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The Official (Spoilerific) Dead Rising thread


hyp said:
just picked up my copy from fry's! too bad my lunch hour is over and i've gotta get back to work. :(

here's some frank west-esque dead rising launch comedy though:

:lol :lol :lol

I feel your pain, SoCaLiRaider. I feel your pain.

White Man

Holy shit, I encountered those bastard prisoners on the jeep for the first time. I just ran back into the other side of the mall because it was too dark to try and fight them.


Console Market Analyst
White Man said:
Holy shit, I encountered those bastard prisoners on the jeep for the first time. I just ran back into the other side of the mall because it was too dark to try and fight them.

Yeah, it was pitch black outside when I first met them. I just ran like a bitch for the door of Paradise Plaza and made it with one bar of health. Gonna Uzi the ****ers come dawn.
Can you kill those guys? They usually are the ones that take me out, one time they just ran me down and wouldn't stop attacking me. I bloodied up the passenger so hopefully you can kill them.

White Man

I don't think I've actually saved a single person. I couldn't get that bitch in the jewelry store to move. Brad couldn't make the cut when I went nuts with the parasol, even though I was carving out a straight line path for him. That chick in the courtyard is gonna get raped by convicts. Lolz.


I just finished the first 4 missions and the thing with
the other photojournalist
Totally blown away by how great the game is so far. It has somehow surpassed the hype. I kinda thought it would just be zombie smashing, which is fun, but its much much more than that.


Rage Bait Youtuber
So on lunch today I went to pick up Dead Rising since I KNEW that Best Buy had a shitload of them.

But on the way there is a EB (which would be a faster trip of course). I knew they had to be sold out but I checked anyways just on the off chance they had an extra copy. Naturally they were out, but the little assnut behind the counter was one of those "I work at EB so I'm better than you" ****tards and laughed with a shiteating grin that I should've pre-ordered. I said "that's fine, I'll just buy it at Best Buy". The little asssucker got all defensive and swore that Best Buy wouldn't have it until Saturday and was giggling to his little asskissing peon next to him as I walked out.

Just because he was such an asshat I stopped by after buying it at Best Buy and he looked like he was about to cry when I showed him the Best Buy did have it and, hell, they had probably 30-40 copies just sitting on the shelf. No pre-order needed.

And with that, I am off to play Dead Rising all night!


Unconfirmed Member
ManaByte said:
So on lunch today I went to pick up Dead Rising since I KNEW that Best Buy had a shitload of them.

But on the way there is a EB (which would be a faster trip of course). I knew they had to be sold out but I checked anyways just on the off chance they had an extra copy. Naturally they were out, but the little assnut behind the counter was one of those "I work at EB so I'm better than you" ****tards and laughed with a shiteating grin that I should've pre-ordered. I said "that's fine, I'll just buy it at Best Buy". The little asssucker got all defensive and swore that Best Buy wouldn't have it until Saturday and was giggling to his little asskissing peon next to him as I walked out.

Just because he was such an asshat I stopped by after buying it at Best Buy and he looked like he was about to cry when I showed him the Best Buy did have it and, hell, they had probably 30-40 copies just sitting on the shelf. No pre-order needed.

And with that, I am off to play Dead Rising all night!
You get the gold star for the day, you totally owned that guy.


Why on earth does Canada not get this game until the 22nd? I swear I've never seen such a delay between the USA and Canada. Usually there's no delay. Arg...


Saved Sophie. Got Queen Bee. Didn't get attacked by the convicts while saving Sophie. (They just sat in their jeep a hundred feet away watching me lead Sophie to the door.) Got laughed at by that prick photographer. All in a days work.

Edit: WTF? I just lost? "The Truth Vanished into Darkness". What does that mean? What if I "Return to Game"? What will happen?


ManaByte said:
Just because he was such an asshat I stopped by after buying it at Best Buy and he looked like he was about to cry when I showed him the Best Buy did have it and, hell, they had probably 30-40 copies just sitting on the shelf. No pre-order needed.

