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The iPhone 4 |OT|

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dream said:
By not loading Flash elements?

By having the option, I know Apple fans don't know what options are, to either always load or load on demand, or never load. Solves the battery draining issue and you get access to the content when needed. Seems like a win-win solution IMO rather than restricting your access to the Internet.


I mean, I don't disagree that having the option is a good thing. I just don't think it's much of an issue in 2011, especially when Adobe is providing their own solutions to migrate from Flash to something that's more widely supported.
dream said:
I mean, I don't disagree that having the option is a good thing. I just don't think it's much of an issue in 2011, especially when Adobe is providing their own solutions to migrate from Flash to something that's more widely supported.

It's less of an issue in 2011 than it was in 2008, but I still think it's an issue since I still run into it fairly frequently. An example, a couple weeks ago when Steam was having their summer sale, I was out and away from my computer but I wanted to make sure I got in on the deal on a game. The game's page had video showing what the game was like but I couldn't view it on my iPhone because it needed flash.
LightOfTruth said:
why dont they support flash anyway? That's seriously dumb.

for flash video there's an app for that, for games there's dedicated app market place. For restaurant websites dedicated to the use of flash there's hell for them.


shattered my screen yesterday. today apple gave me a brand new phone for free even though i was 20 days out of warranty (no applecare either) :D


LyleLanley said:
Are we really having a flash discussion in here? If flash is that important to you then an iOS device is not the right device for you.
This argument reminds me of people saying they would not ditch Windows Mobile because you can not use a stylus on the iPhone. I think the flash argument will be seen to be as foolish in another 2 years.

The iPhone4 is the perfect phone for me because it is fast, has a great screen and the best in class battery life. Those are the most important things for me in a smartphone. Hardware wise the only thing I want them to improve is to move the screen to the edges to give us more room to work with (without increasing the size of the phone or hurting battery life).

Most of the things I want changed with the iPhone4 have to do with software. They are updating the push notifications and addressing my biggest want, but I also wish that I could assign certain settings to an icon or that it could be accessed from the home screen.
B!TCH said:
Why do people keep defending Flash in the first place? That's fucking retarded.

Read this,

and this,

HTML5 is by no means perfect in its current state but it will get there eventually. Defending Flash as the way to move forward is as asinine as defending the continued use of Internet Explorer 6.

Nobody is saying that Flash is better than HTML5. What's silly is trying to say that Flash isn't out there and relevent at this point in time and certainly for some time to come. Some people just want access to all of the Internet, not most of it.


Are there really that many of those people, though? For all the talk of "we give you access to the full web!" from RIM and HP, they're not selling very many PlayBooks and TouchPads.
I always giggle to myself when I see them mention flash in commercials. They truly don't understand consumers/marketing.

Anyway yeah, I'm on Wind mobile in Canada, which is why I said I hope they make an AWS phone. My plan right now is unlimited talk (canada wide) and data (yep) for 40 bucks. If I could use an iphone with that I will be perfect. I hope they plan to just say fuggit and unleash it on all carriers come release.
dream said:
Are there really that many of those people, though? For all the talk of "we give you access to the full web!" from RIM and HP, they're not selling very many PlayBooks and TouchPads.

Popularity/Sales != Better

I'm sure plenty of people will tell you OSX is far superior to Windows and yet it only makes up 1 in 10 computers out there.

Hell, I don't like the fact that it lacks Flash and I acknowledge it's shortcoming, but that doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone nor that it doesn't have reasons to own one over Android. Buying a phone today, I'd probably still pick up an iPhone over Android.


dream said:
Are there really that many of those people, though? For all the talk of "we give you access to the full web!" from RIM and HP, they're not selling very many PlayBooks and TouchPads.
They don't understand the market and keep thinking that adding more features is the way to sell more mobile devices.

I won't say that anyone really understands the market outside of Apple though, because I thought the iPad would flop (as did many other people).


Marty Chinn said:
Popularity/Sales != Better

I'm sure plenty of people will tell you OSX is far superior to Windows and yet it only makes up 1 in 10 computers out there.

Hell, I don't like the fact that it lacks Flash and I acknowledge it's shortcoming, but that doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone nor that it doesn't have reasons to own one over Android. Buying a phone today, I'd probably still pick up an iPhone over Android.

I think that's why Adobe is providing migration paths away from Flash. The iOS experience is more important to most people than being able to access legacy content.
Marty Chinn said:
Popularity/Sales != Better

I'm sure plenty of people will tell you OSX is far superior to Windows and yet it only makes up 1 in 10 computers out there.

Hell, I don't like the fact that it lacks Flash and I acknowledge it's shortcoming, but that doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone nor that it doesn't have reasons to own one over Android. Buying a phone today, I'd probably still pick up an iPhone over Android.

