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Wii U Speculation Thread The Third: Casting Dreams in The Castle of Miyamoto


I think we fundamentally disagree on the time scale of the Japanese decline. The demise of Japanese dominance was a long and painful process as far as i'm concerned - and it's been horrible to watch.

We're at the point where a large slew of Japanese dev houses just look a bit lost and directionless (as far as console gaming is concerned). I'm not sure how the Wii U is going to restore that over night.

The Wii -needs- both West and East though - Nintendo need to sway people to give more than token "port" efforts. They need more.

I think we do. Cuz I remember all the way up until the PS3 launch, people were still spouting how MS NEEDED Japanese talent to keep their console afloat, and you wouldn't say that if the opinion of Japanese games wasn't mostly positive. And then the PS3 hit, and within a matter of a year, Japan was somehow "behind the times".

I've always placed blame on Sony for this... coupling the fact that:

1) sales of their console were so low that it FORCED Japan (which bet on a PS2 repeat and sank development resources into its successor) into multi-platform development to meet sales targets, something that their history doesn't demonstrate as being a terribly commonplace thing (to put it lightly)

2) Sony had taken a decidedly Western shift in its positioning and 1st-party lineup so they could lock horns with Microsoft, which forced many developers to follow suit to ensure that their multi-platform games appealed to BOTH platform's audiences

... THIS is what ruined Japan. And this is a spot that Nintendo can easily refill now that Sony has clearly abandoned it, as evidenced by the Vita. Being unchained from multi-plat, and therefore not having to make games to cater to a specific demographic, could mean a refocus on game design like we have been enjoying on handhelds.

... alternatively they support X720, PS3, and Wii U and have all the cake _and_ eat it.

I don't see any 3rd parties going exclusive to any one. Those days are largely over without a very large cash fez
This is the first and ONLY generation where the console exclusive became a non-factor, and it's entirely because the user base on ALL consoles didn't really allow for that except the Wii, which, as I said, was a non-factor as 3rd-parties had already bankrolled on the assumption of PlayStation Domination. Take those market conditions out of the equation, and you don't get written-in-stone exclusives. If you have a definitive market leader that you can throw your weight around on, you get DE-FACTO exclusives.


It's been my not-often-stated belief that eastern developers would at some point end-up settling on one horse in this race. Nintendo's overtures of support and good will, their good relationships repaired over the past decade, the positive feelings bleeding-over from success in the portable space, Sony's comparative shift of focus from being Japan-centric to more non-centric or even a bit westernized, etc etc.. given all of this, I am not shocked if when Nintendo consolidates domination of Japan's gamers, developers, and mindshare.
If Japanese developers back a single horse, it certainly won't be Nintendo. Most haven't forgotten the ridiculous monopoly Nintendo had in the 80s/early 90s. The only reason we now have a 2-3 horse race is because developers were sick of being abused by Nintendo. There is absolutely no way it will ever go back to that scenario.


It's going to be the equivalent of "doesn't matter, had sex"



Anyway, sometimes, I still can't believe we're getting the first HD Nintendo console.
I mean, we Nintendo fans are getting the biggest jump in graphics and power ever seen in the gaming industry. It's like Nintendo literally skipped this gen.
A bigger jump than PS2>PS3!! that's huge.

I can't even imagine how beautiful Nintendo games are going to look on this thing.
E3, launch day and christmas can't come soon enough!!!


If Japanese developers back a single horse, it certainly won't be Nintendo. Most haven't forgotten the ridiculous monopoly Nintendo had in the 80s/early 90s. The only reason we now have a 2-3 horse race is because developers were sick of being abused by Nintendo. There is absolutely no way it will ever go back to that scenario.

Yeah, cuz they're sure butthurt about how horribly Nintendo treats them when developing for their near-monopoly in the handheld space, aren't they? Yeah, those devs are running away screaming with tears in their eyes towards the Vita.

I don't even know where to begin. Should I start with a total management change since the 80s? Or should I start with this generation being such a clusterfuck for Japan that they don't have many more options?


Well yeah, it would be better than nothing


exactly haha.

Really, if people buy the Wii U for this or that reason (casual bait, nintendo titles, etc.), I believe they're far more likely to also buy whatever high profile multiplatform game is released for it (as long as it's still a competent port) than buy a whole new console for said game, even if it ran better on competing consoles.


