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Which game of 2010 had the WORST story?


erotic butter maelstrom
Dance In My Blood said:
Yeah, fuck this right here.

First the game was going all super hackneyed but was pointing at itself like they knew they were being a bunch of god damn story morons.

Then the sky opened up to speak to me and I knew the whole game would be bullshit. The only scary part about this whole game is the facial animations.

it was like some Disney-land automatons came to life and started re-enacting a cancelled episode of the Twilight Zone, it was freaky


Definitely Metroid Other M.

It's intolerably bad, and it's portrayal of Samus and the Metroid universe is so appalling amateur it puts a stain on an other perfect series and lore.

I'm replaying the Prime games again, and all I can think about is how bad Other M is in comparison. Terrible, terrible, nonsense.


erotic butter maelstrom
Barakov said:
I never want to hear the word "the" followed by the word "baby" in a game ever again.

how often did she even say "the baby"? I don't remember it outside of the intro cutscene.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Barakov said:
I never want to hear the word "the" followed by the word "baby" in a game ever again.
fortified_concept said:
Vanquish. Half the time you didn't even know where they were or what they were doing. Terrible.
Vanquish shouldn't count. The game isn't even trying to have a story. And it's a better game for it.
I have not played any of the games listed in this thread, so I decided to read the Wikipedia plot entries for the following 3 games: Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, Metroid: Other M.

So, based solely on their Wiki plot summary, here are their rankings from best to worst:

Heavy Rain > Metroid: Other M > Alan Wake

Seriously, Alan Wake sounded fucking retarded.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Other M, easily. Easily the worst presented.

If we're going by the gulf between the intended merit of the story and the actual reality of the story then Heavy Rain deserves a big ol' mention.

Actually, Other M still wins with those qualifications as well.


Mike Works said:
I have not played any of the games listed in this thread, so I decided to read the Wikipedia plot entries for the following 3 games: Alan Wake, Heavy Rain, Metroid: Other M.

So, based solely on their Wiki plot summary, here are their rankings from best to worst:

Heavy Rain > Metroid: Other M > Alan Wake

Seriously, Alan Wake sounded fucking retarded.

The worst part about Metroid: Other M is that it's your typical bad-anime story versus whatever characterization everyone had in their head. It's bad, but there's not enough of it where there's just tons of glaring plot holes. Honestly, Sin & Punishment 2 is far worse, but it falls into the same category of Bayonetta and apparently Vanquish of not giving a fuck.

Something like Heavy Rain is one of those things you have to really experience for yourself, because the writer/director really thought he was creating art.
I'm going to go with Sin and Punishment 2. Other M had a pretty bad one, but it is nowhere near as bad as S&P...not even close :^/

AniHawk said:
The worst part about Metroid: Other M is that it's your typical bad-anime story versus whatever characterization everyone had in their head. It's bad, but there's not enough of it where there's just tons of glaring plot holes. Honestly, Sin & Punishment 2 is far worse, but it falls into the same category of Bayonetta and apparently Vanquish of not giving a fuck.
Damn, I didnt even read your post yet before putting mine up...


Solstice said:
After browsing through this threads counterpart, I thought we should have a discussion on the worst story in a video game of 2010. My vote? Final Fantasy XIII. Why? Because it's piss, that's why.

EDIT: Let's try to keep it to one vote per person. I'll tally them all up towards the end.

Oh come on FFXIII over Metroid Other M?
Seriously Other M is Uwe_Boll_bad or Batman&Robin_bad in term of story.


Not in a good position to criticize it, but I watched the game play of Xenoblad for 80 hours+++ and the story was painfully generic and I really couldn't stand each cut scene. Everything wrong about JRPG was right there.
Bayonetta for me, I couldn't stand most of the cut scenes. Especially the totally useless and boring 10 min fight in the graveyard near the beginning of the game. I haven't played Other M, but it looks like a very good contender :lol

I don't mind games with no story, but when you have long ass boring cinematics like in Bayonetta, it really hurts the game. Especially since the story makes no sense whatsoever, and you don't want to skip them to be even more clueless after. I prefer no story than shitty intrusive stuff. But at least they're skippable, so they're not a concern anymore in the subsequent play through.


AniHawk said:
Other M is Ed Wood. S&P2 is Uwe Boll.


