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Your milkshake duck

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I watched the most recent IHE video, and he uses the word "SJW" unironically. I can't take anyone seriously who uses that word in a serious manner. Remind me when Yandere dev blamed SJW because his game got banned on twitch.
IHE is not surprising, though. That's his brand.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For me, nothing hurt worse than finding out Kevin Sorbo was a massive shithead.

Hercules: TLJ was arguably my favorite T.V. show as a kid. I didn't care about most movie stars or T.V. stars for that matter, but Sorbo was the exception. Imagine my surprise when the guy who stood up for the helpless and downtrodden was yucking it up with the likes of Sean Hannity about how minorities are lazy parasites.


Growing up gay is just a series of shit like this. You come to realize that a lot of the people you liked/looked up to as a kid fucking hate you for something you have no control over.

Example: The Ultimate Warrior
Yeah I kinda learnt to rule nothing out until people say something positive.


I'm in a similar boat, but I am a bit more optimistic. They had a transperson on the podcast a while back because they respected her work and were acquaintances (I forget her name, but I think she does a podcast with Jim Sterling?) and caught heat from some of their fanbase for it. Liam has infamously used the n-word, but from all the streams I've seen of his he's kept out the garbage. Matt I feel is more clueless than anything else. Woolie and Pat seem like all around good guys who tend towards self-depreciating comedy more than anything else, and although they oftentimes skirt the line in with some of their jokes, they're self-conscious enough to know when to back off. Based on the way they talk about their personal lives and beliefs on their podcast I'd be very surprised if any of them turned out to be JonTron levels of awful.

Now Pat's girlfriend Paige is another story, because checking her twitter feed she tends towards "lol triggered people/microaggresssions amirite?" and I couldn't find it but she has retweeted stuff from some questionable people. Didn't know there was something up with Plague, what'd he do?

I don't know anything about any Paiges (or Plague - my only exposure to him is the guest spots on the SBF podcast), but I think there are a lot of cynical Gen Xers who are just kind of sick of hearing words like "triggered". They get triggered by them. Sometimes people with awesome ethics can be Lisa Simpson, and sometimes they can be Homer. Both are obnoxious, and neither should be tossed onto the garbage pile with Bill Cosby, Trump supporters, gamergaters, Roman Polanski, or Amir0x.

I think aggressively policing casual racism and misogyny amongst public figures has merit, but people who roll their eyes at social justice buzzwords, or dismiss a few more outspoken advocates as "SJWs" now and again, aren't necessarily bad people. You can be irritated by vocal proponents of morality without disagreeing with them: Russell Brand is living proof of this.

I don't need to hear anything more about Earthworm Jim guy to know he's a scumbag after a single deliberate misgendering, but it'll take more than being told someone rolled their eyes at an "SJW" to convince me they're anything worse than a cynic.

I'm not remotely worried about the SBF. I doubt they'd pass any purity tests, but if any one of them is outed as racist, sexist, or homophobic (including Liam), I'll eat my Official Matt McMuscles copyright-skirting Punisher-inspired touque.
I would say the Mega64 crew were coming extremely close to becoming my milkshake duck (or maybe they did tbh.) I haven't watched them in years so I don't know how they've been in recent times, but when I did watch them they were certainly all in on the "nothing on the internet really matters" mentality. They joked about social justice campaigns frequently (even if they agreed with the message itself) mostly cause they were riding the "more like slacktivism" train pretty hard.

I also remember some pretty tasteless jokes being told throughout the years under the guise of "look at how shitty this joke is."

Other than that I think Super Best Friends probably have some shit going on but they keep it offline. All the shit with Plague being a frequent guest and collaborator, Liam having a knack for using the n-word as shock, and the times they've told stories that basically amounted to "we were at a con and hung out with youtubers and found out that deep down were all a bunch of dirtbags" has really made me worried.

Mega64 is weird to me because their style of humour means I pretty much never take anything Rocco and Derrick say seriously, which means I give them a pass I might not give other people. But saying that, they all seem like good guys, and if they have any extreme opinions they've done a good job keeping them under wraps.

Honestly? Jonathan Blow is kinda happening for me right now after his defense of that Google dude who got fired:

Yeesh, dude's a genius but apparently not smart enough to steer clear of that shit...


