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What happened with Gametrailers and Sony lately ?


this has nothing to do with coverage of a site that tries to be a "journalistic outlet".

You just seem to have an axe to grind because the Wii U is not being as recognized for starting the 'next gen' as you would like. Other than a new controller, there is nothing 'next-gen' about it. It is busy trying to scramble after ports of PS3/360 games that end up being worse, while Microsoft and Sony are making a proper leap in terms of hardware. All signs are pointing to the developers moving along with them as well.

Outside of the expected loyalists, the Wii U will likely be a niche console at best and will indeed have some excellent exclusives. But the kind of next generation leap that most have been waiting to see is represented by a leap in hardware that is sufficient enough to allow for much more to be done in games than what we have seen since 2005. Whether you acknowledge it or not, this is just the way it is and it is why this is being covered. Same will happen with Microsoft.
yes that is not true as they already did much less with wiiu

lol at the doritos part btw

That's because the Wii-U is not a next-gen console.

Sony are going to be the first to reveal next-gen, it's a pretty big deal as it's not just a new console but a new generation of games and hardware that's about to be revealed. I'm sure they'll hype up the next xbox when they're about to reveal that as well.


You just seem to have an axe to grind because the Wii U is not being as recognized for starting the 'next gen' as you would like. Other than a new controller, there is nothing 'next-gen' about it. It is busy trying to scramble after ports of PS3/360 games that end up being worse, while Microsoft and Sony are making a proper leap in terms of hardware. All signs are pointing to the developers moving along with them as well.

I dont really care about next gen semantics. It is a useless concept that originates from PR speak anyways.

Nintendo is going to compete with 720 or PS4 and thats what matters for me not what you think or what other people think. it will simply exist on the market on roughly the same period of time as 720 and PS4.
Outside of the expected loyalists, the Wii U will likely be a niche console at best and will indeed have some excellent exclusives. But the kind of next generation leap that most have been waiting to see is represented by a leap in hardware that is sufficient enough to allow for much more to be done in games than what we have seen since 2005. Whether you acknowledge it or not, this is just the way it is and it is why this is being covered. Same will happen with Microsoft.

you dont seem to understand the business modell of nintendo or how the market segmented itself this gen very well.


I stopped going to GameTrailers thanks to their slow and unreliable videos though, not to mention not letting me load the whole video first before playing, instead keeping only a certain buffer available.

Not all of us are located in the US/has REALLY high speed internet connection.

Yeah i stopped going there too, GT was the site i went to in the past because the GameSpot and IGN players at the time were even worse, many times it would require one to register and remember your username password just to watch a trailer and show it to a friend, its why i went to GT at the time, it was a simple "click on trailer -> watch", even tough like you said the player was not very good.

But since YouTube became the biggest thing thing ever, everyone just gets their videos there.

I do not actually believe that new consoles will mean that GT will gain that much more traction, people will still mostly prefer YouTube. It is smart that they are focusing on original programming now


Because OP is written by famous nintendo fanboy. I can see what his motive is.

Post like this aren't helping either.

And you know what, screw it, this whole forum is becoming depressing. Countless stupid threads with the usual suspects trying to defend their favorite companies or attack others, the antagonist and condescending attitudes towards others in the NPD thread, the whole "next-gen" bullshit.

It's exhausting.


That's because the Wii-U is not a next-gen console.

Sony are going to be the first to reveal next-gen, it's a pretty big deal as it's not just a new console but a new generation of games and hardware that's about to be revealed. I'm sure they'll hype up the next xbox when they're about to reveal that as well.

They will. But look at last E3, what next gen demo got the entire show going nuts? Watch Dogs, not anything from the Nintendo conference. People are dying for a real look at the next gen.
GT capitalising on the excitement.

For the Wii U and Vita there wasn't excitement as much as a attitude of "god I hope they dont fuck it up like they did the last console" and in that atmosphere it can be hard to do hype videos without looking like a complete tool.

Right now they are riding the ps4 hype train for every hit its worth.


I dont really care about next gen semantics. It is a useless concept that originates from PR speak anyways.

