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Zelda delayed on GameCube


GamePnoy74 said:
Gotta give the Wii version a couple weeks exclusivity to help Nintendo pimp the new console...understandable, no big deal. They could've just abondoned the GCN version entirely, but at least they're still keeping their promise to release it.

LOL yeah. I hope Nintendo makes mad bank on this. Nintendo's financial reports make me happy.


Shady business practices and the majority won't even give a ****.

They better have the goddamn controls PERFECT with NO AWKWARD BULLSHIT for the Wii version, AND have plenty of Wii's shipped for launch so we can all get to play it.
"By putting the Gamecube version of Zelda into mid-December, it says that they want to force you to buy the version that probably doesn't play as well, thereby maybe even getting you to buy both versions once you throw your frustrating Wii Twilight Princess copy up on eBay a week later."
Karma Kramer said:
"By putting the Gamecube version of Zelda into mid-December, it says that they want to force you to buy the version that probably doesn't play as well, thereby maybe even getting you to buy both versions once you throw your frustrating Wii Twilight Princess copy up on eBay a week later."

Who said that? :lol
brandonh83 said:
Who said that? :lol

Not me, but I happen to agree with it. Thats why they delayed the Gamecube version, so there won't be direct comparisons right off the bat, so people will just give in and buy a Wii.
Karma Kramer said:
Not me, but I happen to agree with it. Thats why they delayed the Gamecube version, so there won't be direct comparisons right off the bat, so people will just give in and buy a Wii.

I just... don't think that'll be the case. I seriously doubt they'll release a Zelda game with bad controls. Maybe controls with a learning curve, but that's acceptable if you ask me.


The Wii version will have better controls. Why anyone would prefer to catch fish and fire arrows using an analog stick over the Wiimote is beyond me.
brandonh83 said:
I just... don't think that'll be the case. I seriously doubt they'll release a Zelda game with bad controls. Maybe controls with a learning curve, but that's acceptable if you ask me.

Why did they delay it then? If the Wii version is reviewed as SUPERIOR to the Gamecube version, then everyone will buy the Wii version anyway... but if thats not the case then I could see alot of people buy the Gamecube version... which Nintendo doesn't want. So if they delay the Gamecube version, their won't be any direct comparisons between the two versions at launch so alot of people are probably going to end up buying both once they realize the Wii version is worse.
Karma Kramer said:
Why did they delay it then? If the Wii version is reviewed as SUPERIOR to the Gamecube version, then everyone will buy the Wii version anyway... but if thats not the case then I could see alot of people buy the Gamecube version... which Nintendo doesn't want. So if they delay the Gamecube version, their won't be any direct comparisons between the two versions at launch so alot of people are probably going to end up buying both once they realize the Wii version is worse.

I don't know, I just don't think much into this stuff like the rest of you. I use basic logic on these kinds of things, and that basic logic just tells me that they're not going to release this game on Wii with bad controls. It would be a bad, bad bad thing to do.


Rocked said:
The Wii version will have better controls. Why anyone would prefer to catch fish and fire arrows using an analog stick over the Wiimote is beyond me.

Because fishing and arrow shooting are what you do for 90% of the game!

Did you ever think that the basic things like slashing/pushing/pulling/camera/fighting might actually control better with an analogue stick? And that those are more important than mini-games and optional weapons?


Rocked said:
The Wii version will have better controls. Why anyone would prefer to catch fish and fire arrows using an analog stick over the Wiimote is beyond me.

Gamespot describes the Wii controls as manageable, doesn't sounds like the superior version will involve waggling.
I don't think the controls are the issue here.

Nintendo just wants more people to buy the Wii version, so they sell more Wii hardware.

The easy answer is usually the right answer.

White Man

brandonh83 said:
I just... don't think that'll be the case. I seriously doubt they'll release a Zelda game with bad controls. Maybe controls with a learning curve, but that's acceptable if you ask me.

Really? Because last I heard you have to waggle to swing your sword.
I think some things are better on the Wiimote, and some things are better using a standard controller. But I don't think the things that are better on a standard controller will be bad. I can't wait to experiment around with it and get good at it.

Really? Because last I heard you have to waggle to swing your sword.

