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Trevor Noah to replace John Stewart on The Daily Show

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Meh. I was pulling for John Fugelsang, even though that was always an unlikely, dark horse pick, at best. I'll give him a chance though. I've always loved the South African accent, if nothing else.
Not really.

And they've lost Colbert, Stewart, Oliver, Bee & Jones in the last year.

Wonder if CC will continue with satire news if he flops

Glad he did, honestly. HBO's a better match. CC is kicking themselves though I'm sure.

Yeah, the HBO show is a much better format

The almost mandatory guest slot on daily show is generally boring and stops stewart from being able to focus on stories so much
Holy shit. I think he's the best current correspondent by far (love how dry his humor is), but he's way too green for the job.
But whatever, I'll tune in.


No bald cap? Lies!
I'm down. He's pretty likable but hasn't been on enough to really develop a distinct voice or style. His whole shtick was being cultured and serious side to Jon's kind of playful, naive nature in his segments with him.

I hope he does well at the helm though because I really enjoy the Daily Show for its comedic, but ultimately pointed, take on the current events and politics and hope it can continue along that path once Jon is gone.

I like that he isn't simply a funny guy but someone that people at least perceive as being well educated and intelligent as I hope he can hold his own in interviews with serious political and intellectual figures the show often has on as guest, as well as feel like he really has a grasp on major topics of the day that the show highlights and critiques.


'enry 'ollins
Cautiously excited. Was really hoping for Aasif or Jason but they each have their own gigs, so not a bad choice here.
I'm down. He's pretty likable but hasn't been on enough to really develop a distinct voice or style. His whole shtick was being cultured and serious side to Jon's kind of playful, naive nature in his segments with him.

I hope he does well at the helm though because I really enjoy the Daily Show for its comedic, but ultimately pointed, take on the current events and politics and hope it can continue along that path once Jon is gone.

I like that he isn't simply a funny guy but someone that people at least perceive as being well educated and intelligent as I hope he can hold his own in interviews with serious political and intellectual figures the show often has on as guest, as well as feel like he really has a grasp on major topics of the day that the show highlights and critiques.

To be fair I've seen Stewart manhandled multiple times so it's not like he's some well versed policy person. It's a comedy show, I'm not expecting anyone to be Bill Moyer.

And if we're going to be honest, Stewart is not that funny. He has great writing but isn't nearly as naturally funny as Oliver or Colbert. His off script jokes and antics are often corny.

I don't think Trevor was particularly good on the show, but he's a funny standup; obviously he won't be playing Africa Guy on the show, he'll be the host. Maybe they wanted someone who was young with stand up experience; and a minority of course.


Well, being as Jon waited till the worst time to retire as far as Daily Show alum being available, I think it's a pretty great and interesting choice.

Seriously, within the past year everyone who would have been a front runner wound up leaving. Michael Che (before we saw how much he struggles on SNL), Jon Oliver, Samantha Bee (my personal pick) and Jason Jones just landed a new show, Larry Wilmore. Yeesh.

Jessica Williams already said she didn't want it, and to be honest I don't see her in the chair. Jordan Klepper is just as green, and more of an actor than Jon who's just himself.

The only other person I could see, who isn't hiring from outside would be Aasif. And that would have been a great choice as well.

EDIT: also, added bonus is that 'The Nightly Show' hopefully won't be looked at as 'the black daily show'.


I've seen so little of him I don't know whether this is good or bad. I trust Jon's judgement so I'll be cautiously optimistic.


No bald cap? Lies!
To be fair I've seen Stewart manhandled multiple times so it's not like he's some well versed policy person. It's a comedy show, I'm not expecting anyone to be Bill Moyer.

And if we're going to be honest, Stewart is not that funny. He has great writing but isn't nearly as naturally funny as Oliver or Colbert. His off script jokes and antics are often corny.

I don't think Trevor was particularly good on the show, but he's a funny standup; obviously he won't be playing Africa Guy on the show, he'll be the host. Maybe they wanted someone who was young with stand up experience; and a minority of course.

Jon isn't perfect but he's pretty smart and can conduct an interesting interview the vast majority of the time. The only ones that ever really flopped for me, outside celebrity interviews, which are a waste 9/10, are the major political or pundit guests which are always BS because they can't be hard hitting or really serious even if they wanted them to. But when it comes to interviews with academics, writers, filmmakers or with not super high profile government and political figures he normally is quite strong and a good interviewer.

Colbert was the worst at interviews because he could never put aside his character and anytime he got remotely close to conducting a good interview and having a real discussion that was informative he'd sabotage it with some stupid tangent or derail it to focus on his persona. Oliver on the other hand really doesn't conduct interviews at all and he never struck me as all too good at them. As well Jon's not a total dick like Bill who ruins half of the good shit he says with really horrible stuff a minute later. And yeah Jon's not amazingly funny but his corny nature is endearing and works really well with the style of the show.
He's smart, and I think I like him, but I don't really think he's that funny.