Nintendo is going to compete with 720 or PS4 and thats what matters for me not what you think or what other people think. it will simply exist on the market on roughly the same period of time as 720 and PS4.

you dont seem to understand the business modell of nintendo or how the market segmented itself this gen very well.

I understand it very well and see that, once again, Nintendo is going to march to the beat of their own drum, while being left behind in terms of hardware and third party support. Only this time, the market that went absolutely nuts over the Wii are nowhere to be found. I wish them luck and will probably even pick a Wii U up in a couple of years after it has accumulated enough unique exclusives.


Because OP is written by nintendo fanboy. I can see what his motive is.

I have said it before that I dont really care about who GT covers or not. At the end of the day its a niche outlet that probably struggles to hit 10 million views on their most viewed content.

Its that I would at least expect them to try to look like they are neutral. looks like I had too high expectations

That's because the Wii-U is not a next-gen console.

Sony are going to be the first to reveal next-gen, it's a pretty big deal as it's not just a new console but a new generation of games and hardware that's about to be revealed. I'm sure they'll hype up the next xbox when they're about to reveal that as well.

as I said I am expecting that they would have at least some journalistic integritiy to make articles if there is actual news. the videos that are up are borderline fan stuff you can find on youtube..
GT is a video site. They have journalistic segments of course, but those covered Wii u extensively. You're getting mad that a video site that makes its revenue it trying to make money off one of the biggest opportunities they have in years. How in the world is that fair? You can attack them for giving Pachter shitty opinions an outlet.


as I said I am expecting that they would have at least some journalistic integritiy to make articles if there is actual news. the videos that are up are borderline fan stuff you can find on youtube..

What did they not cover? What should they do on a slow news day? I'm personally looking forward to the "Sitting on our asses doing nothing" 800 part feature.


I have said it before that I dont really care about who GT covers or not. At the end of the day its a niche outlet that probably struggles to hit 10 million views on their most viewed content.

Its that I would at least expect them to try to look like they are neutral. looks like I had too high expectations

as I said I am expecting that they would have at least some journalistic integritiy to make articles if there is actual news. the videos that are up are borderline fan stuff you can find on youtube..

1. So you don't care about GT. But you care about what they cover? Your logic doesn't make any sense.

2. You are seeking Journalism in gaming site? You mad?

Seriously most of people here know you are die hard nintendo fanboy, so yeah. fuck logic.
I have said it before that I dont really care about who GT covers or not. At the end of the day its a niche outlet that probably struggles to hit 10 million views on their most viewed content.

Its that I would at least expect them to try to look like they are neutral. looks like I had too high expectations

Ahhh, it's the old "They're biased against Nintendo" schtick. You claim their clicks are low, but insist they cover products the public doesn't give a damn about. To generate even fewer clicks? Your allegiances are showing.
So is arguing what is next gen and what isn't in every thread. Nintendo fans are in for a looooong generation if they're going to get angry every time someone says that. Just embrace the fact that most people are not going to consider it a next gen console, regardless of what the dictionary definition is.
Yeah I've pretty much accepted this, regardless of semantics. I was really hoping for a one console gen, but I'll probably end up with a PS Wii combo again.
nintendo direct is what nintendo does themselves. how can you compare that to a supposedly "independent" journalistic outlet?

my point was that the "internet" is "bigger" period.. not gametrailers.. the "internet" .. we will see a lot of stuff from everyone... journalist, console makers, fanboys, and trolls.


This is how you spot the fanboy.

i see RIGHT through you, OP!

once again there are more than enough threads to have the usual "why is nintendo doomed and not next gen" and "why is PS4 and Durango the best thing after jesus and the only next gen" discussion.

I dont really see why we cannot expect sites that are claiming for themselves to have journalistic integrity try to look neutral. Maybe its because the standard for gaming journalism is already so low that this kind of behaviour is expected.

However I would think that receiving free Gifts from a company you are covering or making articles of expectations alone on stuff that isnt even announced would be considered bad journalism in other industries. However with gaming it seems to be okay receiving Xbox 360s from MS on E3 or spamming your whole outlet with fan vids of a certain company when there is no actual news and someone who points that out is instantly a fanboy trying to cover his own ass.

