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Warcraft movie has massively successful opening in China, bigger than Avengers Ultron


For non fans of the game, it's probably gonna seem horrible, this is a movie that probably will only have appeal to gamers, everyone else is going to be like "wtf"

I would say the other way around would be way easier to happen, expecially if you're a Horde fan lol.

Even if Blizzard has said that the lore from the movie has little to do with the game (apart from the obvious, of course), the things that happen in the movie might really turn the fans off. No joke, I am a fan of The Horde lol.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If they did a sequel movie, I wonder if they'd censor the Undead like they do in the Chinese game

I'm imagining a scene with the Orcs Path of Glory with grave stones superimposed all over it
No matter how shitty this movie is, I actually hope it makes enough money to warrant a sequel or two. I still believe the Warcraft universe has a lot of film potential, they just need to find the right people for it.

A Lich King inspired movie could be amazing.


Not sure if I am going to have time to see this but I want to. Might have to wait to rent it.

On a side note, Duncan Jones stated his next movie is going to be a small SciFi movie and somewhat a spiritual successor to Moon. So we got that going for us.
My fiancee saw it on Tuesday for an early screening and thought it wasn't very good. Shes not a huge gamer, but said that if you know about Warcraft you'll probably like it.
Not sure if I am going to have time to see this but I want to. Might have to wait to rent it.

On a side note, Duncan Jones stated his next movie is going to be a small SciFi movie and somewhat a spiritual successor to Moon. So we got that going for us.

It's already in post as he's been making it ever since shooting Warcraft ended so it should be out soon!


I'm sure I read that Duncan Jones cut of the film is about 35 or 40 minutes longer than this final cut and that the studio wanted it down to under 2 hours for easier consumption by the general public.

It would be interesting to see both versions.

~40 minutes? thats alot! That explains a great many things.

Gonna have to watch the directors cut then, it sounds like it would be more smooth than what we got right now.
I wonder if critical reception will affect here at all. Probably not, but I also don't think it will do crazy well here. I know I aint seeing it.


The movie is pure shit and this news confirm that Chinese have a really bad taste about movies (Transformers 4, Terminator reboot, Monster Hunter, The Mermaid, Robocop remake...)


I don't play any of the games and I like it, made me looked up the characters and read about them. It's just a good fun movie with some pacing issues (imo ofc)
A bit of bias cos I work in CG industry I suppose, I appreciate their work and effort.


Considering the fact that they still have popular Warcraft 3 tournaments with actual prize money there, I'm not surprised. Warcraft franchise is quite big over there.


I liked the film for what it is, but the writing and a lot of the acting is awful. It actually made me REALLY want a Warcraft 4 though.
Oh thank you Jesus

I don't know why I care, but I just did not want this movie to fail

Probably a mix of loving Duncan Jones, hoping for more gaming movies, and seeing how genuinely they wanted to make it


Interesting considering it was tracking really poorly in the US. Worse than Conjuring 2 and Now You See Me 2.

Sounds like China will carry this into profitability.
They're lucky Legendary, the production company for the film, is owned by a Chinese company. It allows them to open on more screens, have a longer run, and gets them a bigger cut. Typically, I think most movies only see 20-25% of the money from China.

The US run is looking really, really bad though. I've seen some talk about $50M across it's entire run.


I'm happy for Duncan Jones. Though I doubt he'd want to do the sequels.
Dude is a MASSIVE Warcraft fan so who knows.

It's actually funny looking back at all the people acting like the movie is going to fail when it's already on track to beat films like Furious 7 in the foreign box office which made what? 1.5 billion? People forget that the foreign box office is where most of the mega franchises make their money i would doubt the fast and furious franchise would be where it's at if it wasn't for that market because they always make 3-4x what it makes here and Marvel films crush it.
They're lucky Legendary, the production company for the film, is owned by a Chinese company. It allows them to open on more screens, have a longer run, and gets them a bigger cut. Typically, I think most movies only see 20-25% of the money from China.

