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Titanfall Gameplay Footage (Embargo Lifted)


If they're going for the COD crowd with gameplay that might be difficult for the COD crowd then they won't win the COD crowd. lol

I question whether or not the Call of Duty crowd gives a shit about mechs and parkour in their military shooter. Talking to a few friends, they seemed to be turned off by the sci-fi-ness of it. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. I'm excited to try it out, but I don't know that people who bought a console just to play Call of Duty will take to it as much as core gamers.


With EA and MS at the reigns, good luck finding this game in a bargain bin anytime soon.

Kidding, right? BF4 was $30 on sale within weeks of it dropping. I already got TF for $45 on pre-order. I don't think you can assume anything at this point.

Yeah, just checking my Amazon account, I bought BF4 for the PS3 on 11/29 for $25 just so I could throw $10 more in and get the PS4 version for $35 basically.


So against my best judgement and work schedule, I've spent a good chunk of today watching Titanfall streams. Needless to say I'm pretty fucking exited! Said so I do have some reservations about the game:

- Very curious about game modes, Is this going to be a death match all the time.. i can see that getting a bit boring

- Would like to see more objective oriented gameplay, like area control, capture the flag, blitz etc.. you name it

-Campaign, no info whatsoever.. very very curious what is that suppose to be? Just different game modes with story beats throw in? like.. no idea.

-Mech on Mech action seems very methodical, there doesn't seem to be a lot of variety for that combat... I don't know about that, How is that going to work in the long run? Is there going to be those cheesy players exploiting the same moves to dominate on a Mech?

-Pilot Arsenal, those are some cool looking weapons but I wonder if there is going to be more, it seems rather lacklustre so far (shotgun, a rifle, sinper).

I know it is hard to tell with this beta, being limited content and what not. The game looks amazing and I think it is going to be big at launch, I'm more concern with its viability in the long run. Would like to see this to become a new e-sport.


Complaining about the weak AI...lol. They are LITERALLY the same as minions in LoL. It even displays Minions when you bring up the score sheet.

They are pretty much there to get your titan quicker and to reveal enemies on the map by getting shot at by them. If they were worth a crap, people would just sit in the back and let them kill everything.

Why do people not get this?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
So against my best judgement and work schedule, I've spent a good chunk of today watching Titanfall streams. Needless to say I'm pretty fucking exited! Said so I do have some reservations about the game:

- Very curious about game modes, Is this going to be a death match all the time.. i can see that getting a bit boring

- Would like to see more objective oriented gameplay, like area control, capture the flag, blitz etc.. you name it

-Campaign, no info whatsoever.. very very curious what is that suppose to be? Just different game modes with story beats in the mean time? like.. no idea.

-Mech on Mech action seems very methodical, there doesn't seem to be a lot of variety for that combat... I don't know about that, How is that going to work in the long term? Is there going to be those cheesy players exploiting the same moves to dominate on a Mech?

-Pilot Arsenal, those are some cool looking weapons but I wonder if there is going to be more, it seems rather lacklustre so far (shotgun, a rifle, sinper).

I know it is hard to tell with this beta, being limited content and what not. The game looks amazing and I think it is going to be big at launch, I'm more concern with its viability in the long therm. Would like to see this to become a new e-sport.

The beta has 3 modes - Attrition, which is pretty standard deathmatch stuff. Hardpoint Domination which is a capture and hold, more points you hold = faster point earning to victory, yadda yadda. Third mode is Last Titan Standing which is no respawn, everyone starts with a titan and can't get another, round based.

Not sure what the full release will have.


Hey guys, guys! Please explain to me why is all the hype hyped for this game so I can dismiss everything you're telling me. Please guys!

I saw maximillian getting killed by a Spectre.

You defend this game way too much on these threads. It's a game, you didn't make it, he has an opinion, he can voice it.

Nuff said.

I am more interested than I was before, and mainly because I got a great deal on the game at Gamefly.

I'm excited to play it, but im not excited about death-streaks, the dumb AI which has been seen as being as such in videos.

Also the lack of maps count, I don't want to pay for the rest of the game via DLC.

So people on these Titanfall threads who have played games made by the same creators can bring up their opinions. They have a right too.

I'm just sick of people disregarding or defending a game that some people just are not excited for, or don't like.

Just accept that, and move on, to each his own.

Rant Over

You and other's on these keep defending the game, just come to understand not every game is for everyone.