I think the point he was making is that if flash was so important to most people Android would be crushing iOS in the phone/tablet market. Clearly most people don't view it as that important of a feature, just another checkmark on the box.


Marty Chinn said:
Hell, I don't like the fact that it lacks Flash and I acknowledge it's shortcoming, but that doesn't mean I don't like my iPhone nor that it doesn't have reasons to own one over Android. Buying a phone today, I'd probably still pick up an iPhone over Android.

My thoughts exactly. I love Apple's products, but I'd be thrilled if I didn't have to hop on my iMac to watch certain videos because they're not available on iOS.

LyleLanley said:
I think the point he was making is that if flash was so important to most people Android would be crushing iOS in the phone/tablet market. Clearly most people don't view it as that important of a feature, just another checkmark on the box.

I disagree. Most 'casual' users I know express their irritation at being unable to view Flash videos on their iPhones now and again. The positives of the iPhone eclipse the negative that is a lack of Flash, but that doesn't mean that it's a small or insignificant frustration to most users. Flash (or lack of it) can be extremely important to people without being important enough to push them into the Android camp.
LyleLanley said:
I think the point he was making is that if flash was so important to most people Android would be crushing iOS in the phone/tablet market. Clearly most people don't view it as that important of a feature, just another checkmark on the box.

But Android is crushing iOS in the phone market at least. I would never attribute that because Android has flash while iOS doesn't though, but let's not ignore that Android is doing better than iOS in the phone market now.

Also, according to recent sales, surprisingly, Android tablets have taken a bigger chunk of marketshare than I would have expected. There was some report that in the last quarter Android tablets were making up 30% of sales with the iPad 2 at 60%. Pretty significant jump for Android tablets IMO even if iPad is still outselling it.

dream said:
I think that's why Adobe is providing migration paths away from Flash. The iOS experience is more important to most people than being able to access legacy content.

It's not legacy content though. The content is current and relevent.


Marty Chinn said:
It's not legacy content though. The content is current and relevent.

But the delivery method is old and really doesn't need to exist anymore.

I'd blame this more on content providers being slow to migrate to a more modern delivery vehicle, really.
dream said:
But the delivery method is old and really doesn't need to exist anymore.

I'd blame this more on content providers being slow to migrate to a more modern delivery vehicle, really.

Well, old maybe; doesn't need to exist anymore is a different story. Remember, companies have invested in tools and technology and people who know how to use them. It's not as simple as flipping a switch in many cases. So again, it doesn't mean it's any less relevent at this point in time and the content it delivers is all new and current content that people want to see.

So we can point the fingers at whoever because they haven't changed or adapted, but regardless of all that, it doesn't change the fact that it's out there and all over the place. We can argue in 5 years maybe nobody will be using it, but 5 years from now, most of us won't be using these phones anymore and probably not the same tablets either, so arguing down the line doesn't seem fitting to me even if Apple's stance has pushed the movement forward. But at that point you're arguing philosophically rather than practicallity.

I know which one gets me the content and which one doesn't though and that is important to me. It's funny how we're supposedly in a "post PC" era yet both Apple tablets and phones force you to go back to a PC today and for the foreseeable future.
I'm so glad I posted my question right before a fucking "Flash on iOS" debate opened up. Fucking hooray.

Question: Is there any way to access the "trash" folder of an iPhone? I know it's possible to recover photos and shit but I accidentally deleted a Voice Memo and I'd like to get it back if that's at all possible. I haven't synced before or after making/deleting the recording so as far as my knowledge of how deleting things works, it's sitting in a bin somewhere on my iPhone waiting to be written over. How do I access it?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Are these phones like super vulnerable?

I was at the laundromat, and this girl came in to get her clothes. As she was leaving she fumbled her iPhone and it fell on the floor. She picked it up and it was cracked to all hell. It was in a case too. She didn't seem nearly as upset as I thought she would, just mainly embarrassed. I was like "Are you okay?" and she was like "Yeah. I work at Apple. I'll just get a replacement.


Trojita said:
Are these phones like super vulnerable?

I was at the laundromat, and this girl came in to get her clothes. As she was leaving she fumbled her iPhone and it fell on the floor. She picked it up and it was cracked to all hell. It was in a case too. She didn't seem nearly as upset as I thought she would, just mainly embarrassed. I was like "Are you okay?" and she was like "Yeah. I work at Apple. I'll just get a replacement.

You asked someone if they were okay when their phone broke?


-Pyromaniac- said:
I always giggle to myself when I see them mention flash in commercials. They truly don't understand consumers/marketing.
Worse are the multitasking commercials.

"Look at all these apps running at once!" Um, that's great and all, but you can't view a video and play a game at the same time. Lawd hammercy whoever is marketing the Playbook.
Trojita said:
Are these phones like super vulnerable?