Seriously there's no way S&P2 has a worst storytelling than Other M.
No freaking way, the badness would be so big that anyone opening the box of the game would be taken in the singularity of horribleness.

That would explain the low sales of S&P2 though, I mean if you risk death by opening a box :/.....

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I think whether or not the cutscenes are skippable should play a part in this. Other M and Heavy Rain remain toe-to-toe.
Sin and Punishment 2's problem is that it assumes you read all the backstory on the European site. If you haven't, then it just feels really disjointed and pointless, but if you have, at least there's a slightly interesting story arc (not like it's particularly good or anything, but whatever).

Bayonetta at least has likable and memorable characters, and Vanquish was fine for what it was. Other M is probably the worst - the story isn't outright bad, but it's really unmemorable and it doesn't fit the Metroid universe very well. Super Metroid left more of an impression, and I played it a week before Other M.


Definatly Star Ocean 4.

Jesus christ! Die in a fire

It is the only game this Gen i havent seen through to the end let alone the end of the first disk.

Was going ok i suppose, 40 hours on disk one, just grinding for monster data.

Fuck you ocd! Still only got about 5 achievements in that time.

Even the 'KAY' every 3 seconds wasn't bothering me too much.

Then the main character went all emo which i couldnt stand.
Then the thing that ended my time with this game:



Im not even going to explain why, anyone who's even made it that far will know straight away what i mean. Anyone who bothered going past that part......

I salute you and your now mushed up brain

Knew i should of got tales instead. now i can't even find a copy for less then £60! :(


Mael said:

Seriously there's no way S&P2 has a worst storytelling than Other M.
No freaking way, the badness would be so big that anyone opening the box of the game would be taken in the singularity of horribleness.

That would explain the low sales of S&P2 though, I mean if you risk death by opening a box :/.....

So basically you haven't played S&P2 yet.


AniHawk said:
So basically you haven't played S&P2 yet.

Well yeah no.
Still Other M is kinda like Batman&Robin,
it's one of the worst film I've ever seen and I would claim that there can be no big budget film worse that could be made ever.....then I saw Transformers2.

So yeah, I usually don't make that kind of claim (I still think you're too lenient on Other M, it's REALLY bad, even Bad Dudes pull it better)


Mael said:
Well yeah no.
Still Other M is kinda like Batman&Robin,
it's one of the worst film I've ever seen and I would claim that there can be no big budget film worse that could be made ever.....then I saw Transformers2.

So yeah, I usually don't make that kind of claim (I still think you're too lenient on Other M, it's REALLY bad, even Bad Dudes pull it better)

Other M contends with people's expectations for the series. It's a bad story that's made worse because it's not what they expected. At the very least, there aren't too many plot holes (Adam guessing-knowing about unfreezable Metroids what) or anything glaring outside of characterization. Well, it's basically a retread of Fusion too. But then stuff like Sin & Punishment 2 is like someone sat down and made a conscious effort to not have anything make sense. The voice acting is much worse too.

I think arguing about the content of the story of Other M is pointless, because the presence of the story is a much bigger problem in the game.

I still think Heavy Rain beats out both since there's just so much of it and that there's something wrong with nearly every scene... which amounts to something like several hours.


"Well, you know, sometimes you have to lie about stuff.
To keep yourself going, because you're afraid.
Or to protect someone else, so they don't get hurt.
Sometimes, even the things that everyone in the whole world thinks are true turns out to be lies.
At the end of the day though, it's not the lies that matters, but what you do after you tell it.
Work hard enough, and you can make it true."

WTF did I just watch???

Multiply this dialogue by 100 and you'll get the entire story of FFXIII.

Of course, Heavy Rain is a close second, but at least that game isn't full of scenes with empty dialogues written by 12 year olds.


Unfortunately, the award goes to Metroid: Other M.

A highly anticipated story that ends up being a disappointing, underwhelming, and flawed. To make matters worse, it was not what we as Metroid fans expected or were promised. It felt like a messed up copy and paste Metroid Fusion plot mixed in with some odd Resident Evil cheesiness. Ridley's involvement was truly the only thing worthwhile about it along with the Samus vs. Mother Brain intro cut scene.

