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#ThanksMichelleObama - Students tweet gross lunch pics to First Lady

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Dayum, real utensils too!

This comment really is telling. Lunch should be regarded as a proper meal, why wouldn't you have real utensils?

No, from what I can tell most teachers bring their own lunch and eat when they aren't teaching. You only see them in the cafeteria when they're needed to police the dumb kids.

That sounds sad and it also tells a small but important difference in the school culture. For me it's not policing, it's being an example and more importantly socialising with the pupils at the same level.
She basically pushed to have limits on calories and other such things. Leaving it up to the schools to keep their food under specified guidelines. With limited budgets for cafeterias already, this has caused many to simply greatly reduce portion sizes of lunches of the already cheap stuff they purchased.

Shes the one who is causing schools to meet limits on what they can serve, while schools are not being given any improved budgets to accommodate healthier meals. The main reason the food was unhealthy is because of the school budgets forced them to buy cheap stuff.

So why isn't the ire on the city/state govts to:

- get increased/improved budgets for school lunch
- ensure that the providers that submit their bids for school lunch/ready-to-eat meals are providing quality food at prices that are competitive and affordable/reasonable for those improved budgets
- make sure that the money in those budgets are used for school lunch, and not for stupid programs that only make money for officials (like the programs for TV/radio/multimedia that get some cursory sponsorship from a large company, a few TVs in the school, and only money for the department head - not for the school itself)


It's actually pretty reasonable to have guidelines for what healthier food is in schools, and it's pretty reasonable to not dictate what kinds of food, or amounts of food the schools and city/state govts can serve (especially since if the federal govt did that, people would complain and raise holy hell anyway). Someone's gotta be reasonable about meeting those guidelines half-way.


What the hell,

If I forever have kids someday (doubtful) I am moving to Europe. What in the fuck I would love to have a meal at school that looks like those o_o
Why not make it simpler? The average tomato is about 100 grams. What if you were to eat 100 grams of ketchup?

You would also have eaten the same amount of sugar as in 2/3rds of a can of Coke and more sodium than is in a Big Mac.

If I take a serving of broccoli and deep fry it and then dunk it in a sugar glaze it still is a serving of broccoli. No fucking duh it isn't healthy like a plain serving of broccoli, but that doesn't change that it contains a serving of broccoli.


You have to be at a certain income level to qualify for free school meals so some of these kids don't even realize that the food they are getting is helping their parents financially and in some cases the only real meal they are getting daily. Have your parents pack you a lunch if you don't like it you ungrateful brats.


I heard family farms are going out of business, if only there were a large group of consumers that could use healthy meal options.
Holy shit, that first pic. I hope that's not the overall standard of School food in the US. oO

German school food looks like this:

Food at german universities is even better.
Its not free though, but very cheap.
Who actually eats school issued lunches?

I just walked to the Pizza 73 a couple blocks away like everyone else.

Must be nice. In order to get full government funding in our district, campuses must be "closed" which means no student is allowed to leave campus for lunch. They even have security guards on duty to make sure no student leaves.


A. Sports are an extra-curricular activity. Emphasis on the word "extra." They can get themselves their own "extra" food from home and snack on it between classes.

B. I'm pretty sure that a limited caloric intake is better than pizza and chicken patties with tater tots, fries, and a lot of ketchup.

I agree with B., but as for A., these are extra-curriculars encouraged by the school and often considered crucial to older students' successes. Given that, why not provide extra food to those who can't afford it?


I agree with B., but as for A., these are extra-curriculars encouraged by the school and often considered crucial to older students' successes. Given that, why not provide extra food to those who can't afford it?

why not just provide extra food to everyone then, rather than just johnny touchdown
I agree with B., but as for A., these are extra-curriculars encouraged by the school and often considered crucial to older students' successes. Given that, why not provide extra food to those who can't afford it?

Because sports extracurriculars aren't necessary for success. They are an added bonus, a check mark if you will. A student can still be well prepared for sports without needing that extra 100-200 calorie food item.


I never had school dinners in high school. Just went and got a sandwich from the local Tesco every lunch break, or fish and chips at the chippy on a friday. Sometimes we went to subway. Far better idea.


If I take a serving of broccoli and deep fry it and then dunk it in a sugar glaze it still is a serving of broccoli. No fucking duh it isn't healthy like a plain serving of broccoli, but that doesn't change that it contains a serving of broccoli.

That's why ketchup should be considered a vegetable though? You answered your own question. They're counting it as a serving of vegetables.

way more

Meanwhile, what Obama is serving his "fellow" prisoners.


That poor girl didn't even get one bun and this guy gets two!


Multi-colored chips, I don't even get those.



And this is what happens when our schools are underfunded.

Is it any wonder the US is known for it's obesity and it's ignorance compared to other modern countries.


And this is what happens when our schools are underfunded.

