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The iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming |OT2| Part II

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krypt0nian said:
Thankfully they provide us with games that others don't see fit to port to iOS. For that alone they get my dollars.

And ripping off EA or Activision is far more noble than what Tiny Wings did. Ripping off a small dev that did put love into his small game and taking it to #1 game on the charts.

Gameloft does more for the iOS platform than anyone besides Apple.

This is shitload of stupid in one post. I can't even believe this.


Don't really get the outrage over Tiny Wings.

Wavespark creator will probably get more exposure than he ever had before and if he has some good ideas, maybe he'll be motivated to do something with them instead of the game a week thing he seemed attached to.


Narag said:
Don't really get the outrage over Tiny Wings.

Wavespark creator will probably get more exposure than he ever had before and if he has some good ideas, maybe he'll be motivated to do something with them instead of the game a week thing he seemed attached to.
Nah. Most people who bought Tiny Wings still will have no idea wavespark exists, and all the money tiny wings made is something wavespark dev will never be able to get, since even if he releases the game on ios he'll seem like a clone. Same thing happened to crush the castle.

While if Blizzard released Starcraft on ipad it would still sell like gangbusters, even though Gameloft made a clone of it, because it has name recognition.


Aaron said:
Nah. Most people who bought Tiny Wings still will have no idea wavespark exists, and all the money tiny wings made is something wavespark dev will never be able to get, since even if he releases the game on ios he'll seem like a clone. Same thing happened to crush the castle.

While if Blizzard released Starcraft on ipad it would still sell like gangbusters, even though Gameloft made a clone of it, because it has name recognition.

I more meant his other games should he develop the desire to flesh them out rather than complain about someone doing the work he wasn't willing to do. I was going through his site and there was a lot of crap but I thought the combination breakout/spaceinvader/missle command game seemed like a nice premise.


Aaron said:
Nah. Most people who bought Tiny Wings still will have no idea wavespark exists, and all the money tiny wings made is something wavespark dev will never be able to get, since even if he releases the game on ios he'll seem like a clone. Same thing happened to crush the castle.

While if Blizzard released Starcraft on ipad it would still sell like gangbusters, even though Gameloft made a clone of it, because it has name recognition.

I'd buy any blizzard product on iOS. BLIZZARD HAS ME BY THE NECK. D:


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
krypt0nian said:
Too bad I'm correct, huh?
Can't agree with you at all about gameloft. They just don't have the vision to do anything truly great for the platform, their stuff feels shoehorned into the iPhone interface as it is.
finally got around to playing phoenix wright after getting it and street fighter 4 for 99 cents each. all i can say is...HOLY HELL WHY HAVENT I PLAYED THIS GAME EARLIER???????????
secretanchitman said:
finally got around to playing phoenix wright after getting it and street fighter 4 for 99 cents each. all i can say is...HOLY HELL WHY HAVENT I PLAYED THIS GAME EARLIER???????????
Ahhh yes... Another one sees the light. Make sure you stop by the 999 and visual novel thread if this sort of thing tickles your fancy.


Robert Ashley said:



Aaron said:
while talk about 'love' for some dev who clearly ripped off another game wholesale and didn't say a word about it?

clearly did what? as someone else already pointed out

big_z said:
There's been flash games like tiny wings years ago. Angry birds isn't original either, in fact very few games on iPhone are original ideas. A lot of it us just spruced up flash concepts.

so who's to say that even Wavespark is original? or that the Tiny Wings dev even saw that? none of us had heard of it before but you automatically assume he did?

let's just say it already

The Simpsons did it!


graywolf323 said:
so who's to say that even Wavespark is original? or that the Tiny Wings dev even saw that? none of us had heard of it before but you automatically assume he did?

let's just say it already

The Simpsons did it!

Yeah, I'm not sure why everyone is acting like the gameplay concept is all that original. At its core, the gameplay could just as easily be boiled down to: Trials without explosions and even more simplified controls.

It's not exactly new to have a game that makes use of momentum and physics to travel faster and higher over a curving track. Is the difference that it's a one button press design? Is that what everyone thinks is super innovative?


I hear the Tiny Wings creator sleeps nude in an oxygen tank which he believes gives him sexual powers.

In all seriousness though, no whimsy no sale. The yahooooo when the bird shoots off to the next island is worth the $1 in itself.
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
Ahhh yes... Another one sees the light. Make sure you stop by the 999 and visual novel thread if this sort of thing tickles your fancy.

it rekindled my love of adventure/text games. i havent played a good one in a long time (besides the monkey island episodes). im glad my brother has a DS because im definitely going to get 999 and the other phoenix wright games now!
diss said:
I hear the Tiny Wings creator sleeps nude in an oxygen tank which he believes gives him sexual powers.

In all seriousness though, no whimsy no sale. The yahooooo when the bird shoots off to the next island is worth the $1 in itself.
An oxygen tent you mean?

