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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |OT2| Part II

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Will drop pants for Sony.
my iOS gaming backlog is getting bigger. downloading League of evil now. DMC and that gameloft zelda game tonight.

Jedeye Sniv

OK, having played it I can confirm that League of Evil is a great game. I probably won't get to play it that much because of the dumb music choice but it controls really well and has a charming art style. DLed Pizza Boy to try as well and I really like that too, although the jump is a little weirder where your forward momentum will cut right off if you stop holding the direction button. Fantastic art in it though. Both platformers work really well I think.
I just want the Flick Golf update

I remember someone earlier talking about coming back to older games time and time again. I'm still doing that with Fruit Ninja and Flick Kick Football. I think I was the only one my GC list to post an Arcade score in Fruit Ninja this week. Mad Skills Motocross will be the same for me. If/when they include a track editor, it will probably be the go to game.


Jonnyram said:
The iPad update for Ghost Trick is out now on the Japan store, including the slide puzzles and Missile fortune readings.
Just tried it and they did a really good work, especially the characters artworks during dialogues. They look amazing. This game just got even more awesome!!
ChackanKun said:
It's not on the Portuguese store...FFS!

Since this seemed pretty unlikely I decided to check. And yup, it's there. Just search for "The Quest" and it'll be the first result.

I just finished the game as a female undead hero. It took me about 70 hours. I recommend playing as a non-undead male though, because although some of the NPCs change what they say because you're a woman or undead, others do not and say things that don't make sense unless you're a non-undead male.


Oh wow. League of Evil came out of nowhere to me. Loved it. Tight controls, great platforming and a lovely pixel art style.

Tried Sacred Odyssey too. Ehhh, not impressed. I like Gameloft games, but I think I will pass on this one.


Played the lite version of The Quest. Not sure if it's my kind of game. I love RPG's, I liked the art, writting and general direction of the game, but the thing gives me headaches after a while. Also, I think this kind of game is better suited to dungeon crawling, like Orcs and Elves. Not sure if it works as a huge open world game since navigation is kind of a chore and you can get easily lost.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The Quest is the best portable CRPG I've ever played.
A decade ago it would have been right at home on our old 486s.
Hell, it'd still be welcome on any PC of mine.

