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What do you consider Nintendo's most illogical or baffling decision?

Ricky 7

Their biggest mess up will forever be not using CDs on the N64. They literally lost all their third party support because of it and allowed the Playstation brand to thrive.


never left the stone age
Mario ran that fast on original hardware. Not that I think they should have gone with PAL games.

I'm fairly certain the music wasn't sped up like that on actual HW. I grew up on that game

Edit: Clearly my memory is complete shit lol. Looked at videos and it seems the game speed is right on real hardware, but the music is speedy. The actual game ran too fast on VC
Not putting GBA games on 3DS Virtual Console and GameCube games on Wii U Virtual Console despite both systems supporting them natively.

While it might seem weird, that one made sense. With the 3DS and Wii U, Nintendo started* to aim for a slightly more complete experience with the Virtual Console emulation. This is reflected in NOA's choice to not brand the Wii eShop releases as Virtual Console games. Additionally, it'd take a bit of work to get proper GCN controller support in a hardware based emulation solution given that the Wii U doesn't have native support for GCN controllers.

*Yes, I know they still don't compare to modern emulators, but it's evident they were aiming for a consistent experience.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Going back to friend codes after getting rid of them last gen, like what in the fuck, man.

Second most baffling: Use your phone to chat with your friends lel.


Cartridges on the 64
The Virtual Boy
The Wii U branding and ridiculous number of supported control schemes

Good to see that Nintendo is still acting like Nintendo though
The standard 3DS hardware doesn't have the horsepower to emulate the GBA.
Yeah. Why emulate it when you can run it perfectly on hardware?

I mean they supported them natively but that was just because of the architecture. Nintendo probably would have wanted them to be emulated in order to not lock down the system and prevent users from accessing Miiverse, the internet browser, controller/screen settings, etc. GameCube on the Wii U probably would have been pretty bad anyways, as there really isn't a good alternative to using analog triggers.
So then why were there Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console? And the majority of GameCube games don't require analog triggers.


I was baffled by Nintendo grooming Iwata as next president, as he was no businessman, just a mere honest gamemaker. Let's make him president of our multibilliondollar industry, very illogical.

Turned out quite well in the end though, remember vehemently defending the guy when the pitchforks were drawn. I would never defend his predecessor.


No supplying power adapters for European handhelds on the premises that everyone had one from the DS.

Of course the idea that people may have sold their DS to help fund the purchase of the 3DS never entered their minds. I could at least party understand it if they used Micro USB but they used their own proprietary connector.

Oh, and region locking a handheld was just dumb, dumb, dumb but at least they've seen sense for the Switch.


Tripping in Smash Bros. Brawl and Nintendo/Sakurai's stubborn insistence that it would be a party game no matter what most fans wanted

And then doing a 180 when it came to competitive Smash when 4 came out

Tripping will always be the biggest wtf to me...why would you even do that...how is that fun?!

Real talk though, the abysmal Wii-U launch...the system has an okay lineup now...that it's fucking dead.
GameCube on the Wii U probably would have been pretty bad anyways, as there really isn't a good alternative to using analog triggers.

Additionally, it'd take a bit of work to get proper GCN controller support in a hardware based emulation solution given that the Wii U doesn't have native support for GCN controllers.

This is exactly what makes it so weird. There was a GCN adapter for Wii U. It was only officially supported by Smash Bros., even though homebrew allows it to be used universally.

I can kind of maybe get the lack of GCN on eShop if they wanted to hold it back for Switch (since Wii U was pretty clearly past the point of no return by then) or ensure it had all the proper emulation features, but the adapter only working with Smash makes no sense. Would've been cool for TP HD, Wind Waker HD, or Mario Kart 8 to support it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
No AC adapters for New 3DS's..

There were a lot of folks on GAF who defended this practice as being good for us. "They saved us money by not including something we probably don't need, and if you do need it, you can just buy it."
So then why were there Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console? And the majority of GameCube games don't require analog triggers.