Looking at NPD sales, the entire United States is biased against Wii U. Of course they could run an article on how disastrous Wii U sales are right now, but people would just scream DOOM!!!

please lets distinguish the sales results and a stance of a journalistic outlet.

how in the hell can i trust GT when they give certain launch PS4 titles 9.0s and 10.0s when they are doing this kind of thing before the thing is even announced?

1. So you don't care about GT. But you care about what they cover? Your logic doesn't make any sense.

2. You are seeking Journalism in gaming site? You mad?

Seriously most of people here know you are die hard nintendo fanboy, so yeah. fuck logic.

1. i just wanted to see a certain review of a certain game from the PS2 era and was astonished how their front page looked. apparantly thats okay though
2. yes it seems more and more that I am mad. and sure I am a Nintendo fanboy but at the sametime I also own every sony platform outside of vita and a 360. Its not like I dont care for the other manufacturers and its also not like I am not excited for the PS4 announcement. Its still embarassing and looks like my expectations for the gaming media was once again way too high.


You can try to be a revisionist al lyou want, but just because you don't care for Nintendo systems, doesn't mean you get to decide what is or isn't a next generation system, that is just petty behaviour at best.

neighter can you. But facts can.
Looking at NPD sales, the entire United States is biased against Wii U. Of course they could run an article on how disastrous Wii U sales are right now, but people would just scream DOOM!!!

Wii U sales are horrible, 3DS sales are lower than any DS pre-3DS numbers were (in a 5 week month!), and the Wii fell off a cliff years ago. America clearly is biased against Nintendo. Just like the damn media.
Next gen news = more views. Simple and effective.

You can try to be a revisionist al lyou want, but just because you don't care for Nintendo systems, doesn't mean you get to decide what is or isn't a next generation system, that is just petty behaviour at best.

No, you can make all the revisionist history that you want, next generation has always meant more power.
once again there are more than enough threads to have the usual "why is nintendo doomed and not next gen" and "why is PS4 and Durango the best thing after jesus and the only next gen" discussion.

I dont really see why we cannot expect sites that are claiming for themselves to have journalistic integrity try to look neutral. Maybe its because the standard for gaming journalism is already so low that this kind of behaviour is expected.

However I would think that receiving free Gifts from a company you are covering or making articles of expectations alone on stuff that isnt even announced would be considered bad journalism in other industries. However with gaming it seems to be okay receiving Xbox 360s from MS on E3 or spamming your whole outlet with fan vids of a certain company when there is no actual news and someone who points that out is instantly a fanboy trying to cover his own ass.

please lets distinguish the sales results and a stance of a journalistic outlet.

how in the hell can i trust GT when they give certain launch PS4 titles 9.0s and 10.0s when they are doing this kind of thing before the thing is even announced?

You're trying to make this about journalistic integrity when GT is a video site first and foremost. Besides GT does retrospectives all the time. Top 5 PS moments is nothing really new. The only one I see that could be biased is ways Sony can win next gen, but I'm pretty sure they ran a Wii U video with a similar theme about what they wanted to see.
The last game in their top 20 video was Versus XIII. Interesting that they're sure it's now a ps4 game. Is it possible they know something?
how in the hell can i trust GT when they give certain launch PS4 titles 9.0s and 10.0s when they are doing this kind of thing before the thing is even announced?
You don't. I don't think I've ever watched a GT review, isn't the site more about trailers and hype than critique?


Is this a real thread? :p



GT capitalising on the excitement.

For the Wii U and Vita there wasn't excitement as much as a attitude of "god I hope they dont fuck it up like they did the last console" and in that atmosphere it can be hard to do hype videos without looking like a complete tool.

Right now they are riding the ps4 hype train for every hit its worth.

only that Wii and PSP sold more than PS3
well it looks like its getting worse. i watched the whole sony barrage of videos and I dont see a very balanced view but rather a very one sided view on things.

maybe they will do the same with Xbox720 (which would be hilarious especially if the same GT guy reads the whole thing) but that would only mean that they cancell out a very biased article with another biased article for another company

Videos stated to be about Sony/PS4 wish lists or what to expect from the upcoming conference are, surprise! Videos about people showing excitement about the upcoming conference and wish lists on what they would like to see from Sony in terms of games and features for the PS4!

