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Ultimate PS4 FAQ is live on PS Blog


Junior Member
No music support, nice one. Pure gaming machine.

But I got the feel for the hearing people although.
At this point I think my car has more multimedia features than the PS4. They have to be planning to patch this stuff in later, right?

I mean some of this stuff is starting to borderline on deal breaker for me. I'm planning on buying next winter anyway so hopefully this gets sorted by then.
Something as simple as being able to play MP3 has to be patch in .
Still this does delay me buying a PS4 when it don't have such simple features that you expect from a devices in 2013 .


No MP3 is BS
No username change is double BS.

Sony, you need to tell your users that these features are coming, or maybe even start an app store so people can develop apps to do these things. This is BS, playing games at 1080p isn't enough to be the leader any more.


you know, theres a bunch of really weird stuff missing (mp3 playback, no dlna, etc) but i feel like it's safe to assume a bunch of this stuff will come in future updates

both ms and sony seem to REALLY be working down to the wire to meet these launches and im sure its a matter of "we need to just focus on this set of features or the OS will never be done for launch"

Sony announced at the February reveal that the PS4 wouldn't play audio CDs, so that much was part of the plan from the beginning. And when you consider the patents on audio CDs have expired so there's really nothing to license outside of an optional logo, it's pretty clear they've been planning on pushing Music Unlimited hard for a while. This is a business decision, not a last-minute crunch feature getting left out.

Hopefully they'll change their mind soon.
Would love to get clarification from Shu whether they plan on adding DLNA support. I've never played an MP3 off my PS3 but there's probably people who use it as their home music player. I did enjoy occasionally streaming movies from my PC though.

why is there no nfs:rivals in the third party launch lineup?

i thought the rumors of a delay got officially debunked.

It comes out right after launch (19th) so I guess it's not considered a day 1 launch game.


Bit of an overreaction by some, considering it took Sony a year to program in wallpaper support on the PS3.

.mp3 playback will absolutely come.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Why the fuck would you only be able to upload videos to Facebook? That kills one of the coolest features for me.

Youtube support should be trivial, it'll come, but maybe they want to test the feature with one service first. Or maybe it's as simple as other issues/features having priority for launch and they didn't have the manpower to fully implement and test youtube hooks in time.


Actually overall, it seems they have cut out features that involve some kind of remote connectivity with other stuff. I'm wondering if they got a bit paranoid with the PS3.

Trying to limit the use of pirated stuff on their console might also be a reason.
Seriously fucking annoyed now.

Spent past few months reripping 300 Movies and over 2000 TV Episodes to h264/aac/mp4 ready and they aren't even supporting DLNA now?


aka andydumi
So wait, if I can't change my Online ID yet I could use a "Real Name" can't I just change my name into some else in my profile? Like in my case, change "CommandoSmiley" into just "Mr. Smiley."You know, like all the various Bruce Waynes and Peter Parkers on Youtube?

This would pretty much be how Nintendo handles friend codes now, the system recognizes the your identification but every person would see your nickname.

That's the point. You can make your real name any name. No one is asking you for ID. But your user id is your user id, and that can't be changed. Sounds a lot like Steam where your display name and your username are two different things.

Yes, there will more than one person whose real name will be the same thing, just like real life, but behind the scenes, they all will have unique user ids, just like on PS3.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
.MKV support?!

Still doubtful.

That's actually very well known and they talked about it a while ago. You can subscribe to Music Unlimited if you want to play custom tracks. Sucks, yes.....but not something we are just learning about.

Nah, this is the first I'm hearing of this. AND it's unacceptable. I have a large library of mp3 files that I paid for and now suddenly I can't use them, but I can use some service utility that I have to pay $5-10/mo. for? Fuck that noise.

It didn't actually say you couldn't. It merely said you can't use a hard drive as external storage for PS4 files. Can you do that on the PS3?
And that music thing really sucks. $40 a year to play my music?
Not your music; their music. Think of it like Netflix streaming, but for music, and like Netflix streaming, it's got a pretty spotty library. If it had a fat library like iTunes, it would actually be pretty sweet. I'd probably never buy music again, actually.

That said, Music Unlimited being the only source of music on the entire platform is pretty weak. WTF, Sony?


Bit of an overreaction by some, considering it took Sony a year to program in wallpaper support on the PS3.

.mp3 playback will absolutely come.

I agree, it'll likely come.

It's still a tad bit disappointing not to have it at launch (and I don't even use that functionality).


I'm sure we will see lots of additional features in version 1.6 and beyond. Sony don't want to over promise and under deliver. For launch, it's a focused game console. Sony can easily add more of the multimedia features over time. The fact that they have Blu-ray playback means they already have many of the codecs needed for other features.

I hope that's still the case, but...

Record, take screenshots, and upload gameplay effortlessly

The PS4 system provides dedicated, “always on” video encoding systems that enables seamless uploading of gameplay. Users can share their epic triumphs by simply hitting the Share button on DualShock 4, take screenshots or scan through the last 15 minutes of gameplay, tag it and return to the game—the video uploads as the user plays. At the PS4 system’s launch in North America, users will be able to share their images and videos with friends on Facebook and screenshots with followers on Twitter, though users will need to sign up for individual accounts to use Facebook and Twitter.


Maybe we're reading incorrectly into that and alongside sharing stuff on FB and Twitter we can also U/L to YT.
"Waaah, we want a gaming system! Not a media system."


"Waaah, where are all the media features?"

Be patient you guys, I'm sure they'll come in future patches. Sony has stated multiple times that they're focusing on gaming so it makes sense to put media features off in order to achieve a timely launch.


No dlna or external hard drive support is huge problem for me and I imagine for anybody else who digitizes their physical movie and tv collection. It's one of my most used features on the ps3 tbh.

Edit: any word if Xbone will support dlna or external storage? I'd really like to be able to move my last gen consoles out of the way, but these two things are deal breakers...

OK this is bullshit. I love you sony but this is bullshit. Inexcusable.

Curious, for this one, does this mean custom soundtracks that are allowed by a game will not work? Like on the PS3, you can have your own custom soundtrack for NHL 14.
At this point I think my car has more multimedia features than the PS4. They have to be planning to patch this stuff in later, right?

I mean some of this stuff is starting to borderline on deal breaker for me. I'm planning on buying next winter anyway so hopefully this gets sorted by then.

Where have you been ?

Xboner = multimedia
PS4 = gaming


Neo Member
I don't really care about MP3 support. Seems like it should be in there by default... but I can't remember the last time I played an mp3 let alone on a console. Spotify, Pandora, Google All Play Pass ftw.

Absence of DLNA is baffling though and they better have an explanation for this. But now that I think about it.. i've used PS3 DLNA features less than 10 times in 5 years.. still it seems like it should be there by default.

Worst news out of the FAQ though is no external harddrives. That one will actually affect me.
So basically Sony's taking away media extender features away from the PS3 right when other companies are starting to put those functions into their own products?

The only reason I can think of for this move is to force people to buy movies through SEN and sign up for their Music Unlimited service, which no one seems to like very much. Welcome back, old dinosaur Sony, we missed you (not).
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