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Which announced/assumed to be in development game are you anticipating most this gen?

Some Nobody

Junior Member
So far?

Final Fantasy XV: After five years of screwing around back in 2011, when they showed the gameplay footage I didn't even bother to watch it. But seeing it again as FF XV, it just seems...cooler. Like there's a better grip on the story than it's predecessor never had. It actually became one of the cooler games at E3 for me.

"X": I've loved J-RPGs since I was a little kid--they're the first thing that got me into really playing video games hardcore. But somewhere along the way it feels like they kind of lost what made them cool and special. "X" looks like a return to that--with top-notch graphics, a unique, expansive world and what I hope is a fun story involving OMG GIANT TRANSFORMING ROBOTS.

Batman: Arkham Knight - Presuming this eventually introduces the other Bat-characters, I've always wanted to explore Gotham working with Batman, Nightwing, Robin and (hopefully) the others.

The Witcher - this isn't quite what I want from a gigantic, open-world fantasy RPG, but it's pretty close.

Triad Wars: The original game is one of my favorite video games of all time. If United Front Games can pull off a similar experience on PS4/XB1 with a wider world and the same kind of energy? Really hoping E3 gives us a look at this, finally.

Other games worth mentioning:

- Uncharted 4: Because I've already played the rest and they were fun.
- SMT x FE: Because I'm a FE geek.
- The Order: 1886: Always had a love for Arthurian stuff, and Victorian-era steampunk is just a delicious icing to a cake of awesome.

People are saying gaming looks boring a few months off from now and I just don't see it.
Smash Bros Wii U because it's Smash Bros.
Mirrors Edge Reboot, despite the problems the first game had, I still enjoyed it.
Bayonetta 2 because the first game was amazing.
Fast Racing Neo, the closest thing we're ever getting to an F-Zero.

I'm super excited for Zelda U because not only is it a Zelda game (duh!), Eiji Aonuma is directing this one (according to Wikipedia) so that hopefully means it'll have a dark tone like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.


Dragon Age: Inquisition easily.

Bioware seems to be really on point with this game. They've taken in and considered so much fan feedback-- it really looks like they want to set things right again. Looking forward to see how it all finally comes together.

The new Arkham Knight trailer has got me really excited as well. Especially since it's only available on the PS4/XB1. One of the few times that I actually went-- "I need to jump on the next gen bandwagon asap."

Not a big horror game player but The Order 1886 intrigues me quite a bit. Love that it's a TPS and not a FPS. Hopefully they'll show more gameplay footage during E3-- really interested to see how it plays.
Smash Bros Wii U because it's Smash Bros.
Mirrors Edge Reboot, despite the problems the first game had, I still enjoyed it.
Bayonetta 2 because the first game was amazing.
Fast Racing Neo, the closest thing we're ever getting to an F-Zero.

I'm super excited for Zelda U because not only is it a Zelda game (duh!), Eiji Aonuma is directing this one (according to Wikipedia) so that hopefully means it'll have a dark tone like Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.

Aonuma directed ww too.....
Now that I've played the excellent Demon Gaze?
Experience's other two DRPG's coming out,

Stranger in Sword City
Tokyo New World Record: Operation Abyss


Announced: Zelda U, and Monolith Soft's "X".
Mario Kart and Smash are up there, but by comparison feel like known qualities at this point.

Assumed: Metroid (remember Reggie's pin)


Kingdom Hearts III, wanna see that whole saga close finally.

Also David Jaffe's next game,
said by no one ever
After all this time of non-news, The Last Guardian is still my most anticipated game, and let's face it, development of it has almost certainly shifted onto the PS4 now, so that's my choice. Team ICO are top-tier, and that E3 trailer still has an awe-inspiring power to it that I can't give up on or ignore. It's just so darn magical!

Gravity Rush 2 is a close second. I'd love to mention Mirror's Edge 2, but I can't shake off the feeling that EA are going to screw it up somehow and disappoint fans of the first game.


Final Fantasy XV


The Witcher 3


A few mentions are Tekken 7 , Kingdom Hearts 3, Dark Souls 3.
Killing Floor 2, since that leak from Steam's games played online.

I had never even read about this leak. I am insanely hyped now. I really hope it is for real, summer surprise release 2014 would just MAKE my summer holiday come true.

