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What do you want or expect from the next Fire Emblem?


A return to RD/PoR/GBA FE art-style.

But it will probably be even more anime and have more dating sims-esque sequences since Awakening is the most selling entry.


I found that in Radiant Dawn, Shinon and Rolf are pretty much interchangeable but Shinon comes with like 10 levels on him and they share similar availability so Rolf doesn't see much use, typically, unless I force myself to change it up.

One idea would be to give bows more range but lessening damage the farther you have to shoot, so taking an archer in close could pay off with a kill but leave you more defenseless.
I just stuck with Rolf since I get some much satisfaction from taking taking weaker units like Ross, Donny, and him and making them into beasts later on. It wasn't like that so much in Radiant Dawn, but I couldn't abandon Rolf after what we went through in Path of Radiance.

And that's a neat idea! I really loved the extra range given to the Marksmen class and was sad to see that go in Awakening. Maybe something like that could keep it from being too broken.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Awakening is the only one I've played---I'm not much a fan of SRPGs.

I'd only play another if it:

1. Has a better story than Awakening
2. Keeps the Normal/Casual options for people like me who aren't big fans of strategy games and don't want to deal with permadeath or have to put too much thought into battles.
If it helps the post play survey for FE Awakening here in Europe asked if pair ups, marriage and children should return (not all at once). This is different to other games post play surveys I did which had rather generic questions.

I'd expect them to act on those responses. I can't remember what I said to them :( I hope I said no to pair ups, while the game is beatable without them it felt like it was designed around them.

I'd like for faitigue to return (it helped you make use of more cast members and have to think if you could do without certain people on some maps) but it really doesn't work in an open world setting.

I'd like better difficulty settings. The jumps between each in Awakening were too much. I want something tougher than hard but not lunatic (from what I gather maniac in FE12 was almost lunatic stats but minus every enemy having silver weapons). Others might be looking for easier than hard but not normal.
I think the series needs to be more focused in terms of narrative. Stop letting the player dictate the relationships of the characters, that would make the writer's job a whole lot easier. The series as a whole is too concerned with letting the player fulfill their fantasies. It's kind of hard to design a good strategy game around that.


I agree with practically everything you've said, aside from the line I've quoted above. I personally would not mind seeing this return in the next game, as long as they make some significant changes as to how this would occur. Yes, the way it is implemented forces most players to grind unnecessarily, which will in turn create other, larger issues. The idea itself however lead to quite a few interesting and enjoyable situations.

In the end, I'd be fine with this returning, as long as the system is greatly improved upon.

I agree with you, I should have been more clearer. I like the concept, I just didn't like the implementation. Raising support levels and children was a dull, boring affair. Children should have come promoted or with compatible stats to the point in the game they are obtained. Also, the game should have explained how the children would automatically inherit the last skill from each parent. A much better system would be to simply allow the player to select one skill from each parent.

The thing is... I don't think IS is currently capable of making a system that would please me.
I would like it to rename "Casual" and "Classic" modes to "Good Game Design" and "Bullshit Fake Difficulty" modes.

...joking aside, I think they hit a good formula with Awakening. I would just like to see them put more focus into the storytelling aspect, possibly even through nixing how the player can pair up any guy/girl. Having a stronger story but less customization would be beneficial, I think, as nice as the customization aspect is.

Also I'd like to see the Magic triangle come back, but that's just me.

Mr Buddy

I would honestly love a robust co-op mode in future games. Maybe just a seperate mode from the main game, and be able to transfer items you gain to it.
Ditch the ability to grind and balance out the difficulty levels based on a fixed amount of xp you can get, just like the old games. I don't expect that to happen though :/


Yeah, no world maps, no grinding, no waifus, etc. would be ideal for me. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are my two favorite FE games so building on those would be preferable to building on Awakening. But Awakening probably outsold the last three or four FE games combined, so we're probably getting something that is effectively Awakening 2.
I concur, I'd also like to see that stuff. I also liked PoR and RD and feel a bit put off by the direction FE is taking.

But I don't expect it to revert. Grinding gives the game more longevity and makes every character viable so you can make your favorites as strong as you want and you can pair them with whoever you want. Microtransaction DLC provides further fanservice in the form of fetish costumes, some free grinding maps, nostalgia maps and crossovers with legacy characters, and superpowered challenge maps, which extends the game's longevity further. Simplifying how the game works and removing some of the more obtuse elements make the game more approachable and user friendly.

... I mean, I'm still disappointed and not too keen on where the series is likely to go from the success of Awakening but I understand. The core gameplay is still fast and fluid. FE dipping into the official figurine/drama CD/swimsuit costume business might've been a natural evolution of the game's focus on supports but it will probably never stop weirding me out though and I'm just going to look the other way but this sure feels like a tone shift that's here to stay.
For it to make it to the west and be purchasable at a reasonable price.

Based on amazon results, that's currently true for 2 FE games ever. Perhaps I ask for too much.
I expect

- As in Awakening, a setting that was designed in an afternoon. Little to no world building.

- Similarly, most of the characters' will again consist solely of a single jokey personality trait.

- More creepy eugenics-style human breeding and Mary Sue -esque wish fulfillment via the avatar character.

- Not to mention more pedo-dragon shit.

- Somewhat lazy and repetitive stage design, "redeemed" by the ability to grind
infinitely and buy worthless DLC.

- Decent production values.

I want

None of the above (except for the production values). Give me something more in the style of PoR/RD and I will be happy. I guess it's too late for that though.

