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Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Info on Clinton

boiled goose

good with gravy
I wish someone would drive a truck over Kelly Anne Conway's useless corpse... I don't think I've ever hated anyone as much...

Your edit didn't make it better.

When you have the facts, you don't need to resort to violence with liars. You expose them.

Ask the media to properly challenge her and expose her.
kelly anne is the cryptkeeper cosplaying as jeff sessions


and the stories she has, will spook donald to the very core


but she must'nt see herself


I heard yesterday that almost the whole of the USA got nearly wiped out with Ebola. Its described in a book, forgot the author. Maybe that would have been better for the rest of the world :p
OT: Like father like son. #lol


CNN grilling Conjob on this meeting right now. She has been rendered speechless at least 2-3 times. He keeps trapping her on her statements over and over... hilarious.

It's about 7 minutes long, Kellyanne Conway interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo about Trump Jr.

Interview Clip: https://twitter.com/CNN/status/884389302150549504

Also on Good Morning America, Conway is shown an old video clip of herself denying any contact between the Trump campaign and Russians ("Those conversations never happened. I hear people saying it's a fact on television. That's not only inaccurate and false, but it's dangerous. And it does undermine our democracy." <- lol), she responds to the clip by saying "some of the disclosure forms have been amended".

Interview Clip: https://twitter.com/GMA/status/884371460063600641
It's about 7 minutes long, Kellyanne Conway interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo about Trump Jr.

Interview Clip: https://twitter.com/CNN/status/884389302150549504

Also on Good Morning America, Conway is shown an old video clip of herself denying any contact between the Trump campaign and Russians ("Those conversations never happened. I hear people saying it's a fact on television. That's not only inaccurate and false, but it's dangerous. And it does undermine our democracy." <- lol), she responds to the clip by saying "some of the disclosure forms have been amended".

Interview Clip: https://twitter.com/GMA/status/884371460063600641

Great stuff. Conway is often terrible on these things since she never answers any questions, but I'm all for bringing her on, when the interviewer is ready to adamantly expose the lies, hypocrisy and spin of the Trump administration.



How many times is he going to change his story?

i don't think his sarcasm is going to hold up like he wants to. he's confirming the subject of the meeting *again* LOL

if only his father didn't blurt out request helps to the Russians to release the same emails that his son just had a meeting about with the same country his father asked for help


Great stuff. Conway is often terrible on these things since she never answers any questions, but I'm all for bringing her on, when the interviewer is ready to adamantly expose the lies, hypocrisy and spin of the Trump administration.

I see no point in brining her on. She lies everytime. No one believes what she says if she actually says anything because of the spin.
Donald Trump Jr. is actually admitting treason here, though he might be too dumb or arrogant to know it. So for sure there will be consequences down the line for him.

That being said, the meeting was in Trump Tower while Trump himself was there. Zero chance he didn't know it was happening.
That being said this might not be the thing that brings him down, but Muellers team just needs to prove that Trump knew about one of the Russia meetings with his campaign (and we already know about more than 10 of these meetings) to get him on collusion.

Please explain how you think someone meeting with someone -- of any nationality -- who claims to have damaging political info on their opponent is "treason".
I'm happy he went in on the unnamed sources spin they've been doing.

news agencies need to go on the attack with all white house peeps, dont be nice. they aren't nice and bonus, they're all traitors.


Please explain how you think someone meeting with someone -- of any nationality -- who claims to have damaging political info on their opponent is "treason".
At a minimum it's illegal to conspire with a foreign entity with regard to a political campaign. At the worst, assuming a quid pro quo (adoption talk was about sanctions) it's giving financial aid to a foreign entity actively attacking our democracy. It's not a huge leap to get to treason.


Man DJT is on a retweet spree this morning.

It's ridiculous and obvious attempt at deflection. Also his insistence on responding to every little criticism is hilarious and sad. Really wish there was a live web cam we could watch of him flipping out all day long.


At a minimum it's illegal to conspire with a foreign entity with regard to a political campaign. At the worst, assuming a quid pro quo (adoption talk was about sanctions) it's giving financial aid to a foreign entity actively attacking our democracy. It's not a huge leap to get to treason.

This. They hacked our election and are currently hacking our power grid and who knows wtf else. We are basically at cyberwar with Russia and Trump and Co. can't stop tripping over each other to be the first to collude with them.
also, can we only offer to alter disclosure forms once?

this is BS after they get caught, they alter there disclosure forms, only allow one alteration and thats it. your caught on your bullshit after that.
Five stages of Trumpism:

1. "It's a total lie, never happened, fake news."

2. "It happened, but it's not a big deal."

3. "OK it might be a big deal, but it isn't illegal."

