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Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Info on Clinton


If Mueller announced no charges its not some disappointing thing and he let you down and was untrustworthy the whole time, it would mean there was nothing. Either you have faith in his integrity or you don't, it can't be contingent on the outcome being what you want
Oh please, Trump is dirty as fuck. We all know it. Money, collusion, obstruction -- he's not clean of all three. At the very least, there's a glaring conflict of interest at play in which he obviously shouldn't be in office.

This is the classic not what you know, but what you can prove case. It all comes down to whether Mueller can find enough concrete evidence to feel good about putting charges on an administration.
Nothing will happen to Donald Trump. If anything, this will impact those (from Trump's family) who were at the meeting more than the Russians. I.E., not even a slap on the wrist.


Expect more Russian bromance in the near future.


Nothing will happen to Donald Trump. If anything, this will impact those (from Trump's family) who were at the meeting more than the Russians. I.E., not even a slap on the wrist.


Expect more Russian bromance in the near future.
Disappointed that our 1st president has given up on his country and his fellow countrymen.


Someone really needs to take the 2:30 clip from Daredevil with Nessun Dorma and the FBI raid and trump it up with Ivanka, Don jr, etc. Only risk would be a scumbag like Hannity trying to hunt you down
Trump could literally come out and say that he rigged the election while holding Putin's hand, as they're showing the piss-tape right behind them in the background in Kremlin, and still nothing would happen.

When it comes to this man, the detachment has been astounding.

He's going to be in for his full first term at the very least.
Nothing will happen to Donald Trump. If anything, this will impact those (from Trump's family) who were at the meeting more than the Russians. I.E., not even a slap on the wrist.


Expect more Russian bromance in the near future.

Donald Trump Jr. is actually admitting treason here, though he might be too dumb or arrogant to know it. So for sure there will be consequences down the line for him.

That being said, the meeting was in Trump Tower while Trump himself was there. Zero chance he didn't know it was happening.
That being said this might not be the thing that brings him down, but Muellers team just needs to prove that Trump knew about one of the Russia meetings with his campaign (and we already know about more than 10 of these meetings) to get him on collusion.
The question really though, is what was the price for this info?

I don't think it really matters, if Russia has kompromat on Trump that he wants to remain hidden then they can just increase the "price" whenever they want. I strongly suspect the kompromat they have involves Trump and underage children, so I would imagine Trump will do what he can to prevent that getting exposure.


A good analogy to this would be: "you cannot charge me with attempted sexual assault of a minor, because that minor was a decoy and Chris Hanson was hiding behind the curtains"



Jon Swaine‏Verified account

Rob Goldstone, the Donald Trump Jr. acquaintance who brokered the meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer, the day after the 2016 US election:



That committer of adultery Jason Miller on New Day is trying to explain why Donald Jr.'s changing explanations are OK because 'he didn't know who he would be meeting with and their background.'

But if he met with her because she had dirt on Hillary Clinton, that might be breaking the law, you fucking idiot. Especially the source of that dirt and how they got it.
Nothing will happen to Donald Trump. If anything, this will impact those (from Trump's family) who were at the meeting more than the Russians. I.E., not even a slap on the wrist.


Expect more Russian bromance in the near future.

Removal of the Magnitsky act

Yup. If you get invited to a meeting by a spy promising dirty on your opponent and they abruptly change the subject to something they really care about... they’re spelling out their price for the promised intel

Can you imagine the shit storm if Trump's next move is talking about removing the sanctions from that act? Under the pretense of undoing Obama's mistakes.

His first tweets will almost undoubtedly be about Hillary and the DNC allegedly working with Russia, as if that story will stick.

It strains credulity that he's going to claim plausible deniability for a meeting set up in his home, while he was there, arranged by a close family friend and business partner who was staying in his home, that was so important that two family members and his campaign manager had to attend, and all 3 conveniently denied ever happened until they got dragged on front of a congressional committee.

It's obviously significant that Jr originally fabricated the cause and content of the meeting, and that even when coming forward, he withheld the names of the two other parties present. The next shoe to drop will be, who told the family friend to arrange the meeting? Did he and Donald speak at all while he was in Trump tower? How does Mr "I'm going to build a Trump tower in Russia" mesh with Trump's "I've got no dealings in Russia" kayfabe?
It would seem that Trump's version of events would necessitate the interpretation of "federal documents" as "classified documents" in all cases.
Its awake! Tweet storm happening now. And the Comey thing was months ago. We already established leaking his memo wasn't illegal. No classified information were in those.

To be fair FBI are now classifying the 4 out 7 of the Comey memos as containing some classified info (not the memo Comey leaked though). We'll probably get an investigation into how Comey handle this classified material, like if he had it on a none-secure computer for example. I'm not sure there's enough there to really incriminate him though, but he could get a slap on the wrist statement about his handling of the case much like Hillary did with her email server.

That isn't a none story, but it should be obvious that multiple people close to the president admitting willingness to commit treason is a MUCH bigger one.
Donald Trump Jr. is actually admitting treason here, though he might be too dumb or arrogant to know it. So for sure there will be consequences down the line for him.

