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Trump Used Charity Funds to Settle Legal Problems

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Kills Photobucket
Hasn't been more than a passing mention on the news channels. Seriously disgusting. Not that I expect any better from our media.

And you can bet that any time they do discuss it, they'll have a couple of Trump surrogates on that will just mention the Clinton Foundation with no pushback at all before moving onto the next talking point.

Can see the Today Show tomorrow. "Trump used charity fund to pay off unrelated legal debts, but did Clinton do it too?"


Media better report on this tonight or tomorrow. CNN hasn't said shit yet but have been reporting on the Bradgelina split every hour. LMFAO fuck this.


Literally almost everything they've tried to find/assumed about the Clinton Foundation didn't happen and instead is exactly what happened in the Trump Foundation. It's like a wonderful microcosm for this election.

It's their standard MO to accuse everyone else of doing what they do.
Like screaming about "the biased media!" while hiring the head of Breitbart which actually is a ridiculously biased website.


Strange how many of the posters super concerned about the possibility of corruption in the Clinton Foundation aren't responding to this news.

But I'm sure they'll be here any second now.



This is picking up steam fast

The whole narrative of Hillary corruptionz and slush fundz is gonna get derailed pretty hard when there is actual evidence of Trump doing it

Not the first time things of nature have been brought forth under the spotlight. Yet he marches on with little to no consequence and sometimes even perhaps a reward.

Russia with all its corrupt and fraudulent electoral practices has Putin and hopefully America will now have their own for keeping. What brothers in arms these two will be.

Well, my sympathy for us citizens dried up a long time ago. Without any significant punishment/consequence, some of your more notable politicians:

  • Mock the existence of climate change and the related experts in the field
  • Seek to repeal protection and equal rights given to LGBT folks
  • Curb women's rights pertaining to birth control and abortion
  • Seek to unify church and state
  • Openly vilify minority groups
  • Support police departments that employ racists
  • In bed with NRA ensuring no change in gun purchase regulations and lest we forget are in favour of repealing the existing ones
  • Started the birther movement against a black man who became the president
  • Openly mock the disabled, cheat the veterans, smears a nation, call PoW coward, immorally and perhaps illegally uses charity money etc etc

This list can be even longer.

Frankly, the whole birther BS epitomises the ultimate road block for one with an "American dream" making it a lie and cements the "us vs them" argument.

Here's me just wishing that my country , Canada, remains notably unscathed for we have had our own share of suffering under Harper and vestiges still linger. Trump has emboldened racists in my country and I can only wonder what other degenerates would come out of woodwork should he win.


CNN finally covering this on Wolf's show.

Prepare for the Trump shills to spin this like its never been spinned before. See, I can't watch CNN anymore because of them, specially that blonde haired girl and Jeffery Lord. Turned me off, no mood to watch those people.


Prepare for the Trump shills to spin this like its never been spinned before. See, I can't watch CNN anymore because of them, specially that blonde haired girl and Jeffery Lord. Turned me off, no mood to watch those people.

Don't worry, they covered it for two minutes before moving onto GW Bush. smh
He is just being anti-establishment.

I mean when you think about it... what's more establishment than the law?

I rest my case. And look forward to my cheque.
You just know the only reason they pepper their article with "may have" is because they're afraid of a lawsuit. The cheques coming from the Trump Foundation makes it 100% unambiguous.
Maybe Bezos has a charitable foundation to pay off the Trump lawsuit.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Kenansville, North Carolina (CNN)Donald Trump bragged Tuesday there's "nothing like" using other people's money, hours after a report said he used more than $250,000 from his charitable organization to litigate lawsuits against his business interests.

Trump, while calling for building safe zones in Syria financed by Gulf states, vaunted the benefits of doing business with "OPM." "It's called OPM. I do it all the time in business. It's called other people's money," Trump said. "There's nothing like doing things with other people's money because it takes the risk -- you get a good chunk out of it and it takes the risk."

His comments came on the heels of a Washington Post report published earlier Tuesday, which called attention to Trump's funneling of contributions from the Donald J. Trump Foundation to charities in order to settle lawsuits against Trump. Trump has only sparsely contributed to his foundation. Instead, the foundation is largely funded by outside donors -- not Trump himself.

Trump did not make those comments in the context of that report on Tuesday.

The stones on this dude
He should be facing a lot of things, but it'll just keep being ignored..
Why? I don't understand. Hillary may not want to sue him because she is running against him, but why would other people and companies not sue him? This looks like an illegal act. I don't understand.
maybe this specific example is fresh and someone is filing a lawsuite/investigation, but what about the other illegal shit he's been doing (like Ponzee schemes and embezzlement)?


Media better report on this tonight or tomorrow. CNN hasn't said shit yet but have been reporting on the Bradgelina split every hour. LMFAO fuck this.

Stuff like this has been known for a bit now and hasn't generated much of any news coverage.

Right? I mean, this guy has already broken laws, and still nothing has happened to him. Just cause he is a so called celebrity and alleged billionaire? I don't understand.

Republicans will attack Democrats as doing this over political reasons, rather than of their own merit.


