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What are you reading? (January 2015)



Just started...so far really good.
I'm at the last stretch with this one.
I love just going in and reading two or three chapters. Not really in hurry to finish.
I can see myself reading more Murakami in the future.


After some hardcore reading, finished up Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke tonight and thought it was pretty brilliant. Her ability to world build and create its history was easy to fall in love with.

Now off to Calgary with Serpents Rising by David A. Poulsen.



Finished Habatation of the Blessed. Extremely creative, but I despised the proses. Sorry Mumei, but 3/5.

Jumped back to nonfiction and I began with The autobiography of Malcolm X. I will have a long bus ride ahead of me in a few days so I will hopefully plow through it sooner rather than later.
I suggest finding a copy of The Key to The Name of the Rose. It has a short description of most of the historical references as well as translates all of the dialogue in other languages. It's especially helpful when trying to figure out what one character in specific is saying...

Anyway, lovely book. Very interesting. Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks, sounds like a great idea. Would it be appropriate for a first read (i.e., spoiler-wise)?


You and me both, interested in what you think of it. Put it on my to-read list after seeing it on so many best of 2014 lists.

I'll be finishing up A New Dawn this evening, decent read, but ehh. Will round out to a 3/5 I think, will start watching Star Wars Rebels this weekend.

Not sure what I'll be reading next.
Have you read The Terror? If you like polar survival stories pick it up.


Finished Habatation of the Blessed. Extremely creative, but I despised the proses. Sorry Mumei, but 3/5.

Jumped back to nonfiction and I began with The autobiography of Malcolm X. I will have a long bus ride ahead of me in a few days so I will hopefully plow through it sooner rather than later.

Heh. 3/5 is better than I was expecting, honestly. :|


I've tried reading A Song of Ice and Fire, but stopped at the second book. Did unfortunately not draw me in as much as The Kingkiller Chronicles. What books were you referring to of Brandon Sanderson's?

All of them, i guess. I'm not sure why but Rothfuss' writing felt a bit like Sanderson's to me. But i didn't really like The Name of the Wind, whereas i like Sanderson's works mostly.
I want to read good historic fiction on The War of the Roses. Anyone have any suggestions?
Stuff like The Sunne in Splendour and Accursed Kings.

Probably not quite what you are after but worth a read if you see it:
Kings Of Albion by Julian Rathbone

It's written from the viewpoint of travellers from South India visiting England via during TWOTR.


Man, I just finished up Part III of Words of Radiance. Super exciting and hard to put down.

I was so excited when Renarin came to save Adolin and then remembered he was completely useless in a fight, haha.

One of my favorite parts of the book.
Even with how pissed Kaladin made me with how the part ended, haha. He was super badass though.

I may have to re-read the books earlier than expected. My plan was before Book 3 but I don't think I can wait that long.


Heh. 3/5 is better than I was expecting, honestly. :|

When I wasn't hating the proses, the book was incrediblely creative and engaging. However I hit that prose problem too many time. I did recommend a fellow coworker it and giving him my book.


I may have to re-read the books earlier than expected. My plan was before Book 3 but I don't think I can wait that long.

Weak. I re-read the book within weeks from my first read-through. Pretty sure i also re-read it during summer. Will probably re-read again soon.
No, wait, did i call your restraint weak?
I need more new books to read...

I'm currently reading through Mechwarrior: Dark Age novels but man, they're kind of terrible. The previous Battletech books i've read where OK if not excellent, but these Dark Age ones... *sigh*
The series starts nicely, the first book is pretty good. Michael Stackpole may have his issues but he is considerably more engaging writer than the others.
After the first book, the next... uh, 7 books are pretty terrible. Books 2 and 7 are better but feel kind of meh compared to the author's previous Battletech books.
8th started so boringly (and after a quick check what it entails) i just decided to skip it. I mean, seriously, farmers defending their world? Just no thanks.
Hopefully this next one, Flight of the Falcon, gets things rolling...


Just finished City of Stairs at the recommendation of many Gaffers. I love the world that was built, I was totally drawn into it, but the last third of the book gets away from what it was founded on (a good murder mystery in an excellent setting). The excellent setting takes over and the result of the murder mystery sounds like it was supposed to be some massive reveal at the end, but was really just drowned out by the spectacle and revealed in like a paragraph. Maybe I was a little tired trying to finish it off but I was left a little disappointed. Still a very solid 7.5/10 though.


Have you read The Terror? If you like polar survival stories pick it up.