There's a channel on youtube called vet ranch about this bloke rescuing kittens and stuff. Heartwarming. One day he uploaded a video of himself walking around a gun show fawning over assault rifles wearing a t shirt that said "GOD GUNS N COUNTRY" or something. Yikes
There's a channel on youtube called vet ranch about this bloke rescuing kittens and stuff. Heartwarming. One day he uploaded a video of himself walking around a gun show fawning over assault rifles wearing a t shirt that said "GOD GUNS N COUNTRY" or something. Yikes
His original and bigger channel is about firearms. So the milkshake came 2nd for you.
Billy Corgan being a wacko

Wait, really? I've never followed him outside of his music, but was not aware of anything being up with him.


I am not quite old enough that I should need subtitles for the internet

Gifs like this annoy me so much. A gif should clearly speak the phrase or words it's intending to get across without the need for text.
Probably Thunderf00t for me. His "Why people laugh at creationists" series was always a good watch for me. I think I turned away from him once he started talking about politics more and more, but was completely turned off once he started harassing Anita Sarkeesian. In hindsight, there were warning signs since he took his feud with Venomfangxx quite far.

Thunderfoot is somebody I'd never heard of before he joined Freethought Blogs. He then proceeded to rail against the move to introduce harassment policies at conferences. Of all the hills one would choose to die on! He ranted about this with varying degrees of coherence for about a week, before Ed Brayton kicked him out.

So this is the guy I missed being a fan of by not wasting my time watching his long-winded videos on YouTube.
I avoid reading Josh Homme interviews because I have this feeling he might be an asshole.

probably because he's friend with Jesse Hughes.


I'm in a similar boat, but I am a bit more optimistic. They had a transperson on the podcast a while back because they respected her work and were acquaintances (I forget her name, but I think she does a podcast with Jim Sterling?) and caught heat from some of their fanbase for it. Liam has infamously used the n-word, but from all the streams I've seen of his he's kept out the garbage. Matt I feel is more clueless than anything else. Woolie and Pat seem like all around good guys who tend towards self-depreciating comedy more than anything else, and although they oftentimes skirt the line in with some of their jokes, they're self-conscious enough to know when to back off. Based on the way they talk about their personal lives and beliefs on their podcast I'd be very surprised if any of them turned out to be JonTron levels of awful.

Now Pat's girlfriend Paige is another story, because checking her twitter feed she tends towards "lol triggered people/microaggresssions amirite?" and I couldn't find it but she has retweeted stuff from some questionable people. Didn't know there was something up with Plague, what'd he do?

Plague panders to the GG kind of shit head and, the one time i tried getting into his stuff, I found that he and his fans use fag/faggot a lot as jokes and he, an american, justifies it by saying it means cigarettes lol


There's a channel on youtube called vet ranch about this bloke rescuing kittens and stuff. Heartwarming. One day he uploaded a video of himself walking around a gun show fawning over assault rifles wearing a t shirt that said "GOD GUNS N COUNTRY" or something. Yikes

I mean, while I'm 100% for strict gun control, this isn't really a dealbreaker for me. I wouldn't really consider it as bad as racist ranting or Gamergating. It makes them more dumb/ignorant of problems rather than outright hateful and bigoted.


There's a channel on youtube called vet ranch about this bloke rescuing kittens and stuff. Heartwarming. One day he uploaded a video of himself walking around a gun show fawning over assault rifles wearing a t shirt that said "GOD GUNS N COUNTRY" or something. Yikes

I actually subscribe to his main channel where he does all his gun stuff. Primary subject matter being guns aside, I've never seen him make any questionable statements.


I avoid reading Josh Homme interviews because I have this feeling he might be an asshole.

probably because he's friend with Jesse Hughes.

He said the Bataclan massacre wouldn't have happened if France had guns. Don't know if that makes him an asshole in your eyes, but I was really disheartened to hear that.


Josh Homme started calling a guy, if I remember, homophobic slurs from stage at a show. Sorry. :(
About 10 years ago, at a heated gig, when the guy in the audience was harassing other people, and Josh said he'd be the one fucking this asshole if the guy wants to get fucked so badly.


Are we not drifting into the territory of "They said something I don't like, they're bad now"? Some of the names and reasons brought up in this thread are quite tame, being racist/sexist sure but having a different view on guns or vaccinations? You're going to encounter that in life, seems weird to cast off those who have different opinions on some subjects, sounds like you're just looking to make a lot of hate towards people or even worse, fake pity and shaming.


