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The trade war has begun between the US and Canada

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I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

LOL, come on.


I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

If that ever happens (it wouldn't) I will be on the front lines to fight it. We'd lose, sure, but on the plus side I'd be dead.
I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

All the natural resources Canada has makes it more appealing for the US to take such drastic measures as well.. I pray it never gets to this but with the way Trump is running things, you just never know.


Fucking hell.

Yup, this belief some Canadians have that they want to support the Dems still fail to realize they will always put their country before ours, so why support anyone. Let the US deal with itself and worry about our leaders fighting for us.
I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

Didn't Canada get plane parts from museums for their aircrafts?

The war is already over before it begin.


LOL, come on.

Don't get me wrong, things would have to go VERY badly for the US to resort to this. If an impeachment process gets going, or voters actually turn out in 2018 and 2020 to change the administration, then Canada will be fine.

I'm speaking in the absolute, worst case scenario. Real Orwellian, 1984-ish stuff, where Trump rides a wave of war and populism that even has him suspending elections "until we can figure this stuff out," and of course, nothing will ever get figured out, and Baron will ascend to the King-President as next-in-line when the US switches over to a monarchy. It just depends on how xenophobic the conservative element is in the US and how willing (or unwilling) the democratic contingent of the public is to simply let racism and repealing freedoms run rampant across the country.

If nothing drastic happens, this will all just be more fireworks that amount to nothing. If the US gets embroiled in many wars, starts dismantling checks and balances on executive power, and thinks of itself as Pax Americana, rather than part of a global police force, then it would be naive to think Canada wouldn't simply be taken over when we have the resources, but lack the defense.


long term trump winning was good for Canada. That's the messed up part

Yup. It honestly is. Finally breaks Canadians as a US satellite state. American corporations, media and culture dominate Canada. We got an EU free trade deal this year. We got Trump to sign off on the Keystone XL and this spurred further growth.

By igniting this trade war over dairy and lumber, hopefully it pushes us closer to China and India and Europe rather than US. Imagine if we could ship our oil from Alberta to BC and refine and ship to China and India and avoid the US altogether. Americans deserve everything they get. Apparently them subsiziding their industries is fine and protectionism is great when it benefits them. Also hilarious that the man who promised to call China a currency manipulator has done nothing but alienate allies left and right. Mexico, Australia, Sweden, Germany, now Canada. Let's see what happens.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

That would a full on war with our next door neighbor. I don't think even Trump is that stupid and fool hardy. I would foresee a full on civil war in America before the country went to war as a whole against another nation, especially one that sits right next to us.


Yup. It honestly is. Finally breaks Canadians as a US satellite state. American corporations, media and culture dominate Canada. We got an EU free trade deal this year. We got Trump to sign off on the Keystone XL and this spurred further growth.

This must be what it was like during the decline of the Roman empire when all those countries that used to be in awe of the empire started dealing with each other instead, and Rome gradually just became the country of Italy, and no one really cared much about what happened there anymore as it had less and less effect on them.

I'm curious to see what would happen if the US actually did pass the torch for dominant world culture to someone else. Spain, France and the UK all had their day in the sun and eventually passed on. I wonder which country will carry on if the US becomes isolationist and withdraws from the world stage to become an honest country of factory workers and coal miners who are all straight, white, Christian and know that a woman's place is in the home with no say over whether she has a baby or not.


We got an EU free trade deal this year...
By igniting this trade war over dairy and lumber, hopefully it pushes us closer to China and India and Europe rather than US. Imagine if we could ship our oil from Alberta to BC and refine and ship to China and India and avoid the US altogether.
Canada has been forward thinking about this for quite awhile now. We could see the United States going down the toilet so improving foreign trade negotiations has always been in the plan.

Geographically there is always going to be some trade relations with the US, but the less the better for Canada. They can become as pissy and isolationist as they want, but they're not going to drag down Canada with them. We've diversified trade options, improved foreign relationships, and covered our bases to ensure we become nothing like the United States.
Seriously. I really only hear this "lol we own you anyway so just join us" attitude from Americans.

Stop this talk. It's condescending bullshit.

Canadians attitude towards Americans is very condescending as well, at least the ones online. The ones IRL are not like that at all and generally very nice. So it's a give take condescending bullshit attitude towards one another. No harm no foul.

You think Canada is that stupid? The only thing Canada would attack is the oil pipelines, natural gas pipelines, and electrical power grids going to the US. Destroyed, for like forever. Canada can throw the US into a long term energy crisis before breakfast and never fire a shot or take a step on american soil.


