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Warcraft movie has massively successful opening in China, bigger than Avengers Ultron


Yeah, which is fine, but the reviews made it sound like the worst thing in the world. Especially that first review that compared it to fucking Battlefield Earth lmao

I got no doubts it's not a good movie. It doesn't look good or sound good. But audience impressions seem so different?

For non Warcraft fans it will seem terrible.


But still I think the female audience will move to see a strong female night elf, kicking ass while riding a blue tiger.

Thats gonna be great too, but I was just talking about the part where you said that orcs and mainstream don't mix lol.

Probably should've bolded it hehehe


For non Warcraft fans it will seem terrible.

If this thread could be any indication, we've had a few people that don't play the games liking it.


For non Warcraft fans it will seem terrible.

Having been sitting next to a non-Warcraft fan when I got to see an early screening on Tuesday and hearing their thoughts, I respectfully disagree. Though it's definitely a better movie with prior lore knowledge.


So can someone explain why Blockbusters, particularly poor ones, do well in China? What is it culturally that is driving it? It seems they just eat those types of movies up the flashier and cg ridden they are.


I enjoyed it more than i thought i would and am looking forward to see a second one, now my biggest issue was that you can so easily tell they cut stuff out, and i want to see the full version, whoever cut this down should be fired, quite jarring at times but still enjoyable for what it is.


Would be nice if people saying it's awful could put a little more effort in to explain WHY its awful.

Go back to my comment on page two...

Awful writing and bad dialogue. Ben Foster is a great actor but he was given some absolute turd dialogue. A lot of the story feels disjointed as well probably due to the edit. The Orc halfling character was terrible in both writing and acting. The main protagonist of the film is basically just a less unhinged version of Ragnar.

I've been a huge WC fan going back to the original. But you don't have to be a film savant to see why it gets bad reviews. I enjoy it for the characters and lore but I would never recommend it to a non WC fan personally.


So can someone explain why Blockbusters, particularly poor ones, do well in China? What is it culturally that is driving it? It seems they just eat those types of movies up the flashier and cg ridden they are.

Marvel movies do good here.


So can someone explain why Blockbusters, particularly poor ones, do well in China? What is it culturally that is driving it? It seems they just eat those types of movies up the flashier and cg ridden they are.

Because they want an escape, enjoy the ride, and aren't pretentious and over-saturated with entertainment?


Would this be the first big budget film of its kind to do mediocre in western territories but do okay overall thanks primarily to China?

Terminator genysys. Didn't break $100 million in the US but I'm pretty sure it was close to $400 million worldwide.

So can someone explain why Blockbusters, particularly poor ones, do well in China? What is it culturally that is driving it? It seems they just eat those types of movies up the flashier and cg ridden they are.

Due to the language and cultural barrier, cgi blockbusters with little story translate very well over there. And cgi blockbusters with little story tend to get ripped apart in reviews (transformers).
In general Chinese audiences lack the knowledge and/or judgement regarding mediums like films, drama series and video games. It is a complicated topic but mostly due to how education works, and the overall lack of curation direction. They will follow where the marketing is (way more than you western dudes), and they mostly only care about shiny fx effects and big name actors, nothing else.
In general Chinese audiences lack the knowledge and/or judgement regarding mediums like films, drama series and video games. It is a complicated topic but mostly due to how education works, and the overall lack of curation direction.

They probably take what they can get. "Good" movies are deemed terrible by people as well and basing everything you should watch on some assholes review isn't really a good way to go about things.


Because they want an escape, enjoy the ride, and aren't pretentious and over-saturated with entertainment?

Terminator genysys. Didn't break $100 million in the US but I'm pretty sure it was close to $400 million worldwide.

Due to the language and cultural barrier, cgi blockbusters with little story translate very well over there. And cgi blockbusters with little story tend to get ripped apart in reviews (transformers).

In general Chinese audiences lack the knowledge and/or judgement regarding mediums like films, drama series and video games. It is a complicated topic but mostly due to how education works, and the overall lack of curation direction. They will follow where the marketing is (way more than you western dudes), and they mostly only care about shiny fx effects and big name actors, nothing else.

