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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |OT2| Part II

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For those who have been following; WINtA has been updated. Try 1.0.1 now for free!

Here's our changelist for this version:
- Four new tracks added, great new songs by Vampire Weekend!
Changelist for version 1.0.1:
- Play different track on summary screen for freshly downloaded song now places user in personal library.
- Artist Information for "DR" has been entered.
- Icon was displayed as low-resolution on iPhone 4.
- Button color issues have been fixed in the menu.
- Added Japanese localization.
- Fixed a grammar error in tutorial.
- Fixed a crash when viewing songs following clearing image cache twice.
- Updated credits.
- Updated intro sequence.
- Fixed track updating (now works automatically).
- Highscore button no longer vanishes when a track is deleted.
- Buy Now button no longer becomes unresponsive if user attempts to buy song while IAP is restricted.
- Embedded songs now update correctly.
- No tracks to delete! text alignment fixed.
- If store is empty a "no new tracks available" message is displayed.
- Spinner stops animating when IAP is disabled.
- Gameplay now starts after transition is fixed.
- Track lists now have an appropriate title.
- Store "sort by" options now function correctly.
- If "Song" and "Artist" are hit at the same time, only one menu opens.
- Track description is fixed.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Rlan said:
Fixed :p

I didn't work on it, but Monster Dash is great :p I did the levels for Age Of Zombies and have been working to get more content into the game. We've got so much awesome stuff already in the works for 2011 -- it's going to be a great year :)

Haha, whoops. I think I was pretty drunk when I made that response :O

Jedeye Sniv

Downloaded and played a little bit of NOVA 2 last night having been tempted by it's shiny charms before but had to wait for payday. Damn impressive game so far I think. Shooters on iOS are a little weird but the controls feel pretty good and it looks fantastic. Didn't realise it was such a shameless Halo clone though! The budget Cortana and even the dropships are very Halo. Still, for a game that I can play on the bus it's fantastic. Think I might like it even more than Dead Space which I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned by the more I play it.

The only thing I'm not sold on is the gyro controls. How are these supposed to work exactly? It's way to fiddly to aim with it since I still need to use my fingers to turn. I'd rather some more traditional tilt controls where if I hold it left it will gently turn left rather than using my absolute position to turn with. Although it was fairly amusing to play it by spinning around on my office chair to turn. My gf thought I was a little insane.

Dead Space though... great first impressions eroding quickly. The game is so linear and... dull really. IMO the things that make Dead Space great were combat, story and setting. The iOS game has got the combat fairly good but the settings are just generic corridors and box rooms, the environment design is piss poor and the story is next to non existent. This is a shame since it started well and I thought we'd get to see a little more of the other side of the conflict between the church and everyone else.

Does anyone know how long the game is? I'm about 6 chapters in now.


rc213 said:
How hard are the rules and gameplay for Neuroshima Hex to pick up. Multi similar to Carc with taking turns?
Pretty easy. There is an excellent tutorial video and a browseable list of all the cards and what they do. Took me a couple games to stop being too confused. Plays quick too, about 15 mins per game. There is play and pass, I think people were saying online multi is being added in the future, but I could be wrong.


Yep. http://www.neuroshimahex.com/faq/
neuroshimahex.com said:
What about multiplayer mode?
In the first release of Neuroshima Hex only the hot seat mode will be available, but we are planning to add other multiplayer modes in the future.


Vard said:
Downloaded as soon as I saw "Parappa". Thanks!

I recommend the free app Dropophone if you like music "games" like Electroplankton.

Tried Winta, looked at Dropophone. Must say that, while they seem nifty, Eliss and muBlip are probably far above them imo in terms of music/rythm games. Both are really unique and wonderfully made & polished.

