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Which announced/assumed to be in development game are you anticipating most this gen?



My personal favourite series. I absolutely look forward to the next iteration.


Cyperpunk 2077: CD Projekt RED have really shown to be trustworthy.

Fallout 4: FO3 was one of my favorite games last gen.

The Last Guardian: The two last games by Team ICO are the most spiritual game experiences I've had.

MGS: V: I'm really loving Ground Zero.

The Division: Looks like a dream game, but I'm fearing possible downgrades.

And: The next Red Dead (which is hopefully in development).
MGSV. The combination of the open-world's scope without sacrificing the depth of mechanics/polish MGS is loved for makes this a must buy for me. MGS4 sold me on the PS3, MGSV will ensure I purchase a PS4 too.

Otherwise, Zelda U will be pretty exciting, but it's hard to anticipate a game whose details are mainly in my imagination. The little info they have shared is indeed encouraging.


Forza Horizon 2 and Halo 5.

Forza Horizon was one of my favourite games of last gen and Halo is my favourite series of all time.

This is why Xbox is my favourite platform...


X for sure. That JRPG feeling I get mixed with mechs that I haven't had since xenosaga and Xenoblade.

For PS4 I would say FFXV.


Zelda U
Retro Studios new game
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Kingdom Hearts 3
Final Fantasy XV
Bayonetta 2
1 Bayonetta 2 Wii U
2 Mirror's Edge 2
3 Zelda Wii U
4 SMT-FE Wii U
5 Prey 2 (that's if the new devs don't make a pig's ear of it)
6 Elite PC
7 Star Citizen PC
8 Persona Q 3DS


9 Iconoclasts PC
10 SMT 4 PAL


sly 5: i have a feeling that it will be at e3 this year and sly series can't end on a clifhanger

mortal kombat 10: this will be at e3 with the leak from 24 actor keither sutherland

kh3: enough said


For now my list looks like the following:

The Witcher 3
The Last Guardian
New God Of War (hopefully with new setting)
TLOU (haven't played it and still know nothing about the Story, so I'm very eager to play)
GTAV5 (same as TLOU)
New Uncharted
Driveclub (I really want a good arcade style racer since I'm not much into simulators and I hope this turns out well. It's simply been too long since I have played a good arcade racing game.)

If DICE and EA don't manage to fuck it up then:

Star Wars Battlefront
Mirrors Edge 2
Bad Company 3? (No idea if it's assumed to be in development but it's just a wish so I can hopefully enjoy amazing Rush games again.)


Rumored, but uncertain: KOTOR 3. Supposedly Bioware is working on a non-SWTOR Star Wars game. If it's KOTOR 3, and it plays similarly to the classic KOTOR games I'll be over the moon.

You would need a defibrillator to revive me if this sort of news dropped. No way I would be able handle the excitement. A proper KOTOR3 is my dream game. SWTOR was okay, but such a big disappointment compared to a well-done "proper" KOTOR3.

And now that none of the games are canon, they can retcon all the ridiculous crap from SWTOR... namely Revan's absurd treatment.


final fantasy XV its the reason i bought a ps3 last gen -_- now im waiting for it to release before i get a ps4.


Pillars of Eternity
Zelda U
Hyper Light Drifter
Bayonetta 2
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Batman: Arkham Knight
Mirror's Edge

and even though it's on PS3, Persona 5


So, apparently because of my post in this thread, someone decided to gift me a copy of Tropico 5.

I am so happy right now.


Unconfirmed Member
Next Elder Scrolls (Please please please don't suck)
Borderlands 3 (Please please please don't ruin it)
Fallout 4 (Please keep the rich atmosphere of F3 but the upgrades to gameplay from F:NV)


By order:

Zelda Wii U
Monolith's X
Kingdom Hearts 3
Something new from Nintendo
Witcher 3 (even though I never played the other 2)
Dishonored 2
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