It' sad that the Metroid manga provided far more informative and interesting stuff about Samus Aran, her relationships and other things from her past.


linsivvi said:
Of course, Heavy Rain is a close second, but at least that game isn't full of scenes with empty dialogues written by 12 year olds.

Well there's this giant gaping plot hole that exists because they had to remove the part where two characters were telepathically linked.

Yes, taking out the telepathy from the game that's set in an otherwise supposedly completely normal world actually made it make less sense.


AniHawk said:
Other M contends with people's expectations for the series. It's a bad story that's made worse because it's not what they expected. At the very least, there aren't too many plot holes (Adam guessing-knowing about unfreezable Metroids what) or anything glaring outside of characterization. Well, it's basically a retread of Fusion too. But then stuff like Sin & Punishment 2 is like someone sat down and made a conscious effort to not have anything make sense. The voice acting is much worse too.

I think arguing about the content of the story of Other M is pointless, because the presence of the story is a much bigger problem in the game.

I still think Heavy Rain beats out both since there's just so much of it and that there's something wrong with nearly every scene... which amounts to something like several hours.

I'll say it again, my problem with Other M wasn't expectations (although it certainly helped).
The story is horribly told and is quite frankly pointless.
For what it was Metroid hunters was less of a problem than that, heck I have less problems with the story of any other product with Metroid in it (and that includes most sprite comics).

The problem with Other M is that the story is stupid, unfocused, doesn't go anywhere and has the very worst story telling I've ever seen anywhere.

the story of S&P1 didn't seem to go anywhere either so I can't think that they would do anything with it anyway in the sequel. Heck I don't think it's supposed to make sense anyway.

I'll see for myself though, just a note :
Other M left such a bad impression that in comparison KH : BBS's story feels absolutely brillant. And that's Kingdom Hearts, the game where story is the afterthought of afterthought (at least I hope)

Heavy rain I think I'll be in for a hell of a ride :lol

Oh and I'm absolutely positive that anything storywise in FFXIII is miles better than anything I've seen of Other M, it makes more sense, it's better written and acted.
Basically by any metric available it's way better

AniHawk said:
Well there's this giant gaping plot hole that exists because they had to remove the part where two characters were telepathically linked.

Yes, taking out the telepathy from the game that's set in an otherwise supposedly completely normal world actually made it make less sense.

Ok now they were trolling us while making that game :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
AniHawk said:
Well there's this giant gaping plot hole that exists because they had to remove the part where two characters were telepathically linked.

Yes, taking out the telepathy from the game that's set in an otherwise supposedly completely normal world actually made it make less sense.
I can't tell whether or not you're joking. Source?
Out of the games I've played this year I'd say Heavy Rain easily takes the title. The script was carved onto a slice of swiss cheese.

By the way, which two characters were supposed to be telepathically linked? And which plot hole did it cause?


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
This is an odd topic. Not just because "Worst" is a completely subjective term, but because "Story" apparently is as well. Which makes some sense considering the medium, I mean there are plenty of instances where your interactions can literally change the story being told. That's the whole point of a lot of games. The perception of pacing in a game can be completely changed based on how you play it as well.

Which isn't to say this topic or the choices picked aren't completely valid. Someone already mentioned it, but Just Cause 2 definitely made me go "Ha ha, what the fuck am I playing."

"Yeeee-haaaw! Here comes Freedom baby!"

Of course, I eventually find such...Thematic choices to endearing. Most times. Some times.


AniHawk said:
Well there's this giant gaping plot hole that exists because they had to remove the part where two characters were telepathically linked.

Yes, taking out the telepathy from the game that's set in an otherwise supposedly completely normal world actually made it make less sense.

Both games are perfect examples when video game directors think they qualify to be a writer and a movie director.

Guess I have to play the Other M to see how awful its story is.
FFXIII gets my vote. There is something wrong when I didn't give a fuck at all in the end. All that l'cie and Fal'cie crap being thrown left to right is bonus points as well. Excuse me while I throw up.


linsivvi said:
Both games are perfect examples when video game directors think they qualify to be a writer and a movie director.

Guess I have to play the Other M to see how awful its story is.

