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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |OT2| Part II

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PounchEnvy said:
New touch owner so I'm not sure if this is the standard but I'm not really liking the controls of Dead Space. It's mostly to do with the camera. It centers to your finger instead of controlling an-ingame analog. It feels pretty clunky.
As an iDevice vet (if there is such an existance), Dead Space is one of the best-controlling games ever released for this platform. You'll quickly find that imitation analogs are not the most accurate or appeasing control input.


Phoenix Spirit, a Metroidvania game people here seemed to like, is free today.




Drkirby said:
Is there any place I can buy a cheap stylus pen for and iPod Touch that actually has a tip and not a sizeable round thing at the end? I really want some sort of precise input method.

AFAIK, you can't use a stylus on any iOS devices. The screens are inductive, compared to say, the DS, which is resistive.


Flunkie said:
As an iDevice vet (if there is such an existance), Dead Space is one of the best-controlling games ever released for this platform. You'll quickly find that imitation analogs are not the most accurate or appeasing control input.
hm, the only review I read said the controls were a major issue
chubigans said:
Question as a new Touch owner: yall use any protective touch screens? I'm using my PSPGO extra film screen right now for the Touch but I just got my stylus in and it's not responding all that well. Has anyone gone non-protective screen-less?

I never use screen protectors anymore. Companies have wised up since Apple released the first gen ipod nano. They're funky, they get in the way, they often degrade image quality, and for what? It's completely unbeknownst to me how one would scratch the screen of the current iPod Touch, just use common sense by not throwing it in the same pocket as all your knives, explosives and used condoms.


soldat7 said:
To be honest, I wouldn't bother with one. The bubbles will drive you insane anyways, moreso than any scratches. I've had my 4G Touch for several months and there is nary a scratch.
If you apply it correctly there won't be any bubbles. I have an anti-glare one on my 3GS and a crystal one on my iPhone 4 (work). I like the anti-glare better because my thumbs glide easier on it when it gets warm. I tend to have moments of jerkiness on the crystal or naked touch screens. Not to mention the oil clean up. Something the anti-glare doesn't seem to show nearly as easily as crystal or naked.

Always get a screen protector (my PSP, DS, DSiXL all have one). I've had to replace the one on the PSP, DS, and iPhone 4 at least once, due to getting a scuff that would have otherwise scratched the screen.
TouchMyBox said:
I never use screen protectors anymore. Companies have wised up since Apple released the first gen ipod nano. They're funky, they get in the way, they often degrade image quality, and for what? It's completely unbeknownst to me how one would scratch the screen of the current iPod Touch, just use common sense by not throwing it in the same pocket as all your knives, explosives and used condoms.

Things happen. Sometimes the device gets dropped. If it falls on a small rock because it was fumbling in your hands outside, you'll be glad it's just the screen protector that got scuffed. Also, the aforementioned oil from your fingers. Then you have to wipe the screen off. You should use microfiber but sometimes T-Shirts get used. And that over time will cause small imperfections that later can cause worse ones.

Look at any used devices that are back-lit. You can tell who had a screen protector and who didn't.


Okay okay everyone (eznark) calm down, I agree that there should at least be control options for those who want dual sticks or whatever in Dead Space.

An no, there's no gyroscope controls in Dead Space, but I'm not the biggest fan of gyro in the first place. I want to sit down and play a game, not whirl around in circles.


Re: screen protectors - I use these...just cause they were thrown in with something else I got there and most people seem like them, so I gave them a shot. They're the hard and clear kind, not too different feeling/looking from the glass itself. Basically just tried them on, noticed they didn't suck, left them on cause eh, why not.
Roarer said:
AFAIK, you can't use a stylus on any iOS devices. The screens are inductive, compared to say, the DS, which is resistive.
The word you're looking for is capacitive, but yeah it's kind of the reason there's not a pointy stylus. I figure it should be possible but no one has come out with one that works well. The nubby Boxwave one works, to the point that it seems like no one has tried making a thinner tip. It could work, it's not like you have to smash the thing down to work.

You could try making something yourself, I remember one design was wrapping a pencil in anti static sock material, the tip looked pointy enough I guess.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Dilbert said:
Someone else already mentioned this, but I wanted to join in: Sword of Fargoal is on sale for $0.99 right now. It's already the best rogue-like on the App Store (in my opinion) and they are planning a 2.0 release that will add a lot of stuff. If you buy it now, you'll get the future major upgrade for free. I think I paid $5 for it, and felt it has been worth every penny.

