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Where will FFversusXIII stand in 2013? (Seriously no jokes please)


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I was wondering about that multiple personality disorder thing on Wikipedia, is the person who wrote it being serious somehow or is it total hogwash? It sources some Famitsu interviews, but the links don't take you anywhere as it's supposedly info from the physical magazine.

However, not everything is right with Noctis. He begins to develop multiple personality disorder and feel the presence of another person inside him. This other person believes that there is nothing either morally good or bad and that fools have set the rules in Noctis' world. When this other person takes over, Noctis' body becomes far more powerful and his eyes turn crimson red. However, the personality of this other person is cruel and immoral. They are also very intelligent and cunning. Noctis does not know where this other person has come from, but he knows that they are far more powerful than he is. For Noctis, the battle becomes not only reclaiming the last crystal, but also reclaiming himself.
One thing I liked about the trailer is that despite looking like a brooding young man, the things Noctis says in the conversations that play over the gameplay segments make him sound like a brash shonen dude. Not sure how I'd feel for it to be the split personality trope, but Nomura did say we'd be surprised...


Why do people assume that Versus is cancelled? It's pretty obvious that they have put too much money into it to cancel it; FFXIV 2.0 proves that SquareEnix is willing to go the extra miles if necessary

Rebel Leader

Why do people assume that Versus is cancelled? It's pretty obvious that they have put too much money into it to cancel it; FFXIV 2.0 proves that SquareEnix is willing to go the extra miles if necessary

Because if FF 13 showed us anything. Hope is stupid


There isn't any more story in Agni's than in XIII's. Look at the protagonist run around with shiny hair and enemies firing at her!

Agni's Philosophy would never meet the expectations of the fanbase if made into a game, because between here and then the fanbase would hype itself up to the point of sickness, and when it came out, the expectations would be so outlandishly high, no game could meet them.

XIII did not. Why should I ever believe that Agni's or Versus will? Type-0 and Bravely Default looked great prior to launch, but then, I'm not questioning Square's ability to make hand helds.

What real reason is there to believe that a game based on Agni's Philosophy would not turn out just as disappointing and deceptive as XIII did? Oh yes, none. And since there isn't, this constant treatment of Agni's as if there was is something I'd rather see less of.
Isn't it likely that almost any new FF console game announced/teased at this point will turn into a crazy overhype fest? Right now the section of the fanbase that isn't enamored with Lightning is looking for anything from SE that can mean a way out of the FF13 saga, and Agni is literally the only thing they've shown other than FF14. I'm not particularly fond of the Agni concept myself, but I can understand that it's a lifeboat since Vs13 is in limbo.


Why do people assume that Versus is cancelled? It's pretty obvious that they have put too much money into it to cancel it; FFXIV 2.0 proves that SquareEnix is willing to go the extra miles if necessary
Square Enix is going the extra mile with FFXIV because FFXI was their most successful FF revenue-wise. I don't think they will cancel Versus, but when so much time has passed by, you simply have to wonder what's going on.


Hahahahahahahaha, I fucking LOVE that screen with his tongue out. Hilarious.

indeed, just fantastic.



Good thing that Agni video is just as much a game as that FFVII tech demo from E3 2005 :D

Agni's has much more content (character models, textures and assets in general) and it's running in real-time, so I guess it's more likely that it could be realized in to a game than FFVII.

Still unlikely, but I wouldn't be surprised.

God, Nomura looks like a fucking anime character brought to life, and not in a good way.

really? just looks like a Japanese man with a unique wardrobe.



Crystal Bearer
Does this mean that, like the tech demo, I will never stop hearing about Agni's Philosophy? It was impressive graphically, but I cannot see WHY people are putting so much faith into that. You'd think we'd've all learned our lessons from the XIII trailer, and how we all thought it would be the greatest FF.

It's already gotten to the point of annoyance. If anything people shouldn't put stock in any sort of tech demo, especially one that's just a glorified cutscene that won't be representative of gameplay at all.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
The only thing I'm attached to in Agni's Philosophy is Agni's actual design. It's a nice representation of what I thought a Red Mage looked like when I was younger, and nice blend of the series past and present aesthetics (medieval fantasy like clothing + J-pop hair style). Really hoping she'll reappear next gen.


The only thing I'm attached to in Agni's Philosophy is Agni's actual design. It's a nice representation of what I thought a Red Mage looked like when I was younger, and nice blend of the series past and present aesthetics (medieval fantasy like clothing + J-pop hair style). Really hoping she'll reappear next gen.
I'm sorry, but the feathered neckline was hideous.


Crystal Bearer
I'm not even thinking of FFXV- a game that isn't even announced - until SE releases their current backlog.
Oh oh oh! It's the "let's talk about elements in FF" game again! I love this game, lemme play!

*pics of FF7*

My point exactly. They really need two subsets of FF that are made by two different teams. The FF that those of us grew up with from the SNES era (9 and maybe 12) and then the rest. Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Future.