I imagine I could like some of the people here but if I start detectiveGAFing you all I'm pretty sure you'd all be milk shake ducks in some shape or form.

Except for Blamespace he is a paragon.
Mentioned a ton throughout this thread, but Nick Robinson is the worst example of this for me. I considered him an example of the good part of the Internet, and then turns out he's a creeper.

Are we not drifting into the territory of "They said something I don't like, they're bad now"? Some of the names and reasons brought up in this thread are quite tame, being racist/sexist sure but having a different view on guns or vaccinations?

Some people just want to murder children, you know? Is that really that bad? Everyone's opinion deserves to be heard.
I watched the most recent IHE video, and he uses the word "SJW" unironically. I can't take anyone seriously who uses that word in a serious manner. Remind me when Yandere dev blamed SJW because his game got banned on twitch.

Yep, was super disappointed when he started ranting about SJWs and feminism.
Are we not drifting into the territory of "They said something I don't like, they're bad now"? Some of the names and reasons brought up in this thread are quite tame, being racist/sexist sure but having a different view on guns or vaccinations? You're going to encounter that in life, seems weird to cast off those who have different opinions on some subjects, sounds like you're just looking to make a lot of hate towards people or even worse, fake pity and shaming.

Being "pro gun" in a problematic was is.... Well, I certainly blame the NRA more than I would 99% of actual gun owners for that shit.

Anti vaccers though? Literally causing the ENTIRELY PREVENTABLE deaths of children because "oh some celeb once said maybe there could potentially be absolutely fucking nothing between not dying of polio and being socially awkward."


Some people just want to murder children, you know? Is that really that bad? Everyone's opinion deserves to be heard.
See this is the thing I'm getting at, you really think Jim Carrey and Robert De Niro are sat around thinking "Yeah, screw vaccinations, kids deserve to die!"?

More likely they just take a differing opinions, or put trust in alternative medicine, etc, that sort of thing, it isn't always hyperbole as people here seem to think.
See this is the thing I'm getting at, you really think Jim Carrey and Robert De Niro are sat around thinking "Yeah, screw vaccinations, kids deserve to die!"?

More likely they just take a differing opinions, or put trust in alternative medicine, etc, that sort of thing, it isn't always hyperbole as people here seem to think.

Being too stupid to understand that what you're doing is harmful doesn't mean that your harmful actions are suddenly acceptable.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
When did Stinkles go on Alex Jones?

I had to kiss a lot of gay frogs before I found my prince.

See this is the thing I'm getting at, you really think Jim Carrey and Robert De Niro are sat around thinking "Yeah, screw vaccinations, kids deserve to die!"?

More likely they just take a differing opinions, or put trust in alternative medicine, etc, that sort of thing, it isn't always hyperbole as people here seem to think.

The problem is that because of herd immunity their opinions will and have certainly and directly led to the deaths of children. That's cause and effect. And they have access to scientific fact but choose to ignore and even refute it in favor of nonsense.


... But Jon Tron is Jewish

isn't he a child from Iranian immigrants? Or you mean in terms of ethnicity more than strict nationality?

EDIT: in any case, that doesn't make him any less of a nazi nutjob. You can be part of a minority and still hate that minority. Self-hate is one hell of a drug.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
For me, nothing hurt worse than finding out Kevin Sorbo was a massive shithead.

Hercules: TLJ was arguably my favorite T.V. show as a kid. I didn't care about most movie stars or T.V. stars for that matter, but Sorbo was the exception. Imagine my surprise when the guy who stood up for the helpless and downtrodden was yucking it up with the likes of Sean Hannity about how minorities are lazy parasites.

Yeah that one sucked. He exuded such good guy charisma that it was really hard to reconcile that with Kevin Sorbo: Far-Right Evangelical Blowhard.
See this is the thing I'm getting at, you really think Jim Carrey and Robert De Niro are sat around thinking "Yeah, screw vaccinations, kids deserve to die!"?

More likely they just take a differing opinions, or put trust in alternative medicine, etc, that sort of thing, it isn't always hyperbole as people here seem to think.

Both-sidism is still alive and well, I see. Vaxxer trutherism is one very clear case where a prominent person giving vocal support to the wrong side has severely adverse and predictable consequences on many third parties who depend on everybody making the right decision.


