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Your milkshake duck

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I don't know about YMS but he's always given that edgy vibe so I wouldn't be too surprised if he had messed up views.

I think he rolls with Sargon's group of dumb manbabies but keeps pretty low-key about it. He's also been vocally opposed to Black Lives Matter in the past which is a red flag, and iirc he said a few times in 2016 that he hoped Trump would win the election to save America from Clinton's "corporate dictatorship."

He's kind of a "freezepeach" type as well; I distinctly remember him shilling for Voat shortly after Reddit "violated free speech" by deleting some questionable subreddits (most famously r/fatpeoplehate).

So in short, nothing outright ruinous from what I can tell, but there's definitely some stuff there. He's seemed like a perfectly pleasant guy on the two occasions I've met him and he's done some cool stuff for folks in the past but you can draw your own conclusions.


semen stains the mountaintops
Totalbiscuit had a shitty phase during the GG shit but he seems to have turned back to the good guys side. He just recently got a dude kicked out for making transphobic comments at Jesse Cox's con. It made the right-wing crazies mad as TB is no longer part of them, and now the deplorables keep harassing him in twitter replies which does a good job keeping him away from them in the future as well.
That whole thing was funny since they're were shitting on him for being a "SJW" when everything he has done so far would tell you he isn't.
I think he rolls with Sargon's group of dumb manbabies but keeps pretty low-key about it. He's also been vocally opposed to Black Lives Matter in the past which is a red flag, and iirc he said a few times in 2016 that he hoped Trump would win the election to save America from Clinton's "corporate dictatorship."

He's kind of a "freezepeach" type as well; I distinctly remember him shilling for Voat shortly after Reddit "violated free speech" by deleting some questionable subreddits (most famously r/fatpeoplehate).

So in short, nothing outright ruinous from what I can tell, but there's definitely some stuff there. He's seemed like a perfectly pleasant guy on the two occasions I've met him and he's done some cool stuff for folks in the past but you can draw your own conclusions.
I had no idea about this. Was this ever brought up on his main channel during his reviews? That's the only bit of content of his I watch. Is it possible to get timestamps for these things? That BLM dismissal is very disappointing, along with the repping of Voat.
I had no idea about this. Was this ever brought up on his main channel during his reviews? That's the only bit of content of his I watch. Is it possible to get timestamps for these things? That BLM dismissal is very disappointing, along with the repping of Voat.

It was all via his Twitter; he says that he goes out of his way to keep touchy ideological stuff out of most of bis videos.

And to be some degree of fair, his dismissal of BLM was in regards to their banning of uniformed officers in the Toronto Pride Parade which is a topic that caused a lot of uninformed people to come down hard on BLM without understanding the motivation behind their actions.


The type that goes on Alex Jones to talk about chemtrails, fluoride in water and any conspiracy that involves systemic control of a population. He went full new-age weirdo in the early 2000s.

Not to mention in his private life it seems obvious he is just kinda shitty in general to people around him since his stable of yes-men changes every year or two lately.

Made some damn good music though.

I knew he was supposedly an asshole, but didn't know about the Alex Jones stuff until now.

Haven't seen him in a while. Dude looks like he's been taking too many of Alex Jones' supplements.

It was all via his Twitter; he says that he goes out of his way to keep touchy ideological stuff out of most of bis videos.

And to be some degree of fair, his dismissal of BLM was in regards to their banning of uniformed officers in the Toronto Pride Parade which is a topic that caused a lot of uninformed people to come down hard on BLM without understanding the motivation behind their actions.

Ah ok, thanks for the details.
I'm in a similar boat, but I am a bit more optimistic. They had a transperson on the podcast a while back because they respected her work and were acquaintances (I forget her name, but I think she does a podcast with Jim Sterling?) and caught heat from some of their fanbase for it. Liam has infamously used the n-word, but from all the streams I've seen of his he's kept out the garbage. Matt I feel is more clueless than anything else. Woolie and Pat seem like all around good guys who tend towards self-depreciating comedy more than anything else, and although they oftentimes skirt the line in with some of their jokes, they're self-conscious enough to know when to back off. Based on the way they talk about their personal lives and beliefs on their podcast I'd be very surprised if any of them turned out to be JonTron levels of awful.

Now Pat's girlfriend Paige is another story, because checking her twitter feed she tends towards "lol triggered people/microaggresssions amirite?" and I couldn't find it but she has retweeted stuff from some questionable people. Didn't know there was something up with Plague, what'd he do?