Fucking biased bastards, where is the petition, i'm seething with rage that could sink a city. I say we boycott Gametrailers and put hits on everyone that works there. Truly a disgrace to gaming.

Lots of PS4 videos appearing when a Playstation meeting is happening in less then a week, who the hell would have thunk.

Boss Man

Playstation meeting Dos and Don'ts

5 Ways Sony Can win Next-Gen

Top 5 Playstation Moments

20 Games We Want Revealed for PS4 Part 1 and 2

I never seen so much pure hype content for one console announcement. not for any Xbox not for any Playstation and certainly not for any Nintendo console. What happened here?
The first next-gen game console in 7 years is going to be revealed in a few days. GameTrailers itself is hardly 7 years old.

Wikipedia said:
GameTrailers' first version of its magazine style show was GT Weekly and premiered in August 2005

Hell, YouTube is hardly 7 years old. Frankly, the Internet in its current form has never even experienced this before.


once again there are more than enough threads to have the usual "why is nintendo doomed and not next gen" and "why is PS4 and Durango the best thing after jesus and the only next gen" discussion.

I dont really see why we cannot expect sites that are claiming for themselves to have journalistic integrity try to look neutral. Maybe its because the standard for gaming journalism is already so low that this kind of behaviour is expected.

However I would think that receiving free Gifts from a company you are covering or making articles of expectations alone on stuff that isnt even announced would be considered bad journalism in other industries. However with gaming it seems to be okay receiving Xbox 360s from MS on E3 or spamming your whole outlet with fan vids of a certain company when there is no actual news.

These sites cover what's hot right now. That's all there is to it. The PS4-buzz is currently hot like fire with the upcoming announcement in a few days.

Blame Nintendo for deciding to never rev up their marketing department and once again creating middle-of-the-road hardware. Most people just didn't seem to care, so why should GT have devoted their time and money hyping it up when not even Nintendo seemed all that interested?


You're trying to make this about journalistic integrity when GT is a video site first and foremost. Besides GT does retrospectives all the time. Top 5 PS moments is nothing really new. The only one I see that could be biased is ways Sony can win next gen, but I'm pretty sure they ran a Wii U video with a similar theme about what they wanted to see.

I usually dont consider any site as trustworthy as far as gaming dedicated sites go. I would look at GT reviews as they have actual footage running while explaining their score. I dont know if i really "trust" them. but there would be some kind of minimum expectation. This kind of thing definately is below that.

You don't. I don't think I've ever watched a GT review, isn't the site more about trailers and hype than critique?

it looks like I have had a wrong expectation about them all along
You seriously weren't around for the ps2, were you?

yes I was. back then you did not have so much bandwith though

These sites cover what's hot right now. That's all there is to it. The PS4-buzz is currently hot like fire with the upcoming announcement in a few days.

Blame Nintendo for deciding to never rev up their marketing department and once again creating middle-of-the-road hardware. Most people just didn't seem to care, so why should GT have devoted their time and money hyping it up when not even Nintendo seemed all that interested?

i think i said it many times but what GT is doing is not covering. Coverage is by definition something you do if there is any news. The only news we have at the moment is that sony is going to announce something soon. what GT is doing is they are doing commercials for sony.

I have a problem with that, yes

Looks like I just had too much expectation from gaming media (and my bar is already really low. looks like it has to be even lower).
They're capitalizing off the most popular trend, nothing wrong with it. The WiiU didn't get this because that's not really GT's audience.

The only conspiracy here is that this thread probably wouldn't exist if they were hyping a Microsoft or Nintendo event.


Even if GT were to adhere to some strange neutral gold standard of journalism the OP seems to hold, it will still be pumping out videos about the PS4 because it's good business and it's exactly what their audience wants to see. There's nothing strange about it. What else are they supposed to be making videos about? How Wii U is doomed?
There are some people in this thread who are very passionate fans of Nintendo and Sony. I can only imagine how it's going to be when Microsoft fans join the fray.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard if the PS4 isn't announced Wednesday.

If it wasn't, Sony would say so. There's no way they're gonna let the hype build this much, knowing that people would be disappointed.

I mean, what else are they going to announce after announcing this thing a month in advance? A new vita model or something?
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