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Terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo magazine. 12 dead. 11 wounded.

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Amedi Coulibaly, the third gunman currently holed up in the Paris grocery store, met Sarkozy in 2009 as a "model worker". It's getting weirder and weirder.

The interview talks about how he worked in a Coca-Cola factory as a part of a program to help youth get working skills and since his program is ending soon, he jokes that maybe the president can help him find a new job. He then talks about being nervous about meeting him and having tons of requests from friends and family to get them autographs and pics; that people from his area are not used to posh evenings and going to the Elysee, and that even if the president is not popular with the youth, he wont start with demands and requests, just getting to meet the president is impressive enough, whether you like him or not.

He's going to be meeting the president with 8 other people doing similar on-site work training programs



"If you don't surrender, our elite cartoonist is going to draw a caricature of the Prophet!"

Hahaha, beaten! :)
I'll leave it, though, because this cartoon is awesome. :)


What are the odds ?

Great minds think alike :)


And what will stop them from becoming terrorists if their religious leaders will spit hate that the education the goverment is trying to change their view on life and society? Cou can't do shit, because those who are already on the verge just need a cartoon to go violent. Going knee deep in their lives with "asimilation" won't change anything.

I am only stating the obvious. That terrorism is a very complex situation and that it cant be resolved with the idea: "Simple. Bullet to the head".

If that was the case terrorism should have been extinct by now with all these bullets that have been fired from all sides. And yet it only seems to get worse.

I am with you. I feel your frustration and I too want these assholes to burn in hell, but bullets arent enough to solve the problem. There has to be a far larger and much more complex counter action, to stop this.


I'm being told that TV channels have been ordered not to show live footage anymore.

I smell an assault.
Finally. TV stations should never send live footage in such a situation. It's getting dark here in germany, I presume the same goes for france. Maybe they use the darkness to make an attack.
Depends, no one is truly free. You must adhere to laws, for example in the UK you can get fined for swearing in public or arrested for walking naked, freedom of speech and expression offer no defence there.

The question is where do you draw the line? It is different for everyone.

I draw the line at not being able to criticise a religion, I have respect for the individual, but no respect for any organised religion. It's not my problem if some of those who follow the religion can't seperate my criticisms of faith from themselves.

And by criticise I don't mean hate speech, or racist stereotyping.


Brothers do not want to die; but if it is between capture or death obviously they want death for the martyrdom.

Main goal: Mass publicity (we can hit you anywhere, at anytime, time for you all to rise up look what we did just as 2)

Ways to accomplish goals:

Escape and become heroes to the 'cause of killing infidels'
Kill additional people and make a glorious last stand for the cause
Wait and hold as long as possible to give time and inspiration for others

France is in a no win situation as the longer this drags on the more dangerous the situations becomes and the more influential these terrorists become.


Sky News still has a live shot of Dammartin. It looked like they were going to enter through the roof a few minutes ago.
Jesus. This is terrible. If you know, the terrorists could also know. And this is exactly what happened in the munich massacre when the police was entering over the roof and the media were sending it live.
Recently attacks on Jews are up significantly and there have been multiple instances of gunshots being fired at synagogues and Jewish businesses. It was pretty much a daily occurrence during the last Gaza war and hasn't gone away since.

Do you happen to have a source? I feel this should probably be bigger news if it really is a daily occurrence.
Any good posts on a news source to get me caught up on what's going on? I'm a bit at a loss.

Quick summary.

1st standoff is from the two remaining brothers who stormed the cartoonist building. They have taken people hostage with unconfirmed deaths.

2nd standoff is a "friend" of the two brothers who killed a police officers yesterday and took a supermarket hostage, is now demanding that the two brothers be unharmed, and if they are killed or harmed he will kill all his hostages.
Do you happen to have a source? I feel this should probably be bigger news if it really is a daily occurrence.
I gave some sources above, I meant that it was practically a daily occurrence during the last Gaza crisis but they haven't died out completely since (and that actually attacks have been on the rise for years). Actual murders are thankfully not common at all but clearly Jews feel threatened if 74% of those surveyed said they were thinking about leaving the country (see top link).
, for example in the UK you can get fined for swearing in public

You can? I swear all the time in public and no-one has ever fined me :-\ I've literally never heard this. I see chavs swearing in front of cops all the time

If this exists, it may be in law, but it's definitely not in practice!


Quick summary.

1st standoff is from the two remaining brothers who stormed the cartoonist building. They have taken people hostage with unconfirmed deaths.

2nd standoff is a "friend" of the two brothers who killed a police officers yesterday and took a supermarket hostage, is now demanding that the two brothers be unharmed, and if they are killed or harmed he will kill all his hostages.

whoa, interesting.
You can? I swear all the time in public and no-one has ever fined me :-\ I've literally never heard this. I see chavs swearing in front of cops all the time

If this exists, it may be in law, but it's definitely not in practice!

No. Its in effect for one insignificant shopping centre in Barnsley .

Yes, section 5 of the public order act means you can't do anything that would cause harassment, alarm or distress to the members of the public. It's designed to tackle issues when maybe someone hasn't committed a crime but is being a nuisance. So if you walk into a high street and shout shit you can get fined, technically even arrested but that would be over kill and any custody sergeant would have a go at an officer for that unless the individual persisted after being fined with a total disregard for authority.

Someone recently got arrested in the UK for putting strips of bacon on door handles to a mosque. It was on the BBC news. So, if Charlie Hebdo tried to distribute these images in the UK, the law would actually be against them. But bear in mind that the key word is public, so it's fine to distribute it online for example.
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