Thanks. Pretty interesting all around.


So can someone explain why Blockbusters, particularly poor ones, do well in China? What is it culturally that is driving it? It seems they just eat those types of movies up the flashier and cg ridden they are.

China has a limit on how many foreign movies come through each year, I believe it's 34. Star Wars actually had to wait until January of this year to come out in China because they already met their quota. Also note that China picks the movies they want, ergo the recent pandering to Chinese audiences in a lot of big budget movies.

In terms of why specifically big dumb blockbusters do well in China, I think it's largely because no movie in China touches the budget of something like Transformers. It is a huge spectacle compared to domestic films.
Yo Nirolak kinda off topic question but what's the protocol on game related things that usually go on OT but are connected to games like the WarCraft and Assassin's Creed movies or the Ace Attorney and Danganronpa anime

Which section should they go in
Yeah, I want to see it do well for his sake. I wonder if he'd return to do the sequel, or whether his experience on this has been so bad that he'd want out.

He will almost certainly return if they option a sequel. He was recently on Nerdist podcast talking about the film and they brought this up. I think he'll make them as long as they want them and he feels the desire to do so.

But if they even just want one more, he's pretty much very willing to do so.


Yeah, which is fine, but the reviews made it sound like the worst thing in the world. Especially that first review that compared it to fucking Battlefield Earth lmao

I got no doubts it's not a good movie. It doesn't look good or sound good. But audience impressions seem so different?

I can't take anyone seriously when they compare something that looks like this movie to Battlefield fucking Earth. Fan of the games or not, I just can't wrap my head around that comparison. I refuse to believe that something that had so much money poured into it and has such high production values, whether it's a "bad" movie or not, is comparable to Battlefield Earth. Battlefield Earth is one of the most awful creations in the history of humanity and doesn't deserve to exist.
I can't take anyone seriously when they compare something that looks like this movie to Battlefield fucking Earth. Fan of the games or not, I just can't wrap my head around that comparison. I refuse to believe that something that had so much money poured into it and has such high production values, whether it's a "bad" movie or not, is comparable to Battlefield Earth. Battlefield Earth is one of the most awful creations in the history of humanity and doesn't deserve to exist.

This is the most gamer-centric criticism of a movie review I've ever read.


This is the most gamer-centric criticism of a movie review I've ever read.

I just hate BFE that much. It's the worst movie ever to me. No matter what crap you drag up from Netflix or Amazon Prime or the depths of the internet, it's not worse than BFE. I'm not even going to watch the Warcraft movie in theaters and I don't really give a shit about it, but it can't possibly be comparable to Battlefield Earth. It just can't. I refuse to accept that.


I wouldn't put it in a league with BF Earth but the Khagdar character in Warcraft was basically Battlefield Earth quality.

Or I guess closer to the Dungeons and Dragons movie from years ago with Marlon Wayans.


I can't take anyone seriously when they compare something that looks like this movie to Battlefield fucking Earth. Fan of the games or not, I just can't wrap my head around that comparison. I refuse to believe that something that had so much money poured into it and has such high production values, whether it's a "bad" movie or not, is comparable to Battlefield Earth. Battlefield Earth is one of the most awful creations in the history of humanity and doesn't deserve to exist.

Honestly, it feels like some are railing extra hard against it just cause it's a video game film with the stigma that carries.

After having seen it, the worst thing I could say about it is that it's a generic high budget blockbuster, but there are a lot of those being made, and rarely if ever do they get panned as hard to be compared to Battlefield Earth.


Unconfirmed Member
Gotta say this movie will be divisive and more than fans or non fans of the game being the deciding factor on which camp everyone lands on I think it will be expectations.
Srsly I went with a non WoW player but hardcore lore nut(reads all the books), 1 WoW only person, 1 that knows nothing about Warcraft at all and me having played all the strategy games + WoW till Wrath.