Fantastic game. Like a blending of my favorite elements of Might & Magic and Elder Scrolls.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Time for some light impressions to both of my acquisitions yesterday.
Devil May Cry 4 Refrain (Capcom)
I was quite late to the DMC party.  I only seriously got into the series after loving and finishing Bayonetta.
At which point I busted open my long neglected copies of DMC Trilogy PS2 box set and DMC4 PS3 LE.
I played each game back to back in sequential order (DMC2 a painful 2 times to experience both quests).
I won’t go into too much detail about the rest of the series, but I will say the following…
For theme and tone, my order of preference would be:
DMC1 > DMC4 > DMC3 > DMC2
For raw game-play and fun-factor, things look a little different:
DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 >>> DMC2
The only one I flatly disliked was DMC2, which I felt missed the point in oh so many ways (except for music).
That said, my expectations for DMC4r were quite low going in.  I mean, they broke down a high concept, high budget flagship console title into a $2 mobile game, right?  Right.  So those low expectations weren’t disappointed.  The game looks and plays all kinds of low budget.  I haven’t gotten too far into it, having only played a few stages worth.  But the game is definitely streamlined, simplified, shortened, and dumbed down in just about all the ways you’d expect.  Which may not be a terrible thing depending on what you’re looking for.  
The set pieces and environments are all recognizeable to anyone that’s played the full console (and PC) game.  Only with greatly diminished bells, whistles, and destructible goodies.  The gameplay in general feels slower.  Not sluggish or unresponsive, but intentionally dialed down to less hectic and more methodical levels, presumable as a response to the nonexistent tactile feedback afforded by the multi-touch virtual game pad controls.  Nero controls quite well despite the slowing down of the game play, and I’m rather impressed by the responsive virtual analog stick they’ve implemented.  I generally feel that Gameloft has gotten virtual game pads down the best of all the major iOS developers, and DMC4r’s is right up there with their best, IMHO.
For the record, I’ve selected the advanced control scheme that nets you 4 action buttons (gun, sword, devil bringer, jump/roll) instead of the simplified 3 action button control scheme that consolidates the gun and sword attacks into one context-sensitive (yikes) button.  Thankfully, most elements of the UI are modifiable, and there are even multiple versions of the two core control schemes that adjust the button positions in almost any way you’d like, I think.  In general, the controls work surprisingly well, and at least on a shallow level, some of the attacks, combos, and acrobatics available to Nero in the full game have transferred over to the iOS adaptation.  Certainly, the controls aren’t game-breakingly horrible like in the seemingly phoned-in SFIV conversion.
Now that my curiosity regarding this adaptation is sated, I’ll probably set it aside for other games (below) and save it for a slow period.
I think that so long as you temper your expectations and keep in mind that it’s essentially a $2 game, it’s probably a decent value for what it is.  Once the price goes up to its ‘real’ amount, it may be higher to recommend depending on what that amount is going to be.  Still, I definitely would have preferred a more robust (and less redundant) portable iteration of the franchise.  Shame that PSP vaporware entry never materialized.
Sacred Odyssey – Rise of Ayden (Gameloft)
Yeah, I know.  Another ‘Shameloft’ clone.  As always, I like to counter that by asking you to reconsider that the owners of the properties that Gameloft (heavily) borrows from are either not active iOS developers, or unwilling to treat the platform with the same care and respect that Gameloft strives for.  Frankly speaking, save for Gameloft’s entries, you’d be hard pressed to find truly compelling Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo, Uncharted, Hot Shots Golf, God of War, etc. experiences on your iDevice; and even if some of those properties ARE represented on iOS, you’ll almost invariably find them lacking in innumerable ways.  Gameloft might not have much in the way of innovation or imagination, but they’ve got heart and (increasingly) a deep appreciation for and understanding of the platform.  They fill a role that most other traditional developers shy away from due to either a lack of interest or lack of funding, and something needs to be said for the sheer breadth of genres that they provide games for.
That said, there was some debate, pre-release, concerning whether this was going to wind up ripping off Fable or (3D) Zelda.  Allow me to set the record straight.  It’s Zelda through-and-through.  Orphaned hero?  Check.  Talking tree being invaded by a giant demon insect that must be killed?  Check.  Talking fairy companion?  Check (her name is Trixie!)  No experience points or levels?  Limited and measured, mostly story-driven equipment and power up progressions?  Out of the way exploration and collection of objects to boost health (and other stats)?  Set dungeons with unique inventory upgrades and related gimmicks, culminating in a boss battle and the collection of a story artifact?  Check, check, check, check.
The game hews close to the Ocarina of Time formula, though it presents the adventure in more traditional (and perhaps more familiar) Western high-fantasy trappings.  Helpless villagers, kobolds, orcs, racial strife, evil gods long buried, etc.  It adopts a few other non-Zelda conventions here and there, such as a World of Warcraft style questing system, though one much more streamlined and without much of the slog and grind.  At any given point you’re welcome to pursue side quests along with the main story quests, and occasionally you’ll even have multiple story quests to tackle in the order you’d like.  There’s a pretty good sense of exploration and TONS of chests to find (though most only contain money).  But you’re constantly presented with the opportunity to trek off the beaten path while on the way to the next story trigger, and there’re usually tons of rewards to hunt down and enjoy.
The controls are well-implemented and relatively simple.  Gameloft have long mastered virtual game pad controls and the virtual analog stick and two main action buttons all do their jobs as well as can be expected given the platform’s constraints; and quite a bit better than most other developer’s efforts.  The two main action buttons are mainly context sensitive, but they work.  One allows you to swing your sword or equipped sub weapon, and also functions as an interaction button when standing near an NPC, chest, etc.  The other is primarily used to pull up your shield when standing still, or roll in the direction you’re moving.  It will also activate a sub-weapon’s secondary function, if applicable.  There’s a third button to summon and banish your horse (think Darksiders) if she’s available to you.
Sounds pretty good so far, no?
Well… there are problems.  Significant problems.
Some are to be expected (writing, hilaribad voice acting), and others are somewhat surprising.
The combat is ridiculously crude.  Block, roll, and a fixed (up to four hits) combo of sword attacks.
No interesting sword slash/spin variations, no repertoire of unique combos for different scenarios, no counters or combo finishers.
I imagine that equipment upgrades later on (boomerang, grappling hook, etc.) might serve to mix things up a bit, but it won’t be enough.
There’s no lock on or target switching when fighting, which is a horrible oversight considering how atrocious the camera is.
If you do NOT hold the virtual analog stick down in a direction when slashing, Ayden will at least orient himself towards the nearest creature, but since there’s no camera lock, you’ll commonly find yourself slashing away against off-screen enemies since the game’s camera simply does not keep up.
To add insult to injury, when moving around, the camera almost randomly floats in one direction or another, so you’ll CONSTANTLY be micromanaging it in and out of combat.  It quickly becomes tedious, since manual camera control requires generous swiping across the screen, which means you’ll either have to free up your analog stick or attack button hands to do so.  And you’ll be doing so constantly, either to orient the camera towards baddies while fighting, or to compensate for its almost random wandering while exploring.
It’s not so terrible most of the time, but the camera truly breaks during boss battles.  Unforgivably slow.
The first major boss battle is that demon insect inside the roots of a giant talking tree that I mentioned above.
The damn thing is flying most of the time, and the camera, by default, likes to show the ground.
So you’ll have to constantly adjust it to keep the giant flying bug in sight, particularly when you’re struggling to line up a throw of your quickly defusing bomb to explode near the creature’s glowing weak point (its ass), necessary to knock it out of the air and render it vulnerable to true damage from your blade.  The boss scenario sounds painfully familiar, doesn’t it?  The camera, on the other hand, is just painful.
Honestly, I’m a sucker for any game that drops me in some kind of fantasy world equipped with a sword, shield, magic, and environments geared towards rewarding exploration.  So in that sense, I think the game delivers splendidly.  Also worth noting, perhaps, is that they seem to have applied a Metroid Prime-like system of audio cues for out-of-sight goodies that, presumably, I’ll be able to collect once I acquire the boomerang, grappling hook, etc.  I hope they can fix the camera issues in a later patch, because this has the potential to be a fairly solid adventure.  It’s a free download but will, at some point, require a $6.99 IAP to unlock the full game.  It seems like there will be 4 main dungeons, of which I may have already completed 1.  I’m not 100% that it counts as one of the major dungeons or not.