Is it any wonder the US is known for it's obesity and it's ignorance compared to other modern countries.

Well if things like Recess and Gym weren't being cut from schools obesity might actually go down...so much time cooped up in classrooms now is driving kids insane.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
That's why ketchup should be considered a vegetable though? You answered your own question. They're counting it as a serving of vegetables.
Funny enough, the USDA fought against that but then Congress, especially Republicans happened. The Agriculture dept also wanted to limit starchy foods and sodium.
Holy shit, that first pic. I hope that's not the overall standard of School food in the US. oO

For public schools? Maybe not mystery mush, but really low quality food, yeah. That or the school just "partners" with local fast food chains and have them sell food during lunch. It's pretty ugly.


Um no, the government in many states has started to impose stupid new rules on school lunches to a ridiculous level.

People won't stand for this shit very long, they charge a ridiculous amount for this shit and are basically starving the kids that can't fork over another load of money for barely any seconds.
My brother, a senior in highschool pays like $2.75 and on the average day gets 3 chicken nuggets, 3 tater tots and a freaking fruit cup.

That's insane. Kids need calories, they need fuel. Just don't throw fatty garbage or sodas at them all day. But to starve them entirely based on whatever antiquated nutrition guidelines the government uses (the stupid ass food pyramid, still?) is really unhealthy, possibly dangerous.


And yet the school funding per pupil in the US is second only to Switzerland in the OECD countries. Almost double the OECD average.

Source PDF: http://www.oecd.org/education/skills-beyond-school/48630868.pdf

From what I glean from that thing, For one that's back in 2008. Also, it says that while more students are going to school we are still spending the same amount of money. So, more students taking a bite of that pie equals less pie for everyone.

So yes we may spend more money than other countries we also have a whole lot more people than smaller countries spending that limited amount of cash.

Personally, it's evident just from seeing my boy go to school and not have any text books to bring home.

When I was in school we each had our own books per class. My boy doesn't. Books are kept in class to be shared.

Students are also expected to donate to classroom supplies. When I went to school it was generally just Kleenex. Now it's donating pencils and folders and paper and kleenex etc.

Then as per the topic you look at the cheap garbage they serve for lunches. Especially, compared to what I had when I was a student.

It's sad really, if I had the means I would either home school my kid or send him to private school.

But I'm not privileged like that. Instead he has to share a math book because the school can't afford more copies.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
We had Pizza Boats at my school. I don't even understand this rectangle shit you're throwing at me.
Pizza boats were terrible. I envied the rectangle schools.
Who actually eats school issued lunches?

I just walked to the Pizza 73 a couple blocks away like everyone else.
We were not allowed to walk off school property during high school (still true a year ago).

Thankfully I packed a launch most of public school.


I never ate school lunch, except the fries. My schools fries rivaled Mcdonalds. They also sold Pizza Hutt and Chick Fil A @ my school for breakfast and lunch so I never touched the school made stuff. Some of the pictures in this thread make my stomach hurt and not in a good way. In middle school though the breakfast pizza and pancake/sausage corndog were life.


It's odd to me that they serve lunches at schools. I've never heard of a school in Canada that serves lunches to everyone (besides having a mini cafeteria takeout place that you have to buy from.)

Edit: or do American elementary school kids have to pay for them?


It's odd to me that they serve lunches at schools. I've never heard of a school in Canada that serves lunches to everyone (besides having a mini cafeteria takeout place that you have to buy from.)

Edit: or do American elementary school kids have to pay for them?

I can't speak for every school but in my experience the parent pays a lump sum to the school and the kid has the amount of his lunch subtracted from that "Account".

Or the kid can just pay cash at the register.

There are ways to get "free" lunches but generally it's a system for the poor students.


From what I glean from that thing, For one that's back in 2008. Also, it says that while more students are going to school we are still spending the same amount of money. So, more students taking a bite of that pie equals less pie for everyone.

So yes we may spend more money than other countries we also have a whole lot more people than smaller countries spending that limited amount of cash.

Personally, it's evident just from seeing my boy go to school and not have any text books to bring home.

When I was in school we each had our own books per class. My boy doesn't. Books are kept in class to be shared.

Students are also expected to donate to classroom supplies. When I went to school it was generally just Kleenex. Now it's donating pencils and folders and paper and kleenex etc.

Then as per the topic you look at the cheap garbage they serve for lunches. Especially, compared to what I had when I was a student.

It's sad really, if I had the means I would either home school my kid or send him to private school.

But I'm not privileged like that. Instead he has to share a math book because the school can't afford more copies.

I agree, it's an old statistic but from the 2011 report, the figures have changed. Still, I doubt the changes have been that drastic, the funding per student is comparable with other rich nations. While I agree that schools need more money, the statistics really raise a question of where all the money goes.

You really have to donate classroom supplies?
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