Awesome. Everytime those jackasses use that line I want to walk around the counter and kick them in the nuts. I don't understand how EB can hire those types of guys so consistently. ANyway enjoy I have to wait till tomorrow to try and find a copy.


It said "Next Case will open at 6:00AM"... then two seconds later the case file opened and everything went to "Expired". WHAT? Now what? Can I keep going? What will happen? It says my next goal is the Space Rider machine. Should I just let it go? Apparently I have no other choice as my last save is way passed the 6:00AM goal anyway. It's almost 9:00.


If you don't do that case you basically lost the "story" portion of the game ,but you can keep going. You'll just get a diff. ending I believe.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This game is f*cking brutal. The save system IS insane when you consider how FAR you have to go sometimes. I also can't believe how tough it is to escort survivors (you DO have to take them back to the ducts, right?). Every single survivor I've tried to escort got owned. Of course, I didn't want to take them straight back, but still.

The survival aspect is really cool, though. The game is a lot tougher than I expected. The night portions (after midnight) are especially cool.

Oh, and I have to say, the loadtimes are EXTREMELY annoying. EVERYTHING requires a load, not just individual maps. They aren't too terribly long, but I'm sick of looking at them so often. It would feel so much more immersive if they had managed to avoid that problem (at the very least, avoid loading when cutscenes pop up). Ah well, what can you do?

Sugarman said:
Can you kill those guys? They usually are the ones that take me out, one time they just ran me down and wouldn't stop attacking me. I bloodied up the passenger so hopefully you can kill them.
Yeah, you can. I drew them over to that little shelter, climbed onto the roof and stayed far enough back that they couldn't hit me. I took out the driver, which caused the passenger to jump INTO the drivers seat, but ended up dying before I could kill him. It's clearly possible, but damn difficult.


i just had to get a fat man to follow me by giving him a pie... :lol

I've saved a few people now in between the big missions. you get a level almost every time. now my guy is stronger and can walk faster. :D


So I take it as long as you survive you can at least finish? Or what? Are there things you HAVE to do to win? Also, is there a goal to meet to unlock the infinite mode? I don't want to finish this thing and find out I didn't unlock the unlimited mode.


Jasoco said:
So I take it as long as you survive you can at least finish? Or what? Are there things you HAVE to do to win? Also, is there a goal to meet to unlock the infinite mode? I don't want to finish this thing and find out I didn't unlock the unlimited mode.

if you do all the case files you are fine. if you lose a case file it will let you know.


Razoric said:
if you do all the case files you are fine. if you lose a case file it will let you know.
That wasn't my question. I know I lost all that stuff. My question is am I screwed now? Will I be able to unlock infinite? All I want is infinite sandbox freeplay no goals or limits or anything mode. And if I've screwed myself to the point I can't get it, I don't want to continue on with this story.

Also, ****ing clown.


Jasoco said:
That wasn't my question. I know I lost all that stuff. My question is am I screwed now? Will I be able to unlock infinite? All I want is infinite sandbox freeplay no goals or limits or anything mode. And if I've screwed myself to the point I can't get it, I don't want to continue on with this story.

Also, ****ing clown.

If you lose a "case file", not a scoop, and you choose continue instead of load then I don't think you can go any farther in the story thus you cant beat the game. I'm not 100% on that though.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Bad news about the prisoners guys. I was able to mow the shooter down with the uzi, steal the gattling gun, kill the drivers, and hijack their vehicle. I left the area to continue the mission and later when I came back...THEY RESPAWNED!!!
Zaxxon said:
Why on earth does Canada not get this game until the 22nd? I swear I've never seen such a delay between the USA and Canada. Usually there's no delay. Arg...

What are you talking aboot? I'm in New Brunswick, and I just picked it up at EB this afternoon.