Gamecocks625 said:
Pizza Boy is about as good as it gets on iOS, in my opinion. That's the only one that I've really felt like the controls didn't get in the way of what I wanted to do.
Its not that they get in the way. They just don't feel "natural". Ya know the feeling of touching a physical D-Pad in say Mario and you do a jump? It just feels right. In fact there are a lot of game types I think can't be done RIGHT on an iDevice without some type of physical control. I was playing the Mortal Kombat for the iPhone/iPod touch and just feels awkward.


Gold Member
Mejilan said:
The Quest is the best portable CRPG I've ever played.
A decade ago it would have been right at home on our old 486s.
Hell, it'd still be welcome on any PC of mine.

Fantastic game. Like a blending of my favorite elements of Might & Magic and Elder Scrolls.

Have you played Undercroft? It's free, more of a dungeon crawler I think, but I'd be curious how you felt the two compare. Obviously the quest is the bigger game (not even counting the expansion), and I have a feeling better.
Two things I've been meaning to say for a while:

1.) A good virtual d-pad works just fine. Good tilt control is just fine too. Interfaces are changing all over the place. Evolve with it or become that old guy who still only listens to Fleetwood Mac.

2.) Games start out high-priced and get discounted not because the people who publish them are trying to fuck you over, but because they're trying to separate out the people who are willing to pay more. They want to make that money, then move on to the cheaper crowd.

It's exactly like movies: You don't want to spend $20 at the theater? How about $10 on on-demand. How about renting it through Netflix? Still not cheap enough? How about TV with commercials? This is just basic economics these days. You pay more for early access.
Baconbitz said:
Its not that they get in the way. They just don't feel "natural". Ya know the feeling of touching a physical D-Pad in say Mario and you do a jump? It just feels right. In fact there are a lot of game types I think can't be done RIGHT on an iDevice without some type of physical control. I was playing the Mortal Kombat for the iPhone/iPod touch and just feels awkward.

Mortal Kombat always feels awkward. It's terrible.


Head's up - the entire Adult Swim Games catalog on the App Store are now just 99 cents for a limited time.


That means:

Robot Unicorn Attack (the original on iPhone and iPad, Heavy Metal and Christmas)
Amateur Surgeon 2
Five Minutes to Kill (Yourself)
Amateur Surgeon (on iPhone and iPad)
My Li'l Bastard
Spell My Finger

All 99 cents.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Minsc said:
Have you played Undercroft? It's free, more of a dungeon crawler I think, but I'd be curious how you felt the two compare. Obviously the quest is the bigger game (not even counting the expansion), and I have a feeling better.
Yep. Good, but not good enough to pull me away from the Quest when the mood strikes.