And as for the supposed ripping off of Sparkwave, I'd think we'd all feel quite different were we in the shoes of Sparkwave's creator. It's hard to see someone else make money off of a concept that's similar to yours.

secretanchitman said:
it rekindled my love of adventure/text games. i havent played a good one in a long time (besides the monkey island episodes). im glad my brother has a DS because im definitely going to get 999 and the other phoenix wright games now!
Good man. Prepare to have your mind blown if that's the case.


Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
And as for the supposed ripping off of Sparkwave, I'd think we'd all feel quite different were we in the shoes of Sparkwave's creator. It's hard to see someone else make money off of a concept that's similar to yours..

the clapper was my idea >_< clap on clap off
Dynamite Ringo Matsuri said:
An oxygen tent you mean?

And as for the supposed ripping off of Sparkwave, I'd think we'd all feel quite different were we in the shoes of Sparkwave's creator. It's hard to see someone else make money off of a concept that's similar to yours.

Good man. Prepare to have your mind blown if that's the case.

also, that thread of visual novels...i think im going to go insane. loving that thread right now.
Jonnyram said:
You have to be kidding me.

Not at all. The overwhelming majority of iOS game players don't care who is being "ripped off". They just want the games that they enjoy on other platforms, and Gameloft provides. They bring the ports that the original companies don't choose to bring to the millions of iOS users. This makes the App Store that much more valuable as far as mindshare.

This is not a difficult concept to get your head around. Gameloft fills a very important place in the scheme of things on iOS, and your personal distaste for their practices doesn't change this fact.

The M.O.B

I could care less about who ripped off who, appstore is full of it.

What i do care about is getting a update for tiny wings fixing the crashing when a notification pops up. :D


krypt0nian said:
Not at all. The overwhelming majority of iOS game players don't care who is being "ripped off". They just want the games that they enjoy on other platforms, and Gameloft provides. They bring the ports that the original companies don't choose to bring to the millions of iOS users. This makes the App Store that much more valuable as far as mindshare.

This is not a difficult concept to get your head around. Gameloft fills a very important place in the scheme of things on iOS, and your personal distaste for their practices doesn't change this fact.

I purchased Lets Golf 2 thinking it would be a well made game, with a high degree of polish.

I was wrong.


Burger said:
I purchased Lets Golf 2 thinking it would be a well made game, with a high degree of polish.

I was wrong.
Yet their RealGolf2011 is the most polished golf game on ios. Different teams within Gameloft producing different results. Not everyone is going to be a winner.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Idea and gameplay mechanics are just 1/3 of a game.
2/3 is the execution.
That's why Uncharted is good and Shadow Guardian sucks balls.
That's why Tiny Wings is a brilliant little game that can exist on its own, that's why it doesn't matter if there's a TW spiritual "father" out there that is worse/better/just as good.


GDJustin said:
I'm sorry, but:

- Did the Wavespark creator conceive of a whimsical, painterly, Seuss-esque graphic style?
- Did he write the soothing music tune?
- Did he write the code for procedurally-generated terrain?
- Did he have the idea of splitting the land scape into distinct islands?
- Did he have the idea of racing against time / against the night?
- Does Wavespark's scoring system work like Tiny Wings?
- Does Wavespark have a system where completing specific challenges raises the score multiplier?
- Did he conceive of a bird in flight as the player character?
- Did he make an iOS port of his title?
- Does the math behind the gravity calculations work the same in both games? ie is the hero just as "heavy" in both games?

...those were all off the top of my head. Tiny Wings deserves all of its success. Everything is a Remix.

60_gig_PS3 said:
Wavespark is hardly original. There's a just like for 360 called sin(surfing)
and before that it was called Excitebike.

The jumping in Tiny Wings is straight out of Mario 64.

THIS. Stop bitchin. This is NOTHING like Gameloft mimicking entire games from gameplay and art design to the name itself. Tiny Wings is just as much a rip off as much as tower defense games are ripped off from whatever was the first tower defense game.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Do you guys know if iOS games leaderboards are full of cheaters? That would definetely amper my enjoyment for a good number of the games I play.

Does jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad means you can cheat on games?
I'm asking because I just don't see how is it possible to reach certain scores on some games.
For example, in the Pinball HD leaderboards there are several people with exactly the same (outrageous) scores but I thought that maybe those were still legit and just some kind of bug. Even more strange, looking at Cut The Rope - Christmas I saw that the top scores are millions ahead of mines.
How the fuck would that even be possible? I have 3 stars and shaved off every second, maybe I can still cut a couple off the total but that would make no diffefence: I'm #1 on my 40 plus friends list and I'd need 100x or more my score to reach the top on the leaderboard.
Or there is some way to score massive points that I"m not aware of?

Jedeye Sniv

Lovely Salsa said:
Are there any good games like Dead Space releasing soon? Or are we stuck with shitty games that suck ass?

The fuck? Do you live on Bizarro world or something? Because here on Earth Dead Space iOS was a pile of boring crap with fairly decent controls. In other news, Gameloft have got a sale on, you might find something there to your tastes.


Dash Kappei said:
Do you guys know if iOS games leaderboards are full of cheaters? That would definetely amper my enjoyment for a good number of the games I play.