1. At least in the US, they specifically weren't branded as Virtual Console.
2. Nintendo didn't seem to like implementing non-native controllers for native emulation; just look at the Wii eShop releases.

This is exactly what makes it so weird. There was a GCN adapter for Wii U. It was only officially supported by Smash Bros., even though homebrew allows it to be used universally.

I can kind of maybe get the lack of GCN on eShop if they wanted to hold it back for Switch (since Wii U was pretty clearly past the point of no return by then) or ensure it had all the proper emulation features, but the adapter only working with Smash makes no sense. Would've been cool for TP HD, Wind Waker HD, or Mario Kart 8 to support it.

Yes, there was an adapter, but I doubt there was enough sold to justify an entire line of software that required it to function properly.


Refusing to go online for multiplayer games like New SMB, Mario 3D world, Mario Party...

Region lock on handhelds (DSi to New 3DS)

Four Swords on 3DS being offered only on certain moments.

No four swords on DS or DS/Wii.

The way Tri Force Heroes online works (have to be 3 players or no party)

The last 3 could be minor to most but I find it baffling that in 2017 I can't just download four swords on any nintendo console, invite a froend or just find a random stranger (or more) and play.

They made many weird choices in the past, they are much better now imo.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse breaking the streak of every Kirby game being a masterpiece.

Skyward Sword breaking the streak of every 3D Zelda being a masterpiece.
Yeah. Why emulate it when you can run it perfectly on hardware?

So then why were there Wii games on the Wii U Virtual Console? And the majority of GameCube games don't require analog triggers.

Wii games already have a Home page to open up. You can easily exit the game, reset it, and mess with some controller settings. It's also just one generation behind and it wasn't old enough for the audience to want save states, mandatory GamePad support, and other fancy things that come with emulators. Plenty of GCN games use analog triggers for nuance and subtle movements. Remove the functionallity or go through some other alternative and you automatically have a lesser experience.


Gold Member
This one is pretty high on the list of inexplicable idiocy.

NOA eatablished a box art style like this:


Half a year later, NOE decided that the style doesn't quite work for their market. So they must create a new design system for Europe:


Scandinavian markets (and probably others) protested all the way through to launch, but the idiots at NOE wouldn't budge.
I'm confused. Are you saying they didn't want to add GamePad support for games that used Wii Remote/Nunchuk?

I'm more getting at the lack of pro controller support. There's practically 0 reason for that since they added the GamePad for classic controller games, yet they left it out. If they never added Off-TV for Wii games, I doubt they would've added GamePad support either (but that's speculation).
This one is pretty high on the list of inexplicable idiocy.

NOA eatablished a box art style like this:


Half a year later, NOE decided that the style doesn't quite work for their market. So they must create a new design system for Europe:


Scandinavian markets (and probably others) protested all the way through to launch, but the idiots at NOE wouldn't budge.



We didn't even get a Gold Cart until Majora's Mask </3


- No pokémon Snap on WiiU, perfect fit for that console

- Closing E3 with Nintendo Land fireworks

- Wii Music, especially at E3

- Cammie Dunaway, the horror!


I'm fairly certain the music wasn't sped up like that on actual HW. I grew up on that game

Edit: Clearly my memory is complete shit lol. Looked at videos and it seems the game speed is right on real hardware, but the music is speedy. The actual game ran too fast on VC
They made two versions. One that ran too slow and the other one is too fast. You might have played the first version. Haven't really compared them to see how the game speed actually is, I just thought it would be faster since the music is, and from what I remembered it was faster gameplay too.


Junior Member
So glad they used cartridges for n64 . Going back now you aren't plagued with unbearable load times.

Honestly it's baffling to me how they don't ever build on their previous online systems.

Wii had bad ass tracking that showed time played, how many times played, average time played by all users etc... plus you could gift games to friends.