The Quest is like a scaled down and refocused Elder Scrolls game with M&M turn-based and grid exploration and combat.

Underbrush is like a scaled up marriage of Eye of the Beholder and M&M.


Robert Ashley said:
1.) A good virtual d-pad works just fine. Good tilt control is just fine too. Interfaces are changing all over the place. Evolve with it or become that old guy who still only listens to Fleetwood Mac.
You can be my Stevie Nicks, Rob.


Baconbitz said:
Its not that they get in the way. They just don't feel "natural". Ya know the feeling of touching a physical D-Pad in say Mario and you do a jump? It just feels right. In fact there are a lot of game types I think can't be done RIGHT on an iDevice without some type of physical control. I was playing the Mortal Kombat for the iPhone/iPod touch and just feels awkward.
I have a feeling the Tactile Plus overlays would help in League of Evil just cause it'd give you a feel of where the center is...on the other hand it doesn't appear to have a dead zone between the buttons so I could see that being a problem, as long as your finger is there you're going to be constantly moving. I guess I'll try it some time later today.


Running off of Custom Firmware
dream said:
You guys should ask Mejilan to show you his The Quest folder. :p
Hark! Smells like an opportunity to post screens of my heavily customized SpringBoard!


Page 1 of my SpringBoard, aka my home screen.
And who says that the iPhone can't do Android-style widgets!?
(PagePerHTML, Cydia)


Page 2 is a bit more generic, but thanks to Gridlock (Cydia), my icons don't auto-sort up and left to fill in blank spaces!


Page 3 has most of my games, organized into convenient folders.  You'll notice that the dock is displaying icons 5-8.  I can scroll home pages and dock pages independently thanks to ScrollingBoard (Cydia), which also does much more than that.  Hey, is that the rumored Quest folder?!


Oh my goodness.  iPad-like SpringBoard rotation on an iPhone?!  (SBRotator4, Cydia)


And finally, displaying the contents of that magical Quest folder.  FolderEnhancer (Cydia) makes folders pretty, allows us to insert folders within folders, and breaks Apple's ridiculous 12 app per folder limit.  Good thing, too, because as you can well see, I'd be over the 12 app limit thanks to the 3 new expansions released since I last provided screenies of my iPhone's SpringBoard!


If you've a keen eye, you might also have noticed the progression of my widescreen wallpaper as I went from page to page of my SpringBoard.  Normally, the iPhone would scale a widescreen wallpaper down to fit the horizontal limits, basically reducing it to a thumbnail with large black borders on the top and bottom, but thanks to Parallax (Cydia, seeing a pattern here?), I'm now sporting Android-like widescreen wallpaper scrolling as well!
I have a question about one of the early puzzles in Broken Sword: Director's Cut. I think my problem may be that I'm missing a mechanic of how to get objects to interact with each other.

I've gotten past two lock puzzles and entered a small room near a river. There is a hole in the wall that has the words "Sinister" and "Dexter" beside it. I'm fairly certain I need to put the stone cylinder into it but I can't figure out how. Has anybody done this?

Any help would be appreciated.


Mejilan said:
Hark! Smells like an opportunity to post screens of my heavily customized SpringBoard!

Page 3 has most of my games, organized into convenient folders.  You'll notice that the dock is displaying icons 5-8.  I can scroll home pages and dock pages independently thanks to ScrollingBoard (Cydia), which also does much more than that.  Hey, is that the rumored Quest folder?!

Oh my goodness.  iPad-like SpringBoard rotation on an iPhone?!  (SBRotator4, Cydia)

And finally, displaying the contents of that magical Quest folder.  FolderEnhancer (Cydia) makes folders pretty, allows us to insert folders within folders, and breaks Apple's ridiculous 12 app per folder limit.  Good thing, too, because as you can well see, I'd be over the 12 app limit thanks to the 3 new expansions released since I last provided screenies of my iPhone's SpringBoard!


If you've a keen eye, you might also have noticed the progression of my widescreen wallpaper as I went from page to page of my SpringBoard.  Normally, the iPhone would scale a widescreen wallpaper down to fit the horizontal limits, basically reducing it to a thumbnail with large black borders on the top and bottom, but thanks to Parallax (Cydia, seeing a pattern here?), I'm now sporting Android-like widescreen wallpaper scrolling as well!
Why do you have The Quest Gold and The Quest vanilla? Doesn't the Gold version cover all the bases?