I'm almost certain someone shared some details earlier in this thread, but it generally amounts to Plague's use of the f-slur and the n-word and his coy attitude towards it. If i remember correctly He frequents the 4chan draw threads which probably means some of that toxic "it's just words, don't get so offended" has rubbed off on him.

Also his opinions on the election also just rubbed me the wrong way. Telling people to stop with the protests and just "grow up" and accept that Trump won.

None of this is really damning (I mean not as damning as sexual harassment) beyond him just being a jerk online, but I just don't feel like hearing him anymore. My tolerance for these types of behaviors is kinda low


Add the guy from Sword and Scale podcast to the list. He has attacked or spread straight up lies about mental health problems quite a number of times. There is a specific ep (which I forget the no) where he goes on a full on rant spreading b.s re mental health issues for a prolonged period of time.

Here's the sticky from the s&s subreddit
"Let's talk about Mike and the subreddit
u/underthemilkywayJan 28, 2017, 12:12 PM
As new member start to show up it may be best to fill them in. Mike is currently banned from reddit as a whole. He has a history of harassing users with threats of litigation and doxxing. He even wrote me on facebook demanding my address. He has a history of spamming other subreddits with his sock puppet accounts about how great his podcast. His methods change. It started with creating accounts that were obviously him and exclaiming free speech. That's where he intentionally made it obvious it was him with accounts like /u/not_mike_boudet/ Who knows maybe his blood/alcohol levels were high at the time...

Recently he's started creating three day old accounts with maybe two comments in their history and arguing smarter. He'll state "Oh, well Mike isn't the best but the show is great! The Patreon subscription was totally worth it!" Did I once accidentally ban a user that wasn't Mike? Yes, I did. But he immediately made it clear he wasn't Mike and was then unbanned.

Mike also bans anyone with any criticism of his show from all of his social media accounts. Even places intended for discussion. So cry me a river if you think Mike being banned from this subreddit is wrong. Go post a criticism of one of the episodes on the sword and scale facebook and see how nicely he treats you.

Here is some other fun activities Mike engages in:

Going after the girls at My Favorite Murder for being a competitor
Allegedly requesting nudes from women fans
Promised no ads on show during show fundraiser and then added said ads. If you were a donater and complained he called you a troll that lived in your mom's basement and banned you.
Drinks and drives
Plagiarized Rolling Stone
SHITS ALL OVER the mentally ill. He seems to have this irrational fear of schizophrenia. Pretty much refers to them as ticking time bombs.
I can go on and on but I think you get the point
Growing up gay is just a series of shit like this. You come to realize that a lot of the people you liked/looked up to as a kid fucking hate you for something you have no control over.

Example: The Ultimate Warrior
Jodi Benson (voice of Disney's Ariel) is low-key this. She's deeply religious and home schooled her children which is a bit of a red flag already, although the only instance of her putting any homophobia on public display I've heard about is telling a gay fan that she'd pray for her (in direct response to finding out she was gay and that her singing helped her accept herself).

It's unsubstantiated by anything but I don't know why someone would lie about that and I'm just sitting here thinking "YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH HOWARD ASHMAN* HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BELIEVE THIS"

*Songwriter for The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast among others who died from AIDS complications in 1991.


I watched the most recent IHE video, and he uses the word "SJW" unironically. I can't take anyone seriously who uses that word in a serious manner. Remind me when Yandere dev blamed SJW because his game got banned on twitch.


Total Biscuit probably

didn't think there was anything "probably" about that one

Totalbiscuit had a shitty phase during the GG shit but he seems to have turned back to the good guys side. He just recently got a dude kicked out for making transphobic comments at Jesse Cox's con. It made the right-wing crazies mad as TB is no longer part of them, and now the deplorables keep harassing him in twitter replies which does a good job keeping him away from them in the future as well.

i guess that's good to hear, still done with dude personally

Bill Cosby. Motherfucker was one of my favorite comedians.

yeah, i had a few of his classic standups on wax years back and man, it's gonna be hard trying to revisit em now

I would say the Mega64 crew were coming extremely close to becoming my milkshake duck (or maybe they did tbh.) I haven't watched them in years so I don't know how they've been in recent times, but when I did watch them they were certainly all in on the "nothing on the internet really matters" mentality. They joked about social justice campaigns frequently (even if they agreed with the message itself) mostly cause they were riding the "more like slacktivism" train pretty hard.

