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Trump admin. to Israel: New Settlements Not Helpful to Peace Process

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Russia has Syria and Iran as allies. Israel considers them a major threat. I think Trump is going to find being besties with both will be a challenge.

Trump's foreign policy is totally confused, because he's trying to reconcile his own Russophilia with the pro-Saudi, anti-Iranian Republican orthodoxy and the vehement Islamophobia of Bannon.


No Scrubs
This. What the fuck? Is this Bannon trying to get his shot in at Israel because racist?

I guess. Could be they're trying to gauge how well the criticism goes over and if they can go further.

Could also be the administration is insane and doesn't know how to walk a straight line on an issue.


Trump's foreign policy is totally confused, because he's trying to reconcile his own Russophilia with the pro-Saudi, anti-Iranian Republican orthodoxy and the vehement Islamophobia of Bannon.

Lol, don't forget bringing down the EU, Trump is off his rocker.


Rodent Whores
Does anyone remember this?

Speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition on Thursday, Donald Trump once again demonstrated how he is not your typical presidential candidate.

“You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money,” Trump told members of the Sheldon Adelson-funded hardline pro-Israel lobbying organization.

He went on to mock rival Jeb Bush for taking money from interest groups and then toeing their line. “That’s why you don’t want to give me money, OK, but that’s OK, you want to control your own politician. That’s fine, good,” he concluded.

And then, unlike the candidates who do want the coalition’s money, Trump broke with GOP orthodoxy, questioning Israel’s commitment to peace, calling for even treatment in Israeli-Palestinian deal-making, and refusing to call for Jerusalem to be Israel’s undivided capital — provoking a wave of boos from the audience.

Trump was asked about earlier comments he had made to an Associated Press reporter that he believes peace hinges on “whether or not Israel wants to make the deal — whether or not Israel’s willing to sacrifice certain things.”

Trump was quickly assailed after that comment by rival candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who argued that land rights and a peace deal were not the issue and that Trump shouldn’t “question Israel’s commitment to peace.”

Trump continued to take a considerably more even-handed approach to the issue than his rivals at the event on Thursday. “I said that you have to have a commitment to make [peace]. I don’t know that Israel has the commitment to make it. I don’t know that the other side has the commitment to make it,” he said.

“I’d like to go in with a clean slate, and just say, ‘Let’s go, everybody’s even, we love everybody and let’s see if we can do something.’”

The moderator tried to pin Trump down on the litmus-test issue of whether Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel.

“You know what I want to do, I want to wait until I meet with Bi —” started Trump before he was interrupted by booing.

“Who’s the wise guy?” Trump asked. “Do me a favor, just relax, OK. You’ll like me very much, believe me, and you wonder why you get yourself in trouble.”
So the rumors of Kushner being pissed off at Trump were true.

It'll be interesting to see how much longer Kushner lasts as an adviser.

I don't think Bannon wants him there.

Depends on how much loyalty Trump has between himself & Bannon vs. his himself & his Son-in-Law.
If he follows standard Neo-Nazi theory, the plan is to get Jews and Muslims to eliminate each other while the 4th Reich sits back and eats popcorn.

Weirdly enough if I remember right Nazis didn't really hate muslims that much. Hitler actually thought that Islam would had suited Germans better than Christianity. Of course it also helped that both had common enemy (Jews). This extreme Islam hate is invention of Neo-Nazis.


I'll take wins wherever I find them. But I'm sure after NetanYahoo! calls Trump will flop back." I mean come on guy, we're all white people here, let me do my apartheid. "


It'll be interesting to see how much longer Kushner lasts as an adviser.

I don't think Bannon wants him there.

Depends on how much loyalty Trump has between himself & Bannon vs. his himself & his Son-in-Law.

His relationship with Ivanka may come into play when talking Kushner's role in WH. Even Bannon can't outweigh that relationship.
Alex Jones is gonna bust a blood vessel.

Yesterday he was talking about how Trump is going to get the nobel peace price (nominated by the Israelis) because of his plan to move an american chunk of sovereign land to the middle of Jerusalem.
I've heard this before....

Kerry Rebukes Israel, Calling Settlements a Threat to Peace

Oh I bet Trump was supportive then....

On vacation in Palm Beach, Fla., Mr. Trump posted two Twitter messages rejecting the speech before it was delivered. “We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect,” he wrote on Wednesday morning. After assailing the nuclear deal in Iran and last week’s vote at the Security Council, he said, “Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!”
Mr. Trump is nominating a new American ambassador, David M. Friedman, who has broken with even the pretense of supporting a two-state negotiated agreement and has helped fund some of the settlements Mr. Kerry denounced.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Weirdly enough if I remember right Nazis didn't really hate muslims that much. Hitler actually thought that Islam would had suited Germans better than Christianity. Of course it also helped that both had common enemy (Jews). This extreme Islam hate is invention of Neo-Nazis.

Dude was slaughtering European Christians he thought of as sub human, you really think brown Muslims would have fared well under the Nazi regime had it conquered the middle east?


I'll take wins wherever I find them. But I'm sure after NetanYahoo! calls Trump will flop back." I mean come on guy, we're all white people here, let me do my apartheid. "
Yeah neo-nazis definitely consider Jews to be white.
Dude was slaughtering European Christians he thought of as sub human, you really think brown Muslims would have fared well under the Nazi regime had it conquered the middle east?
I think they are referring to this
Hitler was a fan of Islam, but only liked Arabs when they also hated Jews.
Dude was slaughtering European Christians he thought of as sub human, you really think brown Muslims would have fared well under the Nazi regime had it conquered the middle east?