My answers to the thread title would now be Killing Floor 2, Zelda U and Skies of Arcadia HD/2.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Since I am an SMT nerd, my answer is SMTxFireEmblem

Oh, and the Witcher 3. And a new Fallout! Woooooo
Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS - my absolute favorite series of all time. Will probably be my game of forever.

Zelda Wii U - if it looks anything like that tech demo I'm hyped as hell

Bayonetta 2 - Bayonetta was a game I didn't really think I was going to like, but GAF convinced me and I loved it.

X - Xenoblade is my second favorite Wii game. What an absolute treat it was. I can't wait to see what Monolith is a cookin'

Kingdom Hearts 3 - I've been waiting YEARSSSS for this. Haven't played all of the spinoffs though.

Halo 2 Anniversary - I've put countless hours into Halo 2 online and cannot wait to revisit the experience again


A Halo game that returns to the core fundamentals. Be it H2A or Halo 5 I don't care which.... That said I'm very excited to see where Halo 5's story is going.

Fallout 4
Mass Effect 4
Gears of War


Witcher 3
New Mass Effect
Pillars of Eternity
Bayonetta 2
New Fallout
Star Wars: Battlefront (but I'm worried since ex-Danger Close is making it...)
Zelda for Wii U
- TES 6
- Fallout 4
- Cyberpunk 2042
- The Witcher 3
- Hyper Light Drifter
- Final Fantasy 15
- Hotline Miami 2
- A new 'Legends of Grimrock' Game
- New Metroid


It's either Pillars of Eternity, Tides of Numenera or Camelot Unchained.

I can't wait to see what Obsidian can do with a brand new IP and no restrictions from any publisher. I backed the project as soon as I heard it existed and I'd back any other project from Obsidian.

Tides of Numenera is another project I backed immediately and I only updated my pledge when I saw Patrick Rothfuss as a stretch goal. I think InXile put together a pretty nice team.

Camelot Unchained is another Kickstarter project I just had to pledge. I loved Dark Age of Camelot, the community around that game and the RvR dynamic. I hope to experience something similar again.


Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts III
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Mirror's Edge 2
Bayonetta 2
Pillars of Eternity
Night in the Woods
Torment: Tides of Numenera

Once those are released, I can die a happy man.


If I had to pick two games, one of them would be X. Xenoblade is easily among the all-time greatest JRPGs, and it, apparently, was just an experimental prototype for something much greater, and that game is (likely) X. But what specifically compels me to it can mostly be resumed in this .gif:

- top drawer "anime/manga" sci-fantasy art
- a quality of environment design that would humble the best the industry has to offer
- pilot-able, flying (and this is important, because it means the game should offer a greater emphasis on vertical exploration than we had in XB) transformable mechs
- a refined evolution of the combat we had in XB (destructible mechs, third person shooting, dismemberment, added sectional damage, etc.)
- unprecedented Brobdingnagian scale
- ambition on a level that I've yet to see in any other JRPG
- massive production values

The more I see of this game, the more I'm convinced this is going to be Takahashi's opus magnum.

The other game would be Zelda U, and I don't think that one requires an explanation.

Is it actually a sequel from Xenoblades or a brand new story line? Never played Xenoblades but am quite curious about this. Definitely looks great.

Given all we've seen from the game, you can count on there being no continuity between it and Xenoblade.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Zelda U without a doubt. This series has never let me down, and with Nintendo in panic mode, this just has to be amazing.


Fallout 4, Deus Ex, Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Mirror's Edge, Star Wars: Battlefront 3, No Man's Sky, next big Rockstar title, The Division. Unfortunately not much media on these games yet, all I imagine are 2015 and far beyond.

As far as this year is concerned: Alien: Isolation, Destiny (despite the recent footage), The Last of Us: Remastered. Minecraft: PS4 Edition.


FF XV I guess. To be fair I just want this game to come out to finally put it behind me after all those years of wating.


Announced are Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect (not) 4, easily. Despite the missteps, I still love Bioware deeply, and their brand of RPG is my comfort food no matter what other people think.

Unannounced, Fallout 4. I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and rumors that FO4 will be in Boston intrigue me, as it's where I live.

Rumored, but uncertain: KOTOR 3. Supposedly Bioware is working on a non-SWTOR Star Wars game. If it's KOTOR 3, and it plays similarly to the classic KOTOR games I'll be over the moon.
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