oh man, that whole "slacktivism" thing was often tied tone of my least favorite fallacies ("if you can't boycott/fix/etc all things, you shouldn't do so with any"), i'd be bummed to find out these guys rode that train too far

in terms of youtubers, I really hope EpicNameBro doesn't end up being a milkshake duck for me. He's basically one of the few youtubers I actually follow. Started watching his videos before Dark Souls 2 came out and have done since - started watching because of the lore behind DS, stayed because he seemed like a cool, down to earth guy. And then he released one of my favorite videos... on the surface it's just a standard video, part of a longer Bloodborne playthrough - but he was asked about his life story up until that moment and so he told it. It ended up becoming a nice tale of finding motivation when you seem to have none, of holding onto your dreams even when the world has a way of crushing them, battling depression and succeeding in ways you never imagined. It was something really intimate and honest, and I really appreciated that.

I never listened to his (short lived?) podcast beyond the first couple of episodes though, so I don't know if he managed to say something that outed him as a huge asshole or whatever. I hope not.

yeah, epicnamebro saved my bacon numerous times when dark souls 1 dropped, his guides were excellent. i'd be bummed here too if that had been the case.

Don't forget starting an internet fight with Devi Ever a MtF transexual who designs guitar pedals and calling her "him" and "he" and stuff, was really gross.

He's also spoken out against SJW's very recently and it wouldn't surprise me if he's a Trump supporter now.

Billy's written some fantastic and at times beautiful music and he's one of the most underrated guitarists of all time in my opinion and I love the Smashing Pumpkins, they're my favourite band even their more recent output isn't too bad, but the guy can be a huge cocksplat.

wow, i've heard he was an asshole for years but there it is


Speaking of Disney-connected Youtube stars: Pogo.

Dude what does the cute musical mashups with the voice samples and stuff.

Happened upon his blog one day.


To be fair I probably should have been clued in by his Youtube url
Pogo's a huge one for me. It super sucks that someone like that thinks like that. :(

Jon I had no problem letting go because I thought his content was going downhill anyway but bleh... yeah.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Here's one I've recently become worried about, Charles Martinet (aka Mario).

Was reading some stuff on him and he seems like a great guy, but I feel like he's my prime personal milkshake duck for some reason.

Well, I guess he's kind of earned a living through an Italian stereotype.


Ha, I just thought of another one - the Boy Scouts. Or, at least up until recently.

I was in the scouting program from age 6 all the way to 18, Tiger Cubs --> Cub Scouts --> Boy Scouts, and really enjoyed it for the most part. I realized I was bisexual around age 13 or 14, but kept it to myself because I didn't really care enough to tell anybody. So you can imagine my disappointment when, at around age 16 (so about 2005) that I discovered the BSA's strict anti-LGBT policy. I was fucking shocked. It's not like this rule is brought up before you join or anything, which is why nobody in my troop had ever even heard of it before.

I came to resent the entire organization. I begrudgingly got my Eagle Scout rank, left, and never looked back. So you can imagine how thrilled I was that the BSA finally got with the times and now allows gay and transgender scouts and leaders (though the Girl Scouts deserve all the credit for paving the way there).

Then of course they went back on my shit-list for that weak-ass apology after Trump's speech.


Honestly? Jonathan Blow is kinda happening for me right now after his defense of that Google dude who got fired:
He's speaking without specifics and what he's mentioned in this small snapshot of tweets isn't quite objectionable but yeah, I can totally see him jumping the shark.
I'm still waiting for one of the handful of people to at least explain what Threedog did that soured their opinions of him. Google is not being at all helpful with this.

same for me. I asked twice already and no one answered.

Someone earlier in the thread said it was because he believes in conspiracy theories of some kind. I don't know anything other than that, and I'm kind of curious too.


The one that hurts the most for me is Doug Tennapple :( Earthworm Jim was one of my favorite things growing up after Sonic and Megaman. I was downright stoked to see him in person and he added 3 sketches to my "con sketchbook" over the years between 2 San Diego Comic-cons and 2 Calgary expos. I vaguely knew he was religious and later on found out he was something of a fundamental christian but I didn't realize just how far down the rabbit hole the guy went and well, after many years of supporting his comics and such I just feel kind of dirty knowing that he believes and practices some awful things seemingly out of spite towards people that clearly don't believe in whatever manifestation of god he does.

I'll keep those sketches and good memories of his comics but I just can't bring myself to support his future endeavors knowing what he's actually like.

