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What's the worst fit of gaming rage you've ever had?


I was getting raped in BF1943 and my girlfriend (now ex, although this is unrelated to that....or is it?) kept making snide comments every time I died. To make matters worse, my roommate was also playing and was on the opposite team. He had already killed me a couple times at this point, and I finally snuck up on him with a perfect chance to get revenge.

Well, as BF1943 often does, my rifle grenade glitched and wouldn't shoot. Of course, he heard me yelling from my bedroom about this and he turned around and promptly shot me in the head.

My girlfriend made another snide comment about this, and I turned around with probably the most ferocious and hatred filled look I've ever given someone in my life and said "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!"

I went back to playing, oblivious to what I had just done, when about 20 seconds later I heard sniffling from behind me. She was crying her eyes out. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach and I immediately turned the game off, closed the door, and laid in bed with her for the next 2 hours trying to convince her I wasn't an absolute nutcase/sociopath/monster.

That single event really made me reevaluate my emotional state while playing online FPSers. :lol
A good friend of mine is notorious for absolute, unbridled rage fits because of games. This is the same man who broke a plastic drum set with wooden drum sticks because he couldn't nail a part in Rock Band 2.

His latest endeavor into chaotic, blinding hatred for games included punching his PS3 slim in the face, unplugging it, throwing it against the wall and stomping on it for good measure. All because God of War 3 kept freezing on him. Mind you, the reason he has a slim at all is because his PS3 fat was wielded like a 2-handed axe and chopped down on his tiled floor. The PS3 fat also suffered a few punches to the face.

One of my best rage quits can be attributed to Soul Calibur 3. I practiced and practiced and practiced only to go over to a friend's house and have him beat me handily in a few seconds. It was the first time he had played SC3 though he was very good at fighting games in general. I violently threw down the controller while yelling, "THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" and I stormed out of the room, went downstairs and outside to my car where I sat for a while to calm down.


I hope this one goes down in history:

So I'm playing Super Smash Bros 64 with a friend and my brother. So there I am holding my own, but for some reason the computer keeps fckn favoring my bro. I keep fighting ok but every time, I mean 2/3 at least, my brother launches me a bit off a Heart pops up in front of him. So right at the end when I'm about to beat him he throws me out and before I got back a heart pops up in front of him again 0%!!!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it I grabbed the cartridge right out of the socket and threw it back without looking in my rage.

Another related Smash one:
I'm playing another game. Same setup as usual this time no eart problems, no problems at all for me at least. But my bro is just about to beat my friend,he launches him of the stage starts to celebrate then the planes come in and shoots at my bro. He already won right NOT!!
When the plane appears on screen on top of it for no reason other than amazing dumb luck m y friend is standing on top of it just as the game ends and my bro loses. Priceless moment to be a pat of.


Zeal said:
OP's attempt to sound 'hard' fails miserably.

and is probably fabricated anyway.
Is punching my kid brother in the stomach "hard?" I said that I felt really bad about it.

Seriously, why the fuck would I make that story up?


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
I also cracked a pool cue across my brothers back but I can't remember if that was gaming related or just brotherly love.

Um... are you my brother? My brother sat in front of the tv and watched Home Alone for the 549th time when one of my friends came to visit, so we took over the tv to play Super Off-Road on the NES. All hell broke loose, and eventually my brother ran and got a pool cue to beat us up with. We managed to stop him before something bad happened, though. He was a scary six year old.


Has no one posted the GIF of angry wow kid shoving a remote up his ass?


Anyway, Trials HD was the first game that made me damage a controller. I was at the next to last checkpoint on the last extreme trial and hit the restart trial button instead of restart checkpoint button.
Has there been any kind of psychological study into video game rage? It can occasionally rear its ugly head in other types of fun-and-games as well (RISK can devolve into fistfights) but it's interesting how failure at a meaningless time-waster can provoke a reaction several orders of magnitude out of proportion to almost anything else an otherwise mild-mannered nerd has ever expressed.

Edit: Shit! I just remembered I broke my headphones not that long ago playing Super Meat Boy. I'm off the wagon. :(
I remember getting mad when I couldn't stop the Streak route on NCAA 2003 when playing a friend of mine. I threw the controller down on hardwood floors and hard as I could.

that's about it really.


ScOULaris said:
Is punching my kid brother in the stomach "hard?" I said that I felt really bad about it.

Seriously, why the fuck would I make that story up?

How on earth do you confuse shame for someone trying to sound 'hard'?


broken controllers.

The materials in ps3 controllers has really taken a dive. Seems that the fuckers break by falling of your lap now.