It may scare you, but a United North America, and eventually a United UKUSA Community is a necessary stepping stone towards to ultimate goal of a one world order and United Earth government.

It's going to happen, one way or another.

But where are we going to deport Justin Bieber to?
Yup. It honestly is. Finally breaks Canadians as a US satellite state. American corporations, media and culture dominate Canada. We got an EU free trade deal this year. We got Trump to sign off on the Keystone XL and this spurred further growth.

By igniting this trade war over dairy and lumber, hopefully it pushes us closer to China and India and Europe rather than US. Imagine if we could ship our oil from Alberta to BC and refine and ship to China and India and avoid the US altogether. Americans deserve everything they get. Apparently them subsiziding their industries is fine and protectionism is great when it benefits them. Also hilarious that the man who promised to call China a currency manipulator has done nothing but alienate allies left and right. Mexico, Australia, Sweden, Germany, now Canada. Let's see what happens.

Well I support you moving your oil from Alberta to BC. Which would hopefully stop Keystone, but of course it wouldn't.
Spicer and Ross are live now

Ross " derp derp Canadian Provinces derp derp"

yeah, so? Forrests are not owned by private compnaies, so what?

Americans are so weird


Canadians attitude towards Americans is very condescending as well, at least the ones online. The ones IRL are not like that at all and generally very nice. So it's a give take condescending bullshit attitude towards one another. No harm no foul.
Donald fucking Trump is your President!! Of course we look down on you.
As a Canadian I am surprised that Canadian dairy laws even make Trumps radar. Even if American dairy products flooded the CDN market there aren't that many customers to buy it. This feels like a negligible amount of money to get upset with.

Check out Horan's post upthread for a pretty good explanation:

Reading through all the details of the whole dairy tariff controversy has actually been surprisingly interesting, while also being frustrating because of the relative lack of unbiased information.

The gist of it is that Trump has two options: cut back on subsidies to US dairy farms (which are creating a massive glut of milk), or try to deflect the blame somewhere else. He saw a story on Fox News that blamed Canada, so he went for the option that didn't require he do anything other than complain.

I wonder what all the Canadians who think Trump was a good thing have to say about this.

Ironically, the few Canadians I know who liked Trump did so because they thought he'd be good for our extractive/resource industries.

None of them were particularly bright people.
Canadians attitude towards Americans is very condescending as well, at least the ones online. The ones IRL are not like that at all and generally very nice. So it's a give take condescending bullshit attitude towards one another. No harm no foul.

Deep down we care for the USA and hate seeing them make the easily fixable mistakes they are making. But we can only be so lenient in the face of somebody making bad decisions and then complaining about their bad decisions. There is a reason for the condescending attitude and it comes from a position of love.
Donald fucking Trump is your President!! Of course we look down on you.
More than half of the people who voted didn't vote for him. Our election was stolen with help from Russia. That should concern you more than anything, especially considering who lives right over the pole from you.


I thought it was an impossibility, but if things go very badly for the USA, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Canada got annexed under a "lebensraum," protocol by America. In terms of military strength, they can easily do it, and in terms of global perception, they may soon be in a position where they don't care what other countries think. Once they go the protectionist route and try to bring back factories, coal mines and all that other stuff to recreate America in the 1950s, complete with xenophobia, being well behaved part of a global community no longer makes sense.

Deep down we care for the USA and hate seeing them make the easily fixable mistakes they are making. But we can only be so lenient in the face of somebody making bad decisions and then complaining about their bad decisions. There is a reason for the condescending attitude. It comes from a position of love.

It's similar to a relationship where the couple is always fighting and cussing each other out just to be kissing and banging a couple of days later.

I've worked for 3 years with Americans. If you think Canadians are condescending towards Americans...

This post reads like "I have a black mailman, so I can't be racist".


This must be what it was like during the decline of the Roman empire when all those countries that used to be in awe of the empire started dealing with each other instead.
Kinda. The US has been powerful, but I don't think there has ever been a lot of countries in awe of them. They seem to think so, but the rest of world really hasn't inspired to be like them. At least in first world countries. Now, obviously, first world countries chosing to pursue their own cultural direction has proven to be the wiser decision.


It was true during Obama's heyday too, so what's your excuse? You can't say you like both Harper and Trudeau, so whichever way you lean politically, the opposite (i.e a disaster) has been your PM in recent years as well.

I hated Harper with a passion, but less so in light of November 2016. At least he wasn't a treasonous, ignorant rapist.