Running off of Custom Firmware
heringer said:
Why do you have The Quest Gold and The Quest vanilla? Doesn't the Gold version cover all the bases?
That would fall under the category of 'woops, my bad!'
Something about falling in love with the original app within minutes, then running over to my PC, searching for the expansions, and furiously clicking on BUY! BUY! BUY! at least once too many times! :D
heringer said:
Played the lite version of The Quest. Not sure if it's my kind of game. I love RPG's, I liked the art, writting and general direction of the game, but the thing gives me headaches after a while. Also, I think this kind of game is better suited to dungeon crawling, like Orcs and Elves. Not sure if it works as a huge open world game since navigation is kind of a chore and you can get easily lost.
This isn't a problem, you just have to know about the map. Touch the tiny map in the bottom left to see a big, full-screen map of the area you're in, then press the zoomed-out map icon to see the map of the whole island. When you're in this view you can click anywhere to see the name of the area, so if someone tells you to rescue their wife in Dark Pine Forest, or something like that, you just go to the world map and look around for the Dark Pine Forest, even if you've never been there before.

You can also buy the spells that let you warp to anywhere you've been to in the first town, and there's a quest log where you can see all your active, solved and failed quests that you can look at if you forget where you have to go.


Neo Member
Jedeye Sniv said:
Ah god fucking dammit, League of Evil doesn't allow iPod playback. Give me my 59p back you bastards! (only half kidding...) Hey, iOS devs, when will you wise up and let us play music while playing your games? Yeah, your chiptunes are fine but I don't care, I want to listen to a podcast.

This goes for Pixfall as well. Great game (the update is fantastic) but it repeats the same minute of music forever. Booooo!

The music is actually 2:32... This is how time flies when you play PIXFALL :D

Btw. I think that the news about everything new for PIXFALL went lost, so let me write it one more time:

PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! has become a huge success.
Players around the world are accepting the challenge to score the fabled 50.000, as we see tens of thousands of them downloading the game.

Great news from our side keep coming.

We would like to ask you to make this fully official and inform your readers, that we will award first player to score
50.000 in PIXFALL with a brand new iPod Touch, PlayStation 3 or an Xbox 360!
We already submitted the version 1.1. It delivers better collision system, iOS 4.0 support and graphic tweaks.
Apple features PIXFALL as New and Noteworthy. We are very thankful and use it as a proof of originality and quality behind PIXFALL.
In the meantime we prepared a short trailer of the game. Just head over to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfY5sCMU-A4
PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! is also very high at the App Store among free arcade games in UK, Germany, Japan and Poland!

I am also very pleased to tell you, that the game remains FREE!

Just to remind you:


Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pixfall-try-to-score-50-000/id415172437?mt=8

Price: FREE
Mejilan said:
That would fall under the category of 'woops, my bad!'
Something about falling in love with the original app within minutes, then running over to my PC, searching for the expansions, and furiously clicking on BUY! BUY! BUY! at least once too many times! :D

What app(s) are you using for your home screen, to get the big calender, weather thing?


Will drop pants for Sony.
FREE versions of Eternal Legacy, Dungeon Hunter 2 and Shadow Guardian for iPhone and iPod touch are now available on the App Store!


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone
I've had an iPhone for a few years now, but never paid for a single game or app. I just got an iPad for my birthday last week, and seeing how I had to sell off my DS and PSP to pay a ticket last year, I wanted some decent portable games.

I am currently entrenched in Puzzle Quest 2, which is rapturously beautiful on the iPad. I also downloaded Broken Sword and Pictureka but have only played a little bit of those.


Gamecocks625 said:
Pizza Boy is about as good as it gets on iOS, in my opinion. That's the only one that I've really felt like the controls didn't get in the way of what I wanted to do.
Pizza Boy is definitely among the best on iOS. However, did you also check out Soosiz, They Need To Be Fed and Bounce On? In my opinion, all three are great platformers with spot-on controls, too.

I'm also enjoying League of Evil so far, the lack of a physical d-pad could become problematic once the levels get harder and require more precise control, though.

Jedeye Sniv

Baconbitz said:
Its not that they get in the way. They just don't feel "natural". Ya know the feeling of touching a physical D-Pad in say Mario and you do a jump? It just feels right. In fact there are a lot of game types I think can't be done RIGHT on an iDevice without some type of physical control. I was playing the Mortal Kombat for the iPhone/iPod touch and just feels awkward.

