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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Preview Thread



I hope nothing happens in the game like Atreyu and Artax. It would make me sad.



It's be a real dick move to feature it so prominently in trailers and even the logo and then never let us use it

I think the Master Sword is both usable and breakable in the game. And I actually think it could be part of the game's basic design,
because Link will ultimately need to rely on the Runes.


I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout. Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic, and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there, plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.


I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout..

Plenty of written and video previews showing environmental and enemy variety.

Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic.

The classic green tunic is in the game, and you can customize his outfit with a variety of armors and headgear.

and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there.

Ok? A lot of them are.

plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

The haze is weather dependent, the day-night timelapses demonstrate this.

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.

Whatever floats your boat, these are weird reasons for not being hyped though.
Seeing all these positive previews and edge's review make glad Aounuma is now the series producer . I doubt Breath of the Wild as it is would have gotten made with Miyamoto's oversight.

The Lamp

Plenty of written and video previews showing environmental and enemy variety.

The classic green tunic is in the game, and you can customize his outfit with a variety of armors and headgear.

Ok? A lot of them are.

The haze is weather dependent, the day-night timelapses demonstrate this.

Whatever floats your boat, these are weird reasons for not being hyped though.

No the game looks pretty hazy compared to other open world games. It's a stylistic choice, but from footage we have, I understand why people think it looks ugly.


I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout. Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic, and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there, plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.

Based on the podcasts I've heard like the one with austin at waypoint, embargo prevents these outlets from showing anything beyond what can be specifically allowed.
Personally for me it's insane to think this might be up there on my list with The Last of Us and Bloodborne (games I've played through several times) as the greatest game of the past two generations and maybe even a contender for a best Zelda, which would make it my all time top 5 game. More than excited to see if the game can live up to my extremely high expectations.
hmmmm... yeah that would be dope. I hope something like that is possible, some of the metal swords look very cool already.

I kinda hate Nintendos hardware, the price of like everything Nintendo, how the games take forever (if at all) to go on sale, no real trophy equivalent, etc...list is kinda long really lol. I definitely stop being a Nintendo fan since like PS1 days really. But I'm impulse buying Zelda and Switch as soon as I can get a hold on it, it's just special, and unless the game falls apart, I'm convinced it'll be amazeballs.

I don't know why I'm jumping on day one, I never buy consoles this early, I think it's because I always feel left out when GTA games release. I can appreciate why they are great, but they never hold my attention. I just don't like the gameplay loop, the over the top humor, stories, or plaything through modern society. This feels like my personal "GTA" experience for lack of a better term. It's like I'm playing in a paradise sandbox looking to discover it's secrets. Fantasy has always been more appealing to me.

Hmmmm sorry for the rant guess the hype is getting to me after all.

I can definitely see why people may not like Nintendo's hardware, but if there's one thing that people can't argue is that they have talented developers that can make amazing games. Breath of the Wild for me is becoming a system seller like Mario Galaxy was for the Wii or Mario 64 was for N64. Yes I know it may seem hyperbole but I'm just too hyped.

Edit: Although I personally love their hardware because they try new things but I can see why it bothers others lol.
I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout. Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic, and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there, plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.

Doesn't sound like you're trying very hard. I'm intentionally trying to avoid spoilers and things I would rather discover while playing the game, and it's getting really difficult to block it all out. If you were interested in this game, you would already know that there are a bunch of enemy types, that Link's green tunic IS available, and that a lot of the classic sounds are still in the game. Furthermore, there are plenty of screenshots out there that showcase the dynamic day/night cycle, and so a lot of it looks really different depending on time of day. I don't know if you're planning to play the game or not, but if you don't, you're going to be missing out big time.


The gamespot switch livestream is pretty hype for BOTW. Lots of great details and the guys talking echo basically all the other impressions.


I actually think this footage looks great and not too washed out.


I still think it's location and weather dependent, these don't look washed out to me, even though there's still some visual artifacting:

There's definitely areas of the game with deliberate haze:

Those are sightly better, but i guess i will end up setting up the Switch on a different output all alone calibratring the settings to my tastes, the new Mario game looks washed out as well, for whatever reason Nintendo seems to love washed out color schemes (HD era Nintendo that is).


I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout. Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic, and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there, plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.

You didn't watched a lot of videos then because there aren't only barren landscape.
Link still has his geen tunic, not from the start but it has been like that since Wind waker.
Classics shimes.... no comment
Wrong stylic choices... I can accept the washed feelings but not the choice because every Zelda are different graphic wise.