Does it count that I beat up my friend from down the street because he started hitting me after I repeatedly kicked his ass in Mortal Kombat 2? And then I proceeded to leave his house, while walking past his mom in the kitchen while he was wailing on his bed. For reference, this was in 3rd grade. I admit, I kinda felt like a badass at the time.


I just get snappy.

Friend: Yo what's up.
Me: nothing.
Friend: What are you playing?
Me: Street Fighter.
Friend: You like it?
Me: Yeah.
Friend: Cool, later.
Me: *grunt*


Tiger Electronic TMNT game.


Black screen juice everywhere.

EDIT - also losing a close SF3 online battle, I slammed my hand on the ground so hard that my watch handle broke and the whole thing went flying.


Aesius said:
I was getting raped in BF1943 and my girlfriend (now ex, although this is unrelated to that....or is it?) kept making snide comments every time I died. To make matters worse, my roommate was also playing and was on the opposite team. He had already killed me a couple times at this point, and I finally snuck up on him with a perfect chance to get revenge.

Well, as BF1943 often does, my rifle grenade glitched and wouldn't shoot. Of course, he heard me yelling from my bedroom about this and he turned around and promptly shot me in the head.

My girlfriend made another snide comment about this, and I turned around with probably the most ferocious and hatred filled look I've ever given someone in my life and said "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!"

She deserved it for the snide comments.
i've ripped apart a few ps2 controllers by twisting them in my hands to the point where the chassis ends up breaking apart. last boss on shinobi on the hardest difficulty.

getting platinum in a specific cone challenge in PGR2 caused me to COMBO my closet door, i put about 7 holes in it.

the best though:

I'm playing Cobra Triangle, and am on the last upstream level (a bitch). i am losing lives and starting to get really upset. My friend who was over kept repeating the phrase "If you put your mind to it, you can do anything"

After a few more attempts and more awful support, i finally lost it and yelled at him "GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU ARE NO HELP! COBRA TRIANGLE IS IMPOSSIBLE! GET OUT!"

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
I don't really freak out or anything. It's just a game.

The biggest gaming rage I've ever been in was after restarting the "Save Jody" story mode chapter on very hard in F-Zero GX for the billionth time I shouted "fuck" so long and loud that I passed out for a second. Wasn't a big deal as I was sitting on my bed at the time. Freaked my dogs out though.

I once broke a controller too. I was playing Mirror's Edge and I was repeatedly failing this one really simple section. Even now I have no idea why I kept missing this one jump. I was getting frustrated and upset so I went to clear my head and get something to drink. As I did I tossed the controller into the seat of a soft easy chair. A gentle frisbee-like toss covering a distance of no more than two meters. Well my anger caused me to toss a little hastily and my aim was off. My controller missed the soft chair and hit the metal stair banister railing behind the chair. Dented the little piece of plastic inside the controller that registers the left bumper. I still can't figure out how to fix it. :(


rayner said:
This didn't happen to me but I witnessed it:

My friend was playing through the Ice Cave in the original Final Fantasy and everything in the game was pretty much easy at this point. Then he ran into 4 Sorcerers, he had the message speed set to 8 and they had Premeptive Strike... all you saw was 7-hits... slain... 6-hits... slain. Then he got his turn with his last character and he tried to run... slain...

He had the top-loading NES and he ripped the cart right out, threw it down on the floor then Axe-kicked it and it broke into pieces. Then he took the board inside and started bitting it... the whole time his party was slain on the frozen screen :lol
:lol :lol Oh my God! :lol

As much as I love FPS games, they can make me rage like no other. I remember MW2 being a pretty bad rage inducer with the introduction of care packages. I remember on Terminal, I looked around and made damn sure nobody...nobody was around. I drop the CP grenade and wait for the package.

Out of nowhere some SOB rounds a corner and gets me. I remember spawning across the map and I was making a mad, desperate dash to try to claim the package. Of course since all I saw was revenge in my eyes I didn't pay attention and got killed again. Needless to say my care package was stolen and I screamed nearly at the top of my lungs.

Sometimes I want to break something so bad but I remember I'm not working and don't have the money to spend on new controllers, games, etc... I always lift my controller in the air to throw it but like a pulled punch I place it softly on the bed/lap/floor.

I think in general I take games way too seriously nowadays. Even a game as chill as Prince of Persia 08 made me grit my teeth a couple of times.


erotic butter maelstrom
I was just a teenager at the time, but I smashed my dualshock while playing NFL2K5 (maybe 4, but whatever). It was the kind of rage that escalates from minor frustration. My franchise was in the playoffs, and I was struggling towards the end of the game. I was starting to get pissed off since my dudes would always drop catches while the opposing team kept making big plays.

