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The Apprentice UK: Season 13 - October 4th


*Change the Product name to Siiiiiiiiiiimon, Robot say his old name.*

Yeeeeeeeep the boy team is gonna lose badly and the PM will get fired, unless the girls somehow lose so badly.


Oh my fucking God now they're all talking over eachother

Give me a fucking break. I've never had so much second hand embarrassment


The boy's team right now.



How did the girls win? Can we fire Siobhan anyway?

Mackayla has to go now surely? Renaming was a main reason for the clusterfuck pitches


Oh look at that the boy teams lost, called it from the moment they decided to target the over 60s market.

How did the girls win?

Because they came up with a better robot aimed at where the money was, whereas the Boy's robot pretty much insulted everyone over 60s


I like my schadenfreude as much as the next man but Christ alive, it'd be nice to see a team actually perform well and win a task for a change, as opposed to just not lose as badly as the opposition team.


It's funny how last season the girls team had a losing streak at the start and with this season it's the boys.

I wonder if that actually happened or is scripted to happen because it makes good TV?


Tuned into this for the first time out of boredom. Those pitches are college-level business studies quality; it's obvious they are deliberately shit for viewer entertainment.

And Michaela looks like an 80s adult movie actress.

Maximus P

I really did wish they wouldn't edit the show like they do. I can normally guess who's won becuase of the ways it's edited. (they like to edit it like the losing team is winning). It's only when both teams are shit that I can't guess.

It would be interesting to see exactly how much time they had to make up the branding board. Thing looked like something I could whip up in 15 minutes.


I really did wish they wouldn't edit the show like they do. I can normally guess who's won becuase of the ways it's edited. (they like to edit it like the losing team is winning). It's only when both teams are shit that I can't guess.

I dunno, it was pretty obvious which team would lose this week and not once did I feel that the losing team were going to win.


Tuned into this for the first time...it's obvious they are deliberately shit for viewer entertainment.

If you've never experienced the true stupidity of The Cunts in action before you'd be forgiven for thinking that. These fuckers are stupid. By the last few weeks we're usually left with some quite decent Cunts but to start with the noisiest and stupidest amongst them are the ones most eager to prove their cuntiness to the world. It's not just a trick of the camera, or crafty editing, they really are this stupid.


I like my schadenfreude as much as the next man but Christ alive, it'd be nice to see a team actually perform well and win a task for a change, as opposed to just not lose as badly as the opposition team.

"A bowl of this / a pirate makes / so have yerself / some Treasure Flakes"

Of all the Apprentice tasks, that's the one that really struck me as a genuinely good performance.

(However... it was up against Pantsman on the other side. So the opposition were shit. But I do think Treasure Flakes was a full, cohesive plan)

I dunno, it was pretty obvious which team would lose this week and not once did I feel that the losing team were going to win.

Thing is, it's not uncommon for tasks where they have a big-ticket item to end up with a result in which neither team sells any of the big numbers, and if that happens then Vitality would have won thanks to their selling of the cheap toy.

Daffy Duck


Joking aside, I´m appaled the girls managed to win, what a shitty presentation, not to mention the constant bickering between the girls. Loved it when Sarah said she couldn´t take it anymore, I know I couldn´t.

Yeah, the only reason the girls won was because they had a coherent product with some marketing behind it.
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