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Warner Bros. approach Ben Affleck for 'Justice League'

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He's most certainly going to be involved in the script. DC is going to use the same strategy Marvel did with Whedon. Despite Smith's recent slew of shitty movies, fans will go apeshit if he's attached to script the JLA movie. He has a lot of good will.

Kevin Smith sucks. I want him nowhere near the JLA movie.
Skip the bullcrap and make a Kingdom Come film, already. In fact, I think that some elseworld films will do well in establishing the characters without more origin stories.


Kevin Smith is movie poison. Studios may be stupid, but they are not THAT stupid. You don't admit to Kevin Smith being involved with your movie in 2012.

And I don't even hate Kevin Smith.
They don't need to do any of this to make a Justice League film work.

Everyone knows who Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman are. They need to spend time establishing individual franchises for each of these characters when they've already had plenty of universal exposure.
They have to re-establish Batman because people are going to immediately Associate Nolan's Batman with the movie. They need to ease people into the idea of a new Batman, they can't just throw him into a huge blockbuster film with a bevy of other big superheroes and expect them to be able to latch onto him.

They also have zero history of making a successful Superman or Superwoman film, putting all their eggs in that one basket is stupid, and will more likely fail than succeed.

Who cares about universal exposure, sure we all know who these characters are, but none of us are at all familiar with these specific adaptation of these characters. Just because they possess the same name, doesn't mean they're the same character.

It's like saying there isn't a difference between Burton's Batman and Nolan's Batman.

Again, stop tying this into the new Batman movies. This has nothing to do with the new Batman films. Also, they may have learned a lot from Green Lantern.
How? Batman is DC's ONLY major movie franchise. If they want the Justice League to be successful, they need to build it around Batman like the Avengers was built around Iron Man. They can't build it around Nolan's Batman because it doesn't fit, so the new trilogy is being made to help accommodate the Justice League film.


Just give it to the guys who ran your animated stuff for ten years. Stop screwing around. Dini/Timm live action, let's do it.

I never understood why they've never gone in this direction. Also why does it have to be live action? Why not insanely high quality animation or CGI with the DC animation department/people in charge?
They have to re-establish Batman because people are going to immediately Associate Nolan's Batman with the movie. They need to ease people into the idea of a new Batman, they can't just throw him into a huge blockbuster film with a bevy of other big superheroes and expect them to be able to latch onto him.

They also have zero history of making a successful Superman or Superwoman film, putting all their eggs in that one basket is stupid, and will more likely fail than succeed.

Who cares about universal exposure, sure we all know who these characters are, but none of us are at all familiar with these specific adaptation of these characters. Just because they possess the same name, doesn't mean they're the same character.

It's like saying there isn't a difference between Burton's Batman and Nolan's Batman.

I think you're over-thinking this. I don't think people will have an issue buying into another style of Batman after Nolan Batman. By 2015 (when this film will release) it won't be an issue at all.

Also, Superman is Superman, they will have no problem selling this guy.

You're worried about issues that just aren't there. These characters are timeless and have undergone huge transformations over the majority of the past decade yet still resonate with the masses around the world.


They don't need to establish Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman IMO. They are universally known characters.

The demographic for a Justice League film would be the aged 15-30 crowd. Wonder Woman hasn't been in a live-action project since before these people were born.

I honest don't know much about Wonder Woman either. She's an Amazon? Or an alien? Or an alien amazon? She has a lasso of truth and an invisible jet. And that's pretty much it. I think Batman and Superman are really the only characters you can reliably expect people to know about.
The demographic for a Justice League film would be the aged 15-30 crowd. Wonder Woman hasn't been in a live-action project since before these people were born.

I honest don't know much about Wonder Woman either. She's an Amazon? Or an alien? Or an alien amazon? She has a lasso of truth and an invisible jet. And that's pretty much it.

Wonder Woman is probably the toughest to sell of the bunch but as far as I've seen she's still an iconic female character.
An interesting choice. Affleck's shown himself to be a solid director.

Also, he happens to be good friends with someone who he could consult with...
I never understood why they've never gone in this direction. Also why does it have to be live action? Why not insanely high quality animation or CGI with the DC animation department/people in charge?

While I'm sure an animated JLA movie would make a decent buck for what it is, the studio clearly wants a summer blockbuster success story akin to The Avengers.
An interesting choice. Affleck's shown himself to be a solid director.

Also, he happens to be good friends with someone who he could consult with...

Affleck is a good choice but I'm mixed on Smith these days. He needs to distance himself from the fandom and start focusing on his work.


It would be best for WB to establish the characters in individual movies before making them a superhero team, especially if they want to do Avengers numbers.
Affleck is a good choice but I'm mixed on Smith these days. He needs to distance himself from the fandom and start focusing on his work.

I kind of feel the opposite. I haven't enjoyed much by him recently, but I have liked his discussions and such.

Edit: To clarify, I don't want Smith heavily involved with this, but it might be beneficial for Affleck to consult with such a die hard fan.


Why does Ben Affleck require that he has to be a star in the movie for him to direct it? Is just self promotion or does he believe it helps him direct?