And to me this doesn't sound hard. At all. But I may be wrong, I mean I haven't played it.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
White Man said:
Really? Because last I heard you have to waggle to swing your sword.

Even if true, how is that automatically bad?

PR bullshit aside, play something that requires "waggling" before deciding if it sucks or not. Preconceived notions do nobody any good.


BigBoss said:
Gamespot describes the Wii controls as manageable, doesn't sounds like the superior version will involve waggling.

Gamespot said:
The short version is, if you were planning on picking up Twilight Princess along with your shiny new Wii but were worried about the new controls, stop worrying.

that is pretty much the keyword for me.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I'm not really interested in buying a new console to play the game when I can buy the game for my gamecube and enjoy the classic Zelda control scheme. I can wait.
Me too. I wasn't planning on getting the Wii until the sometime in the new year when there's a drought of games. Once I get the Wii I'll get Zelda again to play the gimped version. :D
What. In. The. Hell. People.

The fact that I find the Wii version WAY more intriguing aside, why are people saying they KNOW one version is better than the other. I've never played a Nintendo game that controlled terribly, like, ever. Seriously, there needs to be some relaxation going on around here about this.

And the fact that you can use the Wiimote by flicking your wrist aside, would it really hurt for some of us to get some exercise? And do we really have such terrible self esteem that we're afraid of looking like we're having fun when nobody is even watching? :lol


I bet they just didn't want the guys who had the game pre-ordered for over a year to get laughed out of the store because they didn't get a Wii.


do you people derive joy from the motions you make when opening doors? perhaps making a circle movement with a pen? Do you perhaps enjoy the positively enthralling experience of washing windows?

Because thats all the added gesture of sword slashing replaces a button press. Its not added gameplay, its not something new brought to the game that can only be done on the Wii. Its replacing a simple button tap with a hand gesture? Why not try playing games with your toes if you are so bored of conventional control! Or teeth, perhaps yes, a button wired into my teeth so I can chomp each time I want to jump! Or I can just press a button, as it has always been intended.

Dont defend this! Please dont. Its obvious they want to use Zelda to drive Wii launch sales with, rather than people picking up dirt cheap gamecubes and a copy. Theres no nobility to this, this isnt "just about the games!" this is a cold hard delay with no reason other than profit. If Sony or MS were pulling a stunt like this, there'd be messages written in blood posted. "I coughed up blood I was so angry, and painted it into a poem about my hatred for this corporation bullshit!". But nah, its okay coz its Grandaddy Nintendo.



Hang out with Steve.
"Please don't defend this?!" You're the one flying off the handle about a delay of just a few weeks! :lol :lol

This game has been playable at two E3s. We've been waiting patiently for it since it was announced nearly 2 years ago. Another few weeks shouldn't make one bit of difference. And if you absolutely can't wait, you DO have the option of getting the Wii version.
Luckett_X said:
do you people derive joy from the motions you make when opening doors? perhaps making a circle movement with a pen? Do you perhaps enjoy the positively enthralling experience of washing windows?

Because thats all the added gesture of sword slashing replaces a button press. Its not added gameplay, its not something new brought to the game that can only be done on the Wii. Its replacing a simple button tap with a hand gesture? Why not try playing games with your toes if you are so bored of conventional control! Or teeth, perhaps yes, a button wired into my teeth so I can chomp each time I want to jump! Or I can just press a button, as it has always been intended.

Dont defend this! Please dont. Its obvious they want to use Zelda to drive Wii launch sales with, rather than people picking up dirt cheap gamecubes and a copy. Theres no nobility to this, this isnt "just about the games!" this is a cold hard delay with no reason other than profit. If Sony or MS were pulling a stunt like this, there'd be messages written in blood posted. "I coughed up blood I was so angry, and painted it into a poem about my hatred for this corporation bullshit!". But nah, its okay coz its Grandaddy Nintendo.




I will be waiting for the review of both. I would like to get the Wii version but Zelda is one of my favorite games and really dont want the Wii controlls killing the game for me if it turns out not to be well implimented.
Luckett_X said:
do you people derive joy from the motions you make when opening doors? perhaps making a circle movement with a pen? Do you perhaps enjoy the positively enthralling experience of washing windows?