Unconfirmed Member
I imagine that would have been the case for a lot of people had the Wii architecture been able to adequately support current engines.


Really, if people buy the Wii U for this or that reason (casual bait, nintendo titles, etc.), I believe they're far more likely to also buy whatever high profile multiplatform game is released for it (as long as it's still a competent port) than buy a whole new console for said game, even if it ran better on competing consoles.

aren't the people interested in mutliplat titles likely to already own a PS3/X360? It's a dangerous assumption to think Wii U will be the beneficiary here as it hinges on 3rd party efforts and, well, they've had a habit of curling one off on Nintendo's chest.

Yeah, cuz they're sure butthurt about how horribly Nintendo treats them when developing for their near-monopoly in the handheld space, aren't they? Yeah, those devs are running away screaming with tears in their eyes towards the Vita.

I don't even know where to begin. Should I start with a total management change since the 80s? Or should I start with this generation being such a clusterfuck for Japan that they don't have many more options?

Why wasn't the Wii an option ? This generation is , what?, 6 years long and it was clear that the Wii was the "winner" pretty early. Why didn't Japanese devs jump at that point whole heartedly to the Wii and why would the Wii U be any different?

I expect some STRONG (VERY strong) support for the Wii U but this idea that were going to see every dev line up to throw everything on the Wii U and -to hell- with the other platforms (+Sony ruined everything!!!) is borderline erotic fantasy.

Anyway, sometimes, I still can't believe we're getting the first HD Nintendo console.
I mean, we Nintendo fans are getting the biggest jump in graphics and power ever seen in the gaming industry. It's like Nintendo literally skipped this gen.
A bigger jump than PS2>PS3!! that's huge.

I can't even imagine how beautiful Nintendo games are going to look on this thing.
E3, launch day and christmas can't come soon enough!!!

I totally feel ya, wholeheartedly!



Why wasn't the Wii an option ? This generation is , what?, 6 years long and it was clear that the Wii was the "winner" pretty early. Why didn't Japanese devs jump at that point whole heartedly to the Wii and why would the Wii U be any different?

I expect some STRONG (VERY strong) support for the Wii U but this idea that were going to see every dev line up to throw everything on the Wii U and -to hell- with the other platforms (+Sony ruined everything!!!) is borderline erotic fantasy.

From what I heard through the grapevine in Japan, the situation was basically the same as in the West. High profile developers wanted to go HD, the Wii just wasn't going to cut it. Many held off until the PS3/360 got some legs, or simply went to the portable space. I think the Wii U will ultimately win in this regard because it will be an HD machine and will allow for small apps (if Nintendo is going with their App Store). It won't be a problem jumping in from the ground floor. Unlike the Wii where so many people didn't want to bother with low spec stuff.


aren't the people interested in mutliplat titles likely to already own a PS3/X360? It's a dangerous assumption to think Wii U will be the beneficiary here as it hinges on 3rd party efforts and, well, they've had a habit of curling one off on Nintendo's chest.

Why wasn't the Wii an option ? This generation is , what?, 6 years long and it was clear that the Wii was the "winner" pretty early. Why didn't Japanese devs jump at that point whole heartedly to the Wii and why would the Wii U be any different?

I expect some STRONG (VERY strong) support for the Wii U but this idea that were going to see every dev line up to throw everything on the Wii U and -to hell- with the other platforms (+Sony ruined everything!!!) is borderline erotic fantasy.

Well first of all, PS360 isn't going to be around forever and will someday stop receiving support between now and the end of the next generation. Secondly, the hypothetical scenario I charted out had people buying the Wii U for reasons other than most hardcore 3rd party titles (just like tens of millions of people did this gen with the wii). And if people own a Wii U, that's what they'll probably be buying games for over PS360 (at least eventually. Migrating from XBL and PSN might take awhile. And I'm purposely not adding PS4/XB3 into the equation for what should be obvious reasons). Of course it hinges on 3rd party efforts, but I'm assuming 3rd parties wont be completely inept and port to the wii u if possible with reasonable effort. If you want to take that out of the equation, we're talking about something different entirely.

