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The Berenstein Bears: We Are Living in Our Own Parallel Universe

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I remember it being stain. I work at a bookstore and I thought Stein looked weird. Now I know it's not just me.

can anyone get a hold of vibe for some clarification?

Edit :I'm confused now. I don't know what I remember. Am I real?
Oh weird, I've never really given it much thought.

What did disappoint me, however, was going back to my old Berenstain books and then checking out some new ones...only to find out they've been turned into heavy Christians.


I've stuck with reading the old ones to my kids.
See, if it were (still) Berenstein, they'd all be Jewish here. Takes on a totally different meaning.

I think I remember when the switch happened. I had this revelation in the year 2000 just after I moved. So it'd have been November 2000 or so the timelines first bled together.
So, I remember distinctly being confused because when I was a kid, I remember reading the title of "The Berenstein Bears" do whatever. But then I remember that the author's name was close to Berenstein but not quite, (I think it was Berenstain) because I remember that I was confused that they were so close but not entirely the same, and I thought it was just the author's changing it slightly for... some grownup reason.

So I'm remembering Berenstein and Berenstain. Where the hell does that put me?


See, if it were (still) Berenstein, they'd all be Jewish here. Takes on a totally different meaning.

I think I remember when the switch happened. I had this revelation in the year 2000 just after I moved. So it'd have been November 2000 or so the timelines first bled together.
God damn...that makes too much sense...

Maybe it has something to do with Y2K?


I remember it with an "e", but, then again, I was a kid and I didn't pay attention. An "a" looks weird.

Since the internet collective were all kids around the same time, we all were dumb and little and didn't pay attention to things. Thus, I think it stands to reason that the more likely option than a shifting parallel universe is that we didn't realize, and, by the time we could spell well independently, we didn't have one of these things around and assumed it was spelled the way we thought it would be.


I've been reading these to my kids. The weirder thing is the mama bear has a baby in the first book that disappears for the rest of the series. Did they sell the baby on the black market?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Actually, universes start to converge at the point where Ronald Reagan chose George HW Bush as his VP over Ron Paul. Dr. Paul sought to reverse time to change the decision. Nelson Mandela, the turkey pic, and the Berenstein Bears all fall victim to this, plus many other things we haven't noticed yet. Dr. Paul's meddling did not reverse time but instead created a separate timeline that we all inhabit now.

This caused Bush to lose to Clinton and George W Bush to win two elections he never should have won. Paul saw the damage he caused and realized the only way to make things right would be to become president. The only problem is, he couldn't speak of this to the public, or else both universes would implode. However, the timeline change turned Ron into an evolution-denying creationist, rendering him unelectable.

After his defeat, Paul saw that in our universe, a Republican Candidate with hair unlike the world has ever seen would succeed Obama. He believed his son Rand would fulfill the prophecy and make things right again. However, time works in unpredictable ways, and in our universe, it has been recently revealed that Donald Trump will fulfill the prophecy, not Rand...
Most amazing thing I have read all year 10/10
So two universes collided or whatever, and the only thing that changed and we remember being different is the name of a children's book with bears whose nails need to be fucking trimmed??

It's also where The Lest Guardian was released on PS3.

As well as the universe where FF Versus XIII still came on the PS3, there were NO FFXIII-2 and LR and FFXV was something new entirely.

In all other universes, the Berenstain/stein bears do not exist.
Nah, one might have the Berensteen Bears. Don't even get into the whole "Barenstain Bears", "Barenstein Bears"...

So two universes collided or whatever, and the only thing that changed and we remember being different is the name of a children's book with bears whose nails need to be fucking trimmed??


No, there are probably other things too... like the Leaning Tower of Pizza!


I learned to read reading some of those books back when they were originally published, and it's always been Berenstain. If you remember it as Berenstein, you have a bad memory.


I learned to read reading some of those books back when they were originally published, and it's always been Berenstain. If you remember it as Berenstein, you have a bad memory.

Yeah it was always Stain. I remember thinking as a kid it was a weird way to spell it.


This topic is actually freaking me out. I've always thought of it as Stein never as Stain. Such a scary but fascinating topic.

There's nothing scary about the fact that our memories are malleable and often incorrect. Well, unless you're on trial and the verdict hinges on eyewitness testimony, of course.

way more

See, if it were (still) Berenstein, they'd all be Jewish here. Takes on a totally different meaning.

I think I remember when the switch happened. I had this revelation in the year 2000 just after I moved. So it'd have been November 2000 or so the timelines first bled together.

This jogged my memory and I asked my dad earlier and he confirmed the memory. When I was a kid I asked him the the bears were Jewish because of their last name and he had to look at the title and say they weren't. I recall because he would tell it at dinner parties and stuff.


I refuse to believe it was anything other than Berenstein. Hell, I even pronounced it 'burnsteen' because that was how my brain read it.


What's really confusing is that Berenstein isn't actually the name of the monster, it's the name of the doctor who created him.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I remember it always being Berenstein Bears.

Is this the result of an incursion?
I've heard a lot of dumb shit, but this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. I seriously hope this is all some elaborate troll/joke and nobody actually believes this.

It's as simple as this : Names that end with -stein are far more common than names that end with -stain so there is high degree of people misremembering the actual name/making a couple of human errors when typing the name in early TV Guides etc.

Davey Cakes

This is my favorite thread on gaf.

And I always remembered pronouncing it as stain, not stein.
Yeah, that's how I pronounced it too.

Just looked at one of my books from 1978. It says "Berenstain Bears Go to School." So that's that.

I was born in '88 but grew up with this stuff.


I once remembered it as Berenstein, but I had an epiphany only a few years ago that it was in fact Berenstain as I came across some of the books while cleaning my old room. I remember it being a bit odd but not really thinking much of it.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I remember it being berenstein when I was young and then my sisters were born and the books had the different spelling. I sort of remember comparing them to the old copies that we're still in my house and noticing the difference in spelling it and just charging it to the publisher or something.... Then again this is a hazy memory maybe something my brain did to accommodate for the conversions of realities.


I've heard a lot of dumb shit, but this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. I seriously hope this is all some elaborate troll/joke and nobody actually believes this.

It's as simple as this : Names that end with -stein are far more common than names that end with -stain so there is high degree of people misremembering the actual name/making a couple of human errors when typing the name in early TH Guides etc.
I'm certain most of this is done in good fun. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a significant few who'd actually believe this stuff. Some people would rather admit the merging of parallel timelines than admit their memory might be faulty.

I think my favorite one of these is the idea that the classic Henry VIII painting had him holding a turkey leg. I mean, come on.
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