Does jailbreaking your iPhone/iPad means you can cheat on games?
I'm asking because I just don't see how is it possible to reach certain scores on some games.
For example, in the Pinball HD leaderboards there are several people with exactly the same (outrageous) scores but I thought that maybe those were still legit and just some kind of bug. Even more strange, looking at Cut The Rope - Christmas I saw that the top scores are millions ahead of mines.
How the fuck would that even be possible? I have 3 stars and shaved off every second, maybe I can still cut a couple off the total but that would make no diffefence: I'm #1 on my 40 plus friends list and I'd need 100x or more my score to reach the top on the leaderboard.
Or there is some way to score massive points that I"m not aware of?

I´m sure there is a lot of cheating going on... My wife enjoys playing solitaire. So I donwloaded A game called Full Deck Solitaire (which is free and great)..
After one night of playing she was nr. 1 in the world in the game called Montana. I thought that was pretty cool. So I wanted to see how she was doing in the other card games. And she is nowhere near the top.. So I checked some of the games. Most of the games are easy .. and it´s pretty easy to see that people are cheating.. One game I was trying to beat the record in is called Pyramid. I finished the game very fast and scored (what I thought was) a big amount of points. 11.000 .. Happy about my score I went to check the highscore list. I was like nr. 1400.. wtf..? and the first 8 or 10 people are all having scores of 90.000 or over 100.000 points.. that is freaking impossible.. no way you can score that much..
But My wife is now nr. 2 on the Montana highcore list, with a decent score of around 31.000 and nr. 1. is posting a score op 32.500. so (for now) there is no cheating on that list..
Pastry said:
This is a random question but are app reviews unique to the seperate countries app store? Occasionally I will see a review in a different language but they probably just have accounts with the US app store?

I think there might be some pooling going on. I'm buying from Polish store, and there are barely any reviews, therefore I know a lone English review is simply someone in Poland writing in English.

When I check the reviews on US store a lot of games by Chinese companies have reviews in Chinese, not English.

TL;DR: My guess is reviews are tied to a store region, but people can publish reviews in any language they want.


Wow @ all the Tiny Wings drama

It's not about who does things first, its about who does them best.

The game oozes thought, creativity, polish and talent. The dev has a history of making slick little apps like http://microsia.de/ so i don't believe he's a rip-off merchant in it for the cash.

Until he starts milking the franchise dry for every last penny (a la Rovio) he gets a virtual high five from me.


Castor Krieg said:
I think there might be some pooling going on. I'm buying from Polish store, and there are barely any reviews, therefore I know a lone English review is simply someone in Poland writing in English.

When I check the reviews on US store a lot of games by Chinese companies have reviews in Chinese, not English.

TL;DR: My guess is reviews are tied to a store region, but people can publish reviews in any language they want.

Yeah reviews are country-specific. It's just that some people don't know that, so they write in english.


Gold Member
While we're on a Gameloft hating kick, anyone try Starfront Collision yet? A few people posted in the joke thread it was pretty fun, but I read a review from TA or appadvice or somewhere else a few days ago saying it was the best RTS on iOS by a long shot, curious if anyone else has tried it. It's free so I'll pick it up eventually, but if the review of it I read is even 1/4th correct, it may surprise some of the haters.
Minsc said:
While we're on a Gameloft hating kick, anyone try Starfront Collision yet? A few people posted in the joke thread it was pretty fun, but I read a review from TA or appadvice or somewhere else a few days ago saying it was the best RTS on iOS by a long shot, curious if anyone else has tried it. It's free so I'll pick it up eventually, but if the review of it I read is even 1/4th correct, it may surprise some of the haters.

It's freemium game, so only the first few levels are free. Gameloft gave me a review code for it, and I'm gonna check it out today. I'll post some stuff if you're interested.
I know that in this particular forum the majority of iOS gamers prefer cute, fun time wasters like Tiny Wings but I'm surprised that some of you can't even acknowledge that Gameloft provides a great service and fills a void in the app store that others don't, even if you don't personally enjoy their imitation tactic/style/etc.

neojubei said:
Anyone seen the Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard screenshots?



Looks pretty good for an iphone game

Definitely need this.


force push the doodoo rock
Robert Ashley said:
Having a good idea is only 5% of making something like this. It's all in the execution. This other game is basically a sketch. What you like about Tiny Wings is the execution and polish on that idea. To call it a rip off is to diminish the crazy amount of work that went into making it great.



Gold Member
Vinterbird said:
It's freemium game, so only the first few levels are free. Gameloft gave me a review code for it, and I'm gonna check it out today. I'll post some stuff if you're interested.

Sure, thanks! I'll check it out either way eventually (unless you're thoroughly convinced it's crap and portray it well enough to scare me away), but I wouldn't mind reading a few thoughts from someone who's not going in with their mind already made up.

I am just not as fond as demos with in-app purchasing in place of buying the game, since I believe there'll be no way to play the game if the company goes off the app-store, since when you delete apps from your device it doesn't save what you've bought inside them when you put them back on... so if you bought in-app content and their servers were gone, you'd lose it and be unable to get it back... in this case that content being the actual game.

So that means 99c tops for me.
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