Look it up on youtube, at least you'll avoid the awful game that way.


erotic butter maelstrom
oh prease

the best thing about Other M was the actual game, it may have some major issues, but it's a fun game. The gameplay is not nearly as bad as the story, it's unfair to lump it all in together.
I haven't actually played Heavy Rain but I have watched most of it and Ami tells me it's pretty much the same thing so I can safely say it's at least on par with one of those really low budget Lifetime movies my mom loves to watch.

Mass Effect 2's overarching plot is like a bad and not in a campy way 50's scifi. But the character interactions are not far from something like Firefly which elicits a few purrs from me.

Meanwhile character interaction in Heavy Rain is anything but fluid. It falters in a lot of other ways from what I watched, but that was the most glaring problem to me. It's like these people realized they were going to be 3D dolls in some very crappy college film school level flick. Made for Lifetime.

Mass Effect is a game and for that I give it a pass on having a good plot.


erotic butter maelstrom
You should still play Heavy Rain, Monkey. It's clearly a very divisive game, but I had a good time with it. I don't think it's as bad as some may lead you to believe, it has some genuinely suspenseful and interesting moments. There were a lot of people around here that were very enthusiastic about it, but it seems they're afraid to speak up. I would never claim that it's a great GAME, but it really does have some memorable scenes and it's certainly unique.

It's awkward and full of plotholes, but I enjoyed the experience despite all that. It's a pretty cool game.


Other M's story was so bad that I think it will get plenty of people coming back just to study everything it does wrong, and in that way, Other M's story is interesting for what it reveals about videogames and authorship and the collective identity of the silent protagonist. By Sakamoto taking Samus away from the player and pretty much ignoring the player's experience, he makes a Samus who has had half her brain removed, or perhaps even more of her mind removed. She exists in the game as an unreliable narrator and works as though she only thinks, cares and feels when the player stops having control.

It's like having Mario show up in what should be a familiar fantasy world, but not in a game, as though he was lost in some Mario world sans player and was presented with some goombas that he freaks out over and becomes confused by the very existence of such a thing. You realize he's being totally helpless because every goomba experience he's had has been enacted by the player. This is Sakamoto's Samus in Other M, a half-brain twit because the writer decided to seriously cut all ties between the player and character.

I assume this is purely accidental, but its interesting. By fighting against the player's voice, Sakamoto made a story so in conflict with itself that it ends up proving the need for accounting for the play experience.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
Crackdown 2 — Ruffian was sincerely trying to tell a serious story in a sequel to a game noted for the absurdist and wacky nature of its story.

And Heavy Rain, Alan Wake, Deadly Premonition, Just Cause 2, James Bond: Blood Stone, Shaun White Skateboarding, America's Next Top Model, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction, Battlefield Bad Company 2, and BioShock 2.
Snuggler said:
it has some genuinely suspenseful and interesting moments.

A sample suspenseful moment in Heavy Rain: Oh man, what happens if I don't reach for the inhaler in time? Will Shelby die, or at least pass out, from lack of oxygen??!? One minute passes... two minutes... HOW LONG CAN SHELBY STAND THERE AND RESIST THE ASTHMA ATTACK????

Answer: Apparently forever, because this is just one of the many, MANY situations in the game where your input means jack shit.


Snuggler said:
oh prease

the least bad thing about Other M was the actual game, it may have some major issues, but it's a fun game. The gameplay is not nearly as bad as the story, it's unfair to lump it all in together.

I mean there's nothing exactly good in that game (maybe the visuals....and even then it's nothing next to the prime games).
And having to suffer through the horrible design decisions they made?
the gameplay is not the worst thing in the package but that doesn't make it worth playing either.
At best I'd say rent it or get it from a friend, I'd never advise anyone from giving more than 10bucks to play it.

To be frank there's not many things I've experienced that are worse than playing this game.
Although you're right in saying that the gameplay shouldn't be lumped with the story in term of horribleness.
I'd make a comparison to Sonic 06 but the Sonic game is more interesting in a trainwreck kind of way....
That's not what the topic is for anyway.


Vanquish's story was pretty awful when it was being told (the beginning and end), but at least it had characters that I sorta liked, and everything in the middle two acts pretty much stayed out of the way, and did just enough to point you forward.

Lost Planet 2 was entirely incoherent from beginning to end, and had no characters whatsoever. It was just bad. Sloppily conceived and sloppily told. So that's my vote.
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