I think I see someone who can't get over his first love and will never accept any form of "reincarnation". It must be like the first and you will not accept anything else. Lot of people are like you and can't imagine this game been better than OoT, while this game already has tons of features more than OoT.

OoT was my first Zelda ever but I was able to get pass it and like all the other Zeldas. I wish you and others could do the same.


I don't know if it's just luck or what but every preview i've watched of this game just shows a barren landscape with 1,2 or 3 enemies spread throughout. Not feeling the hype for this one, they changed Link's appereance and there appears to be no classic green tunic, and some of the classic sound chimes are no longer there, plus the stylistic choices for the game make it look worse than it would've otherwise (washed out AF).

I want to be hyped for it... but i just can't.

Because those people who wrote the review actually played this fucking game in advance :(
And people like us can only jungle by some clip and screenshot
How is this game still making me more excited for it? I don't get it.

I was trying to figure out why I was so excited about this game. Then I realized that the sense of awe and adventure reminded me about the excitement I had about Link to the Past and OOT. For some reason those titles really gave me a sense of adventure and awe just looking at screenshots in magazines before they were released. This game does the same with the videos I have seen.


So what you're saying is that

in theory

there is a chance that the Artax - Atreyu thing could happen at least once (or more if you suck at the game) per gaming session?

Yeah. If you suck then I think it would be best to never take your horse near water.
Great Nintendo, now just do the same with Metroid but in space. kthanks.

...I just wish Nintendo kinda did similar things with franchises like Metroid, Paper Mario, and such. Go back and make the games people want.

...But yeah, I wish they treated those as flagship titles like they do Mario and Zelda

Metroid isn't Miyamoto's darling like Mario, Zelda, and Pikmin are. Sadly won't ever happen.

...inspiration in game design seems endemic to the company and not just from the mind of a singular godhead genius… a game like Splatoon from a "young" team is as ingeniously designed... They won't have the old guard forever but they will still be Nintendo.

Also, just a reminder, in case folks missed earlier threads (here and here):
My favorite part of the article [Time, 2/6/2017]:
"If all of Nintendo's content creators were to be seen as a symphony, then Mr. [Shinya] Takahashi is our conductor," says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé, when asked to contrast Takahashi's role with Iwata's. "What I mean by that is, it's his decision to bring the different players in our orchestra onto a particular game or a particular initiative. He's the ultimate decision maker in what gets played by the symphony or what gets created by Nintendo as a company."

Really shows how much power Takahashi has right now.

...like Shigeru Miyamoto. However concerning it might have been to see someone like him pull back from direct game development, or make seemingly out-of-touch design decisions, or just flat-out miss with some projects of late...

Seeing all these positive previews and edge's review make glad Aounuma is now the series producer . I doubt Breath of the Wild as it is would have gotten made with Miyamoto's oversight.

I notice this is quite a common perspective on GAF, so I wouldn’t try to argue, but I would recommend at least considering some additional perspectives (e.g., some of the links collected in this post). For example:
"It really let us see into Miyamoto psyche," said [Western programming ace Dylan] Cuthbert. Learning about his personality, his humour and how he reacts to situations. Miyamoto isn't only hands on with the broader aspect of game design, he studies up on the technical aspects and has a firm handle on the minutia of how a game plays. "Miyamoto understood the console inside and out - how the screens worked, how they layered, their priorities, everything," said Cuthbert. And when things weren't working out in the game, Miyamoto didn't hesitate to scrap everything and start over. "That's Miyamoto, he's not money driven," said Cuthbert. "He just wants to make a really good game."

...According to Aonuma, the team's starting point for development was the Wii version of Twilight Princess... Development lasted around five years, and according to series producer Shigeru Miyamoto, the game's budget was considered quite high for a Nintendo project.[1][15] The development time was initially estimated at three years, but difficulties and changes in the game's development extended development time by a further two years: despite this, Miyamoto felt that this was not wasted development time as the first two years went into experimentation.[16] 
I'm so ready for this all ready. This is my present to myself for my belated birthday and my new job. Friday really can't come quick enough!



"Hey Nintendo, I love the Zelda games but I hate how there's always just that one keese who ruins your day."

"Read you loud and clear, buddy. Let me just write this down. One keese... not enough... next game must have entire swarms of keese."

The direction of having enemy encounters consist of a lot of enemies is one of the best changes to combat. Zelda always worked best in longer combat scenarios and non stamina based combat systems love mobs.
"Hey Nintendo, I love the Zelda games but I hate how there's always just that one keese who ruins your day."

"Read you loud and clear, buddy. Let me just write this down. One keese... not enough... next game must have entire swarms of keese."


Nintendo might have picked up a enemy or encounter designer from FROM software along the way...
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