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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


This game is so fucking good. Holy shit. A week after launch and playing every day and I'm still seeing and doing cool stuff.


Their reasoning is fine by me I suppose although I was like "what" at first. Communication is the key... Sometimes devs won't actually tell you why they left details out so you're just left wondering.

Anyway small sample size but salvo seems to have gotten a damage nerf... Maybe even a nerf to it's ability to hit (locked on) targets at long range as well but I'm much less sure on that. I went for a couple hailmarys lol The missiles just never really tracked

I don't see the constant map hack, pulse, sonar changing with this update. They need to further address map hack most likely but definitely touch on pulse at the least... And I would have rather Tone got an adjustment to sonar... Only mark titans maybe?


Is dry dock not in the Bounty Hunt playlist? I was doing Mixtape earlier and got Bounty Hunt on Dry Dock, but I never got Dry Dock in the normal Bounty Hunt playlist.


Perfectly fine way of doing it
Some may get annoyed, but whatever. Do you Respawn.

Its awesome awesome that they can make these adjustments

It's fantastic they can do it on the back end without having to wait for shit cert on consoles. Tone feels the same to me. I played a few rounds and didn't die once.
Just played a game that we lost. During the epilogue, I called in my Titan to protect my teammates so they could escape. I melee killed an enemy Titan and ejected into the plane right at the end. It was so awesome. I love this game.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Any thoughts on PS4 vs Xbox One (S) versions? I heard the image quality is slightly better on PS4 but Xbox frame rate is better? I'm about to pull the trigger but haven't decided which version to get. I have a few more friends on Live than on PSN.


Im level 35 with like 350 credits.

Anything i should be spending it on? That part loses me.

Spend it on the highest level stuff you like. You lose access to gear when you regen so it's a long trek back to the 40s. If you unlock it with credits, it's available at level 1.
First online shooter in awhile that keeps pulling me back because it is so damn fun. Really looking forward to devoting some time to the campaign but work keeps getting in the way.
We still lost.



First rage break with a mp shooter in a while. Can't do another 4 on 1 titan fight. The people playing this are just wretched. Pretty sure I just had a match where I was the only one on our team to call a Titan in the entire game. First time seeing that one.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh...Is it optional? I really dont care about banners or patches and I don't want to lose all my stuff.

Yeah it's optional. You force regen your titans/guns and stuff but that has no negative effect.

The scrap is used to permanently buy items through regen though, so you can buy things you always use to lessen the downside.
The map hack nerf is a good start. I still think the pulse should only be for the person who activated it, but taking it down from being a true wallhack was a smart move.

Glad that Tone and Legion got nerfed. It was deserved. I hope it's not too harsh, but I'm also a really vindictive person when it comes to obnoxiously entrenched metas in video games, so I actually hope they're completely unusable.

I might or might not be joking about that last bit.

Am I just missing it or are their no challenges etc this time? X weapon kills and what not.

There are. Thing is, they're for individual weapons and such, due to how merits work. You can see your progress on Pilots, Titans, and weapons in their respective camo menus. I wish we had some more stuff, but this is what we get for now.

What does Regening actually do? What benefits are there to doing so if you lose all your gear?

You get to do it over again, but this time with a fancy number.
Tried using satchels tonight. Two things I'm not too hot on:

-Doesn't kill spectres in one hit.
-The arming time before you can detonate charges feels too long. Makes them very unwieldy to use in a lot of situations.

There's something about the trigger pull animation on the detonator that's super fucking satisfying, but their effectiveness leaves a bit to be desired.


First rage break with a mp shooter in a while. Can't do another 4 on 1 titan fight. The people playing this are just wretched. Pretty sure I just had a match where I was the only one on our team to call a Titan in the entire game. First time seeing that one.

going in solo you'll also (most of the time) get paired up with other solo players it seems. if you go into a party of 2 or 3+ you'll go up against other parties.

this changes the game dramatically. playing with good players vs good players in something like CTF is a whole other ball game.
Made it all the way through Effect and Cause and the campaign is up there with DOOM for me this year. Went into multiplayer and... I kind of hate it. I might just need to get used to the speed and whatnot again but I loathe the TTK and general map design. So bland and spread out.


going in solo you'll also (most of the time) get paired up with other solo players it seems. if you go into a party of 2 or 3+ you'll go up against other parties.

this changes the game dramatically. playing with good players vs good players in something like CTF is a whole other ball game.

Yeah, I haven't even tried the objective modes for that exact reason. Just been playing Attrition solo. I can usually carry, but people are ferociously terrible today. Almost every game I joined was in progress with people getting wiped already so I was doomed to begin every game anyway.
Have Respawn hinted at when the first content drop will be? Angel City is December, so hopefully we get more when that lands.

The first pack was out in May for OG Titanfall, so 2 months after launch.
That assembly line level holy shit...one of the best FPS levels I've ever played. Got big Portal 2 vibes from it too. I wish the bosses were tougher though, Ash had that sweet intro cutscene but then I killed her in under 10 seconds with the scorch core move so that was pretty anticlimactic.

Other than that, the game continues to be shockingly good.
So while I do agree with Respawn that them telling us what they changed about Tone and Legion would significantly alter the quality of feedback, what do you guys feel the changes are? I know Salvo Core got nerfed, which is... kind of an odd pick, but how's Legion?

Made it all the way through Effect and Cause and the campaign is up there with DOOM for me this year. Went into multiplayer and... I kind of hate it. I might just need to get used to the speed and whatnot again but I loathe the TTK and general map design. So bland and spread out.

A lot of the maps are awful, it's true. Crash Site and Complex stand out as particularly bad. But Eden, Boom Town, and to a lesser extent Black Canal are all pretty solid.


After playing this for a week and playing call of duty tonight, it's almost impossible to go to call of duty. It just feels so much slower and feels like a relic.

Hopefully the PC population doesn't die for this. It'd be a huge shame.


Made it all the way through Effect and Cause and the campaign is up there with DOOM for me this year. Went into multiplayer and... I kind of hate it. I might just need to get used to the speed and whatnot again but I loathe the TTK and general map design. So bland and spread out.
To get better speed you gotta bunny hop/slid to an extent. The maps are what they are unfortunately. There are some ok ones like Eden, but then there's Harvest which is like what were they thinking.


Legions mini gun clip got lowered to 100 from 150 I believe. Honestly I don't think he's that good. He's slow with no dash and I seem to get destroyed while I use him. Tone is op though.


That'd be terrible. If there's one thing I hate and I'm sure a lot of people do as well, is getting killed during a canned animation.

I'm in favor of letting people getting killing during it. You choose to activate it or not. Let it be a risk/reward type thing. You guarantee the kill, get a cool animation, and progress toward unlocks, but you risk getting killed yourself. It's dumb as shit to watch an enemy suddenly become invincible and have 3 people just sitting there staring at them waiting to play again.
Nah, I'd hate to get punished for executing an execution.

That'd be terrible. If there's one thing I hate and I'm sure a lot of people do as well, is getting killed during a canned animation.

I'd never bother executing anyone if that way the case. Those animations take forever and paint a target on your back.

Risk vs Reward

TF1 had it this way and worked fine. It quickly taught common sense, don't do it with other Titans around. Or do and die.
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