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Official NH Primary Results Thread

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Master of the Google Search
RubxQub said:
Our country is so fucked.

Old people need to go the fuck away and die somewhere so people that are still living their lives have a change to make a difference.

Holy shit are you guys losing it :lol :lol


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This is stunning. I really like Obama and as someone from the right I would have been comfortable with him or McCain winning. Like I said earlier, if she does get the nomination at least I have a republican win to look forward to in the fall. No way she can win a general.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TheKingsCrown said:
Again, as I said before the votes were in, Hillary winning gives me some inspiration in our system. We'll never know why Obama didn't win tonight exactly, but I don't think things are as decided as everyone thinks they are. And that's how I like it, because that's how our system was designed.

If only, at the end of it all, things were not fully decided by money. Then I'd be really happy, but unfortunately, they are.

your logic is borked.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
teruterubozu said:
Young people just need to get out and vote instead of waiting for the old people to die.
It sounds like we're starting to get out and vote...but we haven't started exterminating old people yet.


TheKingsCrown said:
Again, as I said before the votes were in, Hillary winning gives me some inspiration in our system. We'll never know why Obama didn't win tonight exactly, but I don't think things are as decided as everyone thinks they are. And that's how I like it, because that's how our system was designed.

If only, at the end of it all, things were not fully decided by money. Then I'd be really happy, but unfortunately, they are.

Because Obama isn't the "movement" or phenomenon that he thought he was, he's just another politician and politicians with a better oiled electoral machinery will usually win, and that's Hillary.


Master of the Google Search
Fragamemnon said:
What a weird an unexpected result, now that it is finally called. I'd say that the two big things were the media/pundit reaction and piling on to yesterday's emotional moment (caused a huge backlash among women) and the fact that Edwards piled on to her at that debate.

If this vote had been done two days ago, Obama would have won by the numbers that were being thrown about earlier today.

The polling numbers had a large martin of error and represented pollers who didn't necessarily vote in the democrat primary. It was always close between the 2


Don't worry. The youth will throw their idealistic hissy-fits and, in response, vote for the Republicans (or, more likely, not vote at all). Then they'll whine when the Scalia clones rule against their causes year after year after year..


AP calls it and campaign officials believe she has won(CNN)
Michael Barone: Hillary Is Beating Her Exit Poll Numbers

Latest from Michael Barone: Hillary's winning Manchester, the state's largest city, solidly, with 9 out of 12 wards reporting.

"The Clintons have done a heck of a turnout job."

As the decision desk folks check the actual results against the exit poll numbers, "In the western part of the state, Hillary is doing better and Barack Obama is doing worse than the exit polls indicated."


Unconfirmed Member
Okay guys, I really really reallllly do not want Hillary to be the nominee. But being a bunch of misogynist assholes isn't going to stop that from happening.


NH failed the entire country here. I thought they were a progressive state, instead they voted to continue the Clinton dynasty, pathetic.
Can't believe what happened tonight, can't understand how those polls could be so wrong. Obama up 10+...what a joke. Hopefully Edwards drops out and supports Obama, seems like that's the only chance he has.


I don't know shit about shit
RubxQub said:
Our country is so fucked.

Old people need to go the fuck away and die somewhere so people that are still living their lives have a change to make a difference.

Patience. A friend of mine who's 29 said that it'll take about 10-15 years before Generation X starts taking hold in the political arena. And there will be even MORE old people; remember how big the baby boomer crowd is...
grandjedi6 said:
The polling numbers had a large martin of error and represented pollers who didn't necessarily vote in the democrat primary. It was always close between the 2

I think there was a ton of undecided there up until the end, and the things I'm talking about made for the margin of victory for Hillary.
HylianTom said:
Don't worry. The youth will throw their idealistic hissy-fits and, in response, vote for the Republicans (or, more likely, not vote at all). Then they'll whine when the Scalia clones rule against their causes year after year after year..

That's exactly the problem.
The young will shun presidential elections because boohoo Obama lost and we'll have another Republican president. Fuck young people.


GhaleonEB said:
It was a 3300 vote gap when there was 30% counted.

It's still 3300.

I just read to one kid, going to read to the second one now. I would like that gap to go away by the time I'm done, okay?
Gah! It doubled! That's not what I meant! :lol


haunts said:
lol @ meltdowns.

You should have seen this place when Kerry lost to Bush. I wish I saved all the messages.


I'm surprised 3/4 of GAF isn't posting from Canada right now after all the idle threats.


tjhooker said:
Why do Democrats like self-defeat? Hillary can't win in the general. A Hillary nom will mobilize every right-winger to vote aganist her.
I don't consider myself a right-winger or a Republican and it would mobilize me to vote against her.
Lambtron said:
Okay guys, I really really reallllly do not want Hillary to be the nominee. But being a bunch of misogynist assholes isn't going to stop that from happening.

Why the fuck are people making a big deal out of these posts? It's the internet, it has no real relevance to life. What you say is generally snap judgement thoughts and just to get a rise out of people. I'm sure most of these people would think a great deal before saying things like that in public.


I can't go anywhere because my battery is dead. I blame New Hampshire, fuck you New Hampshire. You and chubby ankles deserve each other.


Spire said:
Jesus people, this doesn't lock anyone into a nom. Quit the Hillary doom & gloom.
Seriously. Obama is nipping right at her heels and there are 49 primaries to go. Do you really think he's going to become irrelevant because he lost NH by 2%?


Dreamfixx said:

Patience. A friend of mine who's 29 said that it'll take about 10-15 years before Generation X starts taking hold in the political arena. And there will be even MORE old people; remember how big the baby boomer crowd is...

By the time they hit their 40s they ain't generation "X" anymore, just a bunch of dudes with mortgages, RSPs, 411Ks, looking forward to the next fancy SUV they're going to buy and upgrading that back porch. That silly angst can only last so long, I lost mine when I was 25.
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