I don't mind the direction the series has taken as long as it didn't replace what I have come to love about the series and the elements that made me such a huge fan over the years. But unfortunatley it has.

Keep your cars, guns and modern day and futuristic (FF13) stuff. It was a nice change of pace in FF7 but then it started to become the rule and not the exception. Maybe I'm a vocal minority in this but I don't want it in my FF.
My point exactly. They really need two subsets of FF that are made by two different teams. The FF that those of us grew up with from the SNES era (9 and maybe 12) and then the rest. Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Future.

Keep your cars, guns and modern day stuff. It was a nice change of pace in FF7 but then it started to become the rule and not the exception. Maybe I'm a vocal minority in this but I don't want it in my FF.

It never became the rule, ever.

You act like IX, X, XI, and XII never happened or that FFVI didn't have sci-fi elements.

You're being silly.
It never became the rule, ever.

You act like IX, X, XI, and XII never happened or that FFVI didn't have sci-fi elements.

You're being silly.
It has been for the last 6 or 7 years now. All it's been is Lightning and Versus. Do you understand how long 7 years is?


Crystal Bearer
My point exactly. They really need two subsets of FF that are made by two different teams. The FF that those of us grew up with from the SNES era (9 and maybe 12) and then the rest. Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Future.

I don't mind the direction the series has taken as long as it didn't replace what I have come to love about the series and the elements that made me such a huge fan over the years. But unfortunatley it has.

Keep your cars, guns and modern day and futuristic (FF13) stuff. It was a nice change of pace in FF7 but then it started to become the rule and not the exception. Maybe I'm a vocal minority in this but I don't want it in my FF.
Except it didn't.
Well, MMOs definitely pander to a completely different audience than traditional Final Fantasies, so I can see where his frustration is coming from.


Except it didn't.

Basically. FFVI was already going in that direction, but after 8 it was basically nothing until 13..

Edit: Beaten, didn't notice Meccnical's post. :p

It has been for the last 6 or 7 years now. All it's been is Lightning and Versus. Do you understand how long 7 years is?

Yes, but like was stated above, that's more of a development issue, not an FF direction issue. It's only been a few FFs during that time. VII and VIII also did well to mix them though. Don't mind Versus being like that.

The DS and 3DS have/will have more classic FFs. They are great titles, no point in ignoring them.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I prefer when they go modern/urban/sci-fi fantasy than the alternative. It's not like there are a lot of developers doing these concepts in their games and I really enjoy this kind of setting.

That said, ARR looks pretty cool to me, but monthly fees and the notion that I won't be able to beat a lot of the content without having real people as party members completely turns me off from it. Pity. It's me though, I tried to get into different MMOs more than once in the past and all I got out of the experience was pain and suffering. Lol.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
The other personality is the will of the crystal. Quite similar to Type 0 in which fulfilling the task given would seem to erase your humanity and become a mere slave or avatar of the crystal.


Crystal Bearer
XIII isn't even something I would compare to FFVII in terms of style. XIII is way more sci-fi. FFVII has a lot of real world aesthetics.
XIII isn't even something I would compare to FFVII in terms of style. XIII is way more sci-fi. FFVII has a lot of real world aesthetics.

Probably because when people think of FF VII thinks of Midgar, and that was just a small part of the world (and more cyberpunk than sci-fi).
Basically. FFVI was already going in that direction, but after 8 it was basically nothing until 13..

Edit: Beaten, didn't notice Meccnical's post. :p

Yes, but like was stated above, that's more of a development issue, not an FF direction issue. It's only been a few FFs during that time. VII and VIII also did well to mix them though. Don't mind Versus being like that.

The DS and 3DS have/will have more classic FFs. They are great titles, no point in ignoring them.
FFVI had hints of it, yes. Even FFIV had the space ship that took you to the moon. It was in small doses though. That sci-fi element has taken over in these current titles. I understand that some people like it. I just wish SE would find a way to please both crowds. We all know that they have the means to.


Probably because when people think of FF VII thinks of Midgar, and that was just a small part of the world (and more cyberpunk than sci-fi).

Did you mean steampunk? I would hesitate to call it that, not enough needless details and pipes. It does have a relatively realistic dirty industrial aesthetic. Makes walking out into the world map so much more impactful.
Did you mean steampunk? I would hesitate to call it that, not enough needless details and pipes. It does have a relatively realistic dirty industrial aesthetic. Makes walking out into the world map so much more impactful.

Not really steampunk, is closer to cyberpunk (Midgar somehow reminds me of Akira city a bit)..although is not really any of both, but I feel that is closer that being sci-fi.


FFVI had hints of it, yes. Even FFIV had the space ship that took you to the moon. It was in small doses though. That sci-fi element has taken over in these current titles. I understand that some people like it. I just wish SE would find a way to please both crowds. We all know that they have the means to.
These current titles? True FFXIII (the only mainline FF title this gen on the consoles) did have sci-fi to it, but the next mainline installment is back to the Medieval theme. In fact the installment before it, FFXII was medieval too. You're complaining about one game since FFVIII that has been sci-fi.