Lastly, the wii "wasn't an option" because

1. The combined HD installed base was roughly equivalent or greater than the Wii installed base for the majority of the gen and trends indicated that was where the money was for hardcore games

2. Wii couldn't realistically handle those games anyway, so it's automatically eliminated as a porting option that wasn't a huge pain in the ass

3. Devs simply didn't want to work in SD anymore

You're overdoing it a bit in your attempt to make it sound like we're all spouting hyperbolic nonsense. Don't put words in people's mouths. I don't think anyone is saying such a change would happen instantaneously or that other platforms would be completely abandoned by japanese devs.


From what I heard through the grapevine in Japan, the situation was basically the same as in the West. High profile developers wanted to go HD, the Wii just wasn't going to cut it. Many held off until the PS3/360 got some legs, or simply went to the portable space. I think the Wii U will ultimately win in this regard because it will be an HD machine and will allow for small apps (if Nintendo is going with their App Store). It won't be a problem jumping in from the ground floor. Unlike the Wii where so many people didn't want to bother with low spec stuff.

but the main crux of that is what ever "ecosystem" Nintendo foster - or what the others foster.

I don't think the Wii U as a machine magically solves any of this - it's down to what they implement (and of course what their competitors implement)


I think it's far more likely we'll see a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns on the 3DS, it seems like it would work very well in 3D.

Yeah, I just started DKCR earlier today, and my first thought was "Why isn't this on the 3DS again?" The way they play with the planes, it's almost like development started there, but made the switch to the Wii some way through. It just reeks of it, at least in the intro world.


Yeah, I just started DKCR earlier today, and my first thought was "Why isn't this on the 3DS again?" The way they play with the planes, it's almost like development started there, but made the switch to the Wii some way through. It just reeks of it, at least in the intro world.

Yeah, everything about that game would be perfect for 3DS. Hopefully they use the engine to make some more sequels.


Borderline? I think that border was crossed many posts(and threads) ago.

I think the idea of Japanese third party giving overwhelming support to the WiiU isn't as far fetched as some might think. Taking the situation between the 3DS and PSVITA as a precursor of things to come in the console sector you will find out that the 3DS has an abundance of exclusive 3rd party strong sellers that are simply absent on the PSVITA.


Yeah it would be nice.

Too bad Retro is all tied up with Zelda right now!

Really though, DKCR is a good game that could be a GREAT game with some small tweaks. I'd like to see a sequel eventually.


I think the idea of Japanese third party giving overwhelming support to the WiiU isn't as far fetched as some might think. Taking the situation between the 3DS and PSVITA as a precursor of things to come in the console sector you will find out that the 3DS has an abundance of exclusive 3rd party strong sellers that are simply absent on the PSVITA.

That's about where I am right now. Lots of multiplatform releases, a handful of exclusives, some small-but-noticeable tilt toward Nintendo. The only way we'll see one console get near-everything in Japan is a weird, unlikely situation where one of the console makers simply isn't around anymore. Not gonna happen anytime soon.


I think the idea of Japanese third party giving overwhelming support to the WiiU isn't as far fetched as some might think. Taking the situation between the 3DS and PSVITA as a precursor of things to come in the console sector you will find out that the 3DS has an abundance of exclusive 3rd party strong sellers that are simply absent on the PSVITA.

this again?

three months into the 3DS's life it looked bleak, i really don't think we can infer anything about the Vita yet and, as i moaned elsewhere, i'm sick of talking about the fecking Vita in Nintendo threads (and vice versa)


That's about where I am right now. Lots of multiplatform releases, a handful of exclusives, some small-but-noticeable tilt toward Nintendo. The only way we'll see one console get near-everything in Japan is a weird, unlikely situation where one of the console makers simply isn't around anymore. Not gonna happen anytime soon.

The cost of developing for a HD console is most likely going to stop 3rd party developers from solely developing for a single HD console. At the same time I can definitely see Nintendo using its muscle (cash, marketing, reducing royalties etc.)to get 3rd party exclusives. So do not be surprised when you see some big exclusives for the WiiU especially as the PSVITA is not doing well at all.

this again?

three months into the 3DS's life it looked bleak, i really don't think we can infer anything about the Vita yet and, as i moaned elsewhere, i'm sick of talking about the fecking Vita in Nintendo threads (and vice versa)

Things looked bleak for the 3DS only because there was no software that was able to sell hardware. For well over two decades Nintendo games were the primary drivers for Nintendo handhelds. In the early stages of the 3DS's life span Nintendo simply did not release their main software (i.e their hardware drivers). But the moment they released key software title and reduced the price of the 3DS the software sold extremely well.

