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What movie has the best acting?

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Watched Collateral for the first time in years last week and oh man, Tom Cruise was absolutely encapsulating. And Jamie Foxx played his character beautifully. But man the character of Vincent was made so compelling thanks to Cruise.

And gotta say, I've pretty much only ever seen Cruise get slated. The only other film I can remember his performance notably is from Rainman and he was fine in that.

Collateral might be easy mode seeing as it has just two actors for most of the film but it's my vote going by recent memory,

Also, honourable mention to The Usual Suspects. Great acting all round there.
Watched Collateral for the first time in years last week and oh man, Tom Cruise was absolutely encapsulating. And Jamie Foxx played his character beautifully. But man the character of Vincent was made so compelling thanks to Cruise.

And gotta say, I've pretty much only ever seen Cruise get slated. The only other film I can remember his performance notably is from Rainman and he was fine in that.

Collateral might be easy mode seeing as it has just two actors for most of the film but it's my vote going by recent memory,

Also, honourable mention to The Usual Suspects. Great acting all round there.

Tom Cruise has been incredible in several roles. Magnolia, Jerry Maguire, Eyes Wide Shut, and Collateral as you pointed out. I'd throw in Mission Impossible III and Tropic Thunder as two other great performances. He's an excellent actor.
I am going to name some of the more recent favorites I have for acting.

The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford (Casey Affleck, Brad Pitt)
The Master (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams)
In Bruges (Brandon Gleeson, Collin Farrell, Ralph Fiennes)
The Talented Mr. Ripley (Matt Damon, Jude Law, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Gwenyth Paltrow, Cate Blanchett)


Saving Private Ryan

Not one actor's performance in that movie comes off as anything but totally 100% believable.
I'll go with something that never gets enough love: Michael Clayton.

That is another great one I forgot about.

It got three acting nominations (George Clooney, Tilda Swinton, and Tom Wilkinson) for the Oscars and one win (Tilda Swinton). It possibly could have won all three if it was released in any year besides 2007, which was pretty stacked with No Country For Old Men, The Assassination of Jesse James, and There Will Be Blood. Fuck it was stacked even beyond that with Atonement, Zodiac, 3:10 to Yuma, Juno*, Gone Baby Gone, and Into the Wild.

*I've seen it once and liked it enough.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I mean... it's The Big Lebowski, right?

John Goodman

Steve Buscemi

John Turturro

Philip Seymore Hoffman

Tara Reid

Julianne Moore

Sam Elliott

Peter Stormare


David Huddleston

Jeff Bridges




Patrick S.

Michael Douglas was incredible as Gordon Gecko in "Wall Street".

Thinking about him, he was incredible in "Falling Down", too.

Thinking about Falling Down, I need to rewatch this tonight!
thanks to the bump I only just now noticed OP went back and re-edited his post after the fact to highlight that he didn't realize "you fucking child" was a Glengarry Glen Ross quote.

Funny shit.
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