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'The Last of Us: Remastered' coming to PS4, July 2014, [1080p, targeting 60 fps]


Where are people getting this poor performance on PS3 claim from? I beat the game on that console and thought it was superbly nearly the whole way through,
Not sure what to say. It was a good, fun game, but it ran like ass. The first few hours were especially painful with tons of sub-30 drops. It was only because I got used to it after a while that I stopped noticing as much, but it always felt compromised, even in its best moments.



Yea, these comments are so outlandish.

I suppose people will get used to 60fps if more games go down that route
this gen. But that's a pretty huge "IF".

The bigger number is always more ideal, folks.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Throw some of that sony secret sauce at MORE BLOOOOOOOOD

I wanna pop heads of hunters begging for their lives and cover Ellie in skull chunks...

in fact... i would pay top godamned dollar for Joel and Ellie to re-create the "I shot Marvin in the face" scene from pulp fiction with ... saaayyy... i dunno ... Marlene in the back seat??

I'm gonna love playing the campaign again but I can't help being more excited to play the mp at 60fps. Imo every competitive multiplayer should be 60fps and this one will be amazing.


This isn't rocket science people, if a game engine can run at 1920X1080 (the resolution of the vast majority of HDTV's out there) and maintain 60 fps , then it should do so.

The only purpose of "cinematic" framerates (and using that phrasing is only a symptom of films limitations, it's really not a plus) is I suppose to make a game look like a movie. This is fine for story segments and cutscenes I suppose if , as the games director you WANT it to look like a movie. Gameplay though, will be that much more responsive and fluid no matter the genre with a higher framerate. Some games were built knowing the technical limitations of their target hardware so animation ended up keyframed in with the intent it would only ever run at 30 fps. Most games these days though, have physics engines and such that can just be ran at 15, 30, 60 hell, even 120 fps on PC , so it's not much to turn it up and just have the game play better while also looking more realistic.

It really will just come down to what the remaster team at ND decide looks better but I can't imagine a scenario were they would gimp 50% of the framerate IF the game can hold 60 fps without stutter. For the 3 or 4 people on earth that want a game to look worse, they can always stick with the PS3 version and then they won't have to bitch about the remaster being too expensive either :p


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Yea, these comments are so outlandish.

I suppose people will get used to 60fps if more games go down that route
this gen. But that's a pretty huge "IF".

The bigger number is always more ideal, folks.

Traveller's Tales must subscribe to this philosophy. It would explain why their games crash so often.
I really can't tell if people are being serious about this 60fps complaint. There's no series in gaming that's more cinematic that MGS, and yet quite a few games in that series run at 60fps (especially since the remaster). I don't remember people complaining about that. In fact people were upset when MGS3 dropped to 30fps and when MGS4 was downgraded from 60fps to 30fps.


A lot of people didn't though.
Thread is already locked but it was hilarious.

Indeed. I took it as a teaser for something coming this winter. It still seems like a strange tweet, when they've already announced the game. Why would he do a further tease. You also have to consider that they mentioned on their blog that there will be several announcements over the coming months due to their 30th anniversary.
Indeed. I took it as a teaser for something coming this winter. It still seems like a strange tweet, when they've already announced the game. Why would he do a further tease. You also have to consider that they mentioned on their blog that there will be several announcements over the coming months due to their 30th anniversary.

What's so strange about him hyping his own game? That screen is taken directly from TLOU, it doesn't really leave room for speculation, it's just a GoT reference/joke.


Junior Member
Curious to how much work was needed to port an engine specically made for PS3 over to PS4. I believe this would be the first PS3 specific engine of a full fledged game coming over to PS4?

I have to be honest...i never did get a chance to finish TLOU..not even half way to be frank. Now i have full reason to re-buy this game. I know i was blown away by the visuals that in some ways were next gen standards at that time.
Did anyone think normal was kind of tough, but went on to play on hard? If so how much more difficult was hard than normal? I'm considering a hard playthrough but I'm a little nervous, normal was not exactly a breeze for me.
Did anyone think normal was kind of tough, but went on to play on hard? If so how much more difficult was hard than normal? I'm considering a hard playthrough but I'm a little nervous, normal was not exactly a breeze for me.

Normal is actually pretty damn easy. Survivor is how this game should be played. I really hope all difficulties are unlocked from the start this time including the new dlc one.
Please ND, think of the people that have already played through this several times and just want to get down to business.


What's so strange about him hyping his own game? That screen is taken directly from TLOU, it doesn't really leave room for speculation, it's just a GoT reference/joke.

Nothing strange about hyping his own game. The tweet was interpreted as teaser and considering the already announced TLOU, this must be teasing something else.


Did anyone think normal was kind of tough, but went on to play on hard? If so how much more difficult was hard than normal? I'm considering a hard playthrough but I'm a little nervous, normal was not exactly a breeze for me.