That being said, the meeting was in Trump Tower while Trump himself was there. Zero chance he didn't know it was happening.
That being said this might not be the thing that brings him down, but Muellers team just needs to prove that Trump knew about one of the Russia meetings with his campaign (and we already know about more than 10 of these meetings) to get him on collusion.

Pretty much spot on.

Don Jr. with this revised statement pretty much admitted to a crime. I'm not sure if it falls under the technical term of treason, but he definitely admitted to violating campaign laws for soliciting contributions (which includes not just money but also information) from a foreign power. Don Jr. has basically put a big bulls-eye on his forehead for Mueller.

What's amazing is that Russian collusion is no longer just a neighbor or someone across the street from Trump's house. It's no longer just someone on his front door step. After this weekend's events, Russian collusion is now inside the Trump home attending family functions.

Trump's own family is now tied in knots over their Russian contacts and there also now seems to be a legitimately pathway to see Trump's involvement in the whole conspiracy. Since it's now inside his family, it becomes fairly implausible that he was completely oblivious to efforts to obtain damaging information on Hilary from Russians.

We already knew Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort were in legal jeopardy. Now we can add Don Jr. and Jared Kushner to the list. So let's look at these four people:

Paul Manafort
Michael Flynn
Don Jr.
Jared Kushner

Which one of these guys won't be able to handle Prison and will directly implicate Trump as having knowledge of the conspiracy? Don Jr. will probably stand tall for Trump. Paul Manafort may not have had a lot of direct interactions with Trump. But I could see Flynn and Kushner possibly flipping on Trump if push came to hard time. Also Trump particularly seems to be worried about the Michael Flynn investigation, which tells you he probably has some exposure with Flynn. And Flynn isn't family, so his loyalty might only go so far.


AP: Moscow denies knowledge of Trump Jr’s meeting with lawyer
MOSCOW (AP) — The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Kremlin is unaware of a meeting between Donald Trump’s senior staff and a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign where the Russian reportedly said she had information about Hillary Clinton.

President Donald Trump’s eldest son changed his account of the meeting he had with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign over the weekend, saying Sunday that Natalia Veselnitskaya told him she had information about Clinton. A statement from Donald Trump Jr. one day earlier made no mention of Clinton.

Asked about the reports, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday the Kremlin does not know who the lawyer is and added that the Kremlin “cannot keep track” of every Russian lawyer and their meetings in Russia or abroad.


CNN grilling Conjob on this meeting right now. She has been rendered speechless at least 2-3 times. He keeps trapping her on her statements over and over... hilarious.
Probably not insignificant now, but let it sink in that Trump's legal team and chief of staff Reince Priebus originally claimed that their "internal research" and "numerous sources" said that the meeting was arranged by Christopher Steele's Fusion GPS, rather than a close Trump family friend who was staying in the hotel and attended the meeting. I hope this guy's name and face get plastered everywhere so they can't spread this conspiracy theory.

A translator and an American businessman working for a pro-Russian business lobby also attended the meeting, which lasted about 20 minutes, according to the interviews.

In fact, you never hear the names of the Russian-aligned factions ever come out his admins' mouths on the first try.


Unconfirmed Member
What is Conway's official story? If it's anything close to Priebus' that's embarrassing.

I honestly don't know. Seems she's developed quite a lot of Trumpisms this year and just word vomits now in addition to lying.

Edit: lol, dude on CNN is trying to put the vampire back in the coffin but she won't go
Probably not insignificant now, but let it sink in that Trump's legal team and chief of staff Reince Priebus originally claimed that their "internal research" and "numerous sources" said that the meeting was arranged by Christopher Steele's Fusion GPS, rather than a close Trump family friend who was staying in the hotel and attended the meeting. I hope this guy's name and face get plastered everywhere so they can't spread this conspiracy theory.

In fact, you never hear the names of the Russian-aligned factions ever come out his admins' mouths on the first try.

Yeah Priebus was on Chris Wallace trying to spin this whole thing as some kind of set-up by the DNC, ignoring the fact that this was months before any news of russians interference broke and why they didn't use it in the election, if they went to all this trouble to set it up. It was amazingly stupid and of course got completely shut down by Donald Trump Jr hours later.

My biggest relief in this whole shit show of american politics, is that the sheer incompetence of these people will undoubtably bring them down eventually.
I honestly don't know. Seems she's developed quite a lot of Trumpisms this year and just word vomits now in addition to lying.

Edit: lol, dude on CNN is trying to put the vampire back in the coffin but she won't go

This guy talks too much. He had her cornered a couple of times but he keeps wandering off on her tangents and he gets easily distracted. He needs to stay focused instead of trying to argue every one of her deflections. The whole thing is circular and both people don't look great.


Unconfirmed Member
This guy talks too much. He had her cornered a couple of times but he keeps wandering off on her tangents and he gets easily distracted. He needs to stay focused instead of trying to argue every one of her deflections. The whole thing is circular and both people don't look great.

Nah man, he's doing what the media should've been doing for the last 2 years; shutting down bullshit.


I wish someone would drive a truck over Kelly Anne Conway's useless corpse... I don't think I've ever hated anyone as much...
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