And OK I'll bite. Let's take these sweeping generalizations and get a bit more granular. I feel bad for the majority of folks who didn't vote for him and got fucked by the EC. I am aware that most of you aren't racist xenophobic bible toting gun nuts. Just like these "hilarious" generalizations about bagged milk, tim Horton's, hockey, beavers and maple syrup doesn't make up every Canadians identity (though you wouldn't know it from this thread).

Next time I knock the absolute shitshow of your government and political discourse, imagine I added the last paragraph to my statements.

More than half of the people who voted didn't vote for him. Our election was stolen with help from Russia. That should concern you more than anything, especially considering who lives right over the pole from you.

Trust me, it does. I have lost a lot of sleep over this.

I don't really see that logic. There are over 300 million of us.
Trump is just the logical conclusion of the direction the US has been heading towards for decades. You guys are still arguing over abortion and gay rights? Are you fucking kidding me?


Canadians attitude towards Americans is very condescending as well, at least the ones online. The ones IRL are not like that at all and generally very nice. So it's a give take condescending bullshit attitude towards one another. No harm no foul.

I mean, what do you expect when the USA has been dropping freedom bombs for decades now? Your backwards gun laws, constant interference in the middle east since the 1950's that has made Iran and other countries as they are now. Trump and the recent regression of society is also not a positive image for the United States.

More than half of the people who voted didn't vote for him. Our election was stolen with help from Russia. That should concern you more than anything, especially considering who lives right over the pole from you.
Let's be honest, the apathetic left voters who either voted 3rd party or didn't vote at all were just as responsible for electing trump just as much as Russia and the voters who did vote for him.


More than half of the people who voted didn't vote for him. Our election was stolen with help from Russia. That should concern you more than anything, especially considering who lives right over the pole from you.

Like any of these excuses justify it. America spouts it democracy and freedom and its laughable. Russia simply took advantage of America's blatant issues. There is no one to blame outside your own borders.


Deep down we care for the USA and hate seeing them make the easily fixable mistakes they are making. But we can only be so lenient in the face of somebody making bad decisions and then complaining about their bad decisions. There is a reason for the condescending attitude and it does from a position of love.
We're neighbors. Nobody wants to live next to a bad neighbor, so tolerance and understanding is attempted.

It's tolerance and understanding that allows people like Canadians deal with people like Americans.
I hated Harper with a passion, but less so in light of November 2016. At least he wasn't a treasonous, ignorant rapist.

And OK I'll bite. Let's take these sweeping generalizations and get a bit more granular. I feel bad for the majority of folks who didn't vote for him and got fucked by the EC. I am aware that most of you aren't racist xenophobic bible toting gun nuts. Just like these "hilarious" generalizations about bagged milk, tim Horton's, hockeu, beavers and maple syrup doesn't make up every Canadians identity (though you wouldn't know it from this thread).

Next time I knock the absolute shitshow of your government and political discourse, imagine I added the last paragraph to my statements.

I make fun of bagged milk all the time, but it's in jest and in good nature. A canadian that works with me makes fun of there being more guns than people in the US. It's all in good fun.

Like I said, though, I have read and "felt" real hostility from Canadians towards Americans in online forums. Never IRL. I guess I can have that same "condescending attitude" going the other way when I reply to some comments I deem ill in intent. Oftentimes I just ignore it though. I had no issue when I went up there on multiple occasions and I feel Ontario has more in common with NY than it does with Alberta and Washington has more in common with British Columbia than it does with Kansas.

Next time I will just ignore the willfully ignorant comments coming from your side of the border.

Trump is just the logical conclusion of the direction the US has been heading towards for decades. You guys are still arguing over abortion and gay rights? Are you fucking kidding me?

The main argument is whether or not it should be up to the states or the federal government. If you know anything about our constitution then you'd see what the argument is really about.


I make fun of bagged milk all the time, but it's in jest and in good nature. A canadian that works with me makes fun of there being more guns than people in the US. It's all in good fun.

Like I said, though, I have read and "felt" real hostility from Canadians towards Americans in online forums. Never IRL. I guess I can have that same "condescending attitude" going the other way when I reply to some comments I deem ill in intent. Oftentimes I just ignore it though. I had no issue when I went up there on multiple occasions and I feel Ontario has more in common with NY than it does with Alberta and Washington has more in common with British Columbia than it does with Kansas.

Next time I will just ignore the willfully ignorant comments coming from your side of the border.

Feel free to ignore them, just make sure you convince your friends and neighbors to be more responsible when it comes time to vote. Unfortunately what happens down there affects all of us. I wish to god it didn't.