The US run is looking really, really bad though. I've seen some talk about $50M across it's entire run.

At the risk of sounding crass - I feel like middling American films with hammy acting but whacky ass action do well overseas because of translation (This, Pacific Rim, Transformers to a degree, etc...)

I.E., when I watch a foreign film, the dialogue may be shit, but I don't really know it because I'm reading subtitles or its dubbed... so unless it is just awfully delivered from a physical acting standpoint - I don't know that it is cheesy/goofy/out of place/poorly written.

So to foreign audiences, they may just see an awesome film and not GAF about the dialogue because its dubbed over or subtitled.

Pretty sure China alone is gonna give this movie a decent profit.


I'll be seeing it next week, but until the plot of Warcraft 3 is put on screen, I'll keep cheering for the franchise's success. Hopefully they will just jump to the Burning Legion saga, because Night Elves should help sell the whole thing - orcs and mainstream don't go together.


I'll be seeing it next week, but until the plot of Warcraft 3 is put on screen, I'll keep cheering for the franchise's success. Hopefully they will just jump to the Burning Legion saga, because Night Elves should help sell the whole thing - orcs and mainstream don't go together.

When Thrall starts kicking ass and taking names while being a damn good guy, I think that might change.


While I don't really have any desire to see Warcraft, I'm happy for Duncan Jones if it does become a commercial success. Moon and Source Code are two of my favourite sci-fi movies in recent memory.


I already watched it and in the debut, in my city, there was very few people in the room.

At least I heard that in Sao Paulo there were a lot more people interested in the movie.

As someone who knows nothing about Warcraft, it's good fun. One or other scene feels disjointed and some of the acting is poor, but overall, it was a fun movie and worth the ticket.
Going to watch it this Saturday. My WoW friends that watched it loved it, apparently it's just a full serving of fanservice for the fans, and that's what I'm expecting.

Thank you, China, for funding sequels to this amazingly fun film.

I already watched it and in the debut, in my city, there was very few people in the room.

At least I heard that in Sao Paulo there were a lot more people interested in the movie.

As someone who knows nothing about Warcraft, it's good fun. One or other scene feels disjointed and some of the acting is poor, but overall, it was a fun movie and worth the ticket.
Hah, it truly seems like Brazilians are more supportive of the movie than the Americans online.


When Thrall starts kicking ass and taking names while being a damn good guy, I think that might change.

But still I think the female audience will move to see a strong female night elf, kicking ass while riding a blue tiger.
Never played any Warcraft game before and I loved the movie. Been waiting for a decent fantasy movie since LOTR. The Hobbit was an abomination. Loved the world they established and the potential for future movies. Glad it's doing well world world and the stupid critics in US won't doom it. Looking forward to more sequels.


This movie was the live action equivalent of FF7: Advent Children: A fan service-riddled mess only the already indoctrinated can enjoy.


The spell effects were terribad, but damn those orcs made up for it. I could stare at Durotans face move forever.
I saw it a few weeks ago and I'd probably go see a sequel depending on where the story picks up.
For non fans of the game, it's probably gonna seem horrible, this is a movie that probably will only have appeal to gamers, everyone else is going to be like "wtf"

Can confirm in my case. I've played Warcraft games over half my life and I absolutely loved every minute of it, my girlfriend with no knowledge of the Warcraft universe thought it was abysmal. And honestly I can see why. It moves way too fast for an origin type story, explanation of certain things is basically nonexistent.


Great news, China funding dat sequel. Need to see the rise and fall of Arthas on the big screen with Uther.
Good, I'm glad it's doing well. It's much better than the majority of the reviewes I've seen will have you believe. Though I guess it helps if you can stomach some fantasy-ass fantasy based on a videogame. It's not just China where it's doing well; it's the number 1 film in the UK right now, edging out competition from the Turtles film which came out on the same day. Makes me proud to be British :p
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