I was at the laundromat, and this girl came in to get her clothes. As she was leaving she fumbled her iPhone and it fell on the floor. She picked it up and it was cracked to all hell. It was in a case too. She didn't seem nearly as upset as I thought she would, just mainly embarrassed. I was like "Are you okay?" and she was like "Yeah. I work at Apple. I'll just get a replacement.

You totally should have asked her about iPad 3 and then asked her if the new rumors about iPhone 5 are true and then ask about nano processors and then Flash and then...


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I honestly was thinking maybe it was an iPhone 5 prototype because of how quickly she shuffled the screen broken phone under her laundry.
Tobor said:
Take a guess. Lol.

Lol, once again jumping into the middle and not understanding how it started it. Here's a hint, I didn't do it. I just answered the guy's question and that should have been the end of it.


Ha. You guys are terrible.

Quick question, how much is battery performance affected by enabling the notification/cloud bells and whistles in ios 5 beta?


Marty Chinn said:
Lol, once again jumping into the middle and not understanding how it started it. Here's a hint, I didn't do it. I just answered the guy's question and that should have been the end of it.
I saw exactly how it started, thanks.


Copernicus said:
You asked someone if they were okay when their phone broke?

I'd have done the same thing if she was cute.

Chick: Oh, hot and salty tits. I dropped my iPhone, and the screen has shattered into a thousand shards of wasted love and broken dreams.

Aske: Are you okay? Do you need a ride to the Apple store? Or perhaps you'd like to get a coffee while we try to sort this out. Calm your nerves. You can use my iPhone and make some calls. And I have my MacBook Pro, sooooo...Or we could go back to my place. I have an iMac. Yes, it is Quad Core. You've never seen one before? Well let's rectify that. You can play with my Magic Mouse if you like. Oh! Hahahahanonono I didn't mean my penis! But you're welcome to practise your four finger swipes on that too...

kinggroin said:
Ha. You guys are terrible.

Quick question, how much is battery performance affected by enabling the notification/cloud bells and whistles in ios 5 beta?
Battery life for me has been amazing with all 4 betas of iOS 5. I'm running it on an iPhone 4.


Can someone dig up something about this:

What new case rumor is he talking about?


I love the design of the iPhone 4 but I recently spent some time handling some iPod touches and damn if I don’t want something thinner and lighter like that in my pocket. the only problem is that it looks and feels cheaper than the iPhone 4 (pretty much everything does, tbh).
LCfiner said:
I love the design of the iPhone 4 but I recently spent some time handling some iPod touches and damn if I don’t want something thinner and lighter like that in my pocket. the only problem is that it looks and feels cheaper than the iPhone 4 (pretty much everything does, tbh).
I rather have the phone feel more german, but that just me. Hoping for the same magic as the iphone 4.


My home button has seemingly become quite unresponsive at times, but it feels like maybe more of a software issue? I have been running the buggy-as-hell ETX Capital app which could explain it, but something doesn't feel right, and it's so frustrating to press it a few times and nothing happens.

I bought my phone about a year next week, so my warranty is almost up too (assuming you get a years free apple care?) hmmmm!


Gaaraz said:
My home button has seemingly become quite unresponsive at times, but it feels like maybe more of a software issue? I have been running the buggy-as-hell ETX Capital app which could explain it, but something doesn't feel right, and it's so frustrating to press it a few times and nothing happens.

I bought my phone about a year next week, so my warranty is almost up too (assuming you get a years free apple care?) hmmmm!
My girlfriends home button is on its way out too, and her screen has pressure cracks on it from doing nothing but carry it in her purse or pants pocket.

Faulty one imo.


xcrunner529 said:
So, what am I missing without Flash (real websites, useful sites please)?
Er, are you asking for suggestions of useful flash websites or are you expecting us to know your browsing habits, determine which are the flash sites you visit often and figure out if there are any iOS optimized replacements?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Marty Chinn said:
Well, old maybe; doesn't need to exist anymore is a different story. Remember, companies have invested in tools and technology and people who know how to use them. It's not as simple as flipping a switch in many cases. So again, it doesn't mean it's any less relevent at this point in time and the content it delivers is all new and current content that people want to see.
Flash is used a lot for marketing purposes as well (movie promo websites, etc) and the last thing people want to have there is site not working for some who don't have a modern browser. Now, that of course means building a separate version for mobile devices, but that would have to be done either way if you want optimal experience for mobile.

Gaaraz said:
My home button has seemingly become quite unresponsive at times, but it feels like maybe more of a software issue?
Replace it, as fast as you can, before your warranty runs out. It is NOT a software issue, I can all but guarantee you that. Tons of people have the same problem, myself included, the cause is fine dust buildup under the button. When I explained about the problem, they replaced my phone.
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