It sounds like you just want a completely different game. Took you a long time to say just that.
More support conversations. Henry should have one with every single person, including the cards from the dlc.
Make Galeforce a little less OP. Seriously.
I personally would love an option to just explore the camp and talk to various people. A bit idealistic, but its part of my scheme for my dream game.

New to the series so I don't know much more
If only that setting could be implemented in people's brains so they could make the choice to only play story-mode chapters themselves.

Oh well, someday!

The problem with that is when they balance the hardest difficulty around the expectation that people will grind. If you want to play lunatic mode you pretty much have to.


If only that setting could be implemented in people's brains so they could make the choice to only play story-mode chapters themselves.

Oh well, someday!

It's not quite that simple. I LOVE replaying Fire Emblem games because I can try out a different core of units, use more magic users, or try out pre-promotes I ignored, even if their stats are questionable, etc. When you can just simple run rounds of random battles to level them up instead, some of the desire to replay the game is lost for me. Simply having the availability to cap everyone off just makes the game less fun in my opinion.

Sure, you can say, well just don't cap everyone off then, but having a hand tied behind your back (ignoring anything outside of a story chapter in the games that have random battles) in order to try to mimic what once was compared to fighting with all the units you've managed to train well with limited exp available period just makes playing that way seem clumsy and not as fun. Especially when the game balance is designed around having those options available and used.

I am nitpicking though, I love Awakening (and Stones), just not as much as 6, 7, PoR, RD.


FE 4 remake.

Ok but seriously I would want something that is basically FE4:

-PoR/RD's artstyle. I didn't like this newer style at all I want the old one back.
-Support conversations like in old games.
-More map variety and mission variety. There was no fog of war in Awakening from what I remember. That adds difficulty to a playthrough, add that back in some maps. Also make more varied missions where the objective isn't just rout the enemy.
-Nerf pair up. I hated the fact that I couldn't spread my units out. I ALWAYS needed to pair them up. The fun of FE for me was to have little groups go off to handle different parts of the map and having each other as back up in case things went to shit. I felt like pair up kind of took away from that especially when I can't use the second character to attack given that sometimes they don't even help during a battle.
-Children can stay, I really like that aspect, I just want to see a big change during the time the parents leave or when their descendants become playable later. Make this more like FE4 it was wonderful.
-Story more like FE4/PoR/RD. There were a lot of things going on in those games and they got really dark. They also dipped into not being completely black and white. We need more of that.
-Things to do after the story. New units available for unlock after some playthroughs, I don't mind the world map but I think it fits really well if it was made as an extra continent for you to explore after you beat the game or as a side thing where you can go get more exp IF you want but it is completely optional.
-Maps like FE4. Jesus christ please. I love those huge maps, and the fact that when you put them together and they actually make up the continent the game takes place was just delicious. Bring that back. I want this variation in map size. Sometimes it might just be a village, but if it's some huge battle taking place I want to have a huge map like in FE4.
-Bonus EXP would be good too, and I had no problem with the way the map was set up in Awakening that allowed you to do different maps and grind. I thought it was fun and it's completely optional so they should keep that, maybe just vary them more like the other missions.
-Side objectives during missions should also be introduced, and not exactly switching gameplay styles but I think the fact of possibly capturing enemies for various reasons could be an interesting addition.
-Less class changing. It's fun but being able to do it infinitely seems a bit pointless.
-My unit/avatar. This is a tough one, I don't really mind the unit but in Awakening he's overpowered. I understand that they were trying to insert the player more in the story but it's just ehhh. I wouldn't mind it if it was removed.
-Co-op options! Make some conquest continent that you can tackle with a friend. Some extra mode where you can defend a territory and your friend has to try and conquer it. You send generic troops and control their placements but can't change their equipment. Maybe a co-op campaign where your friend plays a different army than yours with a similar goal. I feel like there's a lot that could be done to expand on this.
-Online multiplayer. Why not do some kind of Risk-like online mode that goes along with the conquest thing I mentioned earlier? It would be a lot of fun.


I loved Awakening, so another one of those is fine by me. Just expand the mission variety and add feet to the character models. More character-specific animations would be nice for variety. Maybe more gear customization like minor armor tweaks would be cool.

But otherwise, I liked the characters. I really liked the art design for Awakening as it gave that series a more defined look. That stuff (or rather, that direction) doesn't need changing.
Awakening was the only Fire Emblem game I played for more than 3 maps. In fact, I beat it multiple times across all difficulties. While the story was weak, the grinding and customization was what made it for me. Once I realized that I could use waifus and eugenics to plan my perfect army, I just had to keep replaying.


Awakening was an amazing game, but there's a few things I'd like to see in a sequel:

-A more serious art style. Nothing too serious, but something more akin to Radiant Dawn would be nice.

-The relationship/partner system should stay. Nerf partnering up, but definitely keep it in the game.

-The child system should stay, but the
time traveling
should go. Maybe tell a two part story this time, like in FE4?

-My Unit is a great concept, and I would love to see it in the next game. However, I'd like to see them take more of a backseat role this time. They were really pushed to the front of the plot in Awakening, and I feel it was at the expense of other characters.

-I would really love it on Wii U, but 3DS would be more than alright.

If I were a good OP, I would write a more comprehensive list... overall, though, I loved most of the features introduced in Awakening, and would like to see them stay and be refined for the sequel.

I agree with everything but I'm okay with the art style now. It took some getting use to.

I'd add:

-more varied maps and objectives in the main campaign. Awakening had some varied and challenging maps but most were hidden and only made available through unlocking children. I would like to see more within the main game.

-balance the difficulties a bit more. Keep casual mode in for people.

-Maybe even a basic stage builder mode.

IS just needs to build on the success of Awakening and I'll be happy.
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