Where was BF4 on sale for $30 "within weeks of dropping" on PS4 and/or XB1?

Cause I must have missed that...and believe me, I have been looking steadily.

on black friday it was 20 for ps3 digital download, many ps4 owners bought the game and payed the 10 dollar fee to upgrade to the ps4 version, so it pretty much came to 30 bucks
He's referring to the PS3/360 versions which have been on sale heavily since they came out.

All the current/last gen stuff was heavily discounted during Christmas. BF4, COD, ACIV, etc.

I don't think you will see big discounts on the next gen stuff, on any major game, any time soon.


All the current/last gen stuff was heavily discounted during Christmas. BF4, COD, ACIV, etc.

I don't think you will see big discounts on the next gen stuff, on any major game, any time soon.

No but the 360 version of Titanfall could see deals once it's actually released.


I thought Respawn said the AI was incredible due the Cloud... that you can't compare it with bots.

Seems like dumb bots in the videos :(



Where was BF4 on sale for $30 "within weeks of dropping" on PS4 and/or XB1?

Cause I must have missed that...and believe me, I have been looking steadily.

PS3 version was $25 on Amazon when I bought it on 11/29. I also got a $5 Amazon credit for buying it, which I put towards a $10 PSN card on Amazon and used to upgrade to the PS4 version with.

It was a pretty sweet deal.


I thought Respawn said the AI was incredible due the Cloud... that you can't compare it with bots.

Seems like dumb bots in the videos :(

Something we don't know still is if the bots will scale with skill/rank to become more of a threat. It's just a theory but they could have a system in place that makes them more dangerous the more you play and unlock better equipment. We just don't know.

lol right?! i may splurge if it has split screen. did they confirm or deny this yet?

No split screen is confirmed.


You defend this game way too much on these threads. It's a game, you didn't make it, he has an opinion, he can voice it.

Nuff said.

I am more interested than I was before, and mainly because I got a great deal on the game at Gamefly.

I'm excited to play it, but im not excited about death-streaks, the dumb AI which has been seen as being as such in videos.

Also the lack of maps count, I don't want to pay for the rest of the game via DLC.

So people on these Titanfall threads who have played games made by the same creators can bring up their opinions. They have a right too.

I'm just sick of people disregarding or defending a game that some people just are not excited for, or don't like.

Just accept that, and move on, to each his own.

Rant Over

You don't see me in threads about games that don't interest me, voicing my "opinions" about how x game is way overhyped and things like that. It's the tone of these posts too.


Truly and sincerely, I honestly do not get the whole thinking that people cannot come into a thread and constructively share the fact they are not all that impressed with the game and do not share the same level of enthusiasm as others. Can it only be a love fest? Were these gameplay videos not posted so people can form an impression one way or the other? Or is it just one way?

I just really do not get why people feel that threads can only be positive. Especially impression ones. Different opinions are what makes the world go round. It would be a very, very boring world to live in if we all agreed on everything.

With that out of the way, it looks to be incredibly competent and actually looks like it could be a whole lot of fun for those that play MP FPS's.

The reason I have little to no interest is because of how little I actually do get to game these days being an "older" gamer. As such I prefer a good SP experience as they are played on my terms and are much more conducive to my random gaming schedule. Example: Wife tells me it is 30 minutes until dinner is ready. Awesome, let me hop on and play something real quick. Would be cool if that could be a MP game, but usually in order to really get the most out of them you try to join up with some friends. By the time I hop on Live or text somehow, party up with them and everyone is ready to play, 5 minutes is wasted usually. Now I am down to 25 minutes. See why this is not an ideal situation?

Also if the game is somehow balanced so that a player like myself, who would pretty much not get to play the game more than 5 hours a week tops, could just hop on whenever and still enjoy things and not be dominated by those people who only sleep 5 hours a day and play the game the rest of the day, then I would check it out. However I am not really willing to spend $60 on a MP game to find out if that is the case or not. Also a legit concern, is it not?

Truth be told a new MP only game just is incredibly daunting to me these days. The one and only reason I can enjoy Battlefield is because I have been playing it since 1942, so I have a familiarity with the series that allows me to still at least contribute even if my K/D ratio is shit.

So people need to realize there are in fact valid reasons people may not share their excitement over the game itself, and those people should in fact still be able to share their opinion on things. I just shared my reasons as to why, but should not really have to do so.