Jedeye Sniv said:
Downloaded and played a little bit of NOVA 2 last night having been tempted by it's shiny charms before but had to wait for payday. Damn impressive game so far I think. Shooters on iOS are a little weird but the controls feel pretty good and it looks fantastic. Didn't realise it was such a shameless Halo clone though! The budget Cortana and even the dropships are very Halo. Still, for a game that I can play on the bus it's fantastic. Think I might like it even more than Dead Space which I'm becoming increasingly disillusioned by the more I play it.

Nova 2 is the shit. Single-player is solid. Multiplayer is REALLY solid. I played the first, played Archetype, played BIA2, Nova 2 doesn't even compare.
Has anyone tried Miss Claire Garden? odd name for a platformer I know but it looks real nice, it's 59p too.

Jedeye Sniv said:
The only thing I'm not sold on is the gyro controls. How are these supposed to work exactly? It's way to fiddly to aim with it since I still need to use my fingers to turn. I'd rather some more traditional tilt controls where if I hold it left it will gently turn left rather than using my absolute position to turn with. Although it was fairly amusing to play it by spinning around on my office chair to turn. My gf thought I was a little insane.
I guess I'll chime in since I've seen another guy ask about gyro in FPS titles. Anyhow, the gyro controls can really turn you off if you aren't using them appropriately. The first time I tried using them in Black Pegasus, I was thinking that they'd be like on the Wii, only to find them really fidgety as you said, so I quickly disabled them and tried playing through with swipe controls. I later came across several reviews for Black Pegasus all mentioning how great the gyro controls were when used in conjunction with the swipe controls, that they were precise enough to quickly line up head shots. So I was curious, as I've never been able to quickly line up shots by swiping.

I went back to BP and started a new with gyro on. What I learned was that the gyro is only used to assist with aiming, not fully substitute as a virtual right analog stick. You'll still be using your fingers to control the camera most of the time, but the gyro is incredibly useful for quickly panning your crosshair/line of sight over a target. Think of it like quicky dragging a mouse to quickly adjust your field of vision or making minute adjustments in order to line up a head shot. After I tilt with the gyro, I can quickly recenter the camera with my thumb if it's a little off. Just give it a try, start a new file, set the difficulty to easy and experiment, you'll likely find that the game is far easier (and more accurate) to play this way.


Hey guys, we decided to put DrawRace on sale until Sunday. It's now only $0.99.

It's a unique racing experience where you draw the racing line and then watch your car race it afterwards.



If you want to try before you buy, there's a free flash version on the DrawRace website.

Edit: updated to include price.
Miss Claire does NOT support Retina, sadly. It's like how Cut the Rope was when it first came out - really detailed graphics so you couldn't really tell, but it's definitely not a RD game. (Especially the cut scenes, good God they look pretty bad)

I just finished the first level so here's some details:

Story-wise, it seems Miss Claire is on an island full of watermelons that's been infested with crows. She has to find the giant boss crow's hideout to save all the seagulls on the island.

The game controls with left/right arrows, you have a jump button and an action button which lets you pick up things Mario Bros 2 style, or read signs. Miss Claire is kinda floaty in her jumps, which is fine, but there's no ability to run, you just have to walk in one direction and she'll start to pick up a little bit of speed. There are watermelons and carrots that you pick up and throw at the baddies, and different colored fruits/veggies have different abilities (so far I've had a red melon that grew really big when picked up, and a carrot that turned into a bouncy platform when pulled on)

Like Mario Bros there are power-ups. There's standard Miss Claire who dies in one hit, and there's Miss Claire with a chef hat on that acts as a super mushroom, so two hits. Then there's Miss Clair with a double chef hat which sports a seagull beak on it that lets you get hit 3 times before death.

There's a world map, looks like SMB3/SMW/YI, and each level has certain objects to collect. Instead of coins there are white and pink flowers littered all over the level. There's also baby seagulls for you to find and save, as well as a crystal(?) feather that marks the end of each level. I'm assuming each level has 3 feathers to collect, because you're awarded one for finding all the seagulls, and one for getting all of the flowers too.

The music is a little uninspired but then I've only played the first level and it was fine, just not remarkable, but that may change later on.

