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The best female protagonists

Adventure game female leads are far more developed as strong females than any other genre, but I guess Adventure games have room for stronger narratives.

Yup, adventure games have always been an easier genre for the average writer to work in. It's the main reason I play them at all, as I'm not the biggest fan of puzzles and such.

And of course the fact they're niche and comparatively cheap to develop means the writers have more freedom to use unusual settings and protagonists. Of course an alternative argument is that games like Gabriel Knight et al had a larger casual female audience than was the norm in gaming, and so there was also more of an incentive to avoid obvious pandering and such.

PK Gaming

Why is Princess Peach best female protagonist? What possible metric did you use to give her that crown?

Silent Hill 3's Heather for me.

I really enjoyed playing Super Princess Peach

I admit that she doesn't come close to the other protagonists in this thread, but SPP was fun and I enjoyed it, so why not?

There are ton of games I need to play @_@


Why is Princess Peach best female protagonist? What possible metric did you use to give her that crown?
She gave Toad a real purpose



No Gravity Rush love??

Kat is a breath of fresh air. Someone should post pictures for me because I'm currently unable.


Zoe from dreamfall. Writing could be cheesy at times, but I appreciate that for most of the game Zoe feels like a normal person and not some over sexed model or over powered super hero/ warrior.

This would even apply to males. I just found the character's normalcy refreshing.

PK Gaming

No Gravity Rush love??

Kat is a breath of fresh air. Someone should post pictures for me because I'm currently unable.


I actually haven't played GR yet, despite recently buying a Vita, I should rectify that right away.


Speaking of games I haven't played...

Aigis is the main protagonist in "The Answer"


She even gets access to the Wild Card ability. Nice


Can someone explain to a non-Nintendo owner what happened with Samus in Other M? I see it criticized all the time and I'm curious about it.

My votes:
Aya Brea
Regina from Dino Crisis
All the RE girls except for Helena
Princess Alicia from Valkyrie Profile 2


April, Longest Journey

Zoe, Dreamfall

Kate, Syberia

Adventure game female leads are far more developed as strong females than any other genre, but I guess Adventure games have room for stronger narratives.

Kat and Alice are both pretty nice as far as action games go.


Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013 was I guess the first female protagonist that I could really relate to, in a sense of her being a believable (well mostly) female protagonist. Older renditions I found a bit embarrassing male wishfulfillment. Samus Aran and Femshep I consider more dudes with boobs. (technically gender neutral characters, but being a male I project myself on them)

PK Gaming

Can someone explain to a non-Nintendo owner what happened with Samus in Other M? I see it criticized all the time and I'm curious about it.

My votes:
Aya Brea
Regina from Dino Crisis
All the RE girls except for Helena
Princess Alicia from Valkyrie Profile 2

Long story short, her portrayal in Other M was really, really bad. There's this scene where she has an anxiety attack when fighting Ridley... it doesn't even make sense she's killed him like 2 other times (4+ if you count the metroid prime games =.=). She's basically adam's lapdog and follows his orders to a T. Playing through Other M was a jarring experience...


Chell and Samus get my vote. Oh, and Kazooie. <3


I haven't finished Gravity Rush yet, but man Kat was too obsessed with finding a boyfriend for my liking. That was kind of jarring, but otherwise she's fun.

Still wish there was much more to choose from.


Major Sarah Parker from Ground Control. One of the few female leads whos being female seemed purely incidental rather than something that was actively focused on.


Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013 was I guess the first female protagonist that I could really relate to, in a sense of her being a believable (well mostly) female protagonist. Older renditions I found a bit embarrassing male wishfulfillment. Samus Aran and Femshep I consider more dudes with boobs. (technically gender neutral characters, but being a male I project myself on them)

I also never much cared for old Lara, but I found 2013's Lara to be a pretty dull character overall. Not much in the way of personality or character traits and a really underdeveloped character arc. At least PS1 Lara had some pazazz.

My vote would go to Jade from BG&E and Kat from Gravity Rush.


I just can't get over the metal crotch thing. Even in that picture it looks like she's saying "Yeah, I use these to tighten it, so what?"
If you want to know what it is, it's actually a belt that keeps her clothes together. Strange placement but if that's what the artist envision, there's not much else you can do.


April, Longest Journey


Zoe, Dreamfall


Kate, Syberia


Adventure game female leads are far more developed as strong females than any other genre, but I guess Adventure games have room for stronger narratives.

You have fine taste.
April, Longest Journey


Zoe, Dreamfall


Adventure game female leads are far more developed as strong females than any other genre, but I guess Adventure games have room for stronger narratives.

Still haven't been bested. But I sound like a broken record whenever I praise the Longest Journey games for being the most progressive.


Lenneth from Valkyrie Profile.
Yeah, Lenneth seems like the most human protagonist that I can think of. A deeply flawed, yet beneficent character.

Also, all these empty characters are not protagonists. They are the player, or they represent the player. Crono in Chrono Trigger is not the protagonist, he's an empty shell representing the player.
Commander Sheperd and Lara Croft. They're women who can kick ass and get in the mud with the boys but still remain feminine.


I think Alyx Vance should be disqualified. Her function in HL2 basically amounts to stroking the player's ego.

And the new Lara Croft seems to me to be pretty weak and vulnerable. I don't personally like such portrayals of women in media.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
No Yuna? I am disappoint. She's one of the best because:

- she's kind hearted, strong, and willing
- she has good intentions
- her summons are badass
- she's pretty too

This thread is missing something

Rochelle and Zoey from Left 4 Dead

Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick. Yoooo Nick.

Much laughs were had at the expense of my friend Nick who played Nick during our playthroughs.


No Yuna? I am disappoint. She's one of the best because:

- she's kind hearted, strong, and willing
- she has good intentions
- her summons are badass
- she's pretty too

Except she's not the protagonist of FFX (well, not entirely). But she's also high on my list.
If you want to know what is, it's actually a belt that keeps her clothes together. Strange placement but if that's what the artist envision, there's not much else you can do.
God that's weird. She's supposed to be 14? That's just weird.
lol Japan
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