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Zelda delayed on GameCube


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
guess nintendo can't claim its all about the games huh?

I have no idea which will control better but it will probably be like anything else - some people love wii controls other people don't.

Think I'll wait and pick up the GC version when I head home for christmas vacation. Maybe get a Wii next year with some more software support.* The launch list really doesn't excite me that much.

*Subject to impluse buying


Dragona Akehi said:
Guys, Luckett_X is right for once.

Excellent argument...Care to elaborate?

I could compare pushing a controller's button to pushing my pen's button just as well...What makes that form of control superior? Oh wait, wasn't a pen one of his analogies? That sucks.

Anyway, I still find it crappy what they've done with this situation. I know WHY they did it, but it sucks for the loyal GC owners that have stuck around.

For the record, I'm waiting for reviews/impressions to choose which version I get.


GhaleonEB said:
I agree. I'm amazed at the arguments with it.

Not saying he's not right. I'm saying I want to play the game with Wii controls, and since I intend on buying a Wii at launch and I have already gotten rid of the GCN, i dont mind. (sucks for yall, though :))
Can't wait to make some major headway into Zelda for Wii before the GC launch! I'll be waggling all the way home, and I'll love it. Hands-on impressions like these don't hurt either.
Without a doubt, one of the most cynical holdbacks I've seen. The game was put off as long as it has been just to accomodate a wii version. Now to add insult to injury, wii owners get it 3 weeks ahead of loyal, long suffering gc owners. Lesson learned, these corporations don't care about you, they care about your money. Want zelda early, buy a wii.

I have to laugh, I remember being on another forum and selling off my gc shortly after finishing RE4, sometime in march of 2005. I was laughed at and told that I'd regret it, because I wouldn't be able to play Zelda later that year. Ah, the irony. GC owners are being bent over and asked to grab their ankles on this one.


fastasleep said:
I have to laugh, I remember being on another forum and selling off my gc shortly after finishing RE4, sometime in march of 2005. I was laughed at and told that I'd regret it, because I wouldn't be able to play Zelda later that year. Ah, the irony. GC owners are being bent over and asked to grab their ankles on this one.

haven't GC owners already been in that position for awhile now? whats ten more days to the kid who won't even get the game until xmas morning anyway?


Hang out with Steve.
Dragona Akehi said:
Guys, Luckett_X is right for once.

Well, his opinion is that swings and hand motions are the same thing as button presses -- and I don't think that's necessarily true, depending on how the controller is used in games. You've seen the Rayman videos -- do you really think you can perform that fast pummelling action with button presses on a standard game pad as easily as you could with the wiimote & nunchuck? The point is that the wiimote offers the opportunity for different ways to interact with a game -- and more natural ways that, Nintendo hopes, will be more intuitive than learning button combos on a gamepad. We'll see. People said similar things about the DS's two screens and stylus.

In addition, he goes off the deep end with his outrage over the Gamecube version coming a few weeks later, which harms his credibility. It makes him sound like a whining impatient brat, to be honest, and it does him a disservice. Have some patience, the Gamecube version will be out in December and you can play it as much as you want. If you don't want a Wii, don't get one, but it's ridiculous to get so angry at Nintendo for putting top priority on its new console.

So no, I don't agree that he's right -- at least not 100% right.


At this point, based on recent impressions it's becoming clear (to me atleast) that Zelda TP for Wii is far superior to it's GameCube counter-part. I could be wrong, but I'm going to very interested to hear what reviewers think about both versions later this year.


Game-Biz said:
At this point, based on recent impressions it's becoming clear (to me atleast) that Zelda TP for Wii is far superior to it's GameCube counter-part. I could be wrong, but I'm going to very interested to hear what reviewers think about both versions later this year.

Don't say that out loud! Some people on this board don't want any excuse to buy a Wii!
Game-Biz said:
At this point, based on recent impressions it's becoming clear (to me atleast) that Zelda TP for Wii is far superior to it's GameCube counter-part. I could be wrong, but I'm going to very interested to hear what reviewers think about both versions later this year.

they're still the same graphics wise are they not? I believe the only difference is the controls, I was going for Wii on this one but after hearing about the waggle thing I think I'll get a cheap GC + zelda and say screw Wii until they get better games.


Doesn't really bother me. I was going to trade in my GameCube for a Wii anyways.
(edit)...whats the trade in value on a Cube now...a pair of unwashed socks? :(


ElectricBlue187 said:
they're still the same graphics wise are they not? I believe the only difference is the controls, I was going for Wii on this one but after hearing about the waggle thing I think I'll get a cheap GC + zelda and say screw Wii until they get better games.

I'm not sure if this is still the case, but Miyamoto said that they were going to update the graphics for Wii, but only slightly. Also, Zelda Wii has widescreen, with is a big plus for me.


Smiles and Cries said:
Yeah, so?