Which is the same way I've felt about the Daily Show and Jon Stewart for years now, so perfect choice.
From what I've seen of his work I don't find him very funny, hopefully he can grow into the role but for now I'm not betting on it. I feel bad for Mandvi, he would've been the better fit and he's been there for longer.
Going to be interesting seeing people dismiss whoever is the next host automatically instead of giving him time to grow into the role. Lord knows Stewart was bad for awhile and tbh was never that great compared to Oliver or Colbert. I also look forward to think pieces about why the choice is bad because it's not [insert desired identity politics stance choice].

I agree Madvi seemed like the most obvious, best choice.


I think having a global perspective really helps on a show like the Daily Show. It clearly helps Oliver on LWT.


Kills Photobucket
Given his inexperience, I really have to wonder if CC is looking to completely revamp the show, or if a dozen people said no before they got this far down the list.
The more I think about it, the more I like it. He seems very smart, knowledgeable, and funny, and he feels rather.. "well rounded" I guess, more so than the current crop of correspondents.

If you look back at what Stewart was before he showed up, it's hard to imagine what he'd turn the Daily Show into then (at the time it was mostly just a weak celebrity gossip show IIRC) and that he would be the one to do it. Noah feels like a similar outlier that ends up being a perfect fit.


Confident that Jon and Co. know what they're doing. The writers will probably still be there, so I expect the quality to continue.


Given his inexperience, I really have to wonder if CC is looking to completely revamp the show, or if a dozen people said no before they got this far down the list.

Eh, Stewart was relatively unknown before hand. His MTV gig The Jon Stewart Show had a niche audience and was short lived.
And before him, Kilborne was also an unknown.

Trevor is a surprising choice, but I think a good candidate. He's got the right delivery, that cocky/confident attitude, with a charming smile and deadpan delivery when needed.


His first act as a correspondent wasn't great, but it improved afterwards. After watching that standup routine someone posted I'm a bit more confident.

Honestly they are in a no win situation since the most qualified person left a year too early. When John Oliver was hosting the quality didn't drop a single bit.

It must suck for Comedy Central to lose their 3 best talents within a year.

This. None of the other correspondants would have worked well to replace Jon. Part of the reason he was so great was because of how much he cared and his general knowledge of what he was discussing. It wasn't just because he was funny.

I didn't like this guys bits when he was on the show the one or two times I've seen him, but watching that standup makes me alot more confident. Being quite worldly will bring a different element to the daily show (and possibly make it similar to John Olivers show). Hopefully he gears up on US politics and gets to keep alot of TDS's writers for the upcoming election season.

I'm actually quite pleased with this choice.


aka andydumi
Interesting. He's funny, but I hope they give him some free reign to change the show and make it his rather than expecting him to be another John.


Won't be watching. He manages to be even less funny than the former TDS guy that replaced Cecily on SNL Weekend Update.


Didn't everyone think Jon Stewart was a bad choice as well initially?

Possibly, but TDS is a completely different beast now then it was 17 years ago. Its kind of an important show for educating people in my generation (teens and 20s) about political events and what not
This. None of the other correspondants would have worked well to replace Jon. Part of the reason he was so great was because of how much he cared and his general knowledge of what he was discussing. It wasn't just because he was funny.

I didn't like this guys bits when he was on the show the one or two times I've seen him, but watching that standup makes me alot more confident. Being quite worldly will bring a different element to the daily show (and possibly make it similar to John Olivers show). Hopefully he gears up on US politics and gets to keep alot of TDS's writers for the upcoming election season.

I'm actually quite pleased with this choice.

I doubt this will be a problem. Most educated people in the world are geared up on US politics. After all, when you guys jump, the whole room shakes.
Oh, really? If true that's kinda odd that the article said that, then.
It's a recurring theme in 'that's racist!' where he says how people who speak Afrikaans think he's bullshitting because he can say 'I can't speak Afrikaans' and then he goes to the US and Mexicans keep speaking Spanish to him and he only knows 'I can't speak Spanish' and then he's telling a story about visiting France, etc, etc...

But he's a comedian so he may actually be able to speak all these languages.


I honestly wish they had picked an American comedian. So much of the show is talking about the american political system and how both American culture and american attitudes and spirit reflect that.

Living here or immigrating here and truly understanding deep ingrained issues.

Plus you know unlike Jon every issue he does bring up to discuss people are going to dismiss him because of his age and foreignness to the country.

Hope he does well but I can't say I see a bright future for the show.
I honestly wish they had picked an American comedian. So much of the show is talking about the american political system and how both American culture and american attitudes and spirit reflect that.

Living here or immigrating hear and truly understanding deep ingrained issues.

Plus you know unlike Jon every issue he does bring up to discuss people are going to dismiss him because of his age and foreignness to the country.

Hope he does well but I can't say I see a bright future for the show.

I'm sure his writers will remain American.

Oliver does perfectly fine without being American. In fact it gives him a better perspective for broader global issues. I'd imagine Trevor will have some interesting things to say about immigration, for instance.
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