Canadians attitude towards Americans is very condescending as well, at least the ones online. The ones IRL are not like that at all and generally very nice. So it's a give take condescending bullshit attitude towards one another. No harm no foul.

Tbh it's hard to blame them. Look at some of the arrogance displayed in this thread, like saying that the US is in command of Canada's military, or that their country would be annexed easily.


I don't really see that logic. There are over 300 million of us.
The fact that there are so many millions and millions of Americans that actually voted for Trump is what is so disturbing. We're talking about more people voting for a radical government than the entire populations of a lot of countries. That's the logic that the rest of the world is having a very difficult time with.

America made their choice. If the majority didn't want it, then that's on you for not preventing it. Until that changes, the rest of the world has to treat all the US as Republicans. They're the ones making all the decisions for all Americans.


Rodent Whores
Just in case anyone missed it...

Fucking hell.

Also this:


Wyden Welcomes New Tariffs on Unfairly Traded Canadian Softwood Lumber, Calls for Continued Tough Enforcement of U.S. Trade Laws

WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued the following statement in response to the preliminary results of the Commerce Department investigation, launched in 2016, of Canadian dumping and subsidization of softwood lumber.

“Unfairly traded softwood lumber from Canada has for decades hurt mill towns and American millworkers in Oregon and across the country,” Wyden said. “Today’s announcement sends the message that help is on the way. But the fight to save mill jobs cannot end here – America needs continued tough trade enforcement and a durable solution to the Canadian policies that distort trade and hold American lumber businesses back from fully realizing their potential.”
In a crowded room you can't pick a Canadian out from an American.

In terms of wars, and lets go here because some people haven't thought this through but the economic catastrophe this would cause would be one thing. The first person found dead with their family crying over the body in ENGLISH and put on the news would sour the hell out of public perception. Finally the rest of the world would probably see this as an opportunity to attack the US for attacking a large and loved peaceful nation, and lets be frank, the US hasn't won a war or been in a position to hold territory ever especially on surrounding fronts. Once again, in a crowded room you can't pick a Canadian out from an American so lets see how the armies deal with the mental strain of shooting people that look like themselves and speak the same language.
The fact that there are so many millions and millions of Americans that actually voted for Trump is what is so disturbing. We're talking about more people voting for a radical government than the entire populations of a lot of countries. That's the logic that the rest of the world is having a very difficult time with.

America made their choice. If the majority didn't want it, then that's on you for not preventing it. Until that changes, the rest of the world has to treat all the US as Republicans. They're the ones making all the decisions for all Americans.
Thats the same as the GOP assuming all Muslins are terrorist.


I'm pretty sure it was there before Trump. Besides it's always gone both was. Canadians talking about Americans and vice versa.

Anecdotal of course, but anti-American sentiment was definitely high during the Bush years and then came way down when Obama was elected. I don't think Canada is some special case of this, rather just a reflection of the typical world view on the US.
This post reads like "I have a black mailman, so I can't be racist".


If you want to talk about condescension, focus on Americans first. Canadian condescension towards Americans isn't even close to vise versa. Good will begets good will, respect is earned. There's a reason people all around the world are condescending towards Americans...it's because Americans are condescending AF. That's what happens when a large percentage of your population is ignorant and xenophobic. They start to believe in extreme American exceptionalism.


In a crowded room you can't pick a Canadian out from an American.

In terms of wars, and lets go here because some people haven't thought this through but the economic catastrophe this would cause would be one thing. The first person found dead with their family crying over the body in ENGLISH and put on the news would sour the hell out of public perception. Finally the rest of the world would probably see this as an opportunity to attack the US for attacking a large and loved peaceful nation, and lets be frank, the US hasn't won a war or been in a position to hold territory ever especially on surrounding fronts. Once again, in a crowded room you can't pick a Canadian out from an American so lets see how the armies deal with the mental strain of shooting people that look like themselves and speak the same language.

I think in this case, the nuclear deterrent would probably be enough. Most people thought Germany would never do anything as crazy as annex Austria, but when they did it, the simple reaction was "There, we did it, here's our reason, what are the rest of you going to do about it?" And no one did anything, not until they started expanding.

If America, which is a nuclear power, goes and does the same thing, I doubt a single nation on Earth, or even a coalition of them, would say "Let's risk a nuclear exchange and go to war for Canada."

As long as the US just stops there, most countries would say "Come on, it's Canada. Just let them have it."

As I've said, that's the absolute worst case scenario. It's only likely to happen if an extraordinary set of circumstances take place that force the US into that position. But, should it happen, I can't imagine other nations finding Canada annexation to be enough to take on the American military.
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