Wiiu has bare bones tracking but they gave us a very competent online system that got rid of friend codes and gave us miiverse which I LOVE. Making diaries, taking and sharing pictures and talking about games in each community is great.

Now Switch is starting from scratch again and had an even worse time tracker and a very bare bones online with no movers and the return of friend codes.
It's just weird.
The biggest thing for me is the continuously pathetic mismanagement of the Virtual Console. Nobody has a legacy of evergreen titles like Nintendo. And yet, they cannot for the life of them provide permanent access to this catalog in a desirable or meaningful way.

The Wii U VC was so bad. The 3DS VC is basically non-existent. Show some respect for your own history and maintain your library with dignity, Nintendo. Better emulation, better access, and better messaging is a necessity for me that has been unmet for an entire generation. It has strongly influenced my perspective of the brand and my loyalty to the company over the last several years. It sucks.

(This is also currently my complaint against the PlayStation 4, so maybe it's an industry complaint more than a Nintendo-centric one.)
The paid online system just for the fact that they thought letting us Rent the old nes/snes game was a proper incentive to pay for it.
At least with PS+ and Gold you keep the game so if you have a backlog you can hold it off.


Yeah. Why emulate it when you can run it perfectly on hardware?

Can't access the system OS, browser, game notes, miiverse, friends list, streetpass, and all the other 3DS features when the GBA games are running natively.

Plus they're blurry, dark, and butt ugly if the ambassador games are any indication.


what an enlightened and not at all western-centric viewpoint

nintendo's most baffling decision has to be not capitalizing on the mania for NES classic and really going all out to service that particular audience

my girlfriend who doesn't play games and got bored with snipperclips has asked me repeatedly about getting the NES classic because to her, those are the real video games.

Going all out for the NES classic with the. NEw console just 3 months away that's going to replace their 2nd biggest failure would be the most baffling Nintendo thing ever


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
The move from resistive touch screens to capactive touch screens on the Nintendo Switch.

I'm gonna miss the accuracy of a stylus. I can't imagine playing stuff like Kirby's Canvas Curse/Rainbow Curse, Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents, and Art Academy with my big stubby fingers instead of an elegant input device.

I think this might be one of their best decisions. Especially if the do more mobile games.

It's time to use current hardware anyway.


Here's my favorite: Nintendo's bizarre reluctance to support component cables.

So Nintendo makes the Gamecube support 480p video via component, and every Gamecube game they make during its life, minus one, supports that standard (many 3rd party games did not support 480p). But they only sell the component cable online, and in limited quantities.

A couple years later, they remove the connection port for the cable from newly manufactured Gamecubes, citing that "less that 5% of owners are using component cables".

A self-fulfilling prophecy!

This might still be my #1, too. Especially considering how damn good Gamecube games looked in progressive. Incredibly weird that Nintendo not only made it so hard to see the games look their best, but made the Wii's image output quality worse even through component. They really had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the HD era. Could be argued they're still not entirely there yet, even.

True Fire

Releasing Xenoblade as a GAMESTOP EXCLUSIVE, like two years after its Japanese release. It was their best Wii game and they didn't care. Of course, now they're acting like they've cared about the IP all along.

They also gave Pandora's Tower and The Last Story, two excellent and underrated games, to third party distributors because they didn't want to localize them themselves.

NOA used to be straight up garbage. I'd say right up until the Bayonetta 2 era.
Their handling of Xenoblade was very strange. They had a masterpiece on their hands and they shipped it in very limited supply to Europe and attempted to not bring it at all to the US.
N64 using cartridges is probably their biggest long term blunder. It forever laid the groundwork for terrible third party relations. If they went CD they could have had the biggest games of the generation but instead Sony snatch them up and gave Sony a foothold to utterly dominate them for the next 2 generations.


Not paying the license fee so the Wii could just play dvd movies is also quite high on the list. The Wii turned into a hit without it so I guess it was a good gamble on their side, still dumb.
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