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what can sony do to counteract the 360 gta4 dlc exclusive?

ps3 version to be sold at 70 dollars. that's the only way. since you know. you'd have to pay for the DLC anyways. No one will know.


how many ps2 owners love gta & mgs or gta & Gran turismo or gta & FF ?
microsoft: GTA
sony : GTA+ GT+MGS+FF


Lack of DLC is negative for the PS3 version but I would be more concerned about what the actual core game plays like.

Assuming the PS3 gets a version of GTA that is worth buying, I don't think it will bother many people that some ill-defined, unpriced DLC might be appearing on another console at some unspecified point in the future.

I think even 360 owners might baulk at it if the DLC is too expensive or is a substantial extra download.


siamesedreamer said:
Why would a casual wait six weeks to play GTA IV just for a bundle containing the 4th game in a hardcore series?

The casuals could always just put it on easy and play in FPS mode.


All I know is that I can't think of a single person that I know in RL who would know what DLC was. Well.. maybe my brother would know but thats about it.


Luckyman said:
If this DLC is $30 per episode it´s only going to sell for a small number of people anyway. Not that MS is going to tell the price now.
The thing is... last I heard the $50 million is a loan that R* has to pay back if the income from the DLC doesn't cover it........ now do you think they're going to make a halfass DLC and half to end up paying back most that $50 million? or do you think they're going to make a kickass DLC that more then covers it? and if it is kickass you can pretty much be sure it's going to sell to a large number of people, look @ Vice City and San Andreas they sold as completely new games and sold 15million+ copies.
gtj1092 said:
DLC can only sway people that have 1 an xbox 360, 2 a xbox 360 with a hard drive, 3 an internet connection, 4 a broadband internet connection, and 5 xbox live, 6 own a Ps3 also so that there is in fact a choice to be made. That narrows the market that it affects quite significantly. Plus the DLC is coming like six months from the release date of gta4. Really its not going to sway that many purchases. If people buy a console with the game they most likely already knew what console they wanted based on a variety of reasons and were just waiting for gta4. DLC may be one of those reasons but I doubt it will be a deciding factor.

2 covers 1. 3 + 4 are the same thing (unless you need 2 connections for your 360.) 5 implies Live Gold, which isn't necessary.

So why did you post all that?


Ariexv said:
The thing is... last I heard the $50 million is a loan that R* has to pay back if the income from the DLC doesn't cover it........ now do you think they're going to make a halfass DLC and half to end up paying back most that $50 million? or do you think they're going to make a kickass DLC that more then covers it? and if it is kickass you can pretty much be sure it's going to sell to a large number of people, look @ Vice City and San Andreas they sold as completely new games and sold 15million+ copies.

graphics overhaul, added gameplay like planes and jetpacks, much bigger gaming worlds, they were entirely new games.
Luckyman said:
If this DLC is $30 per episode it´s only going to sell for a small number of people anyway. Not that MS is going to tell the price now.

Ok so let's say they have four episodes. Get the best GTA IV for $180! That sounds appealing.
Honestly, it's nothing big. Nothing. Sony has to do nothing.

The game is going to hit the Ps3 as well no? That should answer your question. It doesn't matter how much Ms pushes their exclusive dlc, in the end, dlc will be like a bullet point.


mabuza said:
i think they can do a promotion whereby any ps2 owners with san andreas can exchange their ps2 for a ps3 for 299. this promotion can run for a limited time say two months.
You sir, are a horrible businessman.


Release the DLC as a stand-alone expansion.

It will probably sell more to.... I dunno... people who don't connect their console to the internet. Let's see... only 10M Live users out of ~18M. That's a big chunk of market lost instantly on Xbox 360. :|


You people with the "PlayStation brand recognition" crap are absolutely insane.

The same thing was said about Madden. People said Madden just being on PS3 would push PS3 sales because that's where people know Madden to be.

You guys need to realize that outside of fanboys who post on the Internet, no one gives a flying crap about brand recognition.

The general game buyer cares about what's happening right now at this exact time. And next month, it's going to come down to simple ideas:

- If someone already has a 360, they're not going to buy a PS3 for GTA. And currently 360 has the obvious install base lead.

