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Tomb Raider |OT| Lara's Misfortune


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Anyone knows where I can get the Limited Edition Strategy Guide that comes with the amulet necklace and in-game stuff in Canada? EB Games seems to be the only retailer that has the guide but it doesn't have the bonuses.

"Includes exclusive replica item and 2 in-game downloads" is a phrase uttered on every product page for the LE guide I've visited thus far, so I'm reasonably certain they're endemic to it in general and are not retailer-specific bonuses. Ring a local EB Games store and enquire if you want to be on the safe side.


This is an oxymoron. How can you have realistic yet over the death scenes?

These are still just polygons and textures. There's still a retry option. No humans or creatures were hurt in the making of the game nor will they be hurt if you actually go on a killing spree in the game.




Ill get this someday, when its cheaper as I have a backlog. I like the Uncharted series and Alan Wake (someone compared the atmosphere to that game, and Alan Wake is glorious imo) a lot and this seems like that but with a bit of upgrading and exploration. I enjoy deeper games too but sometimes I just want to play a romp though. The stealth seems cool too.

Ill also wait for DF and see if the PS3 vs PC versions, and how a mid range card handles the tressFX stuff (Nothing on that, or system requirements in OP??)


System Requirements

Minimum system requirements for PC

Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista,7,8 (32bit/64bit)
DirectX 9 graphics card with 512Mb Video RAM:*AMD Radeon HD 2600 XT, nVidia 8600
Dual core CPU: AMD Athlon64 X2*2.1 Ghz (4050+), Intel Core2 Duo 1.86 Ghz (E6300)
1GB Memory (2GB on Vista)*

Recommended system requirements for PC

Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
DirectX 11 graphics card with 1GB Video RAM: AMD Radeon HD 5870, nVidia GTX 480
Quad core CPU: AMD Phenom II X2*565, Intel Core i5-750
4GB Memory*

PC Enhancements

General Features

Full integration with Steamworks to offer cloud storage for saves, multiplayer matchmaking, achievements, as well as automatic updates and new content.
Support for Steam Big Picture Mode.
Configurable mouse and keyboard support.
Gamepad support.*

High-end Graphics

Very high resolution textures with up to 16x the amount of data
Detail Tessellation to enhance the detail on many surfaces in the game
Higher quality shadows
High quality bokeh depth of field with near-blur
Tessellation algorithms used to smooth out geometry
Improved cloth, SSAO, quality wetness effects, and post-filter effects.
LOD quality is adjustable for better quality on higher-end machines.*

+ http://blogs.amd.com/play/tressfx/


Nice OT, thank you op, will buy at some point.

But I want to know does she ever wear shorts in this one?


I need a good player doing a walkthrough to sell me on this game, everything I've seen so far is really bad. Not a big fan of Detective Mode either, but I guess you don't have to use it, same with executions.

OT is nice.


Neo Member
"Includes exclusive replica item and 2 in-game downloads" is a phrase uttered on every product page for the LE guide I've visited thus far, so I'm reasonably certain they're endemic to it in general and are not retailer-specific bonuses. Ring a local EB Games store and enquire if you want to be on the safe side.

Yes it seems that what you say is true. EB doesn't mention it in their product description though. Anyway, I found it on Amazon at a cheaper price. Thanks.


Got Tomb Raider pre-ordered for PC now. Lara, I shall not fail you!

With that being said, this will be my first Tomb Raider ever I play. Well, I played the first Tomb Raider from '96 for five minutes. But I don't think that really counts.


So, the whole tressfx hair thing, it's PC only, and with an AMD card only right? I won't get that even with a high end nVidia card?


Love this quote from the EDGE review-
So, in fact, is the game as a whole. It’s been more than four years since Tomb Raider: Underworld, and Lara has watched from the sidelines as this generation has defined itself. In many ways, Tomb Raider can be seen as a sort of collage of design best practice, or as a collection of the generation’s greatest hits. It’s got the kill-confirming XP popup of Call Of Duty; the gentle, optional stealth of an Assassin’s Creed; and Batman’s Detective mode. It’s got the linear, cinematic spectacle of Uncharted, with the narrative fleshed out by audiologs borrowed from BioShock. Platforming is Drake by way of Ezio Auditore, and combat borrows from, well, take your pick.

Yet despite all this, Tomb Raider retains its own identity, and much of that is down to its British heroine. Whether she’s huddled up against the cold or sending five men to their doom with an explosive arrow, this is still Lara Croft, one of gaming’s most distinctive heroes – and now she has a personality that extends far beyond the bounds of her bra straps. If the purpose of a reboot is to redefine a character and set them up for the future, then this is a job well done.

I am excite- hoping to get this in opening week.


Could someone post screens of subtitles on scenes and diaries' flavored text?

I've captured these from Youtube videos but hopefully this will give you some idea (of course the resolution will be better on your console/PC).

These are all from early game so I hope people don't consider these to be spoilers - let me know if so and I'll hide the images.


They are in bright, DVD-esque colours and surrounded by black boxes. They are easy to read but quite garish - they change colour depending on who's speaking.

Flavour Text

You have to manually access these from the menus but they look clear and easy to read - white text on a black background:

My finger is hovering over the preorder button for the PC version on Amazon. 33 for it is a great deal and now that I know that hair tech will work on Nvidia cards I am even more tempted.


Something everybody can agree with. I have no idea why devs still do this.

To make the silent majority play multiplayer, and hopefully then continue to play multiplayer and spend money on DLC etc. rather than playing the game and trading it in once the campaign is done.

For most of us, it's an annoyance. But it's a retention/sales tool for the developers and publishers.


Watched some of the walkthrough last night and aside from some stiff hit detection on the enemies, everything else looks really damn good. Max Payne 3 has really spoiled me in terms of animations when hit.


Watched some of the walkthrough last night and aside from some stiff hit detection on the enemies, everything else looks really damn good. Max Payne 3 has really spoiled me in terms of animations when hit.

Is this something new or the 1 hour walk through we got a while back?
The reviews obviously have me pumped for this game. Seems kind of like an AC/Far Cry 3/Uncharted hybrid almost, which is just fine with me.

Looking at the gifs on the first page, though, the game seems unneccesarily violent. I'm not surprised Conan reacted like that. I mean, is that really required for our enjoyment.


And for me, Tomb Raider and The Last of Us invoke a primal revulsion in me. Look at Lara get brutalized in that gif. Look at her pump machine gun rounds into that guy who was slumped on the floor. In The Last of Us, look at them force you to blow the head off a man begging for his life.

These games have officially crossed the line for me. When a game forces me, literally FORCES me to murder these people, is when I just put down the controller permanently. This is not a 40-polygon Lara Croft flailing into bamboo spikes. This is not silly physics as you beat an old lady to death with a baseball bat while yakety sax plays. These games have gotten too real in their portrayal of violence, and utterly remove the real-world consequences these actions would have on the protagonist's psyche. They are relentless murder machines, reveling in the wholesale slaughter of other human beings. You aren't killing monsters or zombies, you aren't a hardened soldier in a war, you are a somewhat normal person engaging in genuine muder-porn and being fazed by none of it. I do not want to hit that button, I am not compelled to hit it by any stretch of the imagination.

Just not for me, bros.

I totally agree. Having played videogames since the very beginning (yes, I am old) I am totally shocked and disappointed by the level of violence in todays games. And the saddest part is that younger generations are already desensitized by even these gross scenes. Next gen is really going to be a bloody shocking period and it has really driven me away from many modern games.
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