This idea that the 3DS didn't do well in the beginning so the PSVITA will somehow also make a come back is highly unlikely considering the FACT that there is currently no system seller for the PSVITA now and in the future.


but the main crux of that is what ever "ecosystem" Nintendo foster - or what the others foster.

I don't think the Wii U as a machine magically solves any of this - it's down to what they implement (and of course what their competitors implement)

It's not that at all. If you want to make an HD version of Resident Evil, then the Wii just wasn't going to do it. Sure, it's the market leader and all that, but at the end of the day, the developers simply wanted to make games for the best spec and that was the PS3/360. The Wii U won't have that problem. At least not initially, and if Nintendo can run the table before the next systems come out, then that's simply a win for them.

Who knows how the launch of the Wii U will turn out, but as far as Japanese development, they should be in a decent place as long as they can do decently well at launch and get some games that people would like to play released on their system. At least they won't be behind the HD curve this time and that's a plus overall.


I think Wii U will get better Japanese support than Wii because Vita will receive significantly less support than PSP did, and those projects need to go somewhere. PS3's actually doing relatively well currently but it doesn't have anything resembling a dominant forward support commitment; that's the 3DS right now.

I guess if I had to draw a conclusion it'd be that Sony damn well needs to start talking about the PS4 in pretty short order.


It's not that at all. If you want to make an HD version of Resident Evil, then the Wii just wasn't going to do it. Sure, it's the market leader and all that, but at the end of the day, the developers simply wanted to make games for the best spec and that was the PS3/360. The Wii U won't have that problem. At least not initially, and if Nintendo can run the table before the next systems come out, then that's simply a win for them.

Who knows how the launch of the Wii U will turn out, but as far as Japanese development, they should be in a decent place as long as they can do decently well at launch and get some games that people would like to play released on their system. At least they won't be behind the HD curve this time and that's a plus overall.

Well, i think we're talking about different things here, but to play "devils avacado" ;) :- After 6 years of making HD Resident Evil, why won't those self same devs not want to move onto the next level of platform (if the x720/PS4 significantly out performs the Wii U) ? ;)

Non-trolololol I agree that if the Wii U is of a significantly high base line then it has an extremely good chance of being the baseline machine (you can find my long rambling theoriest earlier!) but that's a hell of a target to hit.

But anyways, the quote you posted from me was more to do with the breadth of what the system will get - more specifically for small apps, smaller games,etc . That's DEFINITELY all down to how Nintendo forster and present that as part of the Wii U "ecosystem" - as i've moaned before, E-store is a mess and any effort on the Wii U needs to be -significantly- better.

I guess if I had to draw a conclusion it'd be that Sony damn well needs to start talking about the PS4 in pretty short order.

Nintendo could , of course, be walking straight into a <akbar>

If at E3 they can't show anything that significantly distinguishes the machine from the -current- gen (that SHOULD be easy to do but...) then it could be a PR disaster. The Wii U reveal so far hasn't exactly went swimmingly so hopefully they've got their S-grade faces on.
But anyways, the quote you posted from me was more to do with the breadth of what the system will get - more specifically for small apps, smaller games,etc . That's DEFINITELY all down to how Nintendo forster and present that as part of the Wii U "ecosystem" - as i've moaned before, E-store is a mess and any effort on the Wii U needs to be -significantly- better.

Given how much better the eshop on 3DS is, I would expect the Wii U version to be at least as good.


Given how much better the eshop on 3DS is, I would expect the Wii U version to be at least as good.

being better than the Wii version isn't the target - they've got to compete with everyone else.

the eshop on 3DS is , as far as i'm concerned, garbage. NOTE: the content is good (VC is a constant moan, but that's another thing) but the implementation of the store is horrific.


aren't the people interested in mutliplat titles likely to already own a PS3/X360? It's a dangerous assumption to think Wii U will be the beneficiary here as it hinges on 3rd party efforts and, well, they've had a habit of curling one off on Nintendo's chest.