The demographic for a Justice League film would be the aged 15-30 crowd. Wonder Woman hasn't been in a live-action project since before these people were born.

I honest don't know much about Wonder Woman either. She's an Amazon? Or an alien? Or an alien amazon? She has a lasso of truth and an invisible jet. And that's pretty much it.

Most people had no idea what the Avengers was up until a few years, and I'd be willing to bet there's a good number of people who saw The Avengers this summer while being totally oblivious to the rest of the MCU. I don't think this is as big an issue as people make it out to be.


Affleck is actually a good director, going by Gone baby gone and The Town. I mean I know it's funny because he's Ben Affleck but is it any crazier than the chubby guy from Swingers directing Iron Man? The stange thing is the tone of Affleck's movies is gritty and realistic. Could they be planning on continuing the Nolan verse and Man of Steel style into Justice League? How ballsy (or dumb?) would it be to have
JGL/Blake as Batman in this movie?
Warning DKR spoiler do not click

Anyway, the key for this is going to be the script. Affleck is a competent enough director if the script is good.

A Nolan character standing next to Wonder Woman :lol

Is Idris Elba going to play Green Lantern in the next reboot?


Remember when Kevin Smith had Batman piss himself? Good times.

Remember when he wrote solid Batman, Spiderman and Green Arrow arcs yet the only thing people will talk about is one line completely taken out of context in one of the runs?


The Avengers had the benefit of all the other movies coming out already so they didn't have to spend a lot of time on introducing the characters, the Justice League movie won't have that benefit. People know Batman, Superman and maybe Wonder Woman, but what about the other characters? I'm assuming the movie will be based on the new continuity of the DC comics so that means they'll have Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg as well. That's a lot of characters they'll have to introduce especially if they want to include their origins.


Will they get Cavill play superman here? Because the time lines will get really messy... lol

The Avengers had the benefit of all the other movies coming out already so they didn't have to spend a lot of time on introducing the characters, the Justice League movie won't have that benefit. People know Batman, Superman and maybe Wonder Woman, but what about the other characters? I'm assuming the movie will be based on the new continuity of the DC comics so that means they'll have Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg as well. That's a lot of characters they'll have to introduce especially if they want to include their origins.

but if they do a justice league movie, I don't think they'll do a lot of origin... because by the time JL forms, everyone should already be a part of the universe.

That said, I don't think it's a good idea... yet. Start smaller - maybe a Batman Superman film first?


Affleck is a good choice but I'm mixed on Smith these days. He needs to distance himself from the fandom and start focusing on his work.

dude lives for his work. It's hard to find a hardest working man to be completely honest. It just so happens that his work moved away from movies and started focusing on his podcast networks and TV works.

at this exact time the dude oversees (and directly works/hosts some of) literally 30 podcasts (half of these weekly active), 3 live shows that constantly have him on tour, 3 TV shows, a whole chain of stores, live Q and A's, a project where he produces and tours with small indie flicks by other directors, and is currently writing and starting production on 2 movies and the ender for his Batman run.

He's a beast, I dont know how he does it without cloning himself.


The Avengers had the benefit of all the other movies coming out already so they didn't have to spend a lot of time on introducing the characters, the Justice League movie won't have that benefit. People know Batman, Superman and maybe Wonder Woman, but what about the other characters? I'm assuming the movie will be based on the new continuity of the DC comics so that means they'll have Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg as well. That's a lot of characters they'll have to introduce especially if they want to include their origins.

Yeah I don't know about this. How about starting with a simple Batman/Superman crossover first.


I find it kind of hard to believe that Affleck would stipulate being a part of the cast. Didn't he say playing Daredevil was embarrassing and that he wouldn't take on another superhero role?

The Variety article said that he might use directing JL as leverage to star in a sci-fi movie, which I think is more likely.
Will they get Cavill play superman here? Because the time lines will get really messy... lol

but if they do a justice league movie, I don't think they'll do a lot of origin... because by the time JL forms, everyone should already be a part of the universe.

That said, I don't think it's a good idea... yet. Start smaller - maybe a Batman Superman film first?
The new Superman film comes out next year, and that's their big test. If that flops, then the Justice League would be DOA.

Their second test will be the success of the new Batman trilogy. If they can establish those two films correctly, then I can see people going to the Justice League just based on those two characters.

I highly doubt the Justice League will make Avengers money standing on its own. Like everyone said, Avengers had the advantage of those origin films, slowing warming people to those characters while building incredible hype.
The Avengers had the benefit of all the other movies coming out already so they didn't have to spend a lot of time on introducing the characters, the Justice League movie won't have that benefit. People know Batman, Superman and maybe Wonder Woman, but what about the other characters? I'm assuming the movie will be based on the new continuity of the DC comics so that means they'll have Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg as well. That's a lot of characters they'll have to introduce especially if they want to include their origins.

More people know about Superman, Batman, Flash, and Wonder Woman than they did of Iron Man, Hulk (lol), Hawkeye, Captain America, and Thor.

The great thing about a JLA movie is that it doesn't have to even introduce anyone.

