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Which announced/assumed to be in development game are you anticipating most this gen?


My avatar says it all.

Gears of War on Xbox One.

I'm excited and scared shitless all at once. I don't want a repeat of Gears 2, Judgement or Halo 4. A return to form and using Gears 1 and 3 as a base is imperative for the success of this game.I really hope to all things holy that Black Tusk doesn't fuck up. Rod and Chuck.... don't fail us.

Mirrors Edge and Mario Kart 8 are honorable mentions. But Gears... I can't wait for the first set of screens and teasers.
Zelda U is the one I'm most excited for, with X, Smash, Mario Kart 8, and anything Metriod related being behind that.

I hope Zelda has a Snow area, I adored Snowpeak Ruins.


Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, definitely. I've always been a fan of both series, but I gotta tip it over to FFXV, just because I've always dreamed about an FF game with KH gameplay. After all these years of waiting, nothing's deflated my hype for this. Of course I'm pessimistic on when it's coming out but I still can't wait. KH III is at a close second, I've played the KH games over and over and I can't get enough of them, can't wait for III. It sucks that my two most anticipated are from Squeenix, they got me by the balls and yet they're taking so long. Hurry up and take my damn money.

Other games are Destiny, the next Smash Bros and Persona 5. I know a bunch of people are complaining about Destiny because of today but I'm still hyped on it and can't wait to play it. Smash Bros is my childhood too, and my group of friends still play it from time to time so I'm in. I don't know why I'm not as hyped for Persona 5, the Persona series and SMT in general is one of my favorite series but I'm just not all that excited for 5. Maybe when we actually learn something about it I'll get hyped.
Dragons Dogma 2 - graphic upgrades, randomized encounters in the world, much bigger world are what I want.
Farcry 4 - open-world gameplay in the vein of Farcry 3 with bigger world, graphic upgrades.
Dark Souls 3 - same unforgivingly challenging gameplay with a bigger world and graphic upgrades.
Wii U:

Bayonetta 2


Anything by ND
Last Guardian
God of War
QD's new Game

Quantum Break (Seriously hope this ends up on PC)

Those are the games I'm most hyped up for, the ones I absolutely can't wait to play. But, above all of them would be Fallout 4. That game, I swear, I need it now. Fallout 3 is still, in my opinion, one of the best games of last gen (certainly a good candidate for best in my book).


X, because I loved Xenoblade and can't to see what those guys pull off on Wii U.

SMT x Fire Emblem (assuming this is still happening) has the potential to steal a gazillion hours out of my life, two of my favorite series, together!


The Order 1886. Hopefully RAD do not disappoint. I'm looking forward to some nice atmospheric survival horror type moments.
Uncharted 4. Loved the first three. Wonder where ND will take this one.
Proper Infamous game from Sucker Punch. What we just got was too undercooked.
Batman Arkham Knight. Looking forward to this one but mostly for the story.
Resident Evil 7. Mostly because I'm finally working my way through RE6 and it is not as bad as I first thought. Leave the partner BS out though.
I need to see what Zelda looks like the most, but mostly because I wanna get the potential disappointment out of the way before I get too hyped. EAD Tokyo and Retro Studios already blew their HD entrance big time, among other Nintendo studios. Monolith and EAD Konno out of all people actually delivered to my surprise, so I'm not sure how I should estimate Aonuma. I just wanna be done with the announcement already and get a clarification.

After that, I probably wanna see what Lily Bergamo actually is (not really interested in any other PS4 exclusive so far), but again - Grasshopper is a studio that could also easily lead to disappointment :/


Quantum Break. dont let me down, Remedy.
close second, Forza Horizon 2. the first was an amazingly good game and dare i say the best racer of last gen. super excited for 2.


The Last of Us: Remastered (postponed my second playthrough due to the rumors of its coming), Resogun DLC, The Order: 1886, Batman: Arkham Knight, Dying Light, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Rime, Mass Effect 4, and the next Tomb Raider.

Infamous: Second Son DLC, Dead Nation 2, and some kind of continuation for The Last of Us, not necessarily a sequel though.

And I'm still not ready to give up all hope on WipEout.


Zelda Wii U
Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts III

Pretty much. I'm getting a Wii U and PS4 just for these too. Whatever else that comes out is just gravy.




FFXV. I'll jump to next gen whenever that comes out.
Danganronpa 2
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Freedom Wars
Persona 5


Fire Emblem X SMT
Uncharted 4
The Order 1884
Bayonetta 2
Kingdom Hearts 3

Super Mario Galaxy 3
Metroid Prime 4
Infamous Vita
Motorstorm Vita
Syphon Filter Vita

Gravity Rush 2
Legend of Zelda U
Ratchet & Clank PS4
Borderlands 3
Sly Cooper 5

Most? (assumed) F-zero Wii U. Why? Because I haven't been playing a goddamn F-zero game for ten years. Ten years!

Awe. All those assumed vita games is adorable.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Fallout 4.
As a fan of Bethesda's games, Oblivion and Fallout 3 especially. That it's been longer than usual between releases (typically a 2&1/2 year gap), I'm hoping it bodes well. I also hope they're satisfied with the audience they're going to be getting and don't feel the need to simplify or dumb down the mechanics any more.

Just Cause 3.
Played the demo of 2 way back in the day (2010), then bought it for 8 bucks on a PSN sale last august. I've only really dug into it recently, but it's become a bit of a relaxer for me now. Can't wait to see somewhere like Panau with better graphics and potentially new features.