I thought it was meh I was partly bored, too much stuff thrown in, but the thing is at times I felt like there was a working movie in all of this mess. Like I caught glimpses of it.
Also Ben Foster as Medivh did not work for me.
My lore nut friend hated the movie. He was not into all the changes they made.
The WoW only friend liked the movie, thought it was fun and got a ton out of the world being brought to life.
The one that doesn't know anything about Warcraft actually enjoyed it the most.

Yeah to me it all doesn't make any sense either. Like I said the only reason that kind of makes sense to me is that we all went in with different expectations.


It's a terrible movie but I'm happy fans are going to get a sequel. I just hope it does more than just translate areas and armor from game to movie (because really, that's all most Warcraft fans seemingly want to see) and actually try to make a good film with a working script and at least acceptable editing.


Honestly, it feels like some are railing extra hard against it just cause it's a video game film with the stigma that carries.

After having seen it, the worst thing I could say about it is that it's a generic high budget blockbuster, but there are a lot of those being made, and rarely if ever do they get panned as hard to be compared to Battlefield Earth.

The problem is I don't think it was even to the quality of generic high budget blockbuster. Other than the CGI. If this was some direct to disc/digital title it would probably be getting a way better reception due to the lower expectation.

Like I said, I enjoyed it. But I am self aware enough to realize the only reason I enjoyed it was because of my interest in the Lore and a specific actor. I can't justify it as a good movie off that alone because I am able to judge it objectively.


Honestly, it feels like some are railing extra hard against it just cause it's a video game film with the stigma that carries.

After having seen it, the worst thing I could say about it is that it's a generic high budget blockbuster, but there are a lot of those being made, and rarely if ever do they get panned as hard to be compared to Battlefield Earth.

Yeah, sounds like that. Personally, the Warcraft movie kinda sounds Batman Vs Superman level quality to me. That movie had me bored out of my mind and just wanting to go home and I'm afraid that Warcraft is going to be the same, so I'm avoiding seeing it in theaters.

To a different person that responded to me - I didn't mean to say that lots of money and high production values couldn't make a bad movie, it absolutely can (see my utter disdain for BvS). I just don't believe that anything like that could be like Battlefield Earth and I have deep and never ending disgust for that movie.


Has there ever been another film that has been panned for, for the most part, following the source material?


Would Pacific Rim count? Thanks to China, we're actually getting a sequel now.

Pacific Rim comes to mind. That film was saved by WW gross, and China played a big factor in it. Iirc the film did better in China than it did in the US.

edit: beaten
Thx. Thought I remembered another one and that's it. Quite interesting to see China can make that much difference now.

I figured Warcraft was going to be a mild bomb in West but looks like China and global market might save it when everything's added together.

Still wish Jones had gone with something quirkier and smaller like Moon but leastways looks like he's going to avoid a bomb.


Thx. Thought I remembered another one and that's it. Quite interesting to see China can make that much difference now.

I figured Warcraft was going to be a mild bomb in West but looks like China and global market might save it when everything's added together.

Still wish Jones had gone with something quirkier and smaller like Moon but leastways looks like he's going to avoid a bomb.

Well, he's apparently in post-production with Mute (in the same universe as Moon) starring Paul Rudd.

He's gonna do smaller films in between Warcraft films.


Warcraft is huge in China.
My WoW server back in the classic days used to have so many Chinese players who played all day but never said a word :p


Well, he's apparently in post-production with Mute (in the same universe as Moon) starring Paul Rudd.

He's gonna do smaller films in between Warcraft films.
Yeah I just he hadn't committed to such a big endeavour. Still it's his life!


I'm kind of glad despite thinking it was pretty 'meh' when I went to see it at the cinema last week. It's going to take until an adaptation of Warcraft 3 to really get good.


Yeah, which is fine, but the reviews made it sound like the worst thing in the world. Especially that first review that compared it to fucking Battlefield Earth lmao

I got no doubts it's not a good movie. It doesn't look good or sound good. But audience impressions seem so different?

Your a warcraft fan go watch it you will recognize more than you think i still need to see it but as stated by jesse cox as a warcraft fan you will know everything because of the lore but also the little details everywhere it is a fan movie made by fans for fans..see what i did there?
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