Baron Aloha said:
Bad news about the prisoners guys. I was able to mow the shooter down with the uzi, steal the gattling gun, kill the drivers, and hijack their vehicle. I left the area to continue the mission and later when I came back...THEY RESPAWNED!!!

:lol :lol

Yeah I always just run by them.


Well, here's how it is. In my "Case File" it says "Case 1" completed. But "Case 2" through "8" and "The Facts" are all red. Expired. Dead. ****ed. Screwed. No more. Gone. Am I also ****ed, screwed and no more? It let me continue. I am still playing. But I don't want to keep playing like this if it won't let me have unlimited in the end. If I'm not able to get unlimited, I might as well let myself die and start new with what I have now. I really do NOT want to do that though because this is a pain in the ass getting to where I am now.

Also, dammit. Now I missed out on the clown roller coaster scoop. Dammit!


Just die and do the "save" and you restart the game from the beginning ,but keep your levels... up to you I guess.

Regarding the pyschos in the yard with the hummer I killed them again when they respawned and they havent respawned again since then ,but it isnt night again yet so we'll see.


So, I have an SDTV, but it's a decent one. Totally flatscreen, 19" or so, 360 is hooked to it via component. However... the onscreen text is SO SMALL AND UNREADABLE that it's making the game unplayable. When I talk to people, it is damn near impossible to make out what is being said due to the text being so small. I realize that HDTV owners don't want big honkin' text onscreen, but some sort of option to increase the text size really should have been here.


Jasoco said:
Well, here's how it is. In my "Case File" it says "Case 1" completed. But "Case 2" through "8" and "The Facts" are all red. Expired. Dead. ****ed. Screwed. No more. Gone. Am I also ****ed, screwed and no more? It let me continue. I am still playing. But I don't want to keep playing like this if it won't let me have unlimited in the end. If I'm not able to get unlimited, I might as well let myself die and start new with what I have now. I really do NOT want to do that though because this is a pain in the ass getting to where I am now.

Also, dammit. Now I missed out on the clown roller coaster scoop. Dammit!

Just do the case files and not the scoops. I'm pretty sure if you let the case files expire, while you can continue the game, you are stuck and cannot beat it. Just restart with your boosted stats and do only the case files to beat the game. Then you can do any mode you want.
Bad news about the prisoners guys. I was able to mow the shooter down with the uzi, steal the gattling gun, kill the drivers, and hijack their vehicle. I left the area to continue the mission and later when I came back...THEY RESPAWNED!!!

Where in the world do they come from?!

But anyway, I've played Dead Rising for about six hours already today. It's one of the most awesome videogame experience I've had in a long time. A lot of people were comparing this to State of Emergency a few months back, but it's way better than that game in every way. Plus, killing zombies is infinitely more fun than beating up innocent civilians.
I had no problems with the clown. Granted his sawds do crazy damage but every now and then he'll blow a balloon that bounces around. When the balloon comes back it'll hit him and stun him for a couple seconds for some easy hits.

Course that ****er at the gun store just kicked my ass. I'm used to close range so I couldn't even get near him. Him and his 20 bottles of liquor and his "throw you over the counter" bullshit. The reviewers were right with their "unfair" bosses talk honestly.

Also game decided against me having free food items laying around midway through the second case.
I was down to one block after the second Carlito fight and all a zombie had to do was tap me and I died. Usually there's a bunch of fruit and coffee creamer by the janitor's room near the main savepoint..what a drag.

If this is by the Dragon Quarter team then yeah I can imagine myself despising DQ.

Did get this awesome spinning lariat move. It's a little difficult to pull off since you have to click the left stick and hit x at the same time but it's fun wiping out 10 or so zombies surrounding you. Plus I feel like Zangief.

Level 19 btw.