Junior Member

EDIT: don't know how he got got in the end but all I hear is he turned into a dumbass xenophobe/Islamaphobe/racist

L Thammy

He's on this forum and I sometimes watch his stuff on YouTube. What did he do?

Got himself banned for his persecution complex. He was bothsides-ing Gamergate and Anita Sarkeesian and whining that, as a white guy, he wasn't being allowed to talk.

Now he has a persecution complex about the ban.


Both-sidism is still alive and well, I see. Vaxxer trutherism is one very clear case where a prominent person giving vocal support to the wrong side has severely adverse and predictable consequences on many third parties who depend on everybody making the right decision.
Oh come off it, it's not both sidism (which is linked with racism here on GAF btw) it's just stating that other people view medicine in different ways, I don't agree with anti-vaxxers but I wouldn't rank them in the same as racists and sexist bigots, and surely we must also question parents who take the word of celebrities as gospel over their own doctors.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Oh come off it, it's not both sidism (which is linked with racism here on GAF btw) it's just stating that other people view medicine in different ways, I don't agree with anti-vaxxers but I wouldn't rank them in the same as racists and sexist bigots, and surely we must also question parents who take the word of celebrities as gospel over their own doctors.

Then you're ignoring the direct harm it does to society and the deaths it causes, often of children. It's not a simple matter of differing beliefs. One of them is scientifically, demonstrably harmful. It kills people.


Then you're ignoring the direct harm it does to society and the deaths it causes, often of children. It's not a simple matter of differing beliefs. One of them is scientifically, demonstrably harmful. It kills people.
And who's fault is that? If a person is choosing to ignore scientific facts because a film star says something different then that says a lot about the parent in question.

Also I'd appreciate it if you could pull back on the explanation as if I'm an anti-vaxxer, thanks.
See this is the thing I'm getting at, you really think Jim Carrey and Robert De Niro are sat around thinking "Yeah, screw vaccinations, kids deserve to die!"?

More likely they just take a differing opinions, or put trust in alternative medicine, etc, that sort of thing, it isn't always hyperbole as people here seem to think.

Oh come off it, it's not both sidism (which is linked with racism here on GAF btw) it's just stating that other people view medicine in different ways, I don't agree with anti-vaxxers but I wouldn't rank them in the same as racists and sexist bigots, and surely we must also question parents who take the word of celebrities as gospel over their own doctors.

"Differing opinions."

"Put trust in alternative medicine."

"View medicine in different ways."

These are really cute ways to cape for people who push a completely false belief that has already and will continue to result in the deaths of children.

You can honestly fuck off with this nonsense.

And who's fault is that? If a person is choosing to ignore scientific facts because a film star says something different then that says a lot about the parent in question.

Also I'd appreciate it if you could pull back on the explanation as if I'm an anti-vaxxer, thanks.

Not an anti-vaxxer, just an apologist I guess. I've rarely seen someone describe them in more gentle terms. What's your stance on other beliefs that either directly or indirectly lead to the deaths of innocents?
Oh come off it, it's not both sidism (which is linked with racism here on GAF btw) it's just stating that other people view medicine in different ways, I don't agree with anti-vaxxers but I wouldn't rank them in the same as racists and sexist bigots, and surely we must also question parents who take the word of celebrities as gospel over their own doctors.

Sexists just view biology in different ways than you do, why do you keep bringing them up as an example of something bad. It's just opinions. Apparently.
And who's fault is that? If a person is choosing to ignore scientific facts because a film star says something different then that says a lot about the parent in question.

Also I'd appreciate it if you could pull back on the explanation as if I'm an anti-vaxxer, thanks.
Let me first ask, do you understand herd immunity? Being an anti-vaxxer isn't harmless. It's not just some ideology.


And who's fault is that? If a person is choosing to ignore scientific facts because a film star says something different then that says a lot about the parent in question.

Also I'd appreciate it if you could pull back on the explanation as if I'm an anti-vaxxer, thanks.

Are you seriously doing this now? Being an anti-vaxxer is very bad for a number of well documented reasons, but I guess this thread has already had one other person who said calling for genocide isn't as bad as being racist, homophobic, or sexist.

This isn't some kind of badness threshold game, these are all shitty thoughts and beliefs held by people that can't be debated against because they are willfully, sometimes proudly, ignorant.
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