I was on a 2 minute drill at the end of the game when I through a down field pass and the CB and WR jumped up for it and it like, fuckin sucked into the CB's hands. I yelled "FUUUUCK" and chucked the controller into the stone platform under out fireplace. R1 R2 broke off and the controller was almost split at the seems. I think my parents still use that busted ass controller when they watch DVD's with the PS2.
Black Ops. You know the part I'm talking about. The part....where...barrels....

And I was pretty pissed after playing Fable 3. All that time wasted.
Gooster said:
I remember one of the races in GTA: San Andreas was pissing me off I slammed my fist on the console and the game froze, the disc got scratched, and my PS2 began to die a slow death. Died a few weeks after that, and got the PS2 Slim Christmas 2005.

My favorite moment is still knocking my Gamecube off the table because Wave Race: Blue Storm was pissing me off. Not only was the Gamecube fine, the game never froze, the disc never got scratched. It was like nothing had ever happened. Isn't the Gamecube a famously durable console though? :lol
It was Vice City era for me, I had Manhunt, Vice City.. and had recently picked up Burnout 2 on platinum. Sad times. I quit gaming for a few years because I couldn't afford a new one. Only played on my friends XBOX a bit, JSRF, Halo 2 and PGR2.


Only game that made me rage was FFX-2, I kept trying to get 100% on FFX-2 and kept getting 99%. I think after my fourth attempt I threw my controller and the disc against a wall. All just for an extra 1 minute scene. :lol

Only other gaming related rage I've had recently was last year when I was recovering my gamertag on my 360 and I wasn't paying attention to what I was selecting. I ended up deleting everything and lost three years worth of saves. I nearly sold my 360 after that.


Angriest I ever got at a videogame was the Skate 2 Challenge "Jam with Danny Way"

I think I might have cursed at that challenge more then I have cursed in my entire life.
Jive Turkey said:
Do you not understand how the human body requires oxygen?

Yeah, I just can't imagine someone screaming long enough to pass out without some sort of horrible torture being done to them.


BertramCooper said:
Holy shit.

If I ever called my mother a cunt...

Yeah. Not to turn this into a "back in my day" thread, but holy fuck I would have received an ass beating so severe that my mom would have had to stop my dad out of fear for my life.

Then again, if my son tried that on my wife he'd receive the same beating, so I guess things don't change that much :).


Gold Member
I've cursed at plenty of games but I only remember two times where I really lost it.

The first time was with Karnov on the NES. The game was pissing me off so much I ripped it out of the system threw it on floor and kicked it under the couch. The other one was the final boss in Sonic Adventure 2 which caused me to throw my copy of DMC2 against a wall, shattering the disc and the case. No big loss there.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
There are 3 games that have completely pushed my rage button

Hexen- I don't remember anything about this game, but I remember that 3 of my friends and I were trying to play it one weekend. We got to a specific part that we could not get past. We were stuck in this place for 7 fucking hours. We took that box out back and went office space on its ass

Expect no mercy- a mortal kombat clone for the pc. The game was horribly broken and all of the characters were better than your main. I spent hours getting to the final boss only to be beaten in 10 fucking seconds. I beat it, uninstalled it and buried that fucker in my grandma's backyard somewhere

Final fantasy tactics- wiegraf. That is all. Unlike the others, I actually enjoyed this one and have multiple times since. But damn, was there a lot of profanity used on that one


The only thing I've ever broken was Gears of War 2's disc. Snapped that piece of shit into a 100 pieces after 1 month out from it's release. I loved Gears of War 1 so much, even went out to a few tournaments for it, and played it non stop once it had came out. For the wait for its sequel being so hard, then seeing the reviews saying it's the best thing since sliced bread, then I play it....and the level of suck was insane.

Finally, in a game on Hail where the opponents had host, the game was laggy as shit, and tons of smoke grenades getting me stuck in a loop on steps, tons of people camping back into spawns with proxy nades, and the other team talking massive shit like they are SO fucking good when I was the only one left---I snapped. Opened up the disc trey and went to town on it.

Started gaming when I was 5 and I'll be 23 next month. That's the only instance where I raged. Other times I get mad/upset, but that lasts momentarily and I either go do something else or the next few times/games are good in my favor so it evens it out.

The thing that always helps me is to vent it out. Which can come off as whining, but after putting it into words I feel better. :)
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