Tekken 7.
No word on this yet, but there's no way I could resist being ecstatic about the idea of my favorite fighter making the next gen leap. Tekken is one of the nicer looking fighters out there too, going for a somewhat realistic art design, so I can't wait to see how it turns out. I know it will be a while yet, and there's the chance Tekken x Streetfighter will come out before, but I can wait.

SoulCalibur VI.
I'm not sure if this is a dream or not, but I'm hoping that the existence of SoulCalibur Lost Swords, crummy F2P game though it is, means that Project Soul is building revenue and offering a quick, easily updatable SoulCalibur title while they toil away on a proper sequel, not rushed. Again, SoulCalibur is one of the most gorgeous fighters out there, and has been known for having a great character creation/customization system in recent titles. I'm very excited to see how both turn out next time around.

There are others, but I've gotta get back to work.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening

Uncharted 4
The Order 1884

Kingdom Hearts 3


Infamous Vita

Gravity Rush 2

Ratchet & Clank PS4
Borderlands 3
Sly Cooper 5

These. Because I enjoyed these franchises.

I'm gonna add Guilty Gear Xrd a Blazblue CP PS4 port(assuming), Lily Bergamo The Last Guardian, Persona 5 Vita. looking forward to these


Pillars of Eternity.

I'm kinda worried I'm over hyping it to the point that anything will come up short


As of now, it's between The Witcher 3 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. CDProjekt Red are the best at what they do- and the adventures of Geralt can only get much more fascinating. Adaptations of Sapkowski's tales will be grand.

I think Mafia is my favorite game, maybe ever (outside of Vice City). To hear that Daniel Vávra and Warhorse Studios were doing a Kickstarter campaign for a realistic RPG was pretty much a dream come true. The robust character creation system, the first person combat, and a medieval themed open world all sound wonderful.

I could also put Quantum Break up there, purely for my love of Sam Lake and Remedy. Exciting times await!


At the moment, Project Cars. Hardly knew anything about it a few days ago, but after watching the first official trailer I'm pumped. Game looks amazing.


Gold Member
Fallout 4 because I enjoyed Fallout 3 and New Vegas so much. I was really ambivalent about Fallout 3 back when it came out but I rented it and it didn't take too long to get hooked. Buggy games for sure but very fun.


If I have to pick just one, as per the OP, it would have to be Monolith Soft's "X." My reason is this trailer. I also absolutely adored Xenoblade Chronicles; I found it one of the very best games of last generation. No matter how closely tied to Xenoblade or how distanced it is from Xenoblade, story-wise, "X" clearly shows that it's going to offer more of what made Xenoblade great -- namely rewarding exploration of massive, wholly unique landscapes with incredible fauna and some of the most amazing art direction I've witnessed in a game. But it seems that it's going to take all of that and expand on it exponentially. Couple all this with a great battle system, much more powerful hardware (which it seems to really showcase) and now, driveable mechs.

After playing Xenoblade and considering it one of the most expansive and ambitious games I've ever played, I then read that its director, Tetsuya Takahashi, viewed the game as "an experiment." "X" is intended to be the real deal. This blows my god-damned mind thinking about it.

For runners-up, Zelda for Wii U could get there, depending on what Nintendo shows us at E3; so could Retro's post-fucking-Donkey-Kong project, if it's Metroid or a new IP, dependent on the same factor. We got some big 'uns coming though -- I couldn't argue with anyone who said Metal Gear Solid 5, No Man's Sky, Bayonetta 2, Smash or The Last Guardian.

EDIT: Missed this question the first go-round:

Is it actually a sequel from Xenoblades or a brand new story line? Never played Xenoblades but am quite curious about this. Definitely looks great.

The very first reveal teased that the game might feature Xenoblade's protagonist, but that's all we know at this point. On the other hand, Xenoblade Chronicles is only tangentially related to the director's preceding Xenosaga games -- they share similar themes, and that's about it, as far as I've read. Though I wanted to, I never got a chance to play Xenosaga and I wasn't missing a thing when I played Xenoblade.

So it could go either way. We'll know after E3, I reckon.
Smashy Brothers.

Other than that, Arkham Knight and Next Retro Studios Project. Oh god, it's gonna be like a three year wait for the next Retro game, isn't it? Hell, it might not even be on the Wii U...


I'll buy a PS4 for sure as soon as KH3 or FFXV comes out, so it's gotta be those two.

Unless the Last Guardian somehow still exists, then that'll be the one I'm looking most forward to.


I absolutely need dat Fallout 4 and Uncharted 4. Also anticipating whatever is next for Far Cry and Deus Ex. No Man's Sky is another one on the list.

And then there's also The Last Gua.....ahhh, who am I fooling?



Guilty Gear Xrd. Top tier fighting game series that I never got to play since I started playing fighting games competitively. Looking forward to learning this game.


Lily Bergamo. I love the concept & artstyle and it's one of the handful of upcoming character action games.

Super Smash Bros Wii U

Astral Dog

Bayonetta 2,as Japanese AAA titles are decreasing im glad that Nintendo funded the sequel to one of the best charácter action games, and one of my favorite titles.

FFXV,MGS V and X would be next, but i dont have much faith left in SE and know very little about X.
Phantom dust, Halo 2 and the new Crash. A next Gen uncharted thrill ride is up there as well. I'm really freaking out about possibly getting to play Phantom Dust again.
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