I've come close to feeling that Red Letter Media as a whole is getting awfully close with their constant barrage of hate towards Ghostbusters "answer the call". I mean I get that they hate the movie but it just seems excessive , thing is Mike , Jay and Rich have demonstrated independent of that films repeated verbal beatdown that they do have a conscience , they just really REALLY hate bad movies. So far then, bullet dodged there.


notch & others here were good picks...i'm occasionally worried my dude Mark from Classic Game Room will slip up on some old white dude SJW type shit but nothing ive seen so far thankfully

The fear is well founded. I think I remember something suspect in a video but I don't recall exactly what. Probably something dismissive of issues without stating a stance, which generally is a stance in support of life as is. Whatever it was, I don't remember it so couldn't have been too bad.
Someone earlier in the thread said it was because he believes in conspiracy theories of some kind. I don't know anything other than that, and I'm kind of curious too.

To clear it up: I was watching one of Knight's stream (uKnightmare for those in the know), and Knight was the one who was spewing crap about Conspiracy Theories and whatnot. As for Threedog..... We still don't know what he did or say to make him a Milkshake Duck. I've tried googling it to no avail, sadly.

I also quoted the OP about what Threedog did, but he/she never came back. So the "dirt" on Threedogg is still up in the air. I also wouldn't mention GAF to Knight because I feel like he isn't particularly fond of GAF. The dude straight up said the N word to one of his black "friends" and his black friend was like, "come on dude.... Really?!" Knight was pretty much silent after that and had a awkward chuckle afterwards *rolls eyes*

Despite my fondness of MANvsGAME.... He isn't what I thought he was. He kept on referring to Asian stuff as "Oriental"...... He then went on for a few minutes saying he didn't really care if it was offensive or not..... Come on dude.... That is a really old and racist/ignorant word to refer to my kind of people. I shut his stream off and watched another stream. It just goes back to the casual racism against Asian folks and how we should just "take it" because it's not "that offensive".


The fear is well founded. I think I remember something suspect in a video but I don't recall exactly what. Probably something dismissive of issues without stating a stance, which generally is a stance in support of life as is. Whatever it was, I don't remember it so couldn't have been too bad.

you seem to be remembering something similar to what i had in mind, just a sort of dismission of something that rubbed me wrong but was quick enough that it didn't take. i mean, dude did historical pieces before making money recording himself reviewing atari games, it's not like i'd be super shocked if he had conservative views, haha
Probably Thunderf00t for me. His "Why people laugh at creationists" series was always a good watch for me. I think I turned away from him once he started talking about politics more and more, but was completely turned off once he started harassing Anita Sarkeesian. In hindsight, there were warning signs since he took his feud with Venomfangxx quite far.

JonTron's turn to the far-right was far more unsurprising given that he'd tweeted lewd tweets of Zoe Quinn during GG, though it seems he did apologise for that.

I knew he was supposedly an asshole, but didn't know about the Alex Jones stuff until now.

Haven't seen him in a while. Dude looks like he's been taking too many of Alex Jones' supplements.


When did Stinkles go on Alex Jones?
Add the guy from Sword and Scale podcast to the list. He has attacked or spread straight up lies about mental health problems quite a number of times. There is a specific ep (which I forget the no) where he goes on a full on rant spreading b.s re mental health issues for a prolonged period of time.

Here's the sticky from the s&s subreddit

I always thought there was something hardline about this dude and his self serious hardline fearmongering when it came to the mental illnesses he talked about.

He can fuck right off with his cheesy scare chords.


Speaking of Disney-connected Youtube stars: Pogo.

Dude what does the cute musical mashups with the voice samples and stuff.

Happened upon his blog one day.


To be fair I probably should have been clued in by his Youtube url

You're shitting me. Pogo is my absolute fave.

Reading through this thread, is nobody good? Do all famous people secretly suck or something?
You're shitting me. Pogo is my absolute fave.

Reading through this thread, is nobody good? Do all famous people secretly suck or something?
They're people. Sometimes you need to remember that some people are just shitty and their fame gives them a bigger platform and their fans won't ever call them on it.

Youtube stars, especially, seems to be hugely pandering.


Oh man, If something comes up about Miyamoto, it would crush my soul and destroy what little faith I naively have on humanity.

Miyamoto has always come off as a very socially unaware person, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had some weird views. That on top of being a 64 year old Japanese man... yeah, it's probably better if you don't ask.
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