That's like saying FF went down in quality after FFXII. It's ridiculos seeing that there was only 1 mainline FF released since.


Did you mean steampunk? I would hesitate to call it that, not enough needless details and pipes. It does have a relatively realistic dirty industrial aesthetic. Makes walking out into the world map so much more impactful.

Cyberpunk is the correct one. :p

Something like Deus Ex or Blade Runner. That was essentially what FFVII was as a whole.


Not really steampunk, is closer to cyberpunk (Midgar somehow reminds me of Akira city a bit)..although is not really any of both, but I feel that is closer that being sci-fi.

Well, maybe in the upper plates and the Shinra headquarters I guess. The places beneath the plates are more destitute and low-fi which is most of what I remember.


These current titles? True FFXIII (the only mainline FF title this gen on the consoles) did have sci-fi to it, but the next mainline installment is back to the Medieval theme. In fact the installment before it, FFXII was medieval too. You're complaining about one game since FFVIII that has been sci-fi.

That's like saying FF went down in quality after FFXII. It's ridiculos seeing that there was only 1 mainline FF released since.

Well XII was a bit of a mix too. Had kind of a star wars thing going on. Though still closer to 'medieval' overall.
XIII isn't even something I would compare to FFVII in terms of style. XIII is way more sci-fi. FFVII has a lot of real world aesthetics.

Love those 'real world aesthetics' in Advent Children. Probably my favorite thing about the film (next to Uematsu's stellar soundtrack).

One main reason I'd love to see a FFVII-2 game would be to explore that more advanced version of VII's world, but I'll be satisfied if VersusXIII uses that aesthetic, which it appears to.

I think FFVIII, X, XII, and XIII have all done a great job with having a high-technology foundation, but having plenty of situations that throw back to more low-tech moments/circumstances. I just think each of those games in particular have a great mix. FFVII's world design just seems really disjointed in hindsight. It carried with it that old-school JRPG world aesthetic where towns/cities just never really felt connected beyond plot points. Crisis Core made things feel more connected, but that game was much more linear, thus easier to do. Advent Children also made the world feel much more connected, but as a 90 minute film that's much easier to do, too.

If FFVI is remade to the high-budget potential it deserves, I have no doubts it would be right there with that wonderful design mix, too. FFVI and FFIX have this fantastic steam-punk aesthetic that I wish would make another return to the series.


One thing I don't really like when mixing settings is the presence of both swords (and other melee weapons) and guns. It just doesn't make any sense!
One thing I don't really like when mixing settings is the presence of both swords (and other melee weapons) and guns. It just doesn't make any sense!

Stop thinking so much!


Actually I'm not sure how to feel about that, I guess I really don't care.


People don't realize that Japanese people don't look that far off from some anime characters.

It's cultural differences, stop being so racist yo.
So you're posting host[ess] club pictures that clearly try to appeal to a specific fantasy to show average "Japanese people"?

That's like putting forward how European people look from Milan Fashion week pictures. :lol

Look at all these average people and their completely normal clothes!

One thing I don't really like when mixing settings is the presence of both swords (and other melee weapons) and guns. It just doesn't make any sense!
The combination makes for some great gameplay opportunities, though. DMC, Space Marine :bow.
So you're posting host[ess] club pictures that clearly try to appeal to a specific fantasy to show average "Japanese people"?

That's like putting forward how European people look from Milan Fashion week pictures. :lol

Even people not in host clubs wear their hair and clothes like that.

You see that in wherever the hell you live I'm sure, some people go out more gussed up than others.


The combination makes for some great gameplay opportunities, though. DMC, Space Marine :bow.

Well guns don't really do much in DMC unless you're juggling or charging them up. And Warhammer 40k makes sense because everyone's clad in super-heavy power armour or chitin plating. Bullets do some damage, but to really kill something you gotta saw straight through that armour.

Can you imagine a Final Fantasy with everyone in power armour (with anime hair attached to their helmets)?


This thread made me go back and re-watch the January 2011 trailer a few times yesterday. Dat atmosphere.

Ugh, Square. You couldn't end the XIII saga with XIII-2? (I played both, btw. The sequel felt unnecessary.) Versus XIII isn't releasing this year. ='(
These current titles? True FFXIII (the only mainline FF title this gen on the consoles) did have sci-fi to it, but the next mainline installment is back to the Medieval theme. In fact the installment before it, FFXII was medieval too. You're complaining about one game since FFVIII that has been sci-fi.

That's like saying FF went down in quality after FFXII. It's ridiculos seeing that there was only 1 mainline FF released since.
FFXIII, FFXIII-2, FFXIII-3 I hear is in the works, Versus is current day setting. Like I said, 6 or 7 years of nothing but this.

What mainline instalment are you referring to that is back to the medieval theme? The FFIV MMO? Yeah I really fell in love with the FF franchise because it was an MMO. That's exactly what I want from here on out.
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