Have not read it, but it's certainly been on my to-read list for ages. I do mean to get around to it someday. It feels like a "dead of winter" type of read, so either I'll read it soon, or it'll wait until later this year perhaps.

Whenever I get around to a survival type of story again, it might be "Alive", considering how much I loved the movie, I can't help but feel silly that I have not read the book. edit: a late edit, but Denali's Howl sounds really good as well.

Still not sure what to read next, and it might wait until after this weekend to decide.


Just finished City of Stairs at the recommendation of many Gaffers. I love the world that was built, I was totally drawn into it, but the last third of the book gets away from what it was founded on (a good murder mystery in an excellent setting). The excellent setting takes over and the result of the murder mystery sounds like it was supposed to be some massive reveal at the end, but was really just drowned out by the spectacle and revealed in like a paragraph. Maybe I was a little tired trying to finish it off but I was left a little disappointed. Still a very solid 7.5/10 though.

The resolution of the murder was very flat to me as well, but honestly I found that to be the least interesting story thread of the book even before it was "solved". I'm not sure if the author originally planned on that being a more important part and got carried away with the other stuff, but the other stuff was so much better so I didn't mind.


Weak. I re-read the book within weeks from my first read-through. Pretty sure i also re-read it during summer. Will probably re-read again soon.
No, wait, did i call your restraint weak?
I need more new books to read...

Haha, wow. Yeah, I probably will re-read them, maybe this spring. I have so many books that I want to read though too. If only I read as fast as Johnny 5 ..


Thanks, sounds like a great idea. Would it be appropriate for a first read (i.e., spoiler-wise)?

It's totally fine. There's a big section that's annotations of all the important references and then there's another section that's just all the translations and notes in the order they appear in the book. Nothing will be spoiled for you.

I just hit Part Five of Words of Radiance (well, I have to read the interludes first) and I'm so excited to finish this book. So many things I'm hoping will get resolved... I'm going to be super depressed when I'm done and have to start waiting for the next book.

Also, is it bad that whenever I'm reading this I keep thinking about where insert songs would start in each major action scene? I would kill for an animated adaptation of this.

Nuke Soda

So the trailer for the Child 44 movie is out and I have the book wanting to read it soon so naturally I have avoided watching the trailer. Went to see A Most Violent Year (It was really good) today and of course one of the first trailers was for Child 44. Sadly I know what the title is means now. Still going to read the book.

Thought it was kind of a funny story that is related to a book.


Also, is it bad that whenever I'm reading this I keep thinking about where insert songs would start in each major action scene? I would kill for an animated adaptation of this.

I think Sanderson noted somewhere that he sometimes writes actions scenes to music. Or something.

Me, i tend to listen to music while reading his action scenes. Well, some scenes, there are some that are not flowing enough.

As for animated adaptation, yeah, the Stormlight Archive (and Mistborn for that matter) have scenes that could be very well animated.
I don't doubt that someone will make one sooner or later, just because.


I think Sanderson noted somewhere that he sometimes writes actions scenes to music. Or something.

Me, i tend to listen to music while reading his action scenes. Well, some scenes, there are some that are not flowing enough.

As for animated adaptation, yeah, the Stormlight Archive (and Mistborn for that matter) have scenes that could be very well animated.
I don't doubt that someone will make one sooner or later, just because.

The Way of Kings spoilers:
The scene where Kaladin jumps across the chasm and recites the second ideal of the Knights Radiance would be great for an anime-esque insert song.


The Way of Kings spoilers:
The scene where Kaladin jumps across the chasm and recites the second ideal of the Knights Radiance would be great for an anime-esque insert song.

Pretty much any scene where someone uses Shard Plate and Blade to do something fits the bill.
Except perhaps that one scene with Dalinar, unless you're going for hilarity factor.


The Way of Kings spoilers:
The scene where Kaladin jumps across the chasm and recites the second ideal of the Knights Radiance would be great for an anime-esque insert song.

Pretty much any scene where someone uses Shard Plate and Blade to do something fits the bill.
Except perhaps that one scene with Dalinar, unless you're going for hilarity factor.

I don't like anime. BUT, I would make an exception for a Stormlight Archives anime.

I would love live action, but the budget would have to be insane.



I am currently reading this and it quite good. It is a bit different than I expected since it focuses far more on the people than on the science, but I am glad it does. Perhaps it will move towards more science and the breakthroughs that her cells helped produce later on.


And it looks like I just finished Words of Radiance.