Well sure probably at that point. But muslims were not anywhere near the number one enemy of Nazis like it seems now with Neo-Nazis.


This has little to do with policy goals and more to do with Trumpian diplomacy of supremacy. It's not the settlements that are problematic, it's the settlements coming as a surprise announcement that elicited this response. "New sheriff in town, America's not being pushed around by ANYONE!" is the message.

This administration is a disaster.
They're right, credit where it's due.

It's the right policy but its also the exact opposite of what the Trump administration said last week. US foreign policy can't be a coin flip. Its going to mess up every other country out there. This kind of inconsistency is going to lead to a war. Maybe not in Isreal but somewhere in the world.


Dear Jared,

I PROMISE the big guy upstairs wants you to stop observing the Sabbath and start being at the White House on Saturdays if it stops our people from being exterminated. I PROMISE.


Edit - not that i think the settlement are okay. But as a Jew This just reminds me about bannon and how scared i should be


Yea his FP doesn't really have much of a direction and there is just too much confusion. Look at what Nikki Haley said today. Look at McCain calling Australia to apologize.

And now this. It's just constant confusion of messaging. Of course I agree with this message, but where is it coming from? And why even say this right now?

Not to mention I really think this job is going to have an adverse impact on this mans mental health. Days where you aren't getting enough sleep, and we all see how unhinged he can get. It's only going to get worse.


Trump and co. probably aren't stupid enough to endorse the construction of new settlements, what would they gain? They won't lose support over that, and there's little support to gain either without losing some too. Outright endorsing new settlements would be opening a can of worms which would become a needless distraction for his administration, it would overplay their hand, it basically tells Israel "hey do what you want" when they can use their support or disapproval as a negotiation tactic.

Of course they don't mind the new settlements, they just don't want to take a favorable stance on it, otherwise you lose a playing card when negotiating with Israel.

For example, the "move the embassy to Jerusalem" is not to make Israel happy, it's to create a situation on which the US can negotiate one way or the other. They know right-wingers in Israel will push for it, even if the government didn't want to do it, so it gives the Trump admin a card to play with. They can also pull off from it, if they ever feel it's favorable to US interests to cancel the move. If they had never said they planned to move it there, that card wouldn't exist.

Typical modus operandi for the Trump admin. They are doing the same with Mexico. Trump admin making enemies out of every ally is to have a negotiating position they didn't have before. It's not necessarily smart, but it's how Trump does business and people around him seem to agree with proceeding this way. No doubt it will sometimes backfire.


Trump and co. probably aren't stupid enough to endorse the construction of new settlements, what would they gain? They won't lose support over that, and there's little support to gain either without losing some too. Outright endorsing new settlements would be opening a can of worms which would become a needless distraction for his administration, it would overplay their hand, it basically tells Israel "hey do what you want" when they can use their support or disapproval as a negotiation tactic.

Of course they don't mind the new settlements, they just don't want to take a favorable stance on it, otherwise you lose a playing card when negotiating with Israel.

For example, the "move the embassy to Jerusalem" is not to make Israel happy, it's to create a situation on which the US can negotiate one way or the other. They know right-wingers in Israel will push for it, even if the government didn't want to do it, so it gives the Trump admin a card to play with. They can also pull off from it, if they ever feel it's favorable to US interests to cancel the move. If they had never said they planned to move it there, that card wouldn't exist.

Typical modus operandi for the Trump admin. They are doing the same with Mexico. Trump admin making enemies out of every ally is to have a negotiating position they didn't have before. It's not necessarily smart, but it's how Trump does business and people around him seem to agree with proceeding this way. No doubt it will sometimes backfire.

What support will they lose if they did support the settlements?


The only consistency in trump foreign policy is to piss off all of our allies for no appreciable gain.


What support will they lose if they did support the settlements?

Well on its own not much, but the fallout would lead to a mess that would further discredit the administration. It would automatically kill the peace process, pushing Palestinians and Europe to move even further unilaterally or snowball into a new intifada, and in the current context probably into a larger scale problem. Not everyone who voted or will vote for Trump is some right-wing nut, a lot of them were or will be people who voted Democrats before. No point in overplaying their hand for nothing in return.
Well, that's disappointing, but I have faith that Israel will come to love Trump anyway
and that Democrats and the liberal majority of American Jews will see that.


Imagine if trump have a stronger stance on Iseael than Obama lol at least one good thing can come out of this.

The only consistency in trump foreign policy is to piss off all of our allies for no appreciable gain.

I'm fine with pissing off Israel.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This new policy is to publicly condemn what Israel is doing, but to let them build the settlement s.
Well, Bannon is controlling the president, so this turn of events is not surprising. Probably the only benefit of having a Nazi pulling the strings.
But as long as Trump & Co do nothing to slap Israel's hand and keep the billions of $$$ flowing, it won't change the status quo at least.

His relationship with Ivanka may come into play when talking Kushner's role in WH. Even Bannon can't outweigh that relationship.
That's assuming Trump wouldn't rather have Ivanka rather in his bed than Kurshner's so to speak and wasn't marrying his daughter off for purely political gains. Seems like Trump was so Israel friendly (or rather Bibi friendly) because he wanted the support of the influental and rich Jewish circles during the election but actually didn't care that much after all, at least not enough to not be goaded by Bannon to do the opposite (at least publically) now that he doesn't need them anymore.

But man, what would I give to be a fly in Netanyahu's office right now, hehe.
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