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TV hosts blame Cara Delevigne for not responding well to their stupid questions

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
She's trying really hard. And she's a bit "clumsy" diplomatically but my god how asinine those questions are.

The dumbest one was the baffling "does being busy make you have more time to focus on not being busy or something?"

And Jesus why not let it go instead of calling her out?

You guys are dumb. You must know you're dumb.

And she's not making $5 million for six weeks of work you dumb shits.


Saw this earlier. Fuck those hosts.

Why the hell would you keep intentionally mispronouncing her name? It's not funny.


Damn telling her to take a nap and have a red bull and then talk shit about her after letting her go :s yikes...


This was painful. The hosts seemed geniunely pained that they were falling out of favor with her and sought consolation over that...


I'm going to have to side with the hosts on this one. The questions are goofy but not deserving of her responses. These promos are pretty commonplace with new releases.

She probably needs a new manager/P.R. person/whatever.


semen stains the mountaintops
She did seem like she was kind of annoyed but they went over board with their shit talking. Telling her to take a nap and drink a redbull to her face is incredibly patronizing.


I'm actually with the hosts on this one. Were the questions great? Nope, that doesn't mean you have to get super sarcastic about it.


She didn't even seem irritated to me. A bit mellow maybe, but I didn't think there was anything wrong with her. Those hosts really overreacted and were mean for no reason imo
I'm going to have to side with the hosts on this one. The questions are goofy but not deserving of her responses. These promos are pretty commonplace with new releases.

She probably needs a new manager/P.R. person/whatever.

Part of me thinks that, for what these actors get paid, they should just accept these asinine interviews as an inevitable part of the job. But for real, it would probably infuriate me to have my time wasted by professional hosts that can't ask a coherent question.


What a spoit brat. Go back to modelling and leave acting to professionals. The TV hosts are right to be pissed off at her shitty moody attitude.


I'm going to have to side with the hosts on this one. The questions are goofy but not deserving of her responses. These promos are pretty commonplace with new releases.

She probably needs a new manager/P.R. person/whatever.

I'm actually with the hosts on this one. Were the questions great? Nope, that doesn't mean you have to get super sarcastic about it.

Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.


She was going through the motions a bit but tried to go with a joke or two more in a duh way that flew over the heads of the hosts probably at the disbelief with those questions, comments which were awful and rather insulting to her.


The anchors are very unprofessional.

I guess that's why they never made it to the big markets (LA, NY, Chicago, etc).


semen stains the mountaintops
Stupid questions deserve stupid answers.

Asking her if she has read the book since she is so busy isn't the best or most original question but I wouldn't say it's dumb.

Either she was pissed off going into that interview or she just really loves to be sarcastic and it wasn't coming off as playful as she wanted it to sound.


Hosts were douches but she had tude from the start.

Douchebaggery all around, no one coming out a winner of this one.
God damnit Goodday Sacramento... Mary Anne, why have you forsaken me?

In all honestly, it was a little of both. They were dumb questions, but nothing offensive or worthy of the sarcasm or bad attitude.


Asking her if she has read the book since she is so busy isn't the best or most original question but I wouldn't say it's dumb.

Either she was pissed off going into that interview or she just really loves to be sarcastic and it wasn't coming off as playful as she wanted it to sound.

You think an actor wouldn't read the book that the movie they're starring in is based on?


Press junkets have shitty questions.

Actors get paid to pretend to have not heard them a hundred times.

She was copping an attitude from the very first question

Verdict: not the host's fault.

Also the woman telling her to take a nap and drink a red bull is some strong ether.
If you're going to do a PR tour for a film, it's probably in your best interest as an up and coming actor to have something interesting to say about a) your body of work b) the current project or c) an amusing anecdote about the current project's talent.

"Yeah, I've read his stuff. Yeah, she's great to work with. No, I'm not busy. No, it's not hard. No, I'm not tired." are the most generic answers possible and don't make for very good TV. She was totally deadpan. The red bull snap was probably a bit much, but she didn't give them anything to work with.

You think an actor wouldn't read the book that the movie they're starring in is based on?

Didn't Tim Burton say he'd never read a comic book when he directed Batman '89?


I'm with the hosts. They were standard questions, and when you're promoting a movie you have to be used to answering the same obvious questions over and over many times. She was rude from the start.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, that was just a perfect storm of awkwardness. It took a really weird turn about two minutes in, and honestly they got SUPER condescending with the nap and Red Bull comment. The interview was basically over at that point.


Yeah, that was just a perfect storm of awkwardness. It took a really weird turn about two minutes in, and honestly they got SUPER condescending with the nap and Red Bull comment. The interview was basically over at that point.

Yeah, totally uncalled for.


This is how all middle class British people act. Really obnoxious group of people.




Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.
Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.

That's a whole lot of assumptions...


Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.

Your comment was about all middle class people...


Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.

Whoa was not expecting some classism bullshit coming into this thread


Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.

You have some sort of complex going on here that you should get checkout out maybe.
Start an interview by getting the interviewee's name wrong and then proceed to condescend plus talk shit as well, what were they expecting? She kept her cool and had some attempts to lighten the situation while resetting her impulsive reactions.

Cara actually handled these asshat hosts quite well. Fuck 2 out of 3 of those hosts.


semen stains the mountaintops
Check her background. We are not talking about a normal person here. She is a part of the establishment. She is an elite.

She can pretend to be pleasant occasionally, but in reality this is how she is. She hates people who are below her. The trouble is, everybody is below her.

Are you one of these people?


Seriously, though, think you might be projecting a bit?


Unconfirmed Member
She was obviously joking around, then they just ended the interview and insinuated that she was a diva who needed a nap.
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