I hear you, but disagree a little. I DLed and played a fair bit of Pizza Boy and League of Evil today and I think that League's controls are way better than Pizza Boy's. I'm not quite sure what it is, I think it's that the d-pad is slightly more to the left in League of Evil and it just feels better to my thumb. In PB I kept pressing the wrong direction by accident, as well as the aforementioned loss of momentum when you take your finger off the direction button. By comparison League of Evil feels just right. Over about an hour of play I never once hit the wrong direction, even with some quite frantic button pressing on occasion.

League isn't entirely perfect though. The music/iPod issue is just stupid, and the games music quickly becomes tiresome especially on headphones. Also, the are some minor issues of slowdown or framedrops. It's not horrific but it's enough to take some of the shine off the experience.

Still, it's a great game and the small, Meat Boy esque levels are a perfect fit for the platform. I'll definitely be playing more.

Jedeye Sniv

qsh said:
The music is actually 2:32... This is how time flies when you play PIXFALL :D

Btw. I think that the news about everything new for PIXFALL went lost, so let me write it one more time:

PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! has become a huge success.
Players around the world are accepting the challenge to score the fabled 50.000, as we see tens of thousands of them downloading the game.

Great news from our side keep coming.

We would like to ask you to make this fully official and inform your readers, that we will award first player to score
50.000 in PIXFALL with a brand new iPod Touch, PlayStation 3 or an Xbox 360!
We already submitted the version 1.1. It delivers better collision system, iOS 4.0 support and graphic tweaks.
Apple features PIXFALL as New and Noteworthy. We are very thankful and use it as a proof of originality and quality behind PIXFALL.
In the meantime we prepared a short trailer of the game. Just head over to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfY5sCMU-A4
PIXFALL: Try to score 50.000! is also very high at the App Store among free arcade games in UK, Germany, Japan and Poland!

I am also very pleased to tell you, that the game remains FREE!

Just to remind you:


Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pixfall-try-to-score-50-000/id415172437?mt=8

Price: FREE

haha! As I say, I absolutely love the game, the niggles I had with the collision have been entirely cleared up with the new version and it feels just right to play now which is great. If you could just let me listen to podcasts it would be an almost perfect game for me. Hit 10k last night, encroaching on that prize!

Still, for free it's a bargain, everyone should download this right now.


So Jon Hare is handling the conversion of Speedball 2.

This is like the video game equivalent of Martin Scorsese remaking Schindler's List. I'm very confused and conflicted :/


Running off of Custom Firmware
number1jagsfan said:
What app(s) are you using for your home screen, to get the big calender, weather thing?
I listed the tweak in my post. PagePerHTML is available for free on Cydia.


Robert Ashley said:
Two things I've been meaning to say for a while:

Evolve with it or become that old guy who still only listens to Fleetwood Mac.

so true. as much as i hate on-screen controls, i've actually become quite awesome at using them. really just takes a bit more focus and precision since there's no tactile feedback.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Mejilan said:
The Quest is the best portable CRPG I've ever played.
A decade ago it would have been right at home on our old 486s.
Hell, it'd still be welcome on any PC of mine.

Fantastic game. Like a blending of my favorite elements of Might & Magic and Elder Scrolls.

Just grabbed it last night can't wait to fire it up today while waiting at the immigration office..


Mejilan has a good write up on DMC4. It is cool to have a miniature version to play for a couple bucks. As long as you aren't expecting the complete DMC experience you should be ok. It won't replace playing the game on 360/PS3/PC.

Foob said:
league of evil is fucking sweeeeet

Yeah it is really cool game. If someone enjoys Super Meat Boy I'd say check it out.


SuperPac said:
Head's up - the entire Adult Swim Games catalog on the App Store are now just 99 cents for a limited time.


That means:

Robot Unicorn Attack (the original on iPhone and iPad, Heavy Metal and Christmas)
Amateur Surgeon 2
Five Minutes to Kill (Yourself)
Amateur Surgeon (on iPhone and iPad)
My Li'l Bastard
Spell My Finger

All 99 cents.

are any of them good besides Robot Unicorn Attack?
Just tried League of Evil lite. Controls are surprisingly good. I do occasionally hit left/right when I don't mean to or neglect to move my thumb enough to jump away from a wall but the double jump allows for some control quirks without it meaning instant death.

It definitely reminds me of Super Meat Boy. The Briefcases in the levels are like bandages and there is an emphasis on wall jumping but it still has its own feel as well. Looks nice too.
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