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VGLeaks Rumor: Final Fantasy XV (renamed FFVersus) PS4 Exclusive. Sony co-developing.

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So yeah the PS3 version clearly outsold the 360, but is Square willing to leave 2 million units on the table?
How are they leaving two million sales on the table when there is no install base AT ALL for either system yet?

The best time for an exclusive is at the start of a generation.
Just for fun here was the estimated sales numbers for FFXIII on 360 vs PS3:

FFXIII PS3: 4.93 Million Units

FFXIII 360: 1.94 Million Units

So yeah the PS3 version clearly outsold the 360, but is Square willing to leave 2 million units on the table?

It could've sold those 7 million units on PS3 alone, were the game any good.


Just for fun here was the estimated sales numbers for FFXIII on 360 vs PS3:

FFXIII PS3: 4.93 Million Units

FFXIII 360: 1.94 Million Units

So yeah the PS3 version clearly outsold the 360, but is Square willing to leave 2 million units on the table?



Sony as a developer isn't shit. I think SquareEnix got the better end of the deal if this is true.

but what happens if the PS4 doesn't go over well in Japan and loses to the 3DS/Wii U duo

and then it loses to the Xbox in the west

seems like such a risky business move for your core franchise

What the point of the Luminous Engine then? Didn't Square said several times that the engine was built to work better with multiplatform development? Here is even a quote about this from Hashimoto himself:

yea that's another thing that just doesn't add up. they clearly built luminous to get their titles on as many platforms as possible. if they weren't building luminous for final fantasy than what were they building it for


Moving FFVersus to PS4 would pretty much murder what remaining interest I have in it. I'm not going out and buying a new console to play a game people went out and bought the old console to play it on. And I should note that when Versus dies to me, Console Square goes with it.

I'd say there'll always be handheld Square, but that's only for people who speak Japanese.

So uh, what are the other big JRPG series? Tales and Persona? Guess it's time I found a new series to like, what with this one going the way of Mana.


Just for fun here was the estimated sales numbers for FFXIII on 360 vs PS3:

FFXIII PS3: 4.93 Million Units

FFXIII 360: 1.94 Million Units

So yeah the PS3 version clearly outsold the 360, but is Square willing to leave 2 million units on the table?

Can we say how many of those 360 sales were multi-console owners that chose 360 over ps3 (yes they exist).


The Last Guardian and FFXV in the same conference....this is going to be one hell of an E3....Microsoft better be bringing some huge guns...honestly I cant even imagine what they are going to bring besides new Halo and Gears
SE has been struggling to release games this generation The absolute disaster of 14, the long development hell of Versus, and the general collapse of the Japanese market in terms of games being million sellers with higher frequency . That is one of the man reasons people harp on 13. PS2 and PS had a far wider range of games released by SE that people could focus on instead of voicing their opinions on The mainline FF released during those times. With all this resources tied up on Versus and 14's revival, they have barely released anything since the early 360 outputs....

They've certainly struggled on consoles a lot this gen (their handheld output has been fantastic). But I don't think that means that the name no longer means what it once did. If they unveil Versus, or whatever it's going to be called, and it really is what Nomura has shown in the past and describe, then I think the hype will start rolling for the brand just like it once did.

I think that you can kind of see that the excitement for the series is still there based on the reaction to Agni's Philosophy. People just don't want XIII in any form. They don't like the world or characters.


Sure i can believe it, kinda what many speculated.

Gives Sony a card in Japan, and if the game does well and the PS4 does well, it could be a new era for SE, granted that is assuming they can benefit from the easier to develop for PS4 in a timeframe where they can churn out RPGs at a decent pace and make good money on it.

If this is true, why not announce it at the PS4 unveiling? Only reason i can think of is that they would want to save such a thing for a Japanese oriented event such as TGS and that makes sense.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Just for fun here was the estimated sales numbers for FFXIII on 360 vs PS3:

FFXIII PS3: 4.93 Million Units

FFXIII 360: 1.94 Million Units

So yeah the PS3 version clearly outsold the 360, but is Square willing to leave 2 million units on the table?

If the 360 version of the game didn't exist it doesn't necessarily mean that many copies sold are lost, ie. not everybody with a 360 doesn't have a PS3.

Obviously SE wouldn't be doing this for no reason, there would be money of some sort changing hands whether it'd be in a hat or through development costs etc.


If FFXIII was actually great it would've sold a shitload on Ps3 alone. FF used to be a game that sold systems also.

About 40% of FF sales come from Japan if i'm not mistaken, and Japan is were MS is pretty much useless.


Its plausible it could happen. FF is a dead franchise these days, that's been surpassed by Elder Scrolls in the west.


This should help Sony defeat Microsoft in Japan.

Unfortunately, I don't think anyone in the US or EU really cares about FF, anymore.


If the 360 version of the game didn't exist it doesn't necessarily mean that many copies sold are lost, ie. not everybody with a 360 doesn't have a PS3.

Obviously SE wouldn't be doing this for no reason, there would be money of some sort changing hands whether it'd be in a hat or through development costs etc.

True, but why the hell would you get the 360 version over the PS3 if you had both systems?

I doubt that represents a very large percentage of the people who bought the 360 version.
it's probably about as big of a name in the West as Tomb Raider is now, sort of on the mid-tier. i think this would be a shitty thing to moneyhat overall, they could do much better with the amount of money it would cost.

I think it's still a pretty big name, even despite the damage that XIII and XIV inflicted in some way. But it's really time to move on and create a new chapter from the clean sheet.

PlayStation is not especially dependent on 3rd party exclusives anymore, which is a good thing. But they can at least try this trick once again. It can be effective.


But what were the total costs of porting to 360?

Considering the shit port job, I doubt it took more than few guys porting it. Most likely very cheap port (relatively).

Then again with the current SE, I wouldn't be shocked if they had a team of 40 porting it and still managed to end up with that quality.


Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXV for the PS4, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and release FFXV for Durango or you can kiss your business goodbye.

(I bet someone's beaten me to it, right?)


But what were the total costs of porting to 360?

i'd imagine you'd add 5-10% to development costs because that's probably how much extra time it'll take. that's assuming they aimed for a quality port as it is. porting to Xbox was a smart move for XIII, no doubt about it.
putting the series in a gaijin console killed whatever budo spirit it had. SE and Sony acting like the honourable shinshi they are.

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