Also, Dungeon Raid is all kinds of awesome. That's worth getting too.
Damn, Fargoal Legends' still full price.

I'm using secondapp.com Neogaf, which is awesome, but they way it deals with quoting is a bit iffy for me, is there a way to make it default to the usual
text[/quote.] ?
I sometimes forget all the points I wanted to reply, so you need to click on the quote's author and then go back since it doesn't let you see the tagged text. Only in PMs or when you edit a post, it actually looks like I want it to, the old classic way. PMs also support multi quotes-within-quotes, which is very useful,
Btw, big big props to the dev(s), who are they? It works incredibly well on my iPad. ☻


Dash Kappei said:
What kind of screen protector is good for the iPad?
I was thinking of gettin one for the back as well since it seems more prone to scratches

It's a Power Support one. I don't know about scratches but glare and fingerprints were a huge issue for me. Power Supports antiglare film really works quite well for me in that regard. Was a real pain to get on without air bubbles though.
Bought dead space, and so far it's really awesome, I don't have dead space 2 yet, does anyone know what special gift you get for linking the iOS game to your ea account?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Veins said:
Yeah, I noticed 5 minutes ago in the "about" section.
Again, well done!
Quasar said:
It's a Power Support one. I don't know about scratches but glare and fingerprints were a huge issue for me. Power Supports antiglare film really works quite well for me in that regard. Was a real pain to get on without air bubbles though.

Scratches = I fear someday I might let the thing drop and...
Other than such unfortunate situation the screen seems resistant to pretty much anything finger-related.
Now glare and fingerprints, those are definitely a problem, it's almost impossible to see the screen with the sunlight kicking in, and the issue with fingerprints is that like an idiot I sometimes use my t-shirt to wipe 'em off.


graywolf323 said:
but the lite version is only on ipad as is the full version

the special edition is the only version for iPhone/iPod Touch

I can't check now, but I don't think this is the case. I played the Lite version on my iPod not too long ago.



Hey guys, we just updated Age Of Zombies once again with a few quick fixes. For one, the Christmas Zombies are now gone for now, but along with it we found the time to add Fast App Switching (Multitasking), so you can continue to kill Zombies after getting a phone call. For, if you have the latest OS stuff of course (and aren't a 3G user).

Buy it now [$2.99] or you can check out the Lite version [Free], which we also updated with the brand new menu system and added a lite version of the new Australia survival map for Australia day! :)


I'm going to download dead space tomorrow after I fix my cc info. I wish it was universal though. I bet it looks amazing on the iPad. I just have my iPod with me all the time.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I've never played the original Dead Space. Is it a good or a bad idea to play the iPhone one?


nods at old men
Dacvak said:
I've never played the original Dead Space. Is it a good or a bad idea to play the iPhone one?
Seems like it'd really spoil the story.
Finding out what happened and what certain things are is half of why I enjoyed DS1 so much.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Rlan said:

Hey guys, we just updated Age Of Zombies once again with a few quick fixes. For one, the Christmas Zombies are now gone for now, but along with it we found the time to add Fast App Switching (Multitasking), so you can continue to kill Zombies after getting a phone call. For, if you have the latest OS stuff of course (and aren't a 3G user).

Buy it now [$2.99] or you can check out the Lite version [Free], which we also updated with the brand new menu system and added a lite version of the new Australia survival map for Australia day! :)

Wait, you work for Heavy Brick? Mad respect, dude. Monster Rush is AMAZING.


thetrin said:
Wait, you work for HALFBrick? Mad respect, dude. Monster DASH is AMAZING.

Fixed :p

I didn't work on it, but Monster Dash is great :p I did the levels for Age Of Zombies and have been working to get more content into the game. We've got so much awesome stuff already in the works for 2011 -- it's going to be a great year :)


deadspace is really impressive tech wise. the controls are probably one of the best in terms of moving and shooting on the platform. really well made and polished game, a showcase title

but after 15-20 mins of playing it, it runs into the same problem alot of psp games run into. its not the sort of experience you want from a portable device. i made it to the 3rd chapter sitting in my toilet and then shut it off and played fruitninja. its also not the type of game you can play on the bus for 5 mins. you need to sit down in your home and invest time in it, soak in the shock jump scares and horror elements. i can play my xboxps3 if i want to do that. so it doesnt work. this would be an amazing xbla game for 10/15 bucks, just doesnt work on portables