Strange how many of the posters super concerned about the possibility of corruption in the Clinton Foundation aren't responding to this news.

But I'm sure they'll be here any second now.

Very strange indeed but you're right, they'll be in here soon.
Not the first time things of nature have been brought forth under the spotlight. Yet he marches on with little to no consequence and sometimes even perhaps a reward.

Russia with all its corrupt and fraudulent electoral practices has Putin and hopefully America will now have their own for keeping. What brothers in arms these two will be.

Well, my sympathy for us citizens dried up a long time ago. Without any significant punishment/consequence, some of your more notable politicians:

  • Mock the existence of climate change and the related experts in the field
  • Seek to repeal protection and equal rights given to LGBT folks
  • Curb women's rights pertaining to birth control and abortion
  • Seek to unify church and state
  • Openly vilify minority groups
  • Support police departments that employ racists
  • In bed with NRA ensuring no change in gun purchase regulations and lest we forget are in favour of repealing the existing ones
  • Started the birther movement against a black man who became the president
  • Openly mock the disabled, cheat the veterans, smears a nation, call PoW coward, immorally and perhaps illegally uses charity money etc etc

This list can be even longer.

Frankly, the whole birther BS epitomises the ultimate road block for one with an "American dream" making it a lie and cements the "us vs them" argument.

Here's me just wishing that my country , Canada, remains notably unscathed for we have had our own share of suffering under Harper and vestiges still linger. Trump has emboldened racists in my country and I can only wonder what other degenerates would come out of woodwork should he win.

All those groups are part of the civilians you have no sympathy for…

Caja 117

Stuff like this has been known for a bit now and hasn't generated much of any news coverage.

Republicans will attack Democrats as doing this over political reasons, rather than of their own merit.

Just like they exactly do when they go on their Witch hunt against Democrats?


Junior Member
So it's charity funds going to another charity? Was the helmet purchases for the purposes of the charity?

I would imagine he does have lawyers checking on if these things were legal. Ethically definitely a lot of issues here though, the man is obviously morally bankrupt.

I don't agree with them, but do we have evidence these payments were actually illegal?


So it's charity funds going to another charity? Was the helmet purchases for the purposes of the charity?

I would imagine he does have lawyers checking on if these things were legal. Ethically definitely a lot of issues here though, the man is obviously morally bankrupt.

I don't agree with them, but do we have evidence these payments were actually illegal?

Self-dealing rules can be tricky, but this seems pretty straightforward. Self-dealing happens when you use your foundation's assets to benefit yourself. Remember that the reason the foundation is tax-exempt in the first place is that you are supposedly using the foundation's assets for philanthropic purposes.

Some links:
The IRS on self-dealing in private foundations
The more specific portion being violated here
What counts as a diqualified person

Specifically, the relevant parts of the second link:
Transfer to, or use by or for the benefit of, a disqualified person of the income or assets of a private foundation is an act of self-dealing.
A grant or other payment made by a foundation to satisfy the legal obligation of a disqualified person is an act of self-dealing.
Settling lawsuits against Trump or his business interests is very clearly a benefit to Trump, and I can't imagine successfully arguing that such a benefit was incidental, like getting your name on a library.

To be clear, this isn't something that would result in Trump going to jail, but I would imagine it would result in fees and penalties at minimum.


That campaign statement:

"Uh-uh! Washington Post is dumb! There are inaccuracies! Donald Trump is generous and great! 'What inaccuracies?' They are numerous! Really! And did you notice how bad Hillary Clinton's foundation is? She's definitely deflecting attention away from it with this accusation! 'Projecting?' We're 'projecting' a Trump victory! Look at the rallies!"
Well that attack on the WaPo will surely keep the media off his ass. LOL.

This statement is literally meaningless.

Nobody has denied he funded his foundation.

All he's done is denied intent or motive, not the actual problematic transfer.

Actually I believe there was a story or two out a week or two ago that it appears he hasn't actually contributed to the foundation in quite some time, and it is mostly funded for by others.
This Op-Ed came out just today too
It's fitting that the most childish, petulant major-party presidential candidate in American history seems to be trying to perfect the "I know you are, but what am I?" campaign.

Candidates have always attacked each other's weaknesses. It's even become common for candidates to embrace rather than downplay their opponents' supposed strengths and try to turn them into weaknesses. Opponents suggested that Arizona Sen. John McCain's ennobling five-year stint as a prisoner of war in Vietnam actually left him mentally unfit for the presidency, for example, and that the stirring quality of President Barack Obama's speeches demonstrated his crippling reliance on the teleprompter

But 2016 GOP nominee Donald Trump has gone that audacity one better. He's regularly takes his own weaknesses — his shallowness, dishonesty, bigotry, greed and so on — and tries to pin them on his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, thus at least confusing the issue in the minds of the voters.
It really is absolutely childish. It's literally a NO U response.
Tomorrow's headlines. "We ask the Clinton Campaign about Donald Trump's allegations about their campaign...."

I dunno, this was a hugely later response to this than the birther dumbshit thing. This story was allowed to just sit on the vine all day and have a full news cycle, whereas the birther thing was attacked within a couple hours.
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