Because thats all the added gesture of sword slashing replaces a button press. Its not added gameplay, its not something new brought to the game that can only be done on the Wii. Its replacing a simple button tap with a hand gesture? Why not try playing games with your toes if you are so bored of conventional control! Or teeth, perhaps yes, a button wired into my teeth so I can chomp each time I want to jump! Or I can just press a button, as it has always been intended.

Dont defend this! Please dont. Its obvious they want to use Zelda to drive Wii launch sales with, rather than people picking up dirt cheap gamecubes and a copy. Theres no nobility to this, this isnt "just about the games!" this is a cold hard delay with no reason other than profit. If Sony or MS were pulling a stunt like this, there'd be messages written in blood posted. "I coughed up blood I was so angry, and painted it into a poem about my hatred for this corporation bullshit!". But nah, its okay coz its Grandaddy Nintendo.


QFT? More like quoted for stupidity. Seriously, let's not ever try anything new because it might vaguely paralell some other mundane action in every day life? What the hell kind of attitude is that?

I mean if you really don't want a motion sensitive controller, fine, just get the GCN one no need to get all upset about it. But many of us actually get giddy at the idea of being able to swing around and immerse ourselves in the game instead of just mashing a button. if you don't like that, fine, just wait two weeks. :p

Oh and for the record, I DO get a certain joy out of every door I open, and playing games with your teeth is highly awkward and too challening to not be worth it. ;)

White Man

LM4sure said:
Will this game even come out on the Gamecube? Is there even any need. Wii only please!

The can't cancel the North American release at this point without looking awful. And keep your filthy Wii version away from me.


SnakeXs said:
Even if true, how is that automatically bad?

PR bullshit aside, play something that requires "waggling" before deciding if it sucks or not. Preconceived notions do nobody any good.

At E3, nearly everyone was having difficulty using the controller. It's like they couldn't grasp the mental layout of it.
I was fine, but there were just so many inept people playing that it scared me.
A lot of people have REALLY poor motor skills and hand-eye coordination and the Wii requires more than just moving your thumbs and index fingers. It quickly shows off how underdeveloped some people are.

It's not that the game is poorly designed, it's that the people are functionally retarded.

The same thing happened with the DS. I've been using PDAs for a gratuitous amount of years now, so I'm comfortable with it. So many gamers haven't and they get frustrated using a touchscreen.
LM4sure said:
Will this game even come out on the Gamecube? Is there even any need. Wii only please!

it would've been way smart for Nintendo to cancel Gamecube development much earlier but it's too late now, the cat is out of the bag


Joe said:
greedy nintendo at it again.

Nah, greedy nintendo would release it now and cash in on those 800,000+ preorders to the quickness. This is a smart business decision making, Amir0x hating Nintendo who wants to put the focus on the Wii version because they know their GCN business isn't going to last much longer.
Another let down.

Nintendo treats us like elephants. They give us a few penuts, then they make our cage smaller. Then they promise more penuts, while making the cage even smaller. Pretty soon even one penut will make the weakminded forget that the cage is too small now.


PhoenixDark said:
Another let down.

Nintendo treats us like elephants. They give us a few penuts, then they make our cage smaller. Then they promise more penuts, while making the cage even smaller. Pretty soon even one penut will make the weakminded forget that the cage is too small now.

poet laureate of the decade


*drowns in jizz*
PhoenixDark said:
Another let down.

Nintendo treats us like elephants. They give us a few penuts, then they make our cage smaller. Then they promise more penuts, while making the cage even smaller. Pretty soon even one penut will make the weakminded forget that the cage is too small now.

But you're the one who chooses to step into and stay inside the cage. So I think it's only fair.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Meh, I can wait a few weeks, I refuse to spend over $250 on the Wii, maybe if it was $200, I'd get Zelda with a Wii, but since it's not, I'm gonna have to stick with the Cube version.

Although, I'm gonna miss the widescreen support :( Atleast I'll have the more familiar and probably more comfortable controls.
Slurpy said:
But you're the one who chooses to step into and stay inside the cage. So I think it's only fair.

It's not my fault. Battered wife syndrome comes into effect here.


"I cut my wrist and it's all Reggie's fault"
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