So far I'd give it a 4/5, if only because the controls are a little slow and there's no Retina Display support. (Which it NEEDS because the style is BEAUTIFUL but it appears kind of muddy/washed out since it's not crisp)


Neo Member

I am very excited to share with you, that Braineaters just released a brand new game called PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000!

And for first time we are delivering our game for FREE!

About the game:

PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! is a simple, accelerometer controlled arcade game for iPhone and iPod Touch.
The goal is obvious: score the mystic 50.000 points, which we think is pretty impossible, as our QA failed to do that.

PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! is simplistic in its form - graphics are just red, white and black, you control pixel-shaped object falling from above.
Avoid white spaces and collect red pixels to go as far and score as high as possible.
With one button publish your score to the Game Center.
We challenge all users to achieve 50.000 points while we try to do it ourselves.

Game features: 
✔ Perfect controls. 
✔ Clearest graphics ever. 
✔ Fantastic music. 
✔ Game Center highscores. 
✔ Pure awesomeness. 
✔ And you playing it. 

Game doesn't feature: 

✔ Epic story. 
✔ Beautiful, unreal graphics. 
✔ Hundreds of power-ups. 
✔ Tens of levels. 
✔ Symphonic orchestra. 


"You can't beat my score in PIXFALL!" - Your_Boss 

"Enlarge your score for me, baby..." - Your_Baby 

"You can't score over 50.000!" - Braineaters Crew 




Category: Arcade/Action

Release date: 27.01.2011

Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pixfall-try-to-score-50-000/id415172437?mt=8 (available NOW!)

Price: FREE
WordAssassin said:

Thanks for the review, I was hoping the game would support retina but that's not a dealbreaker, as long as they don't take a PopCap approach to it (lol), there remains hope that the graphics wills someday be updated. It's a shame about the controls though, I was hoping it'd control similarly to Pizza Boy which I consider to be very responsive and almost on a par with Mario Bros.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
WordAssassin said:
Miss Claire does NOT support Retina, sadly. It's like how Cut the Rope was when it first came out - really detailed graphics so you couldn't really tell, but it's definitely not a RD game. (Especially the cut scenes, good God they look pretty bad)

The music is a little uninspired but then I've only played the first level and it was fine, just not remarkable, but that may change later on.

So far I'd give it a 4/5, if only because the controls are a little slow and there's no Retina Display support. (Which it NEEDS because the style is BEAUTIFUL but it appears kind of muddy/washed out since it's not crisp)
Tell me this, does the game run at 60 fps? Low framerate platformers are a huge turn-off to me and would definitely make or break the game. Smooth as butter or choppy?
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Thanks for the review, I was hoping the game would support retina but that's not a dealbreaker, as long as they don't take a PopCap approach to it (lol), there remains hope that the graphics wills someday be updated. It's a shame about the controls though, I was hoping it'd control similarly to Pizza Boy which I consider to be very responsive and almost on a par with Mario Bros.
It's not that they aren't responsive, it's just that the character herself is slow-moving. The actual controls are fine.

Edit: As far as I can tell, the game runs smooth as butter. I didn't notice any frame rate dips or hiccups at all.
Just played the second level, yeah game has no frame rate problems at all, and it says right at the start that there are 75 Feathers to collect on the island, 3 in each level, and you get them by 1) Completing the level 2) Collecting all 50 flowers and 3) Finding the 3 lost seagulls.

The game is super beautiful, I really hope a Retina update comes out for it. And when I moved over to the second level on the map I saw a bit of lava with a pepper in it, so there's more then just watermelons and carrots to throw :D


randomwab said:
Any good Metroidvania style games on iOS? Only decent one I've found is Phoenix Spirit.
The Deep is a decent (not great) Metroidvania game. I still haven't finished it but I liked what I played of it... I mean to get back to it one day. I'm not sure of any others.
Ok PixFall is fucking addicting. I'm at #6 right now on the leader boards, this music is AWESOME

50,000 is definitely doable but it'll take some serious skill and a very long play time.
Porthos said:
The Deep is a decent (not great) Metroidvania game. I still haven't finished it but I liked what I played of it... I mean to get back to it one day. I'm not sure of any others.