I've only played the demo (waiting for my full copy to be shipped from outpost.com), but I have a technical question/problem. I have a replacement 360 that I just received yesterday. First thing I did was download and play the DR demo. After that, last night, I was having all sorts of errors starting other demos and disc read errors starting game discs. I spent half the night on the phone with MS, and they ended up wanting me to format my HDD (this was before I discovered that it was causing disc read errors as well). Anyway, I didn't format last night, and this morning I re-seated the power cord (it seemed much tighter than my original unit), and everything seemed to be working perfectly. Just now, however, I played the DR demo again for roughly 30 minutes, and now all of the errors have reappeared. Is there any known glitch regarding the DR demo, or do these symptoms correspond with another known hardware problem?


Baron Aloha said:
I haven't heard about anyone having any problems with the demo. I thinks its more likely that your replacement system is messed up.

That's my guess too; thanks. The weird thing is that the DR demo plays fine... it's about the only thing that does (once I play the DR demo).
I'm at level 5 and have finished all of case 1 and I haven't died yet. I even managed to save the girl in the courtyard. I think holding hands with the survivors actually helps a lot, because you are less reliant on the semi-retarded AI. So far, I have no complaints with this game. It's really fantastic. Finding the lawnmower made my day. :D


WTF??? The weirdest thing just happened to me. I was killing all these cultist dudes (the guys in green masks and yellow coats) and a smoke bomb went off and I passed out. I woke up in a box, naked, in some weird part of the mall. I turned the corner and all these guys were filming something I couldnt see what was going on those and they ended up killing me.

all i could think was... WTF??? :lol :lol


Steroid Distributor
Zaxxon said:
Why on earth does Canada not get this game until the 22nd? I swear I've never seen such a delay between the USA and Canada. Usually there's no delay. Arg...

You are probably looking at the bestbuy.ca or futureshop.ca sites. I was checking those out last week too when people in the in demo thread were talking about getting it this week. If shops around where you are don't have it already, then they will tomorrow.


Razoric said:
WTF??? The weirdest thing just happened to me. I was killing all these cultist dudes (the guys in green masks and yellow coats) and a smoke bomb went off and I passed out. I woke up in a box, naked, in some weird part of the mall. I turned the corner and all these guys were filming something I couldnt see what was going on those and they ended up killing me.

all i could think was... WTF??? :lol :lol

Also, I didnt want to die either so I could see wtf was going on but I had only two health blocks and I found a step ladder for a weapon. Against 20 of those dudes I didnt stand much of a chance. :lol :lol this game is awesome


Gas Guzzler
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Course that ****er at the gun store just kicked my ass. I'm used to close range so I couldn't even get near him. Him and his 20 bottles of liquor and his "throw you over the counter" bullshit. The reviewers were right with their "unfair" bosses talk honestly.evel 19 btw.

I finally beat the gunstore owner at level 30 on my second playthrough. I had like 6 handguns fully loaded and I shot him from outside his store, just off to the side of the doors (you have to open the doors for it to work). He still came very to killing me, I was down to one block of health and no weapons but a stupid ladder by the time he was dead. I barely managed to stock up on shotguns and handguns and made a desperate dash to the save point and then the grocery store to heal.

Very, very tough, but very very satisfying. This game is meant for multiple playthroughs. There are scenarios you just can't beat at low levels, but it makes the game very robust. I'm really loving this game. Best zombie game ever.


Quick question:

Did the shirt come in XL only? I hate that shit. It's like way too big for me, and I'll never be able to wear it. Sucks because it's actually a pretty sweet shirt.
How do I take off this Servbot head? I think I put it on in the Child's Play store in Paradise Plaza, but there doesn't seem to be a "return clothes" thing in there that removes it?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
vatstep said:
The aiming controls are LAME. Yes, I understand that you can't move while aiming (maybe this is a skill that you acquire?), but the controls for it should STILL be on the right stick. Regular camera controls are done with the right stick, and photography controls are done with the right stick. It's just completely clunky to have to switch over and use the left stick to aim. I'm forgetting half the time, and I'm getting killed.

Problem being that attack is on X, it would be hard to aim with the right stick and shoot with a face button.
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