most curious about in order to decide the priority of elements for their second trailer. If the second one falls flat as well then I'll have suspicions of the movie. From this it seems like the director has an overly simplistic concept of what made Terminator 2 direction great. Not sure why Ellen's little sister is protecting the new girl but *looks it up and sees she was the hooker in Blade Runner 2049* she may have enough flavor to carry this if directed well.

Although one thing bothered me...


Shawty being protected has better posture than miss super soldier? Fix that APT.
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Underwhelming. Perhaps I over-estimate Cameron.
Loved his Avatar though and want to see the sequels.
I quite appreciate that he pays attention to details and keeps magical BS to a minimum.

Arnold doing a Q&A on reddit.

Had no idea that he is actually fairly active on reddit. Such a legend. Love this guy.


He was heavily involved in the story of this one (unlike 3-5) and has also mapped out a whole trilogy roadmap working with Miller, but he values directorial voice and so after handing off the script he let him do his job. He wants the movie to be Tim Miller's.
Could you elaborate which trilogy you mean?
Do they plan to do 2 more films after this one?
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Could you elaborate which trilogy you mean?
Do they plan to do 2 more films after this one?

Yeah. They said the same thing about Salvation and Genisys, which were also meant to be trilogies.

It all depends on performance. If it does dogshit numbers at the box office it will be scrapped, of course.


Oh my. The original Terminator is in my top 5 films of all time, and T2 is obviously iconic and amazing.

It's fair to say all the other Terminator films were utter pap.

With Jim back on board I was expecting great, great things...

This looks fucking dreadful. In a bad way.
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Watched the original last night. Shit that was good. Very little exposition and spelling out every little thing going on. The audience had to figure out what's going on at the beginning.

It stays at a very fast pace and has some great writing and music.

I hope they do the original justice with this and I'm hoping it's not another cash grabbing sequel.


Watched the original last night. Shit that was good. Very little exposition and spelling out every little thing going on. The audience had to figure out what's going on at the beginning.

yeah it's a well made movie, from an era where people knew how to do that. i don't see any movie being that well crafted, not these days.

i've come to see it similar to how i see the Jurassic Park series. a great exploitation style concept that struck lightning with one or two amazing films, then had cash grab sequels. they can be fun, they can be trashy, but they will never match the original, and that's ok. FWIW i loved both the last Jurrassic World and Terminator films because they embraced the stupid. they are saturday matinee territory at this point.


The first film is like a horror/slasher. Sarah Connor is a normal vulnerable participant. It's unrelentingly dark, seedy and suspenseful.

The second is entertainment/action imo. Sarah Connor is now an unstoppable bad ass. Not saying it isn't balls-out awesome, but it's major departure from the first film. Gone is the darkness. We have Arnie, the Terminator, not killing anyone and even cracking jokes. There is no real sense of helplessness or dread like we have in the first film.

The latest trailer looks wholly unbelievable and frankly just stupid . There is no way it is going to even anywhere close to the first two films sadly. I wonder if QT was right and directors do get shitter with age and they just don't realise it!


Ok my fears seem to have been true. Some plot info came out so I guess spoiler

John Conner is killed at the begining of the movie and skynet is gone. Something called legion is the new skynet. Oh and Arnie is a T-800 in the movie. Most likely the on that killed JC and Sarah reprogrammed him

So basically they are TFA'ing this and shitting on the original, destroying everything about the first 2. Looks like we will get a soft reboot like TFA with the all female cast. So no need to see the movie if you saw T1/T2 because you already know the plot.


Ok my fears seem to have been true. Some plot info came out so I guess spoiler

John Conner is killed at the begining of the movie and skynet is gone. Something called legion is the new skynet. Oh and Arnie is a T-800 in the movie. Most likely the on that killed JC and Sarah reprogrammed him

So basically they are TFA'ing this and shitting on the original, destroying everything about the first 2. Looks like we will get a soft reboot like TFA with the all female cast. So no need to see the movie if you saw T1/T2 because you already know the plot.
Lol, they are doing an Admiral Ackbar to poor John Connor? Should call the film Terminaturd: Dank Fate.


Lol, they are doing an Admiral Ackbar to poor John Connor? Should call the film Terminaturd: Dank Fate.

Its even worse.

Imagine they did that, but then replaced Ackbar with a female version and also made all the work he did in the OT useless and having no value.

Basically thats whats happening here.

With JC and Skynet gone, all the movies have been rendered pointless. The whole point of the Terminator saga was that JC was the one who saved humanity and thats why he needed to be protected. Guess what JC isn't important at all, he is just a stupid man, toxic one at that. Make way for the ladies the real important people.

Strange enough its getting great test screening results, but I think the audience was probably full of SJW's and women.
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