So yeah, it looks pretty good. Just does not really appeal to me from a practicality standpoint.


Damn it, in spite of all the new footage this game still just isn't grabbing me. It's still just comes across as Call of Duty with mechs and wall running. Don't get me wrong, I love me some mechs and wall-running, but if I were none the wiser you could have shown me any of the released footage so far and told me it was from Black Ops 3 and I absolutely would have believed you. Visually, outside of the Titan's designs (which are fantastic), the game just looks so dull to me.

I really want to like Titanfall, and for all I know once I get my hands on it I'll fall in love with it like many have, but as of yet it's still doing absolutely nothing for me.


Something we don't know still is if the bots will scale with skill/rank to become more of a threat. It's just a theory but they could have a system in place that makes them more dangerous the more you play and unlock better equipment. We just don't know.

Maybe they haven't turned the cloud all the way on?
I hope something like you guys are saying but I found this twitter.


The AI can't be changed at all.


Im about 95% sure most of the hype from this game comes from it being exclusive. I will check it out on pc, as i bought a ps4 as well. Not expecting much, but really any time a game is exclusive just ignore most of the praise because its hyped up because its exclusive.

You're kidding, right? You yourself aren't even getting it for the X1, so as you know, it's not even fully exclusive; I'm probably one out of many who doesn't have an X1, won't be getting one for a long, long time, and yet is really excited for the game; it's an exclusive because Microsoft realized it had the potential to be a hit, not the other way around; by your logic, I'm surprised exclusives are becoming more and more rare, seeing as being exclusive apparently invalidates the need to actually make anything of quality to get people hyped.

I can totally understand not finding what you've seen or heard appealing, but the complete inability to see why anyone else would is a little more difficult. I'll try to contribute an explanation, though, in the case you and everyone else asking are actually genuinely curious. It's because although Titanfall is very familiar and CoD-esque, that's true in the same way WoW was very familiar and EverQuest-esque. There's a core formula there that's very recognizable, and it's a formula that's successful for a reason, but it's also a formula with a lot of room for changes/additions/tweaks/refinements. Titanfall combines a number of new elements, a series of tweaks, and impeccable polish/attention to detail/execution such that the moment to moment gameplay has an entirely new set of moving pieces interacting with one another, and the result looks like such a great time. I haven't played a CoD game in ages, and I haven't had any desire to, either. But Titanfall has consistently blown me away.

In my mind, calling it "CoD with mechs" just sounds ridiculous in light of all the footage we've seen. I mean, that mech thing alone is a big deal, it turns out.
Have to say the more I watch the more I'm interested by the mech battles and general movement. Only real issue I have is the gun play and lack of recoil (at least from the clips I've seen).

If I could assure that I'd get decent pings I'd get this Day 1.


You don't see me in threads about games that don't interest me, voicing my "opinions" about how x game is way overhyped and things like that. It's the tone of these posts too.

True, but I also look at your comment count on Titanfall threads, and I'm with DirtyLarry people who follow the game, because it's in their face, should voice their opinion and have as such.

I was talking about how you defend this game hardcore, I get it you like shooters, you like Titanfall.

Well guess what even though You and me are getting it because we like what we see, not everyone has the same taste.

Just accept it and move on. To Each their own, people have a right to voice their opinion, and your opinion isn't better than theirs.

And that's why I commented, because in these Titanfall threads it's how it comes off.

Not an attack on you, as you are excited for Evolve, Destiny, Infamous the same as me. I just don;t like conversations that go into Opinion Superiority that's all.

Just be excited have fun, accept people have opinions and everyone wins.
You don't see me in threads about games that don't interest me, voicing my "opinions" about how x game is way overhyped and things like that. It's the tone of these posts too.

That is your choice. It doesn't mean you can tell others not to voice their opinions. I like some of the ideas but others put me off so using your logic I must only mention what I like about it but any concerns must not be raised for the sake of the fanbase who love every aspect.
There is no different levels of AI what you see is all the AI there is. Apparently there may be different varieties of AI but it will have the same level of intelligence.

oh hmm, bummer.

I will be buying this game day one, but I don't see it holding my attention for the rest of the year.

Since the majority of the enemy combatants are AI, and the AI seems really dumb, I can see myself getting bored really quicklyy.


Played a couple rounds tonight. Looks and runs great. Except for eyefinity, kinda janky :(.

Went from not sure to totally dropping money on this game at launch.
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