- If they're going to buy one of them to play GTA4, most people will get the cheaper system. Gamers in the know get the cheaper system and enjoy the exclusive DLC.

- On top of that, when picking between 360 and PS3, the general game buyer is going to be more interested in GTA4 + Halo 3 + GoW2 than GTA4 + MGS4. Halo and Gears of War are more popular and will push more systems than MGS4 would.

- Now you combine the last three statements. People with a 360, which has the bigger install base, will get it on 360. People who are still deciding? The cheaper system with what they see as the better game lineup will win them over.

Obviously it'll sell well on PS3, but there's really nothing Sony can do here. Microsoft will more than likely promote the HELL out of GTA4 as well, and that will install into the public's mind that it is "truly" a 360 game.


omg rite said:
Halo and Gears of War are more popular and will push more systems than MGS4 would.
Sorry to say this but Halo & Gears released many many months ago.
Gran Turismo & MGS4 are releasing in this period.


« generous god »
Wollan said:
Sorry to say this but Halo & GTA released many many months ago.
Gran Turismo Prologue & MGS4 are releasing in this period.
Not a full game...But Im still buying it :D


AlStrong said:
Release the DLC as a stand-alone expansion.


You do know what exclusive means, right?

Wollan said:
Sorry to say this but Halo & GTA released many many months ago.
Gran Turismo & MGS4 are releasing in this period.

I would reply to that, but what you just said made no sense.


Fist you need to define what exactly that "exclusive" really mean. Forever exclusive, time period or until XX copies are sold? I whouldnt bet on the first option.


I don't think Sony really cares. If they did have a "counteract" it is having an exclusive game developed by Rockstar Games.
I think it depends on the wording in the contract. Does it preclude Rock* from releasing a "Game of the Year" version on disc with the extra content like Oblivion? I will assume that MS has any and all versions tied up.

Also, I don't think people realize what this DLC is going to cost. It's not going to be $10. Shane indicated on 1UP Yours that people better get ready for sticker shock because it's going to be at LEAST $30 each for the 2 extra content packs. Sony could play a FUD game where they say "Hey, you just bought a $60 game and now you're going to spend another $30-60 on said game, only to make those extra content packs useless should you decide to sell that game?"

Because of the latter scenario, I would bet on that content appearing on disc at some point. Also, Sony could drop the bomba and reveal whatever exclusive that Rock* is putting on the PS3 that is not LA Noir.


omg rite said:
- when picking between 360 and PS3, the general game buyer is going to be more interested in GTA4 + Halo 3 + GoW2 than GTA4 + MGS4. Halo and Gears of War are more popular and will push more systems than MGS4 would.

gran turismo, Tekken, god of war ?


Wollan said:
Oh I made perfect sense.
Halo 3 & Gears have done their damage.

:lol :lol

I love how you edit your post, then say you made perfect sense as if you never said GTA in the first place.

Which means, no, you DIDN'T make perfect sense. Until you edited.

And uh, I said Gears of War 2.

Thinking Halo 3 has no impact on what system people get when GTA4 comes out is factually incorrect.


picsou said:

gran turismo, Tekken, god of war ?

You're right. Tekken is right up there with Halo, Gears of War, and MGS4.

Definitely the same league.

And God of War? WTF? That's not even coming out this year. Not a factor.


Rage Bait Youtuber
lupinko said:
Their machine actually turns on?



Wollan said:
Sorry to say this but Halo & Gears released many many months ago.
Gran Turismo & MGS4 are releasing in this period.

So people who haven't bought a 360 yet already own Halo 3 and Gears?


Russtic said:
So why would you make that a point if silver is free? Maybe you should make a point that people with an e-mail address would only be swayed.

Because if they have a 360 and a PS3 maybe they are using PSN since its free and havent taken the time to sign of for live since they play online on PS3. Hope that works for you. Does it matter in the end the need to be signed for live and considering according to MS own numbers not all 360 owners are signed up to even the basic silver service. Thats my reasoning you dont have to agree with me. Im just giving my opinion and you are welcome to yours.


lynux3 said:
I don't think Sony really cares. If they did have a "counteract" it is having an exclusive game developed by Rockstar Games.