I remember that game. It looked pretty cool. I remember youtubing it and thinking that the music was going to be ambient and moody only to hear this cheery, Caribbean crap lol

Guess I'll pick up Miss Claire, at that price I've got nothing to lose lol

Edit - Wish I could pick up Pixfall but I don't wanna lose JB for just a game :/
soldat7 said:
Life's too short to play non-Retina games.
Not sure if serious, but aside from the opening cut scene and a few little instances it's kinda hard to tell. Everything just looks soft instead of crisp.

Also, qsh, added you on GC. Take a wild guess as to my handle.

I have noticed a glitch though, and that's once the music ends, it doesn't start up again, it's just silence and the sound of collecting the red squares.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important

Mad Skill Motocross just dropped its price to 79c and if you read my post I've just bought it literally 10 hours ago or so, for double the price... I'm not one to cry over the price of an espresso, but it's the principle and at the end of the month it counts when you often buy a couple of games each day like I do :p

Edit: EURO cents ;)
heringer said:
Dead Space controls are really good. Don't know why some people had problems with it.

Very impressed with the game.

I think the controls are fine, they aren't some amazing revelation like some have made them out to be. I do wish the aiming went a little farther to the left though, I keep moving my thumb near the centre to aim and I end up moving instead.

I'm very impressed with the game for the most part though, it captures the atmosphere of Dead Space perfectly and scared the crap out of me when I played it in bed in the dark last night.

Level design is pretty poor though, lots of long corridors and small rooms.

I was seriously disappointed too when I had an objective to "hack" two consoles, I got all excited that there was going to be some cool touch screen based hacking minigame. But the "hacking" amounted to walking up to the screen and pressing the onscreen button. Huge missed opportunity there.

All that being said it is a very impressive little game, I still can't believe I can play things like this on my phone, it's madness.

Has anyone had trouble getting the unlock for Dead Space 2? I registered Dead Space iOS with my EA account but nothing has shown up in DS2. Does it just take a while or is there something else I need to do that I'm missing?
WordAssassin said:
Ok PixFall is fucking addicting. I'm at #6 right now on the leader boards, this music is AWESOME

50,000 is definitely doable but it'll take some serious skill and a very long play time.

But he is not saying 50,000 though, is he?

Notice the punctuation.


Diablohead said:
You work on this game? I have to say since it was released it's been a favourite for me and a cousin to play when we meet up over the year, great game :D
I joined the RedLynx marketing department this month, so I don't work on it per se, but yeah, it's definitely one of my favorite titles on iPhone as well. Easy to pick up, but takes time and skill to master.


Sidhe / PikPok
qsh said:
I am very excited to share with you, that Braineaters just released a brand new game called PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000!

Just downloaded this. Neat little game, though the collision detection seems off. Picking up the red squares should be forgiving, but the collision with the white squares should be pixel perfect.

Also, is it supposed to slow down the speed at which you are "falling" when you turn your phone upside down?

PikPok update - new game coming next week with an associated competiton featuring over US$1,000 in prizes. Get your flick kicking finger ready. More updates for existing games over the next few weeks too.


Tf53 said:
I joined the RedLynx marketing department this month, so I don't work on it per se, but yeah, it's definitely one of my favorite titles on iPhone as well. Easy to pick up, but takes time and skill to master.
Do you pester them every day for a Trials port?
Tf53 said:
Hey guys, we decided to put DrawRace on sale until Sunday. It's now only $0.99.

It's a unique racing experience where you draw the racing line and then watch your car race it afterwards.



If you want to try before you buy, there's a free flash version on the DrawRace website.

Edit: updated to include price.
Cool game. Jump, fools!!
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