Some people bought nintendo's piece of shit gamecube at launch and would have liked this game last november, or last spring, or this november. But nintendo has to cater to the mother****ing nongamers who it owes nothing to. It's getting to the point were I'm not buying a wii on principle.

except i am as soon as SMG comes out lol


Hey Nintendo!!!!! I'm not going to buy a Wii just for Zelda!!!! I've help on to that toy paperweight you call a games console just for Zelda and no amount of time is going to make me suddenly forget that 3rd parties treat you like pariah!!!! So I'll wait for the GC version so that I can at least...finally...feel like I got my money's worth out of that kiddie lunch box!!!!!
3rdman said:
Hey Nintendo!!!!! I'm not going to buy a Wii just for Zelda!!!! I've help on to that toy paperweight you call a games console just for Zelda and no amount of time is going to make me suddenly forget that 3rd parties treat you like pariah!!!! So I'll wait for the GC version so that I can at least...finally...feel like I got my money's worth out of that kiddie lunch box!!!!!

I mean, really.


3rdman said:
Hey Nintendo!!!!! I'm not going to buy a Wii just for Zelda!!!! I've help on to that toy paperweight you call a games console just for Zelda and no amount of time is going to make me suddenly forget that 3rd parties treat you like pariah!!!! So I'll wait for the GC version so that I can at least...finally...feel like I got my money's worth out of that kiddie lunch box!!!!!

If you didn't get your money's worth out of the cube how on earth are you going to get your money's worth out of their competition?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
GoldenEye 007 said:

I mean, really.

haha seriosuly, I mean I'm disappointed too (I've been disappointed by Nintendo this whole day), but that's just overkill
Kangu said:
Some people bought nintendo's piece of shit gamecube at launch and would have liked this game last november, or last spring, or this november. But nintendo has to cater to the mother****ing nongamers who it owes nothing to. It's getting to the point were I'm not buying a wii on principle.


I want a wii, but its clear Nintendo cares more for the grandma's and grandfather's of this generation then those who actually grew up with Nintendo, and have been supporting them for along time now.

Wii could have been a fully next-gen high-tech console, with innovative new controlls, and heavy online support, but instead its a GC packed with bowling, a wand, and a weather channel.


hyperbolically metafictive
as long as it's still coming out, i don't personally care. i'll be playing gears of war and hopefully ps3 through november.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
The Faceless Master said:
it doesn't take a degree in rocket surgery to figure out the delay is so more people buy a Wii

Dammit, my degree in rocket surgery is useless then!! Back to school!!
I can wait because I'll have Guitar Hero II, which at this point, I'm looking forward to much more. Nintendo has bent me over too many times with this game already for me to care. I'm like a guy in prison who's become somebody's bitch. I've been violated so many times it's part of my routine.


That's a dirty thing to do to your loyal fanbase, nintendo.

We're used to this shit from you, but still, one of the reasons you're still in third (and always will be) is because of shit like this.

Damn, Nintendo.

e3 got to their heads
What is the deal? For all intents and purposes, Nintendo now considers Zelda a Wii game. The only reason they are releasing a GCN version at all is because they made an explicit promise to the GCN owners.

That aside, this delay does suck.


It'll be out a month later. If you're really against the Wii version, I think you'll be able to survive the wait.

That said, this is a pretty shady move with obvious intent. Even if there is some sound technical reason for the delay, it'll always seem like a Wii-centric move to everyone.

I just don't want to see any extra content on the GC version. Then I'll get pissed along with everyone else.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
As a GCN owner I am not happy about Nintendo's support for the console, they are really letting it die. Oh well, Wii is coming up soon enough... sigh... 250 Euro out of my wallet...


A delay? I thought the game was delayed again to January!

Wow, so for me, it's actually a step up, on both consoles. Yay for mismanaged brains!


Panajev2001a said:
As a GCN owner I am not happy about Nintendo's support for the console, they are really letting it die. Oh well, Wii is coming up soon enough... sigh... 250 Euro out of my wallet...
It died like over a year ago.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
SteveMeister said:
Well, his opinion is that swings and hand motions are the same thing as button presses -- and I don't think that's necessarily true, depending on how the controller is used in games.

Steve, he did not say that, he said that in THIS case swings/hand motions are just REPLACING button presses (even in the arrow shooting department: it is not like an analog trigger cannot give you the same feel).

The Wii CAN produce new gameplay experiences, but so far the Wii version of the new Zelda does not offer much new gameplay.
Kangu said:
Some people bought nintendo's piece of shit gamecube at launch and would have liked this game last november, or last spring, or this november. But nintendo has to cater to the mother****ing nongamers who it owes nothing to. It's getting to the point were I'm not buying a wii on principle.


This hits the nail directly on the head.


wtf... is nintendo taking tips from sony or something on how to be an asshole to its fanbase?? Lets get this straight...

First we here Zelda was delayed on Gamecube and Nintendo told us it had nothing to do with the wii version (which they also said wasn't in the works and that it was a GameCube ONLY title)

Then we're told that a Wii version is in the works and will launch alongside the GameCube version

Now, even though the Wii version is going to have enhanced features and make use of the remote, we're told that the GameCube one is going to launch after the Wii version

So what you're saying is that you're emotionally invested in a purple lunchbox?