But most R* developed game outside of the GTA series are to be fair absolutely appalling and don't sell in great amounts.

This exclusive is probably going to be the Red Dead Revolver sequel a real system seller...


I think from the very start, this had always been Microsoft's plan. To somehow make GTA4 a 'Microsoft game,' or the definitive version. However, it's not so much the DLC that matters, it's really about the perception of superiority surrounding it. DLC has never been a huge selling point for a game. I think this goes especially to vast majority of GTA4 buyers who probably won't even have network accounts for their systems.

So we sure do spend a lot of time talking it up, even though we're all pretty much clueless to the details: Will it be available when GTA4 releases? How much will it cost? How substantial is it? These are all unanswered questions.

But this really is exactly what Microsoft wanted, but you have to keep in mind, as I said, the reason for it. They want it to be a defining game for their platform, not Sony's like it's been in years past. So really Microsoft is the one that has done the countering on the title, trying to erode the PlayStation image off the franchise. It remains to be seen how it all shakes out. I imagine if Microsoft has some sort of exclusive marketing rights, that will be far more beneficial to them than exclusive DLC. That and also having a slightly cheaper entry point than the PS3.

So to sum up the question in your title: Sony probably won't do anything to counter it directly. They'll simply keep improving the value proposition of the PS3, by releasing potentially bigger games than Microsoft throughout the year of 2008.


I honestly think that the DLC won't be a huge factor to the early buyers that are on the fence as to what system to get. I think that many casual gamers that bought a PS2 for GTA will get a PS3 for GTAIV. IMO it all comes down to marketing, there's been rumors that MS is going to heavily advertise this game with their logo at the end. If they ingrain into people's mind that this is a X360 game first and foremost, it could help push systems. It doesn't hurt that X360 (arcade system) is the cheapest way to get into next-gen and play this game.


WinFonda said:
I think from the very start, this had always been Microsoft's plan. To somehow make GTA4 a 'Microsoft game,' or the definitive version.

Yep. Ever since the GTA4 tattoo, that has been Microsoft's plan.

"If we can't get it exclusive, we can sure as hell make people think it is."

DLC is only a real factor to people like us. So it DOES help. But it's the marketing MS uses that will be the big factor.


Sony doesn't have a thing to worry about

The general population doesnt even know it is coming to 360.

A friend of mine earlier today, after I showed him my new PS3:
he: "Plays blu-rays right? Thinking about it since GTA is coming soon"
me: "Well I would still recommend 360 to anyone, and GTA is coming to that also"
he: "Really?"


itsgreen said:
Sony doesn't have a thing to worry about

The general population doesnt even know it is coming to 360.

A friend of mine earlier today, after I showed him my new PS3:
he: "Plays blu-rays right? Thinking about it since GTA is coming soon"
me: "Well I would still recommend 360 to anyone, and GTA is coming to that also"
he: "Really?"

:lol :lol :lol

What you just said is wrong. FACT.


Dabanton said:
But most R* developed game outside of the GTA series are to be fair absolutely appalling and don't sell in great amounts.

This exclusive is probably going to be the Red Dead Revolver sequel a real system seller...

Then again other Rockstar Games' other franchises don't get as much publicity or marketing as Grand Theft Auto does.

Honestly, I don't care if the games sell well or not, I just care if it is a good game. :D


Clothed, sober, cooperative
itsgreen said:
Sony doesn't have a thing to worry about

The general population doesnt even know it is coming to 360.

A friend of mine earlier today, after I showed him my new PS3:
he: "Plays blu-rays right? Thinking about it since GTA is coming soon"
me: "Well I would still recommend 360 to anyone, and GTA is coming to that also"
he: "Really?"

thank god gaf is so much smarter than regular filthy poors

We're the only ones that know anything


I AM JOHN! said:
True, but I could give two shits about how things sell in Europe based on the obvious fact that I live in America.

True. I can also not give a shit about how anything sells but since this is sales discussion and no one specified a country, I thought I mention it. And all sales matter where ever they take place. I want what ever system I own to do well in japan because I like Jrpgs.
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