For me, I find the game to be more immersive on either normal without listen mode or hard with listen mode on. Despite what the TLOU hardcore say, normal difficulty is plenty for 95%+ of players.
It's page 55 and people are still arguing about the framerate...

Let's not be ridiculous people. A better framerate is pretty much exclusively a good thing. I just hope it's a locked 60, because if it isn't that would a bit underwhelming. This is a remaster, after all, not a game made with more hardware-intensive rendering techniques that would require PS4 tech. Considering this thing even ran with a measly 256MB of usable memory, 5GB should make it look and run like a dream. Also, it's the only game that made my PS3 scream as if it was in pain. I was getting pretty scared by that fan noise.
Nothing strange about hyping his own game. The tweet was interpreted as teaser and considering the already announced TLOU, this must be teasing something else.

Does Neil even have a history of teasing stuff on his account? ND in general are pretty secretive. Everyone knew that TLoU PS4 was coming, but it wasn't due to anything that ND actually said or did. That's why it was a surprise when we learned that they were actually developing it.


Does Neil even have a history of teasing stuff on his account? ND in general are pretty secretive. Everyone knew that TLoU PS4 was coming, but it wasn't due to anything that ND actually said or did. That's why it was a surprise when we learned that they were actually developing it.

I wasn't following him before the announcement, so I'm unsure as to how they announce things online. Obviously the tweet was referencing TLOU and a new episode of game of thrones. But I was blinded by the announcement yesterday that they will have several announcements over the coming months.
For me, I find the game to be more immersive on either normal without listen mode or hard with listen mode on. Despite what the TLOU hardcore say, normal difficulty is plenty for 95%+ of players.

I thought normal was a fair challenge. Died a reasonable number of times but never really found it frustrating, apart from
that bit where you play as Ellie and have to survive an assault on a warehouse type place with that cannibal guy. Just went into it without enough ammo!

I honestly forgot I even had listen mode. I didn't really ever want to use it. Like, I'm meant to be some guy trying to survive in this wasteland, I'm not batman.

That said, if I get this on PS4 (and I probably will) I'll likely start it on hard mode. Can you change the difficulty during?


I thought Normal without Listen Mode was fine, the only encounter I really had trouble with was the last monster one.

Although when I replayed it, I used bombs and the
and did that encounter without getting touched, so it was just poor consideration on my part, not the balancing.

I think it's a fine default experience.
S¡mon;108008895 said:
What is Listen Mode? (Yup, I haven't played TLoU yet).

It's similar to Arkham Asylum's detective mode, but like a visual sonar. In reality, it makes no sense physically, but it's to enable Joel to see/hear enemies through walls and around corners.

Sound vibrations are visually represented, basically.

I wish I could play with it off, but I'm terrible at games these days*. I usually only have time to put into a 'normal' run through, I rarely go back to mop up trophies.

* Arcade games, especially golden age 1980-1987 I go back to and play frequently, I'm talking about story-based games there.
It must a be a joke. I am certainly not paying more than I paid for the original release!

That's probably the mrrp, it'll be available for £35 to £40, I reckon. I'm importing my copy from Canada (or buying a digital from US) so as it stands now, the game will cost me £32, which I think is a great price.


60fps is great whenever possible, but with a game like this I would prefer it if they dump more resources into making it look even better(if possible). But if its not going to look any better at 30fps, I don't know why anyone would want to lower it intentionally. And my cousin played it with that motionflow tech on. It looked amazing even with the pixelation. It actually looked way better then on the tv I played it on( an old 60hz samsung)


Just finished a Hard+ run in 10 hours exactly collecting everything.


*Starts vanilla Survivor run*

Best. Game. Ever.

"Jesus Christ boy. Just get some of your born again friends to do it."

McConaughey could play a good Tommy.


Temporal resolution is a noticeable bump, and it looks very clean, obviously they could implement 4xMSAA or whatever, but the benefit of 60Hz is going to be larger for the average user most likely.


I see the real world at 28.5 fps so anything over 30 would be wasted.
Your eyes dont work like that. You can easily see a difference between 60 and 120fps, so everything above 30fps should be welcome. And 24fps in a movie is not comparable as it has natural motion blur which looks much smoother, but not really smooth. Hollywood told you that its more cinematic.. and now people say that a stuttering game is better because for the same reason? Even for movies it was just for cutting the cost. Good for them that so many people actually believe this.


This remaster convinced me that ND will be working on TLOU2 after UC4. Now we wont get a new IP from ND until 2018. Sigh.

You need that to confirm TLOU 2 will happen ?
It sold more then 3 million copies.
You can bet you'r ass it will have a sequel lol

Kydd BlaZe

The Tomb Raider remaster was amazing on PS4. Can't wait for The Last of Us remaster. 1080p 60fps is going to be amazing.

Can't wait to see what other Remastered/Definitive Editions come to PS4.
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