Zelda:TP for Cube isn't going to change the fact that the Cube was, in terms of a mindshare and frequent software, a disaster for Nintendo.

The only logical reason for wanting Cube TP is if you feel that button pressing is a better style of control.
M3wThr33 said:
At E3, nearly everyone was having difficulty using the controller. It's like they couldn't grasp the mental layout of it.
I was fine, but there were just so many inept people playing that it scared me.
A lot of people have REALLY poor motor skills and hand-eye coordination and the Wii requires more than just moving your thumbs and index fingers. It quickly shows off how underdeveloped some people are.

It's not that the game is poorly designed, it's that the people are functionally retarded.

The same thing happened with the DS. I've been using PDAs for a gratuitous amount of years now, so I'm comfortable with it. So many gamers haven't and they get frustrated using a touchscreen.
which is weird because the casuals take to the DS so well. i think for a lot of hard core gamers the frustration is the feeling that if they were using what they knew they wouldn't suck so much, ergo, what they know is better.

to be fair, i can see why people don't want to start over again learning a whole new control scheme, but if nintendo have done their work right (and only time will tell on that one) this barrier like the DS will be less than the barrier for for a normal joypad or mouse and keys for someone starting out.

having at one stage been really really good at FPS (hello nearly failing college) and then giving them up for a time (hello graduating)... going back and playing FPS and not being able to dominate as i did before was one of the hardest things. i got so frustrated playing online at first because i couldn't dominate like i used to (still can't, but i got over it) that i stopped playing online for the longest time.

accepting that... okay, i'm going to be stuck in a learning curve with this controller before this game starts being fun is just plainly going to put some people off. the cube zelda will be fun instantly while you and i learn new controls and start from zero again.

personally i think the investment will be worth it, and that this cube delay is as much about making sure people are used to the Wii controls by the time the cube version comes out as anything else. it'd be embarrassing for them if the cube version came out the same day. people would directly compare and stick with what they know, or as Amir0x likes to say, the controls the game was designed for. they wouldn't be wrong to do that.

for us hardcore gamers, we have to swallow our pride if we want to be open to the Wii. we're going to suck at something for the first time in a long time, and it'll take at least an hour or two before that turns around. while i wish everyone would take that plunge i fully understand why a lot of people won't.

i just hope we don't get stuck with joypads for the rest of forever since no one is willing to try something new. even if the Wii controller isn't better than a joypad, i hope it doesn't fail purely because people weren't prepared to try it out.

we're stuck with QWERTY keyboards as standard, despite them not being the smartest most effecient layout of letters, because no one wants to have to learn to type all over again.


I'd like to see the GameCube version canceled.

Nope, I wouldn't get anything directly out of it.

Just pure schadenfreude.


hyperbolically metafictive
taking pleasure in nintendo's poor treatment of consumers just as you buy another nintendo console is some damned equivocal schadenfreude. enjoy waggling. :lol
ElectricBlue187 said:
they're still the same graphics wise are they not? I believe the only difference is the controls, I was going for Wii on this one but after hearing about the waggle thing I think I'll get a cheap GC + zelda and say screw Wii until they get better games.
Yeah I'm going that road also. I was willing to bite for $199 and Metroid Prime: Corruption at launch, hell I might have paid the $249, but with Metroid delayed until (fall most likely) 2007, there's not really much point in buying a Wii now.


Pureauthor said:
So what you're saying is that you're emotionally invested in a purple lunchbox?

Zelda:TP for Cube isn't going to change the fact that the Cube was, in terms of a mindshare and frequent software, a disaster for Nintendo.

The only logical reason for wanting Cube TP is if you feel that button pressing is a better style of control.

You're not quite getting it. Some of us aren't interested in the Wii as of yet and do not want to buy a $250 console to play what should be available on GC. The poor launch lineup (no MP3, wtf Nintendo?) and higher then expected price really turned me off the console as a launch day affair. I'll likely get one in 2007, but i'd like to still play Zelda this year.


MoxManiac said:
You're not quite getting it. Some of us aren't interested in the Wii as of yet and do not want to buy a $250 console to play what should be available on GC. The poor launch lineup (no MP3, wtf Nintendo?) and higher then expected price really turned me off the console as a launch day affair. I'll likely get one in 2007, but i'd like to still play Zelda this year.

Exactly. I have a Cube that's been collecting dust for years, and the only reason I've held onto it was for Zelda. Now I'm being told that it's delayed simply becasue they want to increase the sales of the Wii... total bs.

I'd have no problem buying the Wii either if it looked interesting and felt next-gen... but so far the games look like crap, the controls look like crap, and the price is not right for a system that's marginally better than the previous one.
Notaok said:
Exactly. I have a Cube that's been collecting dust for years, and the only reason I've held onto it was for Zelda. Now I'm being told that it's delayed simply becasue they want to increase the sales of the Wii... total bs.

I'd have no problem buying the Wii either if it looked interesting and felt next-gen... but so far the games look like crap, the controls look like crap, and the price is not right for a system that's marginally better than the previous one.

Sounds like you need a bowl of Super Mario Bros cereal....
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