As I had already stated and you have chosen to ignore, 3rd-party publishers invested in PS3 being a sure thing, and as I'm sure you're aware, allocation of resources to development houses to meet the demands of the next generation usually happens before a console is even launched... they saw 2 HD consoles, which do you think they put their money down on? The same consoles GAF DID.

When that didn't pan out, they were essentially forced to run with the money they had already invested into HD development in the hopes that bringing content would turn the tide. But given that MS and Sony had both set a tone that the West was all that needed to be won, as a developer, you had 2 options: pander to the Western console crowd and their taste (which they have failed at miserably), or spend all your time on portable gaming. I think you can't disagree that this is exactly how it panned out.

By the time they had considered making games for Wii, it was already beginning a downward software sales trend because - guess what - 3rd parties weren't there to fill the gaps left by Nintendo and people largely stopped caring or sold their Wii.

This isn't exactly a hidden fact, it has been discussed ad infinitum on GAF since 2008.

this again?

three months into the 3DS's life it looked bleak, i really don't think we can infer anything about the Vita yet and, as i moaned elsewhere, i'm sick of talking about the fecking Vita in Nintendo threads (and vice versa)

If the first 3 months of 3DS looked bleak, Vita looks like it's already shoulder-deep into its grave.


If the first 3 months of 3DS looked bleak, Vita looks like it's already shoulder-deep into its grave.

The point is : If we judged machines on their first 3 months, they'd ALL be written off. 3DS no exception.

Not sure what the question is : Why does the Wii U have to compete with it's competitors? or... ?

As I had already stated and you have chosen to ignore, 3rd-party publishers invested in PS3 being a sure thing. When that didn't pan out, they were essentially forced to run with the money they had already invested into HD development in the hopes that bringing content would pan out. But given that MS and Sony had both set a tone that the West was all that needed to be won, as a developer, you had 2 options: pander to the Western console crowd and their taste (which they have failed at miserably), or spend all your time on portable gaming. I think you can't disagree that this is exactly how it panned out.

By the time they had considered making games for Wii, it was already beginning a downward software sales trend because - guess what - 3rd parties weren't there to fill the gaps left by Nintendo.

This isn't exactly a hidden fact, it has been discussed ad infinitum on GAF since 2008.

right - so taking what you say as fact of what happened - explain why they'd walk straight into to backing ONE horse AGAIN after being burnt the last time? How does the Wii U present any less risk ? The Wii U is a sure thing, because i don't think there's such a thing so if the history of being burnt by Sony is fresh in third parties mind the idea of them all marching to one platform again rather than diversifying their risk seems pretty unlikely, no?

i CAN see the Wii U being a "default" platform but i expect it to be prodded like a sleeping bear for a bit first.


right - so taking what you say as fact of what happened - explain why they'd walk straight into to backing ONE horse AGAIN after being burnt the last time? How does the Wii U present any less risk ? The Wii U is a sure thing, because i don't think there's such a thing so if the history of being burnt by Sony is fresh in third parties mind the idea of them all marching to one platform again rather than diversifying their risk seems pretty unlikely, no?

There are 3 things differentiate it from the PS3 situation:

1) it's launching first and will grab the beginning of next-gen hype mindshare

2) its only competition in Japan (and remember, Japanese devs tend to give a shit about selling their products in their own country, much like ANYONE would) is Sony, who are on the shakiest of financial ground right now and if there's one thing that you can bank on, its that uncertainty is bad enough without throwing instability at it

3) by being marginally closer in power to one another, going all in on one platform is, quite naturally, much less of a risk


If the other machines are going to be relatively close, then they can simply port later on down the line, or be prepared for porting later. Jump on the Wii U bandwagon now, and prepare for possibly up porting to the other machines when they're released. Or simply support the PS3 and Wii U, then jump to the newer machines plus the Wii U when that opportunity comes. Not much of a risk there, if you ask me.


The point is : If we judged machines on their first 3 months, they'd ALL be written off. 3DS no exception.

Vita can recover, but time is literally running out for it to recover before U becomes a viable platform. Until Sony can actually get some forward support even announced, it's safe to say that U has the opportunity to steal from its potential pool of developers.