I will however say that The Avengers was exciting because it had the added benefit of being a risky undertaking that involved connecting different movies into one universe, a project that very few believed in, one which was written off because of the associated films, and yet it turned out to be a good movie and a successful one at that.

So while this JLA movie screams of 'me too', if it's a good movie, success will sure to follow.
Shoot 2 movies together, the budget will be reduced, skip past origins really quick (no one would care about flash and aquaman's life anyway) and write a decent script.

Even if it ends up a 350 million budget total (which is not much), the fact that it has Batman and Superman together would already pay it easily.


The new Superman film comes out next year, and that's their big test. If that flops, then the Justice League would be DOA.

Their second test will be the success of the new Batman trilogy. If they can establish those two films correctly, then I can see people going to the Justice League just based on those two characters.

:lol, why do you keep saying new Batman trilogy? WB has talked about rebooting Batman eventually but who said anything about another trilogy, especially doing it before Justice League?


Most people had no idea what the Avengers was up until a few years, and I'd be willing to bet there's a good number of people who saw The Avengers this summer while being totally oblivious to the rest of the MCU. I don't think this is as big an issue as people make it out to be.

I would gone with X-Men or First Class since those were movies that just threw an ensemble of heroes out raw, but Avengers did have IM2, Captain America, Thor and Hulk lead up to it.
:lol, why do you keep saying new Batman trilogy? WB has talked about rebooting Batman eventually but who said anything about another trilogy, especially doing it before Justice League?
The Batman in the Justice League won't be Nolan's Batman. That's a given. So they need a new Batman. If they make a new Batman for the Justice League, what's the point of not having him tie into the new Batman trilogy/reboot? The Justice League Batman will almost definitely be the reboot Batman, and following the high of the Nolan series, they would have to put a lot of effort into making him live up to that bar.

Like I said before, Batman is DC's biggest movie franchise right now. Just like Marvel had to build the Avengers around the success of Ironman, DC has to do the same with Batman. Superman might do good next year, but Batman's a known, relevant and more importantly positive product right now, and DC has to use it to leverage the audience for the Justice League.
I'm kinda confused -- don't they need to like, establish these characters before throwing them all in a movie together?

Nah, supes, bats and wonder woman are all well known characters.

They've already done GL (lol), all they need is a Flash movie.


Plus, the new Batman won't be as realistic as Nolan's Batman. Probably, won't be as dark and gritty as well.


First tragedy, then farce.
I don't think they need to establish any of the other characters.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman are relatively known entities. They can do some on the fly development of WW and Aquaman..

Green Lantern had a movie just a year ago. They need to reboot, but there is some name brand recognition at least.

Flash is really straightforward. He is a cop that runs fast (assuming they will go with Barry).

The only member of the current line up that would be hard to establish is Cyborg. Just drop him. Martian Manhunter/Zatanna/Green Arrow can all be dropped easily enough too.

If they make this more of a world crisis where the team assembles on the fly and not assembled then it can work as a 1 shot and then give them their own movies.


The Batman in the Justice League won't be Nolan's Batman. That's a given. So they need a new Batman. If they make a new Batman for the Justice League, what's the point of not having him tie into the new Batman trilogy/reboot? The Justice League Batman will almost definitely be the reboot Batman, and following the high of the Nolan series, they would have to put a lot of effort into making him live up to that bar..

You are beyond early on this. That is like saying Green Lantern was a planned trilogy but look how that has turned out.

WB and DC need to get Man of Steel to work. They need to have Superman work first before they even consider a JC movie, IMO.


I assume that they would go with the Big 7 over anyone else. Possibly John Stewart instead of Kyle if they do reboot.


Plus, the new Batman won't be as realistic as Nolan's Batman. Probably, won't be as dark and gritty as well.

Watching the Man of Steel trailer, I think it's more likely the next Batman movie is as dark and gritty as Nolan's.


I believe in Ben Affleck. Cannot wait for Argo.

Wish he used his brother more often on his movies, though.


Gold Member
ben affleck is not a good choice, for directing.

i really like the town and what i've seen for argo. but affleck's good films are ones that are void of special effects.

his worst movies daredevil and Armageddon.

best films Gigli and the town.
You are beyond early on this. That is like saying Green Lantern was a planned trilogy but look how that has turned out.

WB and DC need to get Man of Steel to work. They need to have Superman work first before they even consider a JC movie, IMO.
I do agree that Man of Steel is a top priority for them, that's a no brainer, but I do think they have to be thinking of a trilogy for the Batman Reboot. That franchise is too lucrative and successful for them to not think long term. I doubt it'll be marketed as a trilogy, but internally, it will definitely be developed with a trilogy in mind.

Watching the Man of Steel trailer, I think it's more likely the next Batman movie is as dark and gritty as Nolan's.
It's not so much the grittiness that's the issue but the realism. Superman would completely ruin Nolan's Batman universe.
Plus, the new Batman won't be as realistic as Nolan's Batman. Probably, won't be as dark and gritty as well.

I love Nolan's Batman, but I would love to see a Batman movie that emphasized the crazy kung-fu fighting over the gadgets. Forget realism, I want to see a guy do a backflip off a wall to kick a man in the face, Tony Jaa style.
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