Jedeye Sniv

Lunchbox said:
deadspace is really impressive tech wise. the controls are probably one of the best in terms of moving and shooting on the platform. really well made and polished game, a showcase title

but after 15-20 mins of playing it, it runs into the same problem alot of psp games run into. its not the sort of experience you want from a portable device. i made it to the 3rd chapter sitting in my toilet and then shut it off and played fruitninja. its also not the type of game you can play on the bus for 5 mins. you need to sit down in your home and invest time in it, soak in the shock jump scares and horror elements. i can play my xboxps3 if i want to do that. so it doesnt work. this would be an amazing xbla game for 10/15 bucks, just doesnt work on portables

Intersting point, although my bus ride is 50 minutes so it's plenty of time for me and the levels seem fairly short and digestable at around 10-15 mins a piece. I'm about 3 levels in too and so far it seems a little... small. It's mostly corridors and small rooms, doesn't seem to have any of the interesting level design as the parent game, at least so far. Still, it's a good effort and dismembering the monsters is just as fun as it ever was.


Rlan said:

Hey guys, we just updated Age Of Zombies once again with a few quick fixes. For one, the Christmas Zombies are now gone for now, but along with it we found the time to add Fast App Switching (Multitasking), so you can continue to kill Zombies after getting a phone call. For, if you have the latest OS stuff of course (and aren't a 3G user).

Buy it now [$2.99] or you can check out the Lite version [Free], which we also updated with the brand new menu system and added a lite version of the new Australia survival map for Australia day! :)
About f* time. :)


I'm really impressed with Dead Space. Everything's just so tight and polished. Played the first two levels before work this morning but I reckon I'll save it until I can play it in the dark with headphones on. Looking forward to grabbing the iPad version as soon as it goes on sale.

I hope this is a sign of things to come from EA. I was a little unimpressed at the 'in-app' purchases but if it helps to fund development then I'm all for it.
Has there ever been any word on the original Fallout and Fallout 2 coming to iOS? Just had a hankering to play them and I feel like my iPhone would be the platform of choice.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
mikespit1200 said:
Has there ever been any word on the original Fallout and Fallout 2 coming to iOS? Just had a hankering to play them and I feel like my iPhone would be the platform of choice.

I really would not hold my breath on that one. But, if they brought Baldur's Gate to the iOS, I'd buy, like, a million copies.


mikespit1200 said:
Has there ever been any word on the original Fallout and Fallout 2 coming to iOS? Just had a hankering to play them and I feel like my iPhone would be the platform of choice.

Aren't there millions of trademark issues? >_>


Dash Kappei said:
Damn, Fargoal Legends' still full price.
IIRC, Fargoal Legends is going to be a dead branch once Sword of Fargoal 2.0 comes out. My recollection is that 2.0 is going to be a universal app, and Legends won't get the updates. So getting the $0.99 version would be a way to get the eventual iPad version for a discount.

My source for this info is the developers participating in a huge thread on Touch Arcade -- you should probably go there and read back a ways to confirm my memory on this. There was also an article about 2.0 being universal on Slide to Play: http://www.slidetoplay.com/story/new-details-on-upcoming-sword-of-fargoal-games


Gold Member
mikespit1200 said:
Has there ever been any word on the original Fallout and Fallout 2 coming to iOS? Just had a hankering to play them and I feel like my iPhone would be the platform of choice.

Only way it would ever be playable is if it had pinch zoom support. Even on a 24" computer screen running 640x480 things are pretty small, on a 3.5" screen you'd never ever be able to select stuff, it'd look like this (size wise):


Keep in mind you need to be able to select individual squares that are as big as that red hexagon. Without pin zoom support it'd be impossible.

Plus it would be in 4:3 (no mods) so over 1/3 the screen would be wasted. Maybe on an iPad, but definitely not an iPhone.


Lunchbox said:
deadspace is really impressive tech wise. the controls are probably one of the best in terms of moving and shooting on the platform. really well made and polished game, a showcase title

but after 15-20 mins of playing it, it runs into the same problem alot of psp games run into. its not the sort of experience you want from a portable device. i made it to the 3rd chapter sitting in my toilet and then shut it off and played fruitninja. its also not the type of game you can play on the bus for 5 mins. you need to sit down in your home and invest time in it, soak in the shock jump scares and horror elements. i can play my xboxps3 if i want to do that. so it doesnt work. this would be an amazing xbla game for 10/15 bucks, just doesnt work on portables

I know what you mean when you say it's not really a portable game (was the major problem for the psp for me), but what do you think about it n a device like the iPad, which I very much see as ampere of a 'home' device (which i can happen to take around with me, but very much a lounging appliance)?
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