4. "OK it's illegal, but Hillary and Obama something something, so it's OK."

5. "Get over it, libturd, you're just a sore loser."

I guess we're on #4 at the moment, though I find #5 is a constant.

Not the first time they've done that.


How many times is he going to change his story?

I think we're firmly in stage 3. The Christopher Steele name drop by the admin makes me think they're going to try and spin the Steele dossier (which was originally commissioned by a Republican client, they've already claimed is totally fake, and was publicly disclosed by John McCain, (R) senator) as the same thing.

Despite the fact that Steele delivered his findings directly to the FBI last summer.

Please explain how you think someone meeting with someone -- of any nationality -- who claims to have damaging political info on their opponent is "treason".

He admittedly went into a meeting under the pretense of getting dirt on Hillary from a foreign source, and also admitted that said source turned it into a discussion on dropping sanctions.

But don't listen to random posters on NeoGAF, let's ask George W Bush's ethics lawyer:

"This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States," Painter said Sunday during an interview on MSNBC.

"We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason."

Painter also asserted former President Bush would not have allowed such a meeting to take place. "If this story is true, we’d have one of them if not both of them in custody by now, and we’d be asking them a lot of questions," he said, referring to the presence of President Donald Trump’s then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner at the meeting. "This is unacceptable. This borders on treason, if it is not itself treason."


It's ridiculous and obvious attempt at deflection. Also his insistence on responding to every little criticism is hilarious and sad. Really wish there was a live web cam we could watch of him flipping out all day long.

That ITAR-TASS photography crew that was following around Kisylak probably set one up.
It's amazing to read back how the USSR tried to initiate contact with Kennedy and how differently that was handled compared to now. Even offers to influence election in their favor were politely rebuffed.


Putin please.

Lol, these last 24 hours have sure been something.

Now, could someone more knowledgable about these things explain what's allowed in oppo research? I assume Steele's in the clear because he didn't commit any crimes while doing his work even though he's a foreign national, while if Trump's campaign promised sanctions relief for oppo or offered something else in return they're in deep shit since they'd be working with a foreign state? I guess what I'm asking is, was the act of receiving this oppo itself illegal? I assume his lawyers (and Hannity & co.) will try and argue it's not.

EDIT: Seeing the above, it seems likely they knew the info was about to be (or was) obtained by Russian hackers. Now that makes it a lot more interesting.


Trump has many times now repeated that there is no connection between him and the Russians. But when your son, son in lawn, and campaign manager had ADMITTED meetings to get info from Russians about your oppenent, it makes your lie look ten times worse.
I see no point in brining her on. She lies everytime. No one believes what she says if she actually says anything because of the spin.

CNN criticizing Trump and reporting on all the crazy shit this administration is doing isn't going to convince anyone that wasn't already convinced at this point. The lines are drawn, the only way to get some of the less adamant Trump supporters to realize what is happening is to expose these people and their campaign spin on air and show their lies. I'm not sure it'll work, but doing things in a bobble sure won't either.

Please explain how you think someone meeting with someone -- of any nationality -- who claims to have damaging political info on their opponent is "treason".

Planning to collude with a foreign power to damage a political rival using illegally obtained information. Not sure what else to call it. That the price for this was seemingly the lifting of sanctions is just the cherry on top.

Dude Abides

On the adoption angle, didn't Russia suspend or stop a program to assist US couples trying to adopt Russian babies in retaliation for the Manitsky Act? If so, wouldn't you suspect that discussions of Russian adoption might well also would also be about the Manitsky Act.


Please explain how you think someone meeting with someone -- of any nationality -- who claims to have damaging political info on their opponent is "treason".

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court

From the Heritage Foundation no less.

What else do you call offering to lift sanctions for damaging intel on your opponent. Now, that last part is not proven, but the smoke is thick as fuck and we all know that that is probably coming.

Oh, and also, even if that last shoe never drops and you say "but thats not Treason!!" It STILL breaks campaign finance laws by receiving material support from a foreign country.

Whether or not it's Treason is irrelevant to whether a law was broken.

Anyway, we all know your game, you are Bruce Springsteen Jr.


Are we there yet GOP?

Can we please kick this scum out of DC???


They still want to undo Obama legacy. They tolerate it till they get their tax reform and health care repeal. At this point, they'll probably take either.

Remember, the GOP supported Nixon until that audio recording was released. Plus, the GOP didn't impeach him, Nixon left.

Who's to say what it would take for them to turn against Trump. I think a child porn charge would be the only thing.
From the Heritage Foundation no less.

What else do you call offering to lift sanctions for damaging intel on your opponent. Now, that last part is not proven, but the smoke is thick as fuck and we all know that that is probably coming.

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