I didn't realize that Zahel was Vasher until I saw it mentioned while looking up how Nightblood got into this book... but it makes perfect sense with all of his color metaphors. I knew Shallan was the one who killed her mom because that was pretty obvious, but I still liked all of her backstory. I'm super excited that Renarin isn't completely useless and was just dealing with tons of screaming in his head every time he summoned his shardblade. Renarin POV in the next book please.

... I don't want to wait for the next book.

This also makes 10 books read this month. Pretty good, I'd say.
just curious, has anyone here read, "Evolve your brain," by Joe Dispenza? If so, what did you think of the book? apparently the author has a connection with some cult


reading Thomas Bernhard's The Loser and Woodcutters

deliriously dark, funny. this weird whole-book-as-one-paragraph rambly feel to it is really cool and would probably read were it written by someone slightly less neurotic.


And it looks like I just finished Words of Radiance.

I didn't realize that Zahel was Vasher until I saw it mentioned while looking up how Nightblood got into this book... but it makes perfect sense with all of his color metaphors. I knew Shallan was the one who killed her mom because that was pretty obvious, but I still liked all of her backstory. I'm super excited that Renarin isn't completely useless and was just dealing with tons of screaming in his head every time he summoned his shardblade. Renarin POV in the next book please.

... I don't want to wait for the next book.

This also makes 10 books read this month. Pretty good, I'd say.

Thats one nice thing about Sanderson. You don't have to wait to long until the next book.


So, I finished Master and Margarita and now it's on to Trainspotting. The first is like a collection of oil paintings strung together, the latter a loose bowel movement sprayed across bathroom tile.

I think I'm going to dilute Trainspotting with some Le Carre spy novels, consuming it in large doses is just not the optimal way. More than content, it's what the structure seems to be built for. 50 pages at a time, more or less as the pacing permits, but that's it. What does it say about a book when your main character picks up a 14 year old(unwittingly) and that's a respite from all the other shit going on? But hey, it's 2.99 on amazon, go check it out!


And it looks like I just finished Words of Radiance.

I didn't realize that Zahel was Vasher until I saw it mentioned while looking up how Nightblood got into this book... but it makes perfect sense with all of his color metaphors. I knew Shallan was the one who killed her mom because that was pretty obvious, but I still liked all of her backstory. I'm super excited that Renarin isn't completely useless and was just dealing with tons of screaming in his head every time he summoned his shardblade. Renarin POV in the next book please.

... I don't want to wait for the next book.

This also makes 10 books read this month. Pretty good, I'd say.

Remind me how it ends ..
Kaladin is currently "flying" towards his home, correct? To save his parents and his town? I remember him asking Dalinar for Stormlight to make the trip. That is going to be an awesome entrance.


Remind me how it ends ..
Kaladin is currently "flying" towards his home, correct? To save his parents and his town? I remember him asking Dalinar for Stormlight to make the trip. That is going to be an awesome entrance.


In other news, I just got back from the sale at my local used book store. I had a gift certificate so after all was said and done I got all of this for about $25 out of my pocket.


Someone tell me what to read first. I can't decide.


Unconfirmed Member
Starting a re-read of Peter S Beagle's The Folk of the Air

Ferrell arrived in Avicenna at four-thirty in the morning, driving a very old Volkswagen bus named Madame Schumann-Heink.



In other news, I just got back from the sale at my local used book store. I had a gift certificate so after all was said and done I got all of this for about $25 out of my pocket.


Someone tell me what to read first. I can't decide.

I read a Unbearable Lightness of Being a while ago. It was good!

I finished War and Peace. I really didn't get anything out of the second part of the epilogue, that he didn't mention in some way before. -_-



In other news, I just got back from the sale at my local used book store. I had a gift certificate so after all was said and done I got all of this for about $25 out of my pocket.


Someone tell me what to read first. I can't decide.

Damn, you got a few of my favorite books in there

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Hopscotch, and War and Peace? (apparently, cant find it in your stack)

Any of those is an excellent choice if you are in the mood for a 'literary' novel

In other news, I just got back from the sale at my local used book store. I had a gift certificate so after all was said and done I got all of this for about $25 out of my pocket.


Someone tell me what to read first. I can't decide.

Nice. A Canticle for Leibowitz, Neuromancer, The Big Sleep and The Maltese Falcon are all great. Also, Chabooooooooooon!


Decided to go with The Unbearable Lightness of Being because I kinda overloaded on fantasy for a bit with all that Sanderson I read this month...

About 30 pages in, enjoying it quite a lot. Very ethereal style with the lack of dialogue and the relaxed (lazy? casual? I'm having trouble finding the proper word) approach to shifts in time. A great case of writing style supporting the themes of a book.
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