Sorry for not being clear. Why is the 3DS shop garbage?

Navagation is paintful, the "categories" are cluttered : Games for boys, games for girls, games for $5, games recommended by <japanese magazine>

It just feels restrictive and a battle to use. I feel i'm fighting to find the content (whilst Search Is Your Friend, it's not as , um, engaging as having a well constructed content browsing system - though i'm aware i have some 'odd' online shopping habits)

If the other machines are going to be relatively close, then they can simply port later on down the line, or be prepared for porting later. Jump on the Wii U bandwagon now, and prepare for possibly up porting to the other machines when they're released. Or simply support the PS3 and Wii U, then jump to the newer machines plus the Wii U when that opportunity comes. Not much of a risk there, if you ask me.

there's a pretty huge 'if' in there though , isn't there?

However, i think what you're saying is what will happen - i expect Wii U/PS3/X360 to coexist nicely but i'm not sure how much difference multiplatform will make. Worst case is if E3 sees price cuts come to PS3/X360 though i expect Wii U's selling point to be Nintendo games rather than 3rd party efforts. Nintendo have taken great strides to ensure support this time, so hats off to them.

Again, back to the "baseline" theory - IF Nintendo have aimed significantly high enough then we could well see 3rd parties use the Wii U as a base and port up - however, it's all a big "???" at the moment.


Vita can recover, but time is literally running out for it to recover before U becomes a viable platform. Until Sony can actually get some forward support even announced, it's safe to say that U has the opportunity to steal from its potential pool of developers.

Since we have no idea what games are coming for the Wii U, it's very possible this has already happened. I suppose we'll find out soon enough. All I know is the Wii U NEEDS big name games. Not having those games was the nail int he coffin for the Wii as far as "regular gamers" was concerned. Getting the Biohazards, Street Fighters, Metal Gears, Robot Wars, Final Fantasys, etc. would go a long way to getting the general gamer to take notice.


The Wii U is so unique, that some developers will never produce a game for it at the fear of the title not taking full advantage of the uniqueness.


It is not going to be easy to differentiate from the best of this generation for Nintendo in E3. Of course they could go with impossible tech demos and bring on the old school hype.

qq more

am i the only one who got this? lol

but a new fzero that's as good as gx would make me jump for joy
I got it right away even though I barely played any F-Zero game. lol

Bought F-Zero GX as a christmas gift for my brother. I should actually try it.

Also, udivision. You never own a DS? Any reason why? IMHO, it's the greatest system Nintendo has ever made since the SNES. You're missing out!
Ideas that will never happen - A game that uses the U-mote as the primary screen, and the TV as a secondary. I don't even have a situation in my head that this could be justifiably applied to, but I'm sure nintendo could think of one.


Pokémon Snap would be awesome if it's uPad only and you have to go through your living room and make pictures from them - AR style :lol

We sure will get some "camera games".


You know, some people accuse Nintendo of being a franchise whoring company, but if you talk to any Nintendo fan, they want remakes or sequels to everything they do.


Also, udivision. You never own a DS? Any reason why? IMHO, it's the greatest system Nintendo has ever made since the SNES. You're missing out!

Basically, I have a lot of brothers. Nintendo consoles are great because you can sit down with friends/family and play together. That has kind of carried over into adulthood as it feels like a waste buying a system that I can't play with them, (unless I bought 2 more DS's) so none of us have ever had a personal console like that other than the second-hand GBC and GBA we communally shared for the sole purpose of Pokemon.


Ideas that will never happen - A game that uses the U-mote as the primary screen, and the TV as a secondary. I don't even have a situation in my head that this could be justifiably applied to, but I'm sure nintendo could think of one.

I'll be some train simulator out of Japan will do it. Like the big screen is nothing but train track, and the subscreen is where you control throttle and check on the dining car and make sure all the passengers are happy and that there are no terrorists/bomb threats/gropers.


Ideas that will never happen - A game that uses the U-mote as the primary screen, and the TV as a secondary. I don't even have a situation in my head that this could be justifiably applied to, but I'm sure nintendo could think of one.

I'd like to see a D+D style game where the UPad user